Chapter 35
The breeze floated, blowing away the chilling atmosphere of Hao Jingcheng.

Surrounded by the allied forces of the princes, the crown prince Jifu held the enthronement ceremony at the ancestral temple in Haojing.

Those old Zhou people who were hurt by the Rong were finally able to appear on the street, even if it was dilapidated.

As Da Zongzheng, Luo Cheng presided over the grand ceremony of worshiping the heavens and ancestors.

Ji Fu stood on the altar, and the various vassal states stood under the altar holding their own flags according to their status.

"Three times of the emperor."

Ji Fu walked down the altar and bowed to the princes in three salutes: earth bow, time bow, and sky bow. After bowing, he returned to the altar.

The princes went up to the altar respectively and presented gold and jade treasures to the emperor.

This step alone took a long time, but everyone waited patiently.

Ji Yi's enthronement ceremony earlier was a joke. This grand enthronement ceremony is to let the people of Zhou know that the emperor is noble and there are countless loyal princes in the world.

When offering sacrifices to heaven, all the princes and ministers sang ancient poems along with Luo Chengsong.

"Wei Tian's life, Yu Mu is endless.

It is not obvious, the purity of King Su's virtue.

If it overflows me, I will take it.

Junhui is my king, great-grandson Duzhi. "

This is a poem in praise of King Su, which has been handed down since the reign of King Kang, and there is no Zhou person who can't sing it.

"King Su's spirit is in the sky, how brilliant and bright.

How pure the character of King Su is, we must inherit it.

Follow the path of King Su's destiny, and the children and grandchildren will always practice it. "

Luo Cheng presided over the ceremony, he raised the crown of the emperor.

Ji Fu lowered his head slightly, the gorgeous crown was put on his head, the breeze floated, and under the warm sunlight, a layer of golden light shone on the two of them.

The entire city of Haojing was engulfed in sacred chants, and countless Zhou people knelt on the ground like a tide.

They are paying homage to the new king, the Son of Heaven.

They are paying homage to King Su, the god of all Zhou people.

The historian quickly recorded this scene, and the painter engraved this scene in his mind excitedly.

Since the picture of "King Su and King Kang", there has never been a painting that has been so ordered by heaven.

Wang was ordered to draw, he must draw this scene into a classic handed down.

【Your luck point is increasing rapidly. 】

[Your family reputation has increased. 】

Ji Zhao watched all this in the dark, and there was no very happy feeling in his eyes. His eyes were very quiet, like a sea of ​​light.

It is hard to imagine, if he gets angry, what kind of huge waves will be set off, and there will be nine days of thunder to punish the world.

Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, which is the way of heaven.

He got too many things from Bang Zhou. Rock's and Bang Zhou are bound so deeply that on the day of destruction, the building must collapse and be completely wiped out.

Even though Ji Fu was the Son of Heaven, he still had to kneel and worship on such occasions as offering sacrifices to the heaven, and the chants resounded throughout the capital city, making his whole body tremble.

What is the scene of the singing of thousands of people?

He had never seen it, not even in his imagination.

But now that he saw it, like every emperor in the past, he was deeply shocked.

He completely understood King Su's status among the Zhou people.

He couldn't help lowering his head, expressing humility to the ancestor who was in the dark.

Bang Zhou ushered in a new king, the emperor Jifu.

[History has opened a new chapter, you have obtained a lot of luck points, and you have obtained a mysterious item - the green blood heart.

Xuanjie's only: Jade Blood Danxin (Loyalty can be learned from the sky, Jade blood washes the heart): activate this card with life, a natural vision, the ground swells with golden lotus, can kill people who bring disaster to the country, and after the user dies, it will be turned into a yellow-order item - blood jade. 】

This is a profound-level item whose effect obviously exceeds the standard, but it cannot reach the level of an earth-level item.

The princes surrounded the new king and went to the palace of government affairs.

The two most important things for the new king to ascend to the throne are to make judgments on past events and to reward ministers for meritorious deeds.

Characterize the rebellion of the country of Shen and the feudal lords Qin Wang, especially those big men who died under this battle.

The first and foremost is the culprit, Jinye, and the princes and princes who committed the crime of murdering the king.

Even if Ji Fu has a deep affection for Ji Nei, after all, Ji Nei loves Wu Jiwu and is really good to him.

But he knew that his father and king would definitely not get a good posthumous title, and in the end he obediently accepted the posthumous title of "you" for Jinie by the princes and ministers.

Although the feudal lords and ministers said that he was named You You because of his early death, he knew in his heart that it was often called You You who violated etiquette and disorder, and this was the reason why all the ministers gave You You.

As for Ji Yi's posthumous title, it came out soon, killing innocents and calling him Li, calling him Prince Li.

The posthumous name of the Marquis of Shen was "Qian".

