Chapter 351 Wenhua Prosperity
The Son of Heaven is selfless.

This is an ancient admonition circulated in Bangzhou. Under this ancient admonition, a series of rules for the emperor have been extended, one of which is the marriage of the emperor Zhou.

King Zhou Zhao is a student of Luosu, and King Zhou Yi is a student of Luocheng. This relationship is almost equivalent to that between father and son, but the marriage of these two Zhou emperors is also a complete political marriage, and there is no room for anyone to choose who they like.

The last King You of Zhou who loved Baosi had died.

But in fact, not only Zhou Tianzi, most of the marriages of nobles are marriages, and Luo Jing's marriage is also the same now. Find one or a few that you like.

Luo Jing walked out of the palace in a daze, and began to think about the political implications. He still remembered his father's evaluation of the emperor back then—a person who was born to be an emperor, every word and deed, even unintentionally, was full of political meaning. mean.

Luo Jing's marriage has a very important political influence, second only to the queen's choice.

He is a die-hard royalist and the son of a former regent.

The political resources of Yinghou Luoyi and Shouguang Hou Luochen all fell on him, and even many resources of Anyang Hou Luocai also belonged to him.

He is one of the stabilizers of the court, and his status in the Han Dynasty is even higher than that of the crown prince.

The prince may still be deposed, but his status can be said to be as stable as Mount Tai.

In exchange, it is normal for his marriage to be a condition to win over some people. Luo Jing has such an awareness, but Liu Heng has married so many for him, and with Luo Jing's political wisdom, it is somewhat unexpected why.

But he knew that the emperor would not harm him, so he could only shake his head and stop thinking about it.

Liu Heng's speed is very fast.

The Empress Dowager invited the noble daughter to Weiyang Palace to attend a banquet, and then Liu Heng released the news that he was going to choose a wife for Luo Jing.

The whole city of Chang'an suddenly went crazy!

This adjective is not an exaggeration. Whether it is the group of heroes or the emerging dignitaries who rose later, almost everyone is trying to get some news from the emperor.

As for sending letters to the empress of Changle Palace, there are more, after all, the empress is in charge of marriage affairs in the world.

This is the guarantee of family wealth!
Not much worse than the position of the princess.

Who wouldn't be tempted to achieve the same effect without participating in the party struggle between the princes?
As for the circle of noble girls, needless to say, Luo Jing is the most beautiful boy in Chang'an City, and the dream man of most noble girls.

May Dong'e's heart be won, and the white head will not be separated.

This is what a noble lady of the Liu family who did not want to be named said.

In this era of extreme openness, if it weren't for the obstruction of the elders of the family, there would have been noble girls who would have taken the initiative to pursue Luo Jing.

But now Liu Heng directly let go of this restriction, and everyone's thoughts came alive.


After hearing about Liu Heng's plan, the Queen was even more shocked than Luo Jing, and couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

Liu Heng smiled lightly: "Wouldn't it be a good thing to marry more noble girls?"

"It's a good thing."

The queen hesitated: "But it's unreasonable."

Liu Heng said softly: "Ah Jing has too much influence, but he didn't realize that this is like a baby holding a sharp knife but ostentatiously, isn't it too dangerous?
The women I chose for him are like beautiful but tough satin, wrapping Feng Rui so that he will not hurt others or himself. "

Only then did the queen nod her head half-understood. Liu Heng actually didn't say the second half of the sentence.

After decades of Empress Gao, Emperor Xiaohui and Liu Heng, the Dong'a Hou Kingdom is the largest Hou Kingdom.

Of course there is no problem with Luo Jing being around now, but in the future this will be the way to bring disaster. After all, the princes and kingdoms are gradually splitting up, and it is impossible for the Dong'a Hou Kingdom to maintain its current appearance.

Instead of making things unpleasant for future generations, and even hurting Luo Jing's posthumous reputation, it is better to solve it now.

Marry more wives and have more children, and when Luo Jing dies, those children will divide up all the political influence of Dong'ahou Kingdom and Dong'a's lineage.


The Weiyang Palace was brightly lit. This was a rare occasion where the Empress Dowager, the Emperor and the Empress attended together. Those who came here were all ministers, princes and princes, as well as their families, wives and daughters.

Regardless of whether it is a prostitute or a concubine, as long as they are of the right age, basically all of them are brought along. Anyway, they are all concubines, so there are not so many status requirements.

Moreover, in this era of many political marriages, in most powerful families, concubine daughters usually live better than concubine sons, because concubine daughters are more valuable.

All of a sudden, the whole hall was full of Yingying and Yanyan, more lively than the emperor's harem.

When the emperor and others walked into the hall, everyone saluted one after another and said loudly: "Su Wang is here, Queen Mother, Your Majesty, Queen Wanan!"

Then I saw Luo Jing sitting on a seat very close to the emperor, which was fundamentally different from other courtiers in the palace.

