Chapter 316 Ritual is the sharpest knife
Changle Palace.

Liu Heng's eyes sparkled, and he looked at Luo Xin with admiration: "Uncle, are you the most powerful person in the Han Dynasty? At the banquet yesterday, all the ministers listened to you."

Hearing Liu Heng Wuji's childish words, Luo Xin smiled and said, "Your Majesty, the courtiers don't listen to your ministers, they listen to your majesty."

Liu Heng tilted his head when he heard the words and said strangely: "Uncle, Heng'er doesn't understand."

Luo Xin patted Liu Heng's head, and said softly: "The minister is the regent, what is the regent?
This world was originally ruled by Emperor Renzong Xiaohui, but when your father died, the master of this world became you, but you are still young, Emperor Xiaohui asked his ministers to manage this world for you, this is regent.

Therefore, the courtiers are not listening to the ministers, but to the words of your majesty.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand now, when you understand, you will be the real emperor. As long as you study the governance of the country and classics, you will definitely become a sage king praised by everyone in the world. "

When Liu Heng heard the words, he immediately felt that he was very powerful, and said with high spirits: "Uncle, the emperor asked you to manage the world for Heng'er, not other ministers. It must be because you are very good. You must teach Heng'er everything. Heng'er can also imagine You do."

Luo Xin laughed loudly: "Okay, today I will talk about "Zhou Li" for His Majesty."

"Zhou Li?"

Liu Heng said suspiciously: "Several other Confucian gentlemen have taught this course, and it is full of rules and regulations, which is very boring."

Luo Xin said with a smile: "Yes, pure Zhou Li is indeed very boring, but do you want to know the story behind Zhou Li?

These stories are only known by the Luo family, and they are not found even in the records of various schools of thought in this world. "

"the story behind?"

There was a look of reminiscence on Luo Xin's face. His memory seemed to have returned to the time when he was studying family history. It has been too long.

The family history of the Luo family is too long, especially the history of the Luo family in the early stage is almost the history of Bangzhou. The countless characters and events made it very difficult for the younger generations like Luo Xin to learn.

Fortunately, there are no such stupid people in Luoshi, at least there is no major problem in terms of memory, otherwise it is estimated that they would not even be able to remember the names of their ancestors.

"Zhou Li was established by Su Wang alone, but it is not so simple to implement every one of them. If you look at the rituals and music, 'the emperor, the princes, the ministers, the officials, the scholars, must not exceed the rules. '.

This sentence seems very plain, but there are no less than ten princes who died on this one. "

Liu Heng was so startled that he almost jumped up. He never expected that there was such a bloody incident behind these words, but instead of the slightest fear, he asked with interest: "Uncle, tell me quickly, Heng'er is very curious. .”

Luo Xin told Liu Heng this paragraph of course for a purpose. He wanted Liu Heng to understand the logic of political operations. These are things that Baijia would not teach Liu Heng. It can be said to be the art of emperors.

Zhou Li has long been completely abandoned in the chaotic times of hundreds of years of rites and music, and Zhou Li's set is in line with the enfeoffment system and cannot be fully applied to the current Han Dynasty.

But is Li Le useless?
of course not!

The essence of ritual and music does not lie in the superficial hierarchy. After all, he is a traveler. Although he is not as diligent as his descendants in serving the world, he is an advanced young man after all.

Although the system of rites and music created by Ji Zhao is equally clear from top to bottom, it also sets corresponding responsibilities for the emperor, princes, ministers, and officials at all levels.

The Son of Heaven is supreme, but his constraints are also supreme.

The essence of this system of rites and music is to give a person a social identity and build a set of social systems that can accommodate all people in the world. At the same time, it is a set of distribution systems.

What's even more wonderful is that there is only one way to really break this system, and that is the improvement of productivity. The improvement of productivity will destroy the original production method, and the new production method will in turn affect the improvement of productivity.

In society, it means breaking the enfeoffment system and entering a new political system, causing a series of drastic changes in the superstructure.

In the early Spring and Autumn Period, on the surface, it seemed that rituals and music had collapsed, but in fact, it was just the result of the entire order getting out of control simply because Zhou Tianzi was often weak. The country's new ritual and music system was established again.

In other words, this system will fail only when Zhuxia develops to the point where the original enfeoffment system is no longer needed.

For example, when Qin Shihuang unified the six kingdoms, the population of Zhuxia had already reached tens of millions, and within the visible range, almost everywhere was the land of Zhuxia, and the speed of travel between various regions was greatly accelerated. world.

