Chapter 312 Chang'an
The city of Chang'an is becoming more and more prosperous. There are many rivers, gurgling water bypassing the mountains, and then converging to Chang'an. In addition to the Wei River, there are other tributaries, like jade belts. These rivers irrigate this beautiful plain. Guanzhong Millions of people farmed in turn.

"Eight waters surround Chang'an, the foundation of the emperor of all ages!"

Luo Xin sighed, looking at the scene in front of him, he felt very comfortable. His temples were slightly white, and the flesh on his face was drooping slightly, but his temperament was still so straight, his waist was always straight, and the wind blew past him. The robes looked even a little old.

It is indeed rather old. This official uniform was given by Lu Zhi back then. He is a nostalgic person, and he is still the prime minister after so many years, so he did not change it.

"Your Majesty, this place of water and soil is the great man, the eternal foundation of Zhu Xia.

As long as these rivers are still there, as long as the plains in Guanzhong are still there, millions of subjects can be raised here, and with these millions of people, Zhu Xia will be able to prosper forever.

The verdant forests on the high mountains must be protected, and the rivers surrounding Chang'an must be dredged in time. When I return, I will promulgate the "Lin Law", hoping that future emperors will abide by it. "

Liu Heng was by his side. Compared to when he just succeeded to the throne two years ago, he had grown a little taller, but he still looked like a child. He nodded upon hearing this.

Then he looked at the farmland in the distance, with curiosity on his face, and asked, "Uncle, what are you bringing Heng'er here for? Is it to farm? As you said, the ancient sage kings would farm the land by themselves, and everyone in the world Agriculture is the foundation."

Luo Xin smiled, squatted down, pointed to the farmers in the distance, and then pointed to the green mountains in the distance and said: "Your Majesty, you are too young to stand it. When you grow up, I will take you you come.

You said that you want to be a benevolent emperor, so you should take a good look at these.

Look at that farmer, he works hard every day, pays taxes to the big man, and then uses the remaining rations to feed his family. If there is more left over, he can take it to the market to sell some money, and then go home in exchange for something.

In the Han Dynasty, there were tens of thousands of these peasants, and it was these people that allowed you to live in a luxurious palace, and you had the silk and satin on your body, so that you could sit safely on the seat of the Emperor of the Han Dynasty.

Is there in this world a palace whose foundation is not stable but whose foundation is strong?
Is there a towering giant tree with rotten roots but standing in the wind and rain in this world?

Is there any tyranny in this world that the people do not support but cannot be overthrown?

Don't let these people live.

The consumption of three meals a day by emperors, nobles, officials, and tycoons may be the wealth of these people for a month.

If they are safe, your throne will be safe. If they can't survive, the big man will be like the Qin Dynasty, fighting everywhere and rising, just like the Qin Dynasty royal family, there is no place to die.

This is the way of the world!

Changing this world is what the sages have taught us.

The family where I belonged has been tirelessly improving farm tools, cultivating better seeds, and finding ways to make the land more fertile, but there has been no qualitative change yet.

If you have the talent, let these people live well, give them hope, let them understand that nothing in this world is predestined.

The investigation, the investigation, not only must be selected from the clan and noble relatives, but also there are virtuous ministers among the people, which should not be underestimated.

This is what I expect from you. "

Luo Xin has high expectations for Liu Heng, because after two years of contact, Liu Heng is a very smart child, and his talent far surpasses Liu Ying.

Liu Heng's little head was a little dizzy, Luo Xin smiled helplessly, "When you grow up, I will bring you here again."

Luo's sons will learn how to farm, and Luo Xin wants Liu Heng to learn too. Only by empathizing can change a person from the heart.

Even Luo Xin didn't expect Liu Heng to be so young, but he kept everything he said in his heart. After the group boarded the carriage, Liu Heng took one last look at the hardworking farmer.

A seed fell in his heart at this moment.

The huge convoy left here, the wind blew again, and the shadows of farmers were everywhere in the farmland.


In the golden autumn season, the sky is high and the sky is clear and cloudless, with a few wisps of breeze blowing by, bringing bursts of refreshment, especially in the imperial palace, where the palace walls are extremely high and continuous, not when the sky hangs high at noon and the night hangs high , I don’t see the sun and the moon.

Chang'an City was built under the supervision of Luo Yi, and this huge palace complex was also built by Luo Yi. Adhering to the idea that it is not magnificent to show the imperial power, Luo Yi left a lot of blank spaces.

With the gradual recovery over the years, and with the intention of weakening Shandong's tyrants, these people are often asked to contribute money and effort to build the palace.

It can be regarded as a powerful harvesting system that matches the mausoleum system.

However, after Lu's pheasant died, Liu Ying stopped the construction and maintenance of these palaces, because he believed that this was a waste of national power after all. Even the mighty power, as long as it is directed to the right place, can also contribute to the great man.

Luoxin is noncommittal about this idea. No policy is always right, and you always need to try.

