Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 290 Is It Okay To Arrange The Emperor's Marriage?

Chapter 290 Is It Okay To Arrange The Emperor's Marriage?

Luo Xin knew that he could no longer stay in Lingnan, and the messengers from Chang'an City came one after another despite the distance of tens of thousands of miles.

He also missed Chang'an a little bit.


Chang'an City.

In the past two years, everything has been running step by step. Han Ting adheres to the attitude of not interfering if it can, reducing corvee as much as possible, and allowing self-cultivating farmers to resume production. Qi State is the most important.

The nobles who were massacred by Lu Cheng at the beginning were all big clans. Lu Cheng did not stop doing anything, and directly used knives to force these people to migrate to Guanzhong to guard the mausoleum of the late emperor.

Lu Pheasant and Lu Cheng cooperated quite tacitly. Waves of Qidi tyrants came to Guanzhong, where they were unfamiliar, and were then beaten to the bone by the group of heroes.

The Luo people were also migrating to Guanzhong. With the fall of the Luo Kingdom, these people scattered to the surrounding counties. Now Lu Zhi is vigorously attracting Guanzhong, and he also asks the past counties to cooperate with this matter. To promote this matter, many Luo people went to Guanzhong with their families.

With the current capacity of the Han court, this migration may even last for ten years, but the continuous flow of people into Guanzhong has enriched the overdrawn Guanzhong.

These people merged with the Qin people, and Han Ting finally had its own basic board, a real foundation, and it was no longer the vain concept before.

Luo Xin returned to Chang'an City very quietly, and basically did not inform anyone, only the closest people knew of his return.

"Your Majesty, shall we go directly back to the mansion?"

"Well, go back and change your clothes, wash up and go to the palace to see the empress dowager."


In the Weiyang Palace.

Lu Zhi, Liu Ying, and Liu Le were sitting upright, but they were obviously a little restless and anxious, until the servant brought Luo Xin in, the three suddenly became excited.

Lu Zhi said happily: "Dong Ahou, you are finally back."

Liu Le also cheered and said: "Brother."

Luo Xin bowed and said: "I pay my respects to Your Majesty the Regent Empress Dowager, Your Majesty the Emperor, Your Majesty Wan'an, and Your Highness the Eldest Princess Wan'an."

When Lu Zhi saw it, he immediately said: "Lu Yuan, you go down first, Dong'a Hou has a state report."

Lu Yuan was a little unhappy when he heard the words, but he was still ready to get up and leave.

Luo Xin looked at Liu Le, who had completely transformed into a fair lady, and Liu Ying, who was gradually becoming an adult, and said loudly: "Queen Mother, Your Royal Highness, the eldest princess, has been with Ji for a long time. It's time to choose a husband-in-law for her, Your Majesty." It's time for the draft."

Liu Le and Liu Ying didn't expect this to be the first thing Luo Xin did when he came back. Of course, Lu Zhi had thought about these things, but he was still hesitating.

Liu Ying didn't care, he had known for a long time that his mother would definitely arrange his marriage.

But Liu Le's reaction was very strong. Her eyes filled with tears almost instantly, and she said pitifully, "Mother, brother, Ah Le doesn't want to marry."

Lu Zhi felt a little headache when she heard the words, how could she not see her daughter's careful thoughts, she could only sigh slightly: "In that case, let's not talk about your marriage for now.

However, the emperor's marriage really needs to be put on the agenda as soon as possible. The emperor does not have a son, which is a big problem. "

Liu Le cheered.

Luo Xin looked at Liu Ying and said, "Your Majesty, over the years, the late Emperor and the Empress Dowager held banquets in the palace, and many noble ladies came here. Do you like any of them?"

Liu Ying's eyes lit up.

Lu Zhi said unhappily: "Hou Dong, the emperor is the father of the emperor, and the empress is the mother of the country. Of course, the choice of empress is to choose one who has good moral character and can help the emperor. Can it be done according to the emperor's temperament?"

The light that had just lit up in Liu Ying's eyes went out again.

Seeing this, Luo Xin gave Liu Ying a look, and then said: "Queen Mother, although what you said makes sense, it is too biased. Of course, a queen needs to have good moral character, but appearance and talent are indispensable. The key is His Majesty wants to like it.

If His Majesty doesn't like it, he won't touch it, and if the Queen can't give birth to a prince, the world will not be stable, and His Majesty is a benevolent monarch. If the Queen mourns herself in the harem, won't Her Majesty feel guilty?

The minister thought that this was not beneficial to His Majesty.

On the premise of ensuring good moral character and peerless appearance, it is still necessary to choose someone that His Majesty likes. After all, this is a lifelong partner, so be careful. "

Seeing that Luo Xin insisted, and what he said was reasonable, Lu Zhi could only say helplessly: "Even so, the candidates still have to go through my review, which is a major matter related to the foundation of the country.

First, Dong Ahou will preliminarily select a group of people, and then I will choose from them. "

Liu Ying's eyes lit up completely, and she looked at Luo Xin's tall figure full of gratitude. It was really not easy for him to live under the wings of a powerful mother like Lu Zhi.

Fortunately, Luo Xin was able to cover him for a while, and often persuaded Lu Zhi, otherwise Liu Ying would have psychological problems.

