Chapter 346 Taunt
Luo Jing recruited the army to be safe, not to start a war directly. He had already sent envoys to the kingdom and vassal states to arrest those princes and princes who violated the law.

The imperial court still has influence and power among the nations, and most of the vassal kings and lords, how could they dare to rebel? This is no longer the most powerful period for the vassal kingdom.

Having enjoyed the glory and wealth without the tempering of life-and-death crisis, you will become more and more timid, just like the princes and princes of the Liu family and Chehous today.

Luo Jing sat quietly in Luoyang City, on the one hand preparing the army for war, and on the other hand waiting for the arrival of the princes of the Liu family.

Sure enough, as he expected, the envoys of the imperial court arrived in the vassal kingdoms, holding Luo Jing's warrant in their hands, they first went to the Gonghou kingdoms that were enfeoffed at the core of the kingdom, and then both sides went straight to the capital of the kingdom, "Dong Ahou was ordered to appease Shandong, the supervisory county, you will sit down and follow the order of Dong Ahou to come and capture him, and he will be captured quickly, and then I will go to Luoyang to meet Dong Ahou and tell you all the secrets."

The princes and kings were terrified, they never expected that Luo Jing would send someone directly to arrest them.

Normal political struggles are not carried out in this way. Usually, evidence is first sought, and then they are arranged with each other until they can kill people.

But Luo Jing sent people here with great fanfare, which instead made everyone hesitate. Some princes and kings were extremely frightened, and said to the left and right: "Hou Dong is trying to harm the widow. In the hands, the widow now seems to have to turn back."

Then he was stopped by his courtiers and sons.

Can't you see how strong the imperial court is?

In the past, when the big countries spanned several counties, they couldn't beat them. Now there is only one county left.

Going up now, isn't it giving them military merit?

Loyal ministers and filial sons are unwilling to see the lord and father commit such unwise actions, while double-minded and "filial sons" are unwilling to follow the doomed ship to die.

So they all persuaded: "Your Majesty, this is exactly the court's strategy. If you raise troops this time, wouldn't it be a real rebellion?
Dong Ahou is the son of King Luowen, the son of the Luo family with stigmata, he will not intentionally frame you.

You go with these people now, and we will wait for your news in the country.

If Dong Ahou really wants to do something, he has to worry about us, and at that time, Chen and the others can still lead the soldiers of the kingdom to rescue you.

Moreover, you belong to the clan, a clan relative of the Han Dynasty. Dong'a Hou is not qualified to hear the case about you, and he needs to report it to the Zongzheng Mansion.

You can rest assured. "

Luo Jing will not create something out of nothing, and will not make such a thing out of nothing. It has never happened in 1000 years, and this is something that everyone is sure of.

But the problem is that this kind of princes and kings are not very clean themselves, so they naturally feel a little uneasy. It is a natural reaction when a mouse sees a cat or a bandit sees a fast arrester.

In the end, under the consolation of these courtiers and sons, most of the princes and kings still chose to arrest without a fight.



As the princes and kings came to Luoyang, perhaps because of the courage of many people, these people gradually became arrogant.

"The widow is a descendant of Emperor Gao, and is of the same generation as His Majesty today. You should call him Brother Emperor. Although Dong'a Hou has a noble status and great power, he is a foreign minister after all. This is our Liu family's family affairs. You should not participate in it." For good."

Some princes and kings used Han law to talk about things, "Dong'ahou, Emperor Gao set up Zongzheng back then, and said that all the affairs of the royal family were handled by Zongzheng. What qualifications do you have to arrest widows? Calling Zongzheng is almost the same!"

"Dong Ahou, you are in a high position at such a young age, this is the legacy of King Luo Wen, wouldn't it be good to be a close minister of His Majesty in Chang'an City safely?

Why do you have to come to Shandong to swim in this muddy water? "

"Dong Ahou, if you don't let the widow go back now, even if you are the son of the Luo family, you can't bear the crime of arresting the clan without authorization. If Duke Zhao trampled on the law of this dynasty in order to save you.

The consequences would be unimaginable. "

When it came to later, his voice even became stern, "Dong Ahou, it is no longer Bangzhou, but my Liu family's world. I advise you to be cautious in your words and deeds, otherwise, even if it is the Luo family, wouldn't it be the same?" Can I protect you forever?"

The clan members of the Han family were indeed a group of privileged people in the Han Dynasty. If they violated the law, they would be handed over to the Zong Zhengfu for trial, and then reported to the emperor for final decision.

