Chapter 353
Jia Yi returned to Chang'an from Zhaocheng, and rushed to Zhaocheng with a large number of people, gold, silver, pearls, jade and rare treasures. Although Luoling said that there was no shortage of these things, how could he really not bring them?
The Buddha who saved all sentient beings still needs sesame oil money to hand down the Tripitaka Mahayana scriptures.

If Zhao Gongguo, a semi-independent political, military, economic, and cultural entity, wants to maintain its survival, can it rely on a simple sentence of "Su Wang is above"?

Of course, it is necessary to generate income from multiple parties.

Liu Heng and Luo Jing stood on the high gate tower of the palace, watching the huge procession heading for Zhaocheng leave from afar.

"It's such a simple thing to do."

Liu Heng suddenly said something confusing.

Then he walked down the gate tower of the palace, walked along the high palace wall that almost covered the sky, and looked at the mottled spots on the corners, which were the traces of time.

He walked to a step, there was some dust on it, he didn't care, he just lifted his robe, sat on the step, leaning against the wall, the crown on his head was a bit crooked, looking straight at the vast expanse that looked Narrow clear blue sky.

Liu Heng suddenly said with emotion: "Ah Jing, what happened in the past few years since I came to power, made me think about a question all the time, what is the value of my existence?

I have always wanted to become a generation of sages according to what my uncle taught me.

It's going very well now, but when I dream back at midnight, I always feel a little confused and doubtful, so can I become a generation of sages?

It was too childish. "

Luo Jing understands where Liu Heng's emotions come from. After all, these years, the two of them have always been able to do everything easily, like a bright and flat road, without any ups and downs or unevenness. .

So he directly smiled and said, "Does your Majesty think that Empress Gao and the minister's father have governed the world too well, that's why they have done things all these years to no avail.

You want to make some achievements, but now it seems that the achievements are all obtained under the shadow of Zu En, so you doubt yourself? "

Liu Heng smiled casually: "A Jing, you understand me, that's it."

Luo Jing also sat beside Liu Heng, and said softly: "Your Majesty is so self-deprecating, I think it is wrong.

You are now governing the world with ease, is it just because of the foundation of the predecessors?
I don't think so, the weight of the weight is in your hands, you can hold it firmly and make it prosperous, this is your wisdom.

Is the foundation that King Zhou Li took over in the past years worse than yours?
Starting from Su Wang, several generations of sage kings have accumulated, and there are still sage courtiers like the ancestor Wen Gong in the court, but in the end, the country is almost overthrown.

Keeping a business is more difficult than starting a business.

It may be difficult at the time of starting a business, but there is vitality, there is unity of unity, and a ray of life can be found in the midst of all difficulties and dangers. No matter how hard it is, as long as we unite as one, we can always overcome it.

But when starting a business, it has to face the internal wind, frost, rain and snow, which makes people hard to guard against and unable to start.

Look at the cornice roof in the distance, it goes all the way up to the highest point, and then goes down.

The moment the bright moon in the sky is full, it starts to lose money. This is the principle that when the moon is full, it will lose money.

When the sun reaches the middle of the day, it will always face west until it falls into the mountains. This is the principle that the sun moves at the middle of the day.

Are there exceptions to the fate of the dynasty?
The minister thought it would not.

Emperor Gao, Empress Gao, Emperor Xiaohui, Chen Fu, four generations of emperors, and regents made the Han Dynasty gradually prosperous, and then passed it to your hands.

What is a wise monarch?

To continue this prosperous age, and even make it more prosperous, this is the sage monarch!

If it declines a little, it can be regarded as the master of success.

If it fails completely, it is a fatuous and incompetent king.

If the big man is like the eternal sun and moon in the sky.

Do you think that the sun of the big man has reached the center and is about to shift?

Don't you think that the moon of Dahan is so full that it is about to lose money?

The minister thought it was not.

Whether the big man will continue to move toward greater prosperity and strength, or turn downward like the eaves of the roof, it's all in your hands!
Can it be said that there is nothing to do and nothing to do? "

The more Luo Jing talked, Liu Heng's eyes became brighter, and at the end Liu Heng hooked Luo Jing's neck and laughed loudly: "You boy, you still have such insight."

The palace servants, eunuchs, and even the generals and soldiers of the Forbidden Army who followed the two looked at this scene with envy. He really deserves to be Dong Ahhou, the number one holy family in the world, incomparable.

Luo Jing could only break free, and said in a somewhat helpless tone: "Jing's wisdom is far inferior to your Majesty.

When my father was still alive, he often praised you and encouraged you.

The reason I have this insight is because almost every generation of Luo's descendants will encounter this problem in the process of growing up, that is, the ancestors' achievements are too prosperous.

Especially Su Wang's merits are astonishing as the past and the present. There is almost no one in the past, and there will be no one in the future.

Your Majesty, the situation you are facing is much better, at least there is no insurmountable peak.