But at this time, the most terrifying part of the ritual and music system came. When the ritual and music system was broken and entered a new era, the smartest people would find that what was broken was only the extremely strict ritual system.

This system has penetrated deep into the bone marrow and the blood of the entire civilization. No matter how the system is formulated, it cannot escape this circle.

The new system still needs to establish an identity for everyone in the world. Among these identities, there are merchants, farmers, craftsmen, tyrants, and nobles.

The proportion of these must be determined according to the etiquette system, and the matching benefits must be allocated to these identities. If a dynasty fails to do so, any class will make this dynasty chaotic. If most people are not satisfied, then It is dying.

As early as 1000 years ago, in the era of Lord Luowen, Luosu tried some radical reforms and achieved great success, but also encountered great failures. Those reforms that really touched the fundamentals failed.

Of course, Luosu summed up the reasons and finally silenced him.

Because no matter how strong he is, he is not a god, he is the biggest nobleman in the Zhou Dynasty besides the emperor.

All his allies are great nobles, all great slave masters, and all he promotes become new great nobles, new great slave masters.

This is his basic plan, and this is also Bang Zhou's basic plan, so even if his reform temporarily hurt the interests of some nobles and slave owners, in the long run, it must be to maintain this noble slave owner system. success.

Even Wen Gong, who is the most talented man, can't change this iron law. From then on, the Rock family has understood one thing. It is not a good thing to advance too far in thinking, and it is best for everyone to make further progress. , if you want to connect the hundred feet directly at the end of the hundred feet, it will just be broken directly.

The family can bully everyone once, twice, but eventually the accumulated anger and resentment will burn the family to ashes.

So Rockwell chose another path.

Luo Xin vividly told Liu Heng the scene of the feudal lords being slaughtered. Naturally, he ignored the blood, but told the story so funny that Liu Heng could even laugh, but when Liu Heng grows up, if I can still recall it, I am afraid I will think about it carefully.

This is Luo Xin's way of education. Through subtle ways, his words and deeds will affect Liu Heng. When Liu Heng grows up, whenever he does something, he will think of what he once said to him, and he will remember what he said. How did I do it myself.

Especially this person is his idol, the spiritual pillar of his youth, he will unconsciously follow Luo Xin's footsteps.

Of course, if you want to achieve this ending, Luo Xin himself must stand upright. When Liu Heng grows up in the future, he sees the warmth and coldness of people, and sees the cruel reality. If he is not disillusioned, he will cheer up even more. It turns out that my uncle didn't lie to me back then.

The story came to an end. When it was time for Liu Heng to exercise, all of Liu Heng's education was arranged by Luo Xin, not as cruel as Luo's son. After all, Liu Heng did not have the blessing of his ancestors, and Luo Xin was worried about accidents.

"Uncle, what are we doing today?"

Liu Heng bouncingly asked, Luo Xin took Liu Heng's little hand and walked out of Changle Palace. On the wide square, the figures of the two were stretched very long under the sunlight.

Count nine cold winter, three volts summer heat.

Three years passed like this.


In the previous article, the author described the continuity of ancient Chinese culture. This chapter discusses the continuity of political system. In ancient Chinese historical records, there were three dynasties of Xia, Shang, and Zhou.

Some people try to prove that the more ancient dynasties are orthodox, the more ancient mythological figures are orthodox, and the Shang and Zhou dynasties are the latecomers. It is simply ridiculous that the Germanic descendants do not hesitate to call themselves Rome, and then denounce their ancestors for invading Rome.

Undoubtedly, after the millennium rule of the Zhou Dynasty, Xia and Shang had almost no influence on later generations, while the Zhou Dynasty was the source of Chinese culture in all aspects, not only the existence of the Supreme God, but the most important thing was the cultural system. Influence.

As we all know, every advance or retreat of productive forces will lead to changes in the social system. This is because the economic base determines the principles of the superstructure. This kind of change is usually drastic and cruel. change.

This was not the case in ancient China. It is true that the changes in ancient Chinese dynasties were far more dramatic than those in Western countries, but the new dynasties were always able to choose a more appropriate political system according to the economic situation very quickly. In a short period of time, it is unreasonable to be able to propose high-level system construction every time.

But the author has found the source of all of them, that is the ritual and music system, which is a universal system that can adapt to any economic base. The contradictions in society are suddenly cleared up.

Next, please let the author describe in detail how this system worked in the Han Dynasty——"History of the Rise and Fall of the Han Dynasty"

(End of this chapter)

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