When Liu Bang was alive, Luo was also a frequent visitor to the palace, but with the regent of Lu Zhi, only Luo Xin was left as the foreign minister who often came and went here.

Especially before Liu Ying got married, he came in and out of Changle Palace and Weiyang Palace at will.

It has been more than 20 years now.

Luo Xin is more familiar with this place than Emperor Liu Heng and Queen Mother Zhang Yan.

Teams of maids and eunuchs came and went quietly. As the Chang'an Palace was built for longer and longer, the palace was gradually contaminated with turbidity.

Especially the owner of this imperial palace is a child, the real owner of the Han Empire, the prime minister who is the regent, cannot live in the harem, so many intrigues are growing in the dark.

Weiyang Palace.

This place used to be the political center of the world in the time of Empress Dowager Lu, but of course Zhang Yan does not have such power now. Luo Xin, who works in Changle Palace, is the most powerful person in the world.

However, because the emperor does not live in Changle Palace, but in Weiyang Palace, compared with the coldness and loneliness of Changle Palace, Weiyang Palace is a grand scene.

Even if the Han court practiced frugality from top to bottom, no matter how frugal a man believed in governing the world with filial piety, it would not make the empress dowager live poorly.

Therefore, the Empress Dowager's bedroom is always illuminated by colorful candles, and the light in the palace is extremely bright, without the feeling of darkness in the ordinary palace at all.

The palace people are like butterflies walking among the flowers, they come and go frequently, but they don't make the slightest sound. Although the thin clothes are wide, they only sway slightly. The breeze was never felt either.

Zhang Yan was dressing in the mirror under the attendant of the palace servants. Looking at her beautiful face in the mirror, she sighed slightly. She was in her prime of life, but she was trapped in the palace every day.

Seeing this, the maidservant said softly: "Queen Mother, the Hou Mansion sent a letter in yesterday, saying that there is no rush, and let the maidservant deliver it to you this morning."

The Junhou is naturally the Liuhou Zhang Buyi, although Zhang Yan did not get the power of regent, and the Zhang family is not as powerful as the Lu family.

But as the current emperor's kinsman, Zhang's status is still extraordinary, and he has become the most honorable person outside the Luo family among the founding heroes.

After all, the situation in the world is very clear now, and the prime minister is very powerful, but his age is still there. Luo Xin's child is still young, so it is impossible to take over the position of prime minister.

The remaining sons of the Luo family are all in Zhaocheng, including the sons of Marquis Ying, who have basically never been to Chang'an, and it is not known whether they will become officials.

Although His Majesty in the palace is still young, but as the saying goes: Three years old are considered adults, and seven years old are regarded as old. Judging from the present, His Majesty is a benevolent monarch like Emperor Xiaohui.

Then when the great prime minister passed away, wouldn't the Zhang family still hold the power?

This is the thinking of many people. Even Luo Xin thinks this idea is okay, but according to historical experience, usually people who think this way will end up overturning.

The Zhang family was the top nobleman in South Korea in the past. In terms of status alone, it is more noble than the Lu family who was only a branch of the Duke of Qi. In the current Han Dynasty, it is second only to the Luo family.

But except for the Luo family, family background and blood have never been related. There are countless descendants of Bangzhou nobles in this world. destroyed.

Except for the Fifth Prime Minister Han who can be used as a show off, the Zhang family is no different from other Chehou families.

Someone from the palace whispered in, "Queen Mother, the Prime Minister has arrived at Changle Palace, and sent someone to pick up His Majesty to teach."

Zhang Yan quickly said: "Send the letter from brother, and send Heng'er to Da Cheng to get along with each other. Don't delay Heng'er."

Luo Xinduan was sitting in a dedicated office space in Changle Palace, silently handling government affairs, "Prime Minister, Your Majesty has arrived."

Luo Wenyan put down the business in hand, turned around and entered another side hall, where Liu Heng was sitting quietly.

His small face is very immature, he has inherited the advantages of his parents, he has a handsome appearance, red lips, white teeth, and bright eyes, even if he was born in an ordinary family, he would be a lovable child.

A smile appeared in Luo Xin's eyes, probably every teacher likes smart students.

What does a regent who doesn't want to rebel need to do?

Many people think that it is enough to be in charge of state affairs, which is actually too biased.

Whether the regency wants to keep the government alive or keep his posthumous name, the most important thing is the relationship with the emperor.

Ji Zhao, Luo Su, and Luo Cheng all paid great attention to this point. The image of a strict father is absolutely unacceptable. Men are naturally repelled by other men. If they add a strict image on top of this, they will definitely have a rebellious mentality. considered a threat.

In particular, the regent is completely different from ordinary emperor teachers. The regent can really threaten the emperor, so what the emperor feels is not for his own good, but the sharpness of the sword.

When teaching the emperor, we must pay attention to the method and method.

With these in mind, Luo Xin walked into the hall, and Liu Heng said sharply, "Uncle is well."

(End of this chapter)

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