The rest of the princes and ministers who followed Marquis Shen to revolt, some were executed with evil posthumous titles;

There are two main criteria for judging different treatment. The first is whether the fault is too big or not. If the fault is too big, they will be stabbed next to each other. The second is whether the relationship is hard or not. speak up.

In the follow-up, all the people in the public office who were at fault in the Shen state will be punished, and one person will be re-selected from the public office to succeed the monarch of the Shen state.

The state of Shen was relocated to the western part of Liangdi, which is a more desolate place. This time, the rebuilding of the state was much more difficult than it was a hundred years ago.

Shen Guo's title was also downgraded to a viscount, and he was basically removed from the Zhuxia kingdoms.

The two men with the greatest military exploits, Zheng Bo, was promoted to the Marquis of Zheng, and ten cities were divided for him from the State of Mi and the State of Yan, and the new State of Zheng was established in the eastern part of Luoyi.

Zaofei, who was born with the surname Ying Zhao, relied on the great merit of killing the king of Rong, and became a prince from a vassal. He was named Qin Bo, and a quarter of the land of the entire Xishen Kingdom was given to him.

Other princes and ministers also obtained land, gold, silver and jewelry, population, weapons, and so on.

The distribution of the spoils after this war has been very harmonious so far, and it has basically achieved impartiality, and each has his own benefits.

After dealing with these legal issues and petty profits, the real interests are in front of everyone.

The princes and ministers who were able to unite before were split into different camps in an instant according to their different interests.

The first is the two largest camps, the left-behind faction and the eastward migration faction.

The left-behind faction is dominated by local officials and nobles in Haojing. They control Wang Ji's power and control the entire state and Zhou through the emperor.

The Dongqian faction is mainly based on the princes of King Qin. Jinhou, Zhenghou and others are very strong and want Jifu to migrate to Luoyi.

After all, they made great efforts this time, and if they couldn't put the Son of Heaven in their sphere of influence, they would be making wedding dresses for others.

"Your Majesty, Shen and Rong's Cholera Wangji, not only Haojing is said to be dilapidated, but the entire Wangji has been destroyed. In addition to the natural disasters over the years, this is no longer a city that can withstand the destiny.

Moreover, the entire Fenghao old land is full of Rong people. If you stay here, Your Majesty, you will definitely be constantly harassed by the Rong people. What a dangerous thing this is.

If they were able to migrate to Luoyi, the feudal lords with the surname Ji would be stronger.

Jin State is in your north, Zheng State is in your east, and Wei State is in your northeast.

There are also powerful princes such as Song, Luo, and Qi who can serve as your barriers, so that your safety can be guaranteed.

Both King Kang and King Zhao used Luoyi as their capital, where the state of the Zhou Dynasty prospered. If you migrate there, you will surely be able to revive the state and Zhou again. "

These remarks are not nonsense, but they are justified and well-founded. The problem with the current Ho Kyung-ki is indeed very big.

Although the allied army of princes killed the Shen people and drove away the Rong people, they could not stay here forever. Once they left, Wang Ji's strength alone would not be enough to face the Rong people pouring into the Weihe Plain like a tide. .

It is not only the princes of the Central Plains who support the eastward move. In fact, many princes outside the Ji who are distributed in the Sanhe basin support Jifu's eastward move.

The biggest difference between the feudal lords outside the country and the feudal lords in the country is that they believe in using swords to increase their strength, while the feudal lords in the country prefer to use political means to plunder.

When the Son of Heaven moved eastward, these foreign princes had no scruples when they expanded their land, especially this time, the newly promoted Qin Bo, holding a powerful force in his hand, was at the stage of eagerness to try.

However, the feudal princes in Jinai in Haojing were unwilling. If they moved east more than 200 years ago, they could still migrate there with the emperor, but now there are a large number of Qing clans in Luoyi itself.

Where is the extra land to give them?

Without land and fiefs, a huge clan cannot be maintained, and it will soon be defeated in the fierce competition.

This is intolerable to them.

"Although Luoyi is magnificent and strong, it is in a place of four battles. When the country is prosperous, it can control the world, but when the country is declining, it is surrounded by enemies on all sides and cannot be used as a capital.

Haojing is located in the middle of mountains and rivers. There are natural dangers of Laoshan Mountain and Hangu Pass, which can block the enemies from all sides.

As long as you can sweep away these Rongmen now and hold the pass in your hands again, you will not worry about encountering danger.

When the disaster passes, there are countless lands in Guan that can produce food, and countless Zhou people can fight for you. This is the land left by God for Bang Zhou to continue the destiny!

How could they abandon their ancestral inheritance and migrate to Luoyi? "

The Marquis of Jin snorted coldly: "Gao Qing, your mind is really vicious.

Qishan collapsed, Luoshui, Jingshui, and Weishui all stopped flowing, and the entire Fenghao Plain suffered huge damage. Who knows when it can be restored?

