Chapter 327
War is never an end, but a means.

The imperial court quelled the rebellion of King Huainan and King Wu just like chopping melons and vegetables, but the reconstruction of the follow-up order is the key.

The first thing is to carry out a cruel political liquidation and legal characterization of the criminals who conspired to organize against the Han court.

The political literacy shown by Liu Heng before and after this incident made Luo Xin feel that it was time to really let Liu Heng get in touch with political affairs, and this happened to be a very good opportunity.

"The decades of entanglement are really intertwined. I really never imagined that there would be such a huge group opposing the imperial court in the vassal states.

Uncle, what should we do with these people? "

"According to the law of the Han Dynasty, the first villain will be killed, and the rest will be exiled to Lingnan."

Hearing what Luo Xin said, Liu Heng was taken aback. This is a total of 3 people. Are they all exiled to Lingnan?

"Your Majesty, exile to Lingnan is a clever strategy that will serve multiple purposes, and you must continue to govern yourself in the future.

The most lacking thing in Lingnan is the Han people. Zhao Tuo, the king of Lingnan, wrote to the court many times, hoping to migrate more Han people to Lingnan.

But the land in the South of the Five Ridges is not very suitable for a large number of people to live in. In the past, the Han people who migrated in large numbers used to be disabled and abused, which was tantamount to exile.

Exile without guilt is not what the court should do.

But it's better now, there are so many sinners, even more than the sum of the past ten years, it's already a grace for the court not to kill them, just in time to go to Lingnan to open up wasteland.

Moreover, with such a large number of powerful merchants migrating together, a large number of places can be vacated, and those who have great talents but cannot display them can ride the wind. "

Liu Heng suddenly raised his head when he heard the words, and he heard an extra meaning from these words, political struggle can also be beneficial.

There are always talented people who are underappreciated in the world. If these people are not reused, they will cause trouble. However, it is precisely because the high positions are controlled by the powerful, and these people cannot be promoted and reused.

Political struggle can take the opportunity to cleanse those useless aristocratic bureaucrats to achieve the effect of class mobility.

Luo Xin was looking at him, and seeing that Liu Heng was really smart, he could hear the deep meaning in his words, and smiled with satisfaction. Liu Heng knew that he had guessed right, and there was a storm in his young heart, and there was such a thing. kind of operation?
Then his eyes suddenly became excited, and he felt that he still had a lot to learn, and he was still far behind his uncle.

After the disposal of the sinner is over, it comes to the more critical how to deal with the two vassal states of Huainan and Wu.

The king of Huainan and the state of Wu failed in their rebellion, so the kingdom will naturally be expelled. Luo Xin looked at Liu Heng and decided to test Liu Heng, so he asked, "Your Majesty, what do you think Huainan and Wu should do?
Should we continue to select suitable candidates from the clan to become the king, or should we accept them as counties directly under the imperial court? "

Liu Heng pondered for a while and then said: "Uncle, you once told me the advantages and disadvantages of enfeoffment and prefectures, there is no distinction between the two.

I remember that three months ago, you explained the reforms of the various countries to me, and said that in the Chu State, the parallel county and state were implemented, and the canine teeth intertwined.

During the rebellion between Huainan Kingdom and Wu Kingdom this time, King Jiaodong was the quietest because he was directly blocked by Qi Lu's Thirteen Chehou.

This is one piece at a time.

I have some ideas.

Is it possible to enfeoff the kingdom in the vast land of Shandong, and then enfeoff Chehou in the key counties of the kingdom, retain the power of the princes and Chehou, but collect the power of government affairs, and then set up among the contiguous kingdoms and vassal states? Some counties directly under the Central Government.

This not only retains a certain strength of the princes and kings, but can effectively deter those who try to usurp the throne in the court, and also restrain the princes and kings through Chehou.

As you said, these military aristocrats such as Chehou depend on the imperial power to survive. Once there is no war and the emperor's trust is lost, they will soon decline into ordinary fief nobles.

As for the establishment of prefectures and counties, it is exactly the policy you mentioned that was implemented in Chu State with the surname Mi, for example, dividing Wu State into three counties, so that the link between Yue State and Chu State will be lost, so that the kingdoms will not be connected. Together.

In this way, court officials, princes and kings, and Chehou can achieve a balance. "

"Your Majesty, you are extremely intelligent, and you are the most precious gift that God bestows on a man."

Luo Xinyan couldn't help laughing out loud, no matter whether Liu Heng's idea can come true or not, being able to say these words at his age is already very extraordinary.

The most important thing is that he can draw inferences from one instance, through the various principles and policies that have appeared in history that Luo Xin told him, and combine them according to reality, this is a very unusual ability.

Liu Heng was very excited to hear Luo Xin's praise. In his eyes, his uncle is the most powerful person in the world, and he who received his uncle's praise is the second most powerful. He smiled and asked: "Uncle, what I just said What do you think?"