Some of these princes and kings were persuasive, because they were unwilling to confront Luo Jing, and some were really harsh, especially when they appeared in a world that was not Bang Zhou, their heads seemed to be raised high.

Looking at the wonderful performances of these people, Luo Shi just wanted to laugh.

And he did so. In the hall, Luo Jing laughed out loud, with endless sarcasm in his laughter.

This kind of naked ridicule made some people even more angry, and when they were about to speak, they were interrupted by Luo Jing.

I saw Luo Jing sternly scolded: "Princes and kings?

Do mere princes and kings dare to run rampant in front of me?

Even if I am not a son of the Luo family, just the identity of the Han Dynasty is not something you can compare.

My father is King Luowen of the Han Dynasty, the regent and the prime minister, who is under one person and above ten thousand people, ranking above all kings.

Even your father has to bow his head and salute in front of my father. When it comes to your contributions to the Han Dynasty, all of you kings combined are not as good as my father.

My mother is Princess Lu Yuan, the only direct daughter and eldest daughter of Taizu Emperor Gao and Empress Gao. In terms of the high status in the clan, what are you?
It's just a group of vicious dogs, how dare they bark and bark in front of me, it's really ridiculous.

I used to read ancient books, and I saw a sparrow asking Kunpeng how high he could fly. Kunpeng said [-] miles, but the sparrow said that [-] miles might not be as high as the top of the branch.

When I saw you people today, I realized that the ancients really did not deceive me, that there were people with such narrow horizons.

You are still here to boast. "

What is your status, what is my status, you are here to compare with me, in Luo Jing's view, this is simply what these princes and kings took the initiative to send to the door to beg for humiliation.

how many years?

How many years has it been since no one has compared his family status with Luo's son?
Even a self-confident monarch like the first emperor never compared with the Luo family in this respect, but directly tried to erase the traces of the Luo family.

The princes and kings were blushed for a long time after Luo Jing's stern reprimand and humiliation, and their foreheads even felt like they were about to smoke.

"Hou Dong! I'm the king of princes!"

"You actually humiliated the widow like this?"

Luo Jing said again, "When my ancestors distributed the feudal lords, the ancestors of the Liu family were not born yet. If you are barking and barking here, you are not seeking to humiliate yourself, so what?"

This time the princes and kings completely died down, and Luo Jing should look up the genealogy of their old Liu family. If it is finally found out that the old Liu family is still the retainer of the Luo family, then even Emperor Gao's face will be raised. I can't get up.

The first emperor may not have been embarrassed in this regard. Qin State was bestowed by Luo Xuangong himself, and he also left a lot of resources in the old land of Fenghao, and allocated a lot of resources from Luoyi to survive the competition of the Ying clan This is the history that Qin cannot erase.

"Dong Ahou, what's the use of always remembering the past?
At that time, the Shang Dynasty ruled the world in Kyushu, but was finally defeated by the Zhou Dynasty. A large number of merchant nobles were reduced to slaves. Now that the Zhou Dynasty has perished, this is indeed the world of my big man.

We are now like the concubines in Bang Zhou's time. The patriarchal clan is still the rule set by the great King Su. As the heir of King Su, do you want to violate it?

Let Zongzheng come to the trial. "

Since Luo Jing can't be deterred by status, let's go back to patriarchal law, and this is the law of the Han Dynasty, so Luo Jing can't openly despise the law of the Han Dynasty.

If he dared to do this, his only end would be to be taken back to Zhao City by Duke Zhao, and he would never get out.

Everyone thought that this time Luo Jing finally had no choice, but they didn't expect Luo Jing to sneer and said: "Only the Zong Zhengfu can interrogate you?

Open your dog eyes wide and see what this is? "

I saw Luo Jing reaching out from his bosom to take out a token made of high-quality beautiful jade and a small jade seal. The princes and kings felt as if they were struck by lightning after seeing it.

In an instant, infinite fear rose in my heart!


Luo Jing only relied on a warrant, which was not even from the emperor, to capture most of the princes and kings in Luoyang City. Many historians have ignored this event, but this is actually the ancient transition from the feudal system to the central government. A landmark event in the process of transforming the centralized system.

This incident shows that the central court has completely crushed the local princes and kings, both in terms of strength and name.

The tug-of-war between the central and local governments during the Zhou Dynasty is gone forever. After the initial foundation of the Qin Dynasty, the centralized system ushered in its heyday in the Han Dynasty.

This incident also proves that it is no longer necessary to implement large-scale enfeoffment in the heartland of the dynasty, because the influence of the central government on these enfeoffment areas is already too great. ——"History of the Rise and Fall of the Han Dynasty"

(End of this chapter)

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