Chapter 277 Emperor Collapse
Han 12 years.

After all, Yingbo still couldn't hold the string in his heart and chose to rebel. He was unwilling to go to the throne, and he didn't understand Liu Bang's character. He couldn't see the situation of the world clearly. He was confident in his own force. I chose to raise troops brazenly.

Chang'an City, Changle Palace.

The urgent battle report did not make the center of the empire feel a little nervous, and the owner of the palace even just wanted to laugh.

Yingbo is indeed a titan, but he is only a titan. Even if he is not in good health, but the general Han Xin is still there, Yingbo cannot turn the sky.

It's like an ant is showing off its might, showing its teeth and claws, and saying to a person, I will kill you, who cares?

Liu Bang finally decided to take command of the expedition himself. There is already a Luoling in this world, and there should be no more general Han Xin.

The great Han is the country of the Liu family, and the emperor of the Liu family should pacify it, instead of always relying on external forces.

When he decided to take command of the expedition, he said to the ministers: "Yingbu received my favor, but he didn't know how to be grateful. He coerced the subjects of the big man, did not abide by the moral character of loyalty, and wanted to plot against him. There are such things as this. The first time, the second time, and there can be no third time.

I am the emperor of the Han Dynasty, the emperor of Zhu Xia, obeying the will of the heavens and carrying out the punishments of the heavens. Now is the time to attack him. "

Luo Yi said with some concern: "Your Majesty, your body... please let Yi accompany you on the southern expedition."

Liu Bang coughed a little, and said with a soft smile, "Okay, then Ziyu will accompany Zhen on the southern expedition. If you are here to check and make up for the omissions, how could Yingbo not fail?"

Then he turned and looked at the generals who followed him to build the great man, "Take your weapons and see if they are still sharp, and ride your horses to see if they are still brave. Follow me to go out and fight hard. Ah, I will reward you."

Everyone felt Liu Bang's aging and weakness, like a tiger on the mountain, gradually losing its claws and claws, but it was still not something anyone could bully.

"We are loyal to you and follow you to quell Yingbu's rebellion."

Liu Bang brought 3 people from Chang'an City to Huainan, and asked his elder brother, the King of Chu, to lead the army as auxiliary soldiers to cooperate with the central government, claiming 50.

While the army was marching, Liu Bang said to Luo Yi: "Ziyu, you know, I'm afraid my body is only a matter of one or two years.

After the suppression of Yingbo, there will be no kings with different surnames in the Han Dynasty, and the world must be stable enough.

The crown prince has so many assistants, Lu Zhi..."

Speaking of his first wife, Liu Bang pondered for a while before saying: "Lu Zhi is capable, with her, the world will not be chaotic, and as for the heroes, they will definitely fight.

All I worry about is Ruyi. "

Luo Yi sighed slightly in his heart, no matter who he is, he will be different when he gets old, and most monarchs will become fatuous when they get old.

There are also some monarchs who try to seek longevity and do many ridiculous things.

Liu Bang is very free and easy, and he has no entanglements in this regard, but he pinned his feelings on Liu Ruyi, and even thought of abolishing the prince.

In the end, he was suppressed by the huge strength of the Ji-Jiang Alliance and the non-support of the Hero Group. Now he just wants to save Liu Ruyi's life and let him live a prosperous life.

"Your Majesty, please tell me, I am here to listen."

Luo Yi made a plea to listen respectfully, and Liu Bang murmured: "You are someone I trust. Zhao Guo is rich and located in the Central Plains. I want to make Ruyi king of Zhao. I don't know if it is possible?"

Luo Yi's face did not change at all, and he said lightly: "You know, this is not acceptable, Zhao Guo is too important, shouldering the heavy responsibility of the northern defense line, with great power, conferring to the prince is like letting a child pass by with gold in his arms The noisy market, this is not your love for him, but damage."

The importance of King Zhao is unimaginable. Liu Ruyi can't grasp it. He can only be a piece of fat waiting to be slaughtered in that position.

Liu Bang sighed and said: "Ziyu, I own the world, but I can't even grant my son a rich fief. This is a failure."

