Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 319 Jia Yi who changed in this world line

Chapter 319 Jia Yi who changed in this world line
Looking at the volume of "Sealing the Family as Wang Shu" in his hand, Luo Xin laughed heartily, and even just said halfway through reading: "Jia Yi, no, Jia Sheng, Jia Sheng, you really are Wang Zuozhi talent."

Jia Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words. This was the scene he expected, and he had doubted life before.

If a person with a low IQ reads Jia Yi's two top performances at the same time, he will definitely doubt his life.

Because just now in "Please Jian Zhuhoushu", Jia Yi impassionedly stated the harm of enfeoffing princes and kings to the world, and asked the court to weaken the princes and kings, and even revoke their titles after generations and become common people.

From this memorial, Jia Yi opposed enfeoffment and demanded that the power of the imperial court be strengthened.

However, in "Feng Qin Wei Wang Shu", he talked about the necessity of enfeoffing the princes and kings, and also stated that each generation of emperors should be enfeoffed, and impassionedly stated the benefits of enfeoffing the princes and kings to the world.

Ordinary people may think that Jia Yi is a genius, but Luo Xin doesn't think so. There is never a perfect policy in this world. Things always have two sides, so politicians can't be either one or the other. Everything must be done from multiple perspectives. to think about.

That's the case with the enfeoffment system.

It is not a scourge in the eyes of many people, but a normal dynastic rule policy, a normal way of dynastic governance, and it also has many advantages, such as reducing governance costs, such as suppressing local opposition forces, far superior to There are countless ruling officials.

There has never been a saying in this world that once enfeoffment is used, the world will be in chaos, especially in the current Han Dynasty, there are very few people who can refer to it.

The Zhou Dynasty enfeoffed for 1000 years, the Qin Dynasty prefectures and counties for more than ten years, and the Han Dynasty's prefectures and states were parallel for decades and are still on the rise.

When Jin, Luo, Qi and other great powers were all around, the Zhou royal family persevered even though it was turbulent several times, and even had ZTE.

When Jin State fell and Luo State and Qi State could not support them, the Zhou royal family was finally annihilated by the Qin Dynasty.

This iron-clad fact makes many people who obviously feel that there is a problem with enfeoffment, but they don't know what to say.

All of this is due to the fact that the emergence of the Luo Kingdom infinitely enhanced the role of the clan, and the demise of the Qin Dynasty was too rapid and tragic.

One emperor and two treacherous ministers can make a huge empire crumbling.

Who can not care about Qi Qiran?

Liu Bang overcorrected and enshrined his heroes and clan relatives. He was really frightened by the tragic situation of the Qin Dynasty.

Luo Xin put down the memorial in his hand, looked at Jia Yi in front of him with satisfaction, and asked, "Speak out what's on your mind."

Ji Zhao had already read the memorial in Luo Xin's hand at a glance, and sighed a little. Jia Yi in this world line has also undergone great changes, and the power of Luo's example is really too great.

"Prime Minister, although Yi suggested that the princes should be weakened, the existence of the princes and kings is necessary. What if there is a traitor like Zhao Gaolisi in the court?

Only the princes can raise troops on the side of the Qing emperor.

What if there is a tyrant like Hu Hai in the court who can even destroy a dynasty?

It is still necessary for the princes to raise troops to overthrow him.

If the Qin Dynasty didn't have Emperor Fusu to lead the army back to Xianyang to kill Hu Hai, the Qin Dynasty might not even be able to resist stubbornly and would be destroyed directly.

Will Dahan ever have this day?

Could there ever be a usurper who is as powerful as you, but not as loyal as you.

He will directly usurp the country and the land of the great Han, but the Liu clan has no power to stop it, and can only watch helplessly as the ancestor's country falls into the hands of others.

Isn't that the scariest thing ever?
Yi believes that this is possible. During Bangzhou's time, this kind of thing happened more than once.

Jin, the well-deserved hegemon, died in this way, as well as your in-law Qi, if your ancestors hadn't stopped Tian, ​​I am afraid that Lu's Qi would have ceased to exist.

Yi has studied these princes who lost their country, and they have one thing in common, that is, the clan is weak! "

Jia Yi, who finally came to the second stage, took a deep breath and said, "Prime Minister, after the division of Bangzhou, the first princes were closely related by blood, so they were able to work together to fight against the barbarians and help each other.

However, with the enfeoffment from generation to generation, the relationship between them has become much more distant, they no longer trust each other, and even attack each other.

This is the disadvantage of enfeoffment seen by most insightful people in the world, because it is inevitable, and the estrangement of blood relationship between the same clan is inevitable.

Later, Minister Luo Wen made the princes and the emperor marry together in order to promote the blood relationship between the princes and the emperor of Zhou, but this system eventually failed.