Most of the people stared at the magnificent Luo Jing, Liu Heng immediately smiled and said: "A Jing, look at this palace, there are countless beautiful women, such as you have never seen before, everywhere. , are here for you.

All the courtiers are counting on you to be their son-in-law.

A real man was born in this world, isn't this something that ordinary people envy and can't envy?

With this feeling and this scene, I should write a Fu for the princes, princes and ministers to express this feeling and pass it on to future generations. "

Everyone knows that Luo Jing has the ability to speak well. Although many women were a little shy when they heard the emperor's words, their eyes lit up and stared at Luo Jing. When Luo Jing saw this, he said: "Your Majesty has an order. If you dare not follow, let Rong Chen ponder for a while."

Liu Heng also ordered the court painters to come, and ordered them to make the painting of today's night banquet. Liu Heng believed that this kind of material promoting the prosperity and prosperity should be passed on to future generations, so that future generations can be fascinated by this era.

It's like the scholars and nobles in this era want to go back to the era when King Su was in charge.

Luo Jing had already started to compose Fu at this time, first describing the prosperity of the night, then praising the grace of the Empress Dowager and the Emperor and Empress, then praising the princes and dukes who came to the banquet, and finally using a lot of space to start praising all the people who came to the palace. Noble girl.

The style of Han Fu is all about gorgeous rhetoric. Under this style, it must be meaningful and not empty, and the requirements for the people who make Fu will be very high.

But of course Luo Jing is fine, for him it is basically easy to come by, especially this kind of praise, Luo Shi first learned all kinds of hymns, this kind of aria is basically instinctive.

Each section of this fu ends with a four-character or two-character phrase, ending with the word "zai" or "yi", which is a typical Rockwell aria.

In the land of Zhu Xia, almost no one knows how to do it, and it can be seen in various sacrifices and ceremonies.

At this time, everyone in the hall cheered in unison, and even sang along with him. This is the subtle influence of Luo Shi on the world.

Luo Jing paused from time to time, and there were bursts of praise in the hall. Liu Heng looked at Luo Jing and You Rongyan. When the whole Fu was finished, the hall was completely noisy, and Liu Heng laughed loudly: "I bestow this gift It is called "Long Ye Wei Yang Fu", and it should be included in the classics to see future generations."

After a long while, the hall finally gradually quieted down, and the queen said: "The purpose of summoning you rich and noble families tonight is for Dong'a Houjing's marriage.

Dong'a Hou Jing is the direct son of King Luowen, the heir of Princess Lu Yuan, and a noble relative of the clan. Is it possible to find a more noble man than him in this world?

Your Majesty and I both think it is not.

As far as Wenhua, and even appearance, is there anyone who can surpass Dong'a Houjing?
Your Majesty and I think not.

Such a handsome man, what kind of woman in the world can marry him?
I am afraid that the legendary Xizi, Luoshen and so on will be able to do it!
Is there such a woman in the world today?
Your Majesty and I think not.

Zhao Gongling said that Luo's marriage does not depend on family status, but only on people's character and talent. His Majesty deeply believes that, so in addition to the noble relatives, there are more than a hundred carefully selected women from good families in Shandong.

But even so, there is still no one who can match Dong'a Houjing in terms of talent, learning and appearance.

Can swans and swans keep company?
Can a pheasant match a phoenix?
Of course it is impossible, so how should we do it?
I am very worried. "

The queen's words can be said to be ruthless PUA. You people want to marry a daughter to Dong'a Houjing, but you are not worthy of her.

Rockwell and we don't care about your family background, but your talents and looks are not as good, what should we do?

The faces of the Zhu family were a little embarrassing, they really wanted to say that as long as the wife is virtuous and moral, it is enough, but your requirements are too high, and besides, there are people with good looks in the Zhu family, who can be a good match.

The queen said again: "The majestic and towering palace is made of wood, bricks and stones.

The turbulent sea is formed by the convergence of gurgling streams.

There are pieces of gravel on the towering mountains, and tiny sands in the endless desert.

One manpower is small, one manpower is short, and one manpower is insufficient, but if there are ten or a hundred people, all of whom are excellent, it must be enough to compete for glory. "

See you in the picture!

One person is not enough, just marry a few more.

The whole hall was shocked and speechless.


Dong'ahou's Mansion underwent large-scale expansion during the period of Emperor Wenwen of the Han Dynasty, and became the largest Hou's mansion, with an area more than ten times that of other Hou's mansions. Most of them were owned by concubines of Luojing, Dong'ahou. People at the time called it "beauties in the world, half of them belong to the palace, and half of them belong to Dong'e".

"Dong A Baimei Picture" and "Weiyang Night Banquet Picture" were hung in the Hou's Mansion, and the original paintings were painted on the walls of the Imperial Palace and Hou's Mansion. There are countless details that can be tasted in the copied ones, which fully demonstrate the prosperity of the Han Dynasty at that time and have extremely high artistic value. ——"Appreciation of Ancient Famous Paintings"

(End of this chapter)

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