Luo Yi cupped his hands this time instead and said: "I think this is your majesty's wisdom. It's not that you can't make the prince king of Zhao, but you have a long-term vision, so you don't do that."

Liu Bang relieved a little, and asked again: "What if you can be named King of Han?"

Luo Yi pondered for a while. South Korea is not strong. It has always been a marginal vassal state since its founding. Now that it is entrusted to Liu Ruyi, it will not arouse the queen's high vigilance. He thought again about the gains and losses of South Korea. After confirming that King Han was not a threat to Chang'an, he nodded and said, "King Han can."

Liu Bang said again: "Ziyu, I want you to be the Minister of Korea."

Luo Yi had expected this for a long time. Liu Bang didn't really want Luo Yi to assist Liu Ruyi, but wanted Luo Yi to save Liu Ruyi's life. Among the people around Liu Bang, those who are capable and willing to do this There are not many people.

Especially because of Luo Xin's relationship, Lu Zhi treated Luo Yi very kindly. If Luo Yi became a Korean minister, there is a high probability that Lu Zhi would not do anything to Liu Ruyi who lost his threat.

The two monarchs and ministers didn't speak any more, everything was kept silent, and Luo Yi's consent was obtained without any twists and turns, Liu Bang suddenly became full of energy.

Throughout the process of Liu Bang's pacification of kings with different surnames, the speed was extremely fast, especially when he pacified King Yan, he took the entire territory of Yan Kingdom in just three months.

Most people think that this is because Yan Wang is not a hero and not good at military affairs, so it is normal to lose quickly.

Huainan Wang Yingbu is different. Whether it is destroying Qin or fighting Xiang Yu, he has made a lot of contributions.

Among the entire Liu Bang Group, only Liu Bang and Han Xin can hold his commander firmly. Others, such as Fan Kui and others, are not of the same level.

Then the development of the situation was beyond everyone's expectations. The speed of Yingbo's defeat was even worse than that of King Yan. It was just a normal defeat on the battlefield, and the entire Huainan Kingdom was collapsed at the touch of a finger.

Yingbu wanted to gather soldiers, but failed, until he was captured, he still couldn't believe it.

After seeing Liu Bang, facing Liu Bang's questioning, Ying Bo said proudly: "Your Majesty, I did rebel, but is it my fault?

You are an outstanding commander, I think that I am not your opponent, and there is Han Xin, Marquis of Huaiyin in Chang'an City, who is far superior to me.

I heard that a person who can earn a hundred gold cannot buy a thousand gold BMW.

People who are familiar with poetry and books cannot be subordinate staff.

The minister is not the strongest commander in the world, dare to rebel?
Can't you understand the minister's mind? "

The meaning in the words is obvious, I know that I am not your opponent, but I have to rebel.

This is to accuse Liu Bang, you insisted on forcing me, it is not my fault.

Luo Yi shook his head. Yingbo's political acumen is almost on the same level as Xiang Yu's. The general situation in the world is overwhelming. People like him can only be crushed.

Liu Bang was not angry, and asked interestingly: "Yingbu, what you said is that although you think you rebelled, but the fault is not your fault, then tell me, whose fault is it? "

Ying Bu just wanted to say that it was Liu Bang, but when he saw the cold light in Liu Bang's eyes, he immediately stopped talking. He remembered the old story of King Yan. If he blamed Liu Bang again today, he might not even get the treatment of King Yan.

Seeing that Yingbo was silent, Liu Bang smiled with satisfaction: "It seems that King Huainan still knows his fault.

If there is a fault, if it is not punished, then the merits will not be demonstrated, and the rebels will die. Yingbo, do you agree? "

Death to the rebels!

This is the iron law.

This is very reasonable. After all, once the rebellion succeeds, the benefits obtained are huge, and the punishment for failure is also cruel. This is fairness.

Yingbo couldn't help shaking. Although he had thought about today's affairs when he rebelled, he was still not as calm as he imagined when facing death, and his voice couldn't help trembling, "I agree... I agree."

Liu Bang drew out his sharp sword, gestured lightly, and said casually: "Your family members will not be killed, just like King Yan's family members, all of them will be sent to Lingnan. If the law is followed, there may be countless people in Huainan Kingdom. Thousands of people will die