Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 309 Bearing the Emperor on His Back, Chief Regent

Chapter 309 Bearing the Emperor on His Back, Chief Regent

Luo Xin's words hit Zhang Yan's ears like a thunderbolt, and she was dazzled for a while. Even if she didn't like to participate in politics, she was born in the Liuhou family after all, and she understood the political metaphor of "bearing the king".

Among the Tuogu, the most senior one is Su Wang, who bears the king's back, completely acts on behalf of the king, and pretends to be the regent of the emperor.

Zhang Yan had already guessed that if something unexpected happened to the emperor, he would definitely let Prime Minister Luo Xin assist Liu Heng, just like Empress Gao asked Luo Xin to assist Liu Ying.

But she never expected that Liu Ying would directly make Luo Xin the regent.

Who is Your Majesty guarding against?

Liu Ying had a lot of considerations. He remembered that his mother had been in power for more than ten years. Although her mother had done a good job, he did not have the talent to be an emperor.

But he didn't want his son to go through this too, especially since Zhang Yan was so young, and in the name of the Queen Mother, Liu Heng would be unhappy all his life.

Then before Liu Heng became an adult, he had to choose a good guardian, and he had to get the name of regent directly, so as to block Zhang Yan's regent.

Liu Ying didn't hate Zhang Yan, on the contrary, he liked Zhang Yan very much.

But he knew that Zhang Yan was the same person as him, unlike his mother, who had the talent to be an emperor, Zhang Yan's regent was not a good thing for the court, Liu Heng, or the world.

Luo Xin is the only person he trusts to this extent in this world, so he wants to hand over this matter to Luo Xin.

Knowing that Luo Xin could not lie about this kind of matter, Zhang Yan said dryly, "Then I will trouble the Prime Minister."

After speaking, he turned around and pulled Liu Heng out. A child of his age has not even fully developed his memory function, and many things will be forgotten after he grows up.

But it doesn't prevent Liu Heng from feeling that the man in front of him is very tall.

This is not an illusion. Luo Xin is a fierce general who can save people in the midst of thousands of troops. He is nearly 1.9 meters tall. Although he has not grown as strong as before, he is still a muscular man.

Luo Xin carried Liu Heng's small body on his back, as if it was some kind of ceremony. Everyone, including Zhang Yan, followed behind Luo Xin, walking towards the palace step by step. Looking down from the sky, he saw a A long string of people.

The guards guarding both sides of the steps knelt down on one knee, the distance was very short, but Luo Xin felt that he had walked a long way, because he was not walking the road in reality, but walking towards the peak of power, towards history pinnacle of fame.


It's hard to come by, Luoxin has gone through so many, countless chances and coincidences to get to where he is today, even Luo Wengong and Luo Xuangong don't have such luck.

Luo Xin's thoughts seemed to travel through time. He seemed to feel the approving gaze of King Su. Following his steps into the hall, all the officials looked at him curiously, and then saw Liu Heng on his back. .


Deathly quiet!

The whole world seemed to have been pressed to the stillness button, and everything was so quiet in the vast hall that even the sound of breathing could not be heard, and everyone held their breath.

Everyone was really shocked, what is this, crunching and turning to look at Liu Ying on the throne.

How dare you, emperor?

When Su Wang was regent, it was because Wu Wang was going to pass the throne to Su Wang, but Su Wang refused for the sake of the state and the patriarchal lineage. His regent was to get the power he should have, and finally returned to the king .

Wengong and Xuangong were due to a coincidence, and the patriarchal clan was stable, and they were originally Da Zongzheng, the first branch of the Ji surname under Zhou Tianzi, so they were able to be regents.

Of course, the Luo family has always been a loyal minister, and he has done his best in the three regents.

But now you let the prime minister regent?
You are not Zhou Tianzi!
You don't even have the same surname, do you really think of him as your real father?
Some people were even so confused that they wondered whether Liu Ying was Lu Zhi and Luo Xin's child.

Of course, this must be nonsense. Before Liu Bang left Pei County, Liu Ying was born.

The main reason is that what Liu Ying did was too outrageous. It is normal for the auxiliary government to be set up like this, but how dare the regent do it?
Ignoring the shocked expressions of everyone in the hall, Liu Ying watched Luo Xin carry Liu Heng back to her side step by step with a smile on her face, then put Liu Heng down, and said softly, "Father Xiang, thank you for your hard work."

Then he turned around and said loudly to the ministers: "King Su carried King Kang on his back and established the Huanghuang State Zhou. Su Wang is the collection of all virtues in the world.

Later, there were two regents, Luo Wengong and Luo Xuangong, but they were hindered in the end.

All the ministers have seen it just now, and I will not hide it. I am not in good health. I am afraid that I will go to the Nine Heavens to meet my father and mother.

But this big man world, I really can't let it go, Heng'er is still a child, he can't bear this heavy world, after thinking about it, only the great prime minister, Dong Ahou Luoxin.