After this episode, both Liu Ying and Liu Le left Weiyang Palace. After there were no outsiders, Lu Zhi said helplessly: "Young master, the empress is a big matter, which concerns the people of the country. If it is the emperor's temper, isn't this Irresponsible behavior?"

Luo Xin sat upright and said, "Ema, you are the emperor's mother, but you don't understand him like I do.

There are countless leaves on a tree, but none of them are the same. There are countless people in this world, but none of them can be completely mastered.

People's hearts are extremely complicated and unpredictable.

The emperor is a man who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. He may not dare to directly oppose your arrangement, but he will oppose it in action.

And he will not change his behavior because of fear, this is the strong side of his heart.

You are not only the empress dowager, but also his mother, don't go this far with the emperor, he is still a child, I am very worried about the relationship between your mother and son.

Don't worry, I will definitely choose a queen for the emperor, which can meet your requirements and make the emperor like it. It is good to guide some things, but it is not good to insist on doing it forcefully.

He is still so young, and you have no other sons. "

Luo Xin stood between the mother and the child to persuade Lu Zhi, and he persuaded her until he said the last two sentences lightly.

Lu Zhi's expression froze, and there were too many meanings in it.

The relationship between the regent and the monarch is very complicated. If one is not careful, there will be countless quarrels between mother and son, and even the mother clan will be liquidated in the end.

Lu Zhi nodded slowly and said: "My lord, you are right. I was really anxious before I became a concubine. I only wanted to use the emperor's marriage to adjust the current situation in the world, but ignored the emperor's own thoughts. I want to correct it."

Seeing that Lu Zhi listened to it, Luo Xin said with a smile: "E Mang, I can say that I have gained a lot from going to Lingnan this time. It is a treasure land, but if I want to develop it to the level of the Central Plains, I need at least a few years." A hundred years later.

The barbarians there have adapted to the environment due to long-term living, and can undertake large-scale labor. Afterwards, they must spread the advanced technology and culture of the Central Plains to Lingnan. This is the most important thing besides recuperation.

However, the population in Lingnan is still insufficient. The barbarians rioted a few days ago. When I quelled the chaos, there were slightly more casualties, and I needed to relocate the population to Lingnan. "

Lu Zhi frowned and said: "According to the current statistics of the number of households in the world, not only Guanzhong, but also the number of households in all countries is insufficient.

There is not enough population in the Central Plains, how can they be moved to Lingnan? "

Luo Xin's eyes flashed brightly, and he said softly: "Chen, no one would want to go to normal migration, and Lingnan can only be used as a place of exile now.

As for how to go into exile, that's up to us. In such a huge country with tens of millions of people, there are always people who break the law.

Moreover, there must be a lot of those powerful and powerful nobles who violated the law. Just by moving these people there, small cities can be established. "

Lu Zhi suddenly said: "You mean to follow the old practice of having different surnames?"

Luo Xin nodded and said with a smile: "Exactly, this trip to Lingnan saw the descendants of King Huainan and King Yan in the past. They lived well. They have swords, armor and skills, and they can even enslave the surrounding barbarians. In a few years, There should be some people who can accumulate credit and come back."

The group of Huainan King and the descendants of King Yan was truly pioneering. Compared with those who brought a large number of soldiers, they were no more than a thousand people, including women and children.

Lu Zhi thought for a while and said, "Are we going to do this now?
The founding heroes are now starting to marry each other, and the concubine can't order to prohibit it, but all of them are intertwined, it is really difficult to handle, so I want to use the emperor's marriage to do this. "

Liu Bang was really generous when he was enfeoffed, with thousands of households at every turn, but it is not easy to deal with it now.

Luo Xin pondered and said: "The emperor's marriage is naturally to be used, but among the heroes, those with the highest prestige and power are basically old, and Xiao He and others are probably a year or two old.

Only one person is at the peak of spring and autumn! "

General Han Xin!
The first meritorious service in Jianhan Dynasty is known as the highest meritorious service. The most important thing is that he is so young that he is an outlier in the group of meritorious officials. Those who are not as meritorious as him are all in high positions. Only he has been at home all the time.

But no one will ignore him. The various favors and rewards in the Four Seasons Palace have never been interrupted, just like before the Huns invaded, he jumped up from being unemployed at home.

Everyone knows that Han Xin is the sharpest weapon in the world and the bottom line of the royal family. He doesn't use it now because he is worried that there will be no seal.

Lu Zhi pondered and said: "My lord, you can go to their mansion for my concubine, and my concubine will call the aristocratic wives from Chang'an City into the palace to take a good look at the behavior of each family. The emperor will trouble you, sir. Be sure to guide him well."

Luo Xin chuckled softly: "Ema, don't worry."


Dong'a came back from the south of the Lingnan Mountains. When he saw the Empress Dowager Lu, Xiaohui, and Lu Yuan, when the emperor was getting stronger, he remonstrated with Empress Lu, saying: "The emperor is strong and has no heirs, and the disaster of the community. I ask you to match him with a good man."

Empress Lu ordered Dong'a to be the master, and Dong'a was the master, and visited Changle three times a day. Xiaohui said to the left and right: "Dong'a is sincere, and the heart of kissing me with fists is hard to repay." —— "Historical Records: The Chronicle of the Empress Dowager Lu"

(End of this chapter)

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