It was the first time for Liu Heng to put forward his own opinion on this kind of policy involving the whole world. Luo Xin knew that education should always encourage children. Of course, he would not hit Liu Heng on this kind of matter. At most, he would fix it in the implementation later. Make up, it's just a little more effort.

So he said warmly: "Your Majesty, your suggestion is very practical and can be implemented, but in actual operation, you will encounter many problems, such as the location selection of kingdoms, marquis states, counties, how to make them intertwined, How to keep them in balance, instead of directly eating one side.

The choice of princes, lords and magistrates is very important. If the princes and lords work together, this policy will lose its effect. .

Do you still remember what Chen said when he told you about the reforms of various countries?
Qin's reform basically copied Wei's reform, and Chu's reform also largely copied Wei's reform. The reforms of all countries are similar, and the content of the reform is there.

Where is the gap?
It's all about execution!
It's the same now, your unconstrained plan requires the nobles, officials, tyrants, and even the common people to implement it. These talents are the key to the success or failure of the policy. "

Hearing this, Liu Heng looked thoughtfully at Luo Xin and said, "Uncle, when you implement this policy, can I follow up next to you?

You have said more than once that the orders of the central court will be completely changed when they are implemented locally. You must pay attention to them from time to time to ensure the complete implementation of policies.

I want to see what problems a policy will encounter from its proposal to its final realization. "

Luo Xin smiled and said: "You are the emperor of Zhuxia, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, and I am your subject. Of course you can follow up this policy, which is exactly what I want to lead you to do."

Liu Heng was very excited to get an affirmative answer. Naturally, the Luoxin Regent had some rumors coming from nowhere in these years.

It is said that Luo Xin has completely monopolized power and is unwilling to delegate power to the emperor. As the emperor grows up, Luo Xin may not want to return to power.

This is normal, after all, King Su was slandered by his brothers back then, and Luo Xin was also not immune.

However, Liu Heng himself did not feel the pressure brought by Luo Xin when he lived in the palace, and he could feel that Luo Xin was really serious about teaching himself to be a qualified emperor.

So he didn't have to face Luo Xin with the attitude of a powerful minister, but dared to take the initiative to undertake some affairs within his ability. As expected, Prime Minister Luo Xin was willing to participate in it himself, and was delighted with his achievements.

"Then there is only one last thing left, about the rewards for the heroes who have put down the chaos this time."

Speaking of this matter, the expressions on the faces of Luo Xin and Liu Heng became a little strange, Luo Xin pondered: "First of all, the guards and the children of Guanzhong, these people should be well rewarded, this is a great way to show the court's grace opportunity.

These people want the court, and the court will be as stable as Mount Tai. Your Majesty, you can give them wealth, food, gold, silver, cloth, and recruit new warriors to the palace. "

Liu Heng nodded. These are routine rewards. This time, Luo Xin meant to give more. The rewards for soldiers are simple, and the general Han Xin is also simple. Anyway, there are so many households, so it’s okay to add a little more.

The most troublesome ones are those Marquis Che, these people are going to make military achievements, because the relationship between the second and third generations of Marquis and the royal family is getting farther and farther, which makes some people feel worried. It is to return to the core circle of Chang'an.

"Your Majesty, the group of heroes wants an official position."


In the previous chapter, the author mentioned that Dongahhou Luoxin did not completely eliminate the power of local princes and kings, but implemented a system of exile on the land that quelled the rebellion. In this chapter, the author will describe in detail the influence of this even far system.

The core idea of ​​this system is a system of military meritorious service that can go up and down. The king guarantees low-cost governance of the region by bestowing land to clansmen and meritorious officials, but it is very different from the land granting in the pre-Qin period.

The essence of this system is that the clan members obtained the right to use the land through their close blood relationship with the king, and the meritorious officials obtained the right to use the land through their loyalty to the king and their contributions to the dynasty.

Once the king thinks that the blood of the clan is no longer close, he will start to take back the kingdom.

This is an irreversible process, and the only way is for the distant relatives to become a member of the military group, and experience the transformation from princely king to Chehou, which is far more difficult than ordinary people becoming Chehou.

As for Chehou, the same is true, the closure of the country is not done once and for all.

There are only two paths in front of any Chehou. The first is to stay in Chang'an City and become a close minister of the monarch, and then continue to gain the trust of the monarch to maintain the existence of the feudal state. The second is to do everything possible in the dynastic war. Achieve victory and maintain the existence of the feudal kingdom through merit.

of course.

In the Han Dynasty, the Principality of Zhao was a special existence. It was not affected by this system, or it was not affected by any system. It existed apart from the political order. ——"History of the Rise and Fall of the Han Dynasty"

(End of this chapter)

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