Although my father's achievements are high, they are still within the reach of normal people. If you can push the national power of the Han to the peak during your reign, will future generations think that you are not as good as my father?
The Luo Kingdom has a history of thousands of years, and countless generations of ancestors have made great achievements, but the one that has been passed down to the present is still known, and the greatest one is the Luo Kingdom Academy!
Your Majesty, only culture is indestructible in this world, and only civilization can last forever.

The Han Academy that you are about to establish now may be one of the greatest accomplishments in your life. The more talented people emerge from the Academy, the wider your reputation will spread.

The sage king was able to be passed down to the world because of Wenzhi and martial arts. You took back the coins to the court, completely completed the princes' promotion, and the most important thing was to build a school.

If your holy name cannot be passed down to posterity, is there anyone else? "

Liu Heng stood up, wiped away the slump just now, and said excitedly: "I want to give the school a profound and resounding name.

Taishang means the highest and the highest. The Great Han Dynasty will be the greatest dynasty in the past and present, and the school of the Great Han Dynasty will naturally surpass the official schools of the three generations.

Tai Shang Xue Gong!

This is the name I bestowed on it, Ah Jing, you will serve as the first sacrificial wine of the Taishang Academy, and cultivate talents for me. "

"Tai Shang Xue Palace? Tai Xue."

Luo Jing murmured twice, and then laughed loudly: "Your Majesty, your will is the rule of the minister. To cultivate talents for the country and make the Han prosperous, this is the creed of the minister."


The news that the imperial court wanted to run a school was widely known, and all the schools in the world flocked to Chang'an after hearing the news, not only the three melons and two dates who had become officials, but the leaders of various schools came to Chang'an.


A group of students dressed as Confucian scholars came here with some old people, and a slightly younger student asked suspiciously: "Teacher, our Confucianism has several private schools in the world, and we can freely teach students knowledge, why do we come to Chang'an to mix?" What about Hanting's official school?
I am afraid that Meng's Confucianism will not be liked by the emperor. Are we going to change our theories to cater to the royal family?
Disciple is not willing!
Even if you don't enter the academy, if you want to become an official, you can just go and meet the princes of the Luo family. The disciple thinks it is unwise to mix official learning. "

Meng's Confucianism is very clear that the thoughts of his own school are not liked by the emperor, but Meng's Confucianism cannot be changed. It is fine for other schools to bow their knees to the royal family. Meng's Confucianism is a sharp sword pointing at the imperial power. Luo Shi will not spare them.

The old man recalled the letter sent by someone sent by Zhaocheng, and immediately said with a smile: "Of course the Confucianism of the Meng family is mighty and unyielding, the Three Theories of the Monarch and His Ministers will never be discarded, and the punishment of a single husband is also inscribed in the classics.

You understand this, but you still don't have a clear view of the world situation.

If His Majesty the Emperor wants to build a school and go to Zhaocheng to ask for books, then he will definitely agree to Duke Zhao's conditions.

Confucianism of the Meng family is one of the orthodox lineages of Confucianism. There are countless sages and sages of Confucianism, but after the two sages of Luokong, Mengsheng is the first to be promoted. There is no doubt that this is recognized by the Temple of the Sons.

Now is the best opportunity for Meng Shiru to enter the academy.

Establishing a school is not difficult in nature, just like the private schools we have established, some houses and some books are enough.

But why is it that Luo Guoxuegong is the only one that thrives for thousands of years?
When was the rise and peak of Confucianism?

It was the time when Kong Sheng and Meng Sheng served as sacrificial wine at the Luo Guoxue Palace after they traveled the world. At that time, the Luo Guoxue Palace was presided over by Confucianism, so it was naturally biased towards Confucianism.

The same is true of the Han court Taixue today. They came to Chang'an not to cultivate talents in the Taixue, but to use the classics of Meng's Confucianism as one of the official books of the Taixue!

This is a major matter that concerns the future of the faction, and Luo Shi will definitely help us.

If you miss this time, with Meng's thinking, it will be extremely difficult to enter again.

At that time, Confucianism is prosperous in the Han court, but the Meng family's thoughts are not as high as the imperial court. Do you want to return to Zhaocheng, seek the protection of the Luo family, and wait for a chance of tens or hundreds of years?
If so, is it not our fault? "

These words were followed by countless rhetorical questions, and everyone was so shocked that they were speechless for a while.

These conversations resounded everywhere in Chang'an City. The leaders of these schools who flocked to Chang'an City only came to Chang'an City after seeing the importance of this matter.

To lose this opportunity is to lose at least a hundred years!

From the official school where education and sacrifices were integrated for three generations, to the Luo State’s pure study of learning that stripped away the sacrifices, until the Han Dynasty appeared the Taixue classified according to the scriptures, and even a doctor who specialized in a certain classics appeared. The college system was basically formed during the period of Emperor Wenwen of the Han Dynasty, and all subsequent government schools and private schools have followed this system until now.

This is another great achievement of the Han Dynasty, and it is the jewel in the process of the Han Dynasty's prosperity. ——"History of the Rise and Fall of the Han Dynasty"

(End of this chapter)

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