Chapter 360 Tribute
The tributary system of the inner and outer vassals formulated by Luo Chen inherited part of the etiquette system of the Zhou Dynasty, but the Zhou Dynasty's system was stricter and the distinction between the vassals was more obvious, while the Han Dynasty's was much simpler.

Today, there are two and a half kingdoms of the Xia Kingdoms in the four seas. The first is the co-lord of the Xias, the central dynasty ruled by the emperor—the Great Han, and the other is the extremely remote Lingnan Kingdom, which is in Lingnan under the order of the emperor. land development.

The last half is the Duke of Zhao. The state of the country is extremely strange. It is both a foreign vassal and an internal vassal. It is both independent and non-independent, which is very delicate.

The great tribute held every five years is one of the biggest political events in the whole Han Dynasty.

Especially after the Han court completely subdued all the vassal states, there were no vassals who looked for reasons not to come to pay tribute.

All the princes and kingdoms in the world have sent huge missions to Chang'an to express their loyalty to the royal family whose blood relationship is becoming increasingly estranged.

All the disturbances disappeared after Zhao Gongguo's mission entered Chang'an City, and then all the focus fell on Zhao Gongguo.

The missions of the Duke of Zhao have a very obvious special color. Whether it is the banners, the patterns of the carriages, or the clothes worn by the missions, there are pictures of phoenixes taking off everywhere, which is a totem inherited from the ancient state Zhou.

The size of the mission has reached thousands of people, including [-] fully armed knights. Under the crotch is a tall horse bought by Luo Shi with a lot of money. The impact is extremely strong. Everyone is relatively large, and you can even see the high and raised muscle lines between the bent arms. At a glance, you can tell that this is a real elite.

In today's world, as the armor is getting stronger and stronger, the gap between well-trained soldiers and peasant soldiers is too great. The era when all the people were soldiers has gradually passed. There are no more than 3 soldiers.

If these five hundred elites of the Luo family put on armor and go on the battlefield, they can be expanded into an army of ten thousand people and can also be used as a trump card to determine the outcome with one blow. They are one of the most precious assets of the Luo family.

Countless people were discussing and whispering: "Master Zhaogong sent such a large-scale mission. It's really shocking. Those warriors are famous brave warriors. It is said that Bangzhou was established in 1000. Yes, it is a military type that has been passed down for thousands of years, the strongest elite in the world."

Ordinary people can only watch the excitement from it, but those dignitaries saw a different meaning from it, "Master Zhaogong seems to be very concerned about this tribute, so he sent such a huge mission."

This is not the first time that various countries have come to Chang'an to pay tribute, and it is not the first time that the Duke of Zhao has come, so the changes this time are particularly noticeable.

"What does Luo Shi want to do?"

In Changle Palace, Liu Heng also asked Luo Jing with some doubts. Luo Jing shook his head and said, "The Patriarch didn't give the minister any information about this. You should ask the eldest brother yourself. He is waiting in the side hall."

The eldest brother Luo Jing talked about was naturally the biggest man in the Luo family in his generation, and the eldest son of Luo Ling. There were relatively few males in their generation. The second Luo Zhongkan and the fifth Luo Chen had no sons, and the third Luo also had only one son. The first son, Luo Xin is also a first son Luo Jing, and the other younger brothers are also difficult to be heirs. Many of them don't want to have one after they have one, and Luo Ling, as the head of the family, bears the responsibility of reproduction on his shoulders, so he can still be considered a prosperous heir.

Liu Heng heard the words and immediately said: "Ah Jing, quickly invite the young master in, this is a distinguished guest of the big man."

The heirs of princes and princes are called princes, the heirs of Chehou are called sons, and the dukes are called sons. This is the rule of the Han Dynasty.

Luo Jing responded and hurried to the side hall. An old man with gray hair was sitting there calmly. But with a dignified power, Luo Jing bowed deeply and said: "Jing has met big brother, big brother Wanan."

Seeing Luo Jing, Luo Ban showed a smile on his serious face, and asked, "Ah Jing, how's life in Chang'an these years?

Brother, let me see that your body is a bit vain, whether you are too busy with state affairs, whether you need more doctors from the family, you must take care of your health. "

Although Luo Jing was no longer the boy he was in the past, he still said shyly: "Brother, please bear in mind that everything is fine. Brother, Your Majesty invites you to enter the palace, and please come with the scene."

Hearing this, Luoban tidied up the crown, smoothed out some creases on his clothes, and stood up, "Ah Jing, lead the way."

Entering the hall, Luo Ban bowed to Liu Heng and said: "I pay homage to the Son of Heaven, I greet the Son of Heaven on behalf of my father, the Son of Heaven is safe, and the Son of Heaven is blessed."

"I'm safe."

Liu Heng replied: "Qing'an, I would like to trouble you to ask Zhao Gongan on my behalf."

After exchanging pleasantries, Liu Heng asked the question again: "The scale of the Duke Zhao's mission is far greater than in the past. I don't know what the Duke Zhao is doing when he comes to Chang'an this time, besides participating in the tribute?"

Luo Ban said: "Zhaocheng is going to present a big gift to the emperor this time. The treasure is precious, so I sent some more people to protect it. It's nothing else."