The descendant of Su Wang, with noble conduct, gentle and martial, since the death of Empress Gao, he has devoted all his energy and effort to assisting me, even ignoring his own body.

I have not only the grace of saving my life, but also the grace of teaching me.

How many such loyal ministers can there be in the history books?
If such a courtier who devotes himself to the king's affairs cannot be reused or trusted, will the world be safe?
I thought that only when the crown prince was handed over to Dong Ahou, the great Han would be stable.

The posthumous edict, after the collapse of Zhen, the regent of Dong Ahou Luoxin acted as the emperor, and the princes and princes of counties and counties all know it. "

When these words came out of Liu Ying's mouth, everyone was shocked to the point of numbness, unable to speak.

Naturally, some people want to object. Luo Xin has been the prime minister for 20 years, and now he is still in power, which makes many people intolerable.

But for what reason?

I really can't find a reason. If it is someone else, it can also be said to endanger the country.

But this is the son of the Luo family, so to say that is to insult their family's reputation, it would be strange if they didn't work hard, how powerful the Luo family is, who would go to idle and have nothing to do to provoke them?
Not to mention that there is a living god sitting in Zhaocheng, so you have to weigh it carefully before speaking.

Thinking about it this way made me even more aggrieved.

Slander against loyal ministers tried and tested, framing rebellion can't be used, so what's the use of political struggle?
Just when some people were quite uncomfortable and helpless, Liu Ying asked loudly again: "Did you all hear clearly?"

All the ministers bowed down one after another and said in unison: "I obey, Your Majesty!"

There was no slight change in Luo Xin's face, he was still so calm, as if the honor status and power of regent could not make the slightest disturbance in his heart.

With pride and joy in their eyes, Luo Yi and Luo Chen slowly followed the officials and left the palace.

A grand court meeting ended in the eyes of everyone.

Liu Ying's will is far greater than the impact caused by his fainting before, because what was caused before was panic, a kind of panic of not knowing the future, but what is caused now is a shock, a shock to the already determined future.

Countless envoys headed for the four directions, all of them were the princes and kings and various dignitaries who stayed in Chang'an, so of course such important news must be notified to their masters.

Luo Xin took Liu Ying, Queen Zhang Yan, and Liu Heng, who had just become the Crown Prince, to Changle Palace.

Liu Ying looked at Zhang Yan who was crying into tears, sighed softly and said to Luo Xin: "Father, the queen doesn't understand politics, and in this complicated world, I am worried that she will be used by others.

If I really collapse, the orphan and widow will be taken care of by you, just like you used to take care of my mother and me. "

Luo Xin finally said: "Your Majesty, all the ministers you want will be fulfilled for you one by one. The most important thing for you now is to take care of your health."

Liu Ying said with a smile: "Although my father doesn't like me, I always think he is really a hero. Before he died, he could drive away all the imperial doctors with a smile, saying that life and death are determined by heaven. .

At this moment, I feel that what my father said is really right. How can life and death be controlled by humans?
I don't have the talent to be an emperor. It is because of the support of my mother and all the ministers that I was able to ascend to the ninety-five position of the world's most respected. And because of the talents of you and my mother, I have not caused any trouble these years.

Mother and Queen Bintian, I became the true emperor of the Han Dynasty, but now the heavens are about to take away my life span.

Isn't this fate? "

There may really be some barrier between life and death. When death is approaching, people will always feel the greatness of fate.

Luo Xin wanted to do something to comfort Liu Ying, but saw him slowly closing his eyes, his face was all pale.

Suddenly startled, with a little trembling gently stretched out his hand.

Liu Ying's pulse became weaker and weaker, and Luo Xin's heart was filled with chills. He watched Liu Ying grow up, but he didn't expect a white-haired man to give a black-haired man.

Even with his extremely strong mind, it was a bit difficult to accept.

Zhang Yan also noticed this, and after a scream, she quickly covered her mouth, and big tears fell down.

There was a burst of panic in the hall immediately, and then under Luo Xin's command, they quickly began to deal with related matters.

Of course, there is a complete procedure for the emperor's death, Luo Xin doesn't need to worry about it, just leave it to Luo Chen.

Liu Ying, really can't wake up again.

The second emperor of the Han Dynasty.



Filial piety and benevolence, kindness and love for the people, loved by relatives, admired by officials, and remembered by the common people. In 20 years, the world has been peaceful, the government is smooth and the people are harmonious, and the world is in great order.

Dong'a said: "Since ancient times, there have been sage kings, and then there have been wise ministers. The ancestor Wen Gong Tian Zong, who could not be used by the fierce king, summoned the (Zhao) king to use him, and great things were achieved.

Emperor Xiaohui is talented and knowledgeable, and entrusted me with the important task of regent, so he has meritorious deeds, isn't he a holy king? "

The ancient sage kings said that the holy emperor will rule the world by bowing down, and the past cannot be followed up. Today, filial piety and benefit to the government can be said to be governing by bowing down. ——"Hanshu·Xiaohui Benji"

(End of this chapter)

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