Yi studied many cases and found that, except for a few special cases, most of the princes of the first two generations usually loyally defended the emperor of Zhou, and the alienation of blood began from the third generation.

That being the case, then continue to entrust the brothers and heirs who are close to the emperor to replace those princes who have gradually become alienated.

And there is no need to divide up the entire big country like Emperor Gao did. Today's world is already stable, as long as the key cities are divided up.

Such as Xingyang, Luoyang, Shangyu and other important traffic roads and Danguan Mountain Pass, these people have no rebellious power and are close to the emperor. They are naturally the emperor's vassal guards. With these close relatives, the world will surely be stable.

The only disadvantage is that if these princes join forces, even the emperor may not be able to quell the rebellion.

But if it really came to that point, and even these princes of the close branches joined forces to oppose the emperor, then Yi would not know who was right and who was wrong. "


If a monarch has betrayed his relatives to this extent, no matter right or wrong, he will definitely be unable to rule anymore.

The last king who reached this level was called King Zhou of Shang, and no one from slaves, people, army, nobles, and Shang royal family opposed him.

No one knows what Zhou will be like, but they don't want to stay under King Zhou's command, so they welcome the king's teacher one after another. This kind of spectacle is really rare.

Although the result after welcoming Master Wang was not very good, so they rebelled one after another. This was originally the most difficult plot for the player in the early stage, but when he met Ji Zhao, a player who cheated on RMB, he was solved by three times, five divisions and two divisions.

Looking at this scene, Ji Zhao realized that Jia Yi would propose to establish a long-term mechanism of enfeoffment. Regardless of whether this method could be implemented, Ji Zhao was baffled by this change.

It's as if he was walking in the long river of history, stirring casually, and then causing the tributary of the world to meander. Maybe that drop of water is a certain person's life, which allows Ji Zhao to truly feel a sense of the world. You can feel his changes in the future.

After listening to Jia Yi's thoughts, Luo Xin smiled and said, "Your idea is very unconstrained, and it has never been proposed by anyone in this world.

No one knows how effective these policies of yours are, and even I cannot give you the answer.

Only through practice can it be proved right or wrong, which is the first understanding of those in power.

But today I am still very satisfied with you. If these two memorials are submitted separately, you are still a talent, but my evaluation of you will drop a lot.

If you can realize the harm that princes and kings do to the world today, you have already surpassed many people.

You didn't beat all the princes and kings to death with a stick. This is what I admire most about you. From tomorrow onwards, you will enter Shouguanghou's command as a doctor and follow him to handle government affairs first. "

Upon hearing this, Jia Yi directly bowed down and said, "Thank you, Prime Minister, for your kindness."

Although what Luo Xin gave Jia Yi was not a high-ranking official, it was just a role similar to that of a consultant and secretary under Luo Chen's command.

But according to the principle that the closer to the center of power, the greater the power.

To be able to become an advisor to a powerful figure like Luo Chen who has just stepped into an official career is a rhythm that must be reused.

Luo Chen was Jia Yi's sponsor, and now he was working under his command.

As long as Luochen deliberately cultivates Jia Yi, it will be very easy to make achievements.

At that time, Luo Xin will be able to directly mention Jia Yi to the palace as a close minister, and his status will change drastically in an instant.

Luo Chen took Jia Yi and left here. Looking at the backs of the two of them leaving, Luo Xin knew that as Liu Heng grew up, it was time for him to prepare a new ruling team for Liu Heng.

Among the old ministers now, only some mature and prudent people are left.

After the other Chehous and others established the princes and eliminated the resistance of the princes and kings, it was time for them to return to their respective fiefs.

"I don't know how many years I can live?"

How many unfinished great undertakings in this world have been turned around because of the sudden death of the hero, and even achieved another person's reputation.

It's just too much!

Luo Xin feels that he is in good health, but the illness comes like a mountain, who can say for sure?


In our country where ancestor worship is deeply rooted, whether it is ancient or modern, the relationship between people in the clan is the most important thing, and even industrial civilization cannot completely break this connection.

If the author were to describe this kind of relationship, then each of us is a center of a circle, and we share power and wealth around the center according to the distance of kinship.

Everything in ancient times, whether it is a small family or a dynasty’s political power, is based on this circle. It is so clear that everyone knows where they are, what they have to pay, and what they should get. .

Most people are in the position of dependents in this system. "One person attains the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven" is the best description of this system.

In the face of modern industrial civilization, this distribution system has largely been broken up. This phenomenon cannot be said to be good or bad. It can only show that the survival soil of ancient dynasties and modern countries has undergone qualitative changes. ——"Analysis of the Operation of the Ancient Dynasty System"

(End of this chapter)

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