Those Rongmen scattered throughout Fenghao are threatening the safety of the emperor all the time. You say 'as long as the Rongmen can be swept away', what if they can't be swept away?
How noble is the Son of Heaven, how can he accompany you on adventures?
If you are loyal ministers, how can you let the emperor fall into such a situation? "

Zhang Hou also helped: "Luoyi is the center of the world, where the emperor can accept the worship of all the princes in the world, and he is the real co-lord of the world.

Marquis Zheng, Marquis of Jin and Gu are all princes with the surname Ji, and they are the clans of the emperor. Could it put the emperor in a disadvantageous situation? "

Faced with this situation, Luo Cheng said nothing, this matter was doomed from the beginning.

Not to mention that he has already reached a political exchange with the princes outside Ji, even from the point of view of the emperor Jifu himself, moving east is inevitable.

The first is that the emperor Ji obeyed emotionally and was inclined to the princes of Jin and Zheng who helped him to rise to the top.

Secondly, Ji Fu has lived in Haojing for these years, under the influence of his ears and eyes, he really does not have much hope for defeating the Rong people.

Especially since both his father and mother died indirectly at the hands of the Rong people, he wanted to leave this dangerous place.

The last thing is force. The current princes outside the country have decisive force, and they are not comparable to the princes in the country.

It's just that they haven't reacted yet. Once the Marquis of Jin and the others react, these clamoring officials and nobles have so little troops in their hands, I'm afraid they won't talk nonsense with them at all.

"Luo Gong, what do you think about this matter?"

Ji Fu already wanted to go to Luoyi in his heart, but the person he trusted most hadn't opened his mouth, so he looked at Luo Cheng and asked for his opinion.

Seeing Ji Fu asking Luo Cheng's opinion, everyone turned their attention to see what Luo Cheng had to say.

Luo Cheng was also unequivocal, and said directly: "Your Majesty, a hundred thousand troops escort you to Luoyi, it should be safe."

He deliberately read out the words "Hundred Thousand Great Army" heavily, and immediately awakened everyone in the hall.

Marquis Jin and Marquis Zheng both had smiles on their faces. Yes, we now have an absolute advantage, so what can we say to this group of trash.

First, bring the emperor to Luoyi. Anyway, it used to be the capital. The repairs have not stopped over the years. When the king arrives, he will be able to directly take charge of the state.

The officials and nobles of Haojing were like mourning their concubine, and they snorted twice. They looked at the murderous princes who had just come down from the battlefield a few days ago, and did not dare to say more.

Ji Zhao looked at this scene and determined one thing that he had always guessed, that this was really a world.

What he is experiencing now is more like the combination of the player and the background story. The real game cannot change history at all, and the protagonist's family completely follows the trend.

But starting from him, the use of every item can change some of the established destiny. Maybe the frame of the world is still allowing some events to appear, but the characters have completely changed.

According to the historical setting, Ji Yi should have ascended the throne, but because his grandfather attracted the Rong people, Cholera Haojing, he was rejected by the people of the country and finally went to Luoyi alone.

Without the support of the Chinese, the strength of the royal family plummeted.

But now that Ji Fu has moved eastward, he can take a large number of bankrupt Chinese with him, so that at least in a short period of time, the emperor still has a background, much stronger than in real history.

When the decision to move east was made, the princes naturally had to leave together, bring a group of people from the country, first escort the emperor to Luoyi, and then lead their troops back to their own country.

Luo Cheng was appointed as the prime minister, Haojing, who was ordered by the king to stay behind. He was in charge of the important affairs of Haojing's military and national affairs, and he was given the title of Grand Master. He would stay in Haojing for another two or three months.

The main purpose is to count all the property belonging to the royal family in the capital city of Hao, and also to count the list of Zhou people who are willing to migrate in the future.


Judging from the results, after King Yi moved eastward, the Zhou Dynasty completely declined and went to extinction, but this is a typical cause of failure.

King Yi's eastward move was not the beginning of the decline of the royal family, but the result of the decline of the royal family.

The interests of the Zhou royal family in Fenghao Wangji have been divided up by the feudal lords in the kingdom, and the foundation of the royal family's rule has been hollowed out. The only hope for the revitalization of the Zhou royal family is the [-]-mile territory of Luoyi Wangji.

According to historical records, the Zhou royal family really cheered up in the early stage of the eastward move. King Yi was assisted by a group of powerful princes, and the princes surnamed Ji united around the royal family, and powerfully attacked the barbarians and the princes who did not respect the royal family's orders.

This proves that it is a typical fallacy to attribute the decline of the Zhou Dynasty to eastward migration. - "The Rise and Fall of the Zhou Dynasty"

 Praise the Holy!
  I'm probably suitable for writing a fairy tale.

(End of this chapter)

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