Now Liu Heng's interest is even greater. What kind of treasure can make Luo Shi pay so much attention to it?

They even sent [-] warriors enough to start a small war to protect them!
To be honest, these 500 people came to Chang'an City with real swords and guns, and Liu Heng felt a little scared. After all, there are many forbidden soldiers but they are not in the city. It is really uncertain whether the guards in the palace can beat those brave soldiers .

If it weren't for those daredevils not wearing armor, Liu Heng would really have to find a reason not to let them enter Chang'an City.

Seeing that Liu Heng was really eager to see and see, Luo Ban immediately took out a cylinder from his long sleeve, and slowly took out the paper from it.

Liu Heng and Luo Jing opened their eyes wide as they watched a white cylindrical object being taken out by Luo Ban, and then spread out flat, extremely smooth and even reflecting light.

Liu Heng didn't recognize what it was, and couldn't help being a little puzzled, Luo Jing looked at the snow-white paper, and asked with some uncertainty and disbelief: "Brother, is this the paper that... the family has been studying all this time?

A few years ago, didn't you say you didn't have a clue? "

Luoban Nianxu smiled and said: "It is paper. After years of research, the family has finally completely broken through the constraints of the past."

Liu Heng was even more puzzled. He still knew about paper, but it was too useless and not many people used it. Is this snow-white thing in front of him paper?
Liu Heng couldn't help reaching out and touching it. Although it was not as good as silk, the surface was still very smooth. It was completely different from the paper he had imagined. He couldn't help but ask, "Is this paper a treasure presented by Luo Shi?"

Luo Jing whispered: "Your Majesty, this paper can be used for writing, you can try writing with a pen."

Hearing this, Liu Heng picked up the brush from the table and wrote directly on the paper. As soon as he wrote the word Liu, Liu Heng completely stopped the pen in his hand, his face was full of ecstasy, and his eyes were infinitely hot and burning. Stare at the paper in front of you.

"What a treasure!

Isn't this a sharp weapon bestowed by heaven on the great man to prosper and flourish?
Isn't this God's recognition of my achievements over the years? "

Liu Heng sighed, with his intellect, he certainly understood what this thin piece of paper represented.

As long as the price of this kind of paper is not too expensive and the output can keep up, I am afraid that these bamboo slips on the table today will not be seen again in a long time, and everyone will use more convenient and lighter paper for writing.

Liu Heng looked at Luo Ban with a smile and said: "As expected of the Luo family, this must be the best tribute I can receive at this grand ceremony, and I don't think it's enough to show its preciousness just by presenting these.

Ah Jing, if you can write a talented prose on this paper, and then present it on the grand ceremony, the white paper and prose complement each other, it must be a scene that shocks everyone, I am looking forward to it very much. "

It has to be said that Liu Heng knows how to maximize profits.

Of course, Luoban has no objection. The purpose of the Luo family is to gain reputation. Liu Heng's method can improve reputation better, so follow Liu Heng's method.

Luo Jing sent Luo Ban out of the palace to meet after the agreement, Luo Jing returned to Changle Palace, and then saw Liu Heng looking at the white paper with the word Liu over and over again, stepped forward and sat down He smiled and said: "If your majesty likes it, I will ask my elder brother to send some to the palace. This is a tribute. If anyone is missing, you will not be missing."

Liu Heng shook his head and said: "Of course I like it, but a gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way. I can't get these things for no reason, especially the Luo family where Ah Jingyu works.

I was thinking, when the paper is unveiled at the grand ceremony, and even becomes popular later, what should I use it for first? "

It turned out that because the role of paper was too great, Liu Heng's thinking turned too fast, and he thought of many uses in a short period of time, so he fell into confusion.

Seeing this, Luo Jing smiled and said: "I don't know, but I must first copy a few copies of all the prose and fu written in these years, and then scatter them in various counties, so that everyone in the world can read the grand occasion of the great man. "

Liu Heng said with a smile: "I let the literate palace people in the palace help you. This is a good thing to show the court's grace."

As the day of the grand ceremony approached, the atmosphere in Chang'an City gradually became tense, and the various yamen for maintaining law and order became stricter, and the curfew policy was also strictly enforced.

Naturally, Luo Ban was not the only one who accepted Liu Heng's summons. Other important princes and kings also reported to Liu Heng about the affairs of the fief, especially the northern kings and county guards, such as King Yan and King Dai, who were close to the Huns. Detailed reporting of military information.

Another very important vassal king is the King of Lingnan. Zhao Tuo is also very old, so naturally it is impossible to come in person. Like Luo Ling, he sent his own prince Zhao Nan.

Liu Heng met Zhao Nan in Changle Palace and heard news about Lingnan.


At that year, when the feudal lords came to Beijing, Prince Ban saw Changle, and presented it with Luo paper. He doubted it, and Dong'a said: "The things that hold paintings, go up and try them."

If you hold a written test, you will see every detail, and you will be surprised and happy, saying that the left and right said: "History records the prosperity of the Han family!" —— "Han Shu·Xiaowen Ji"

(End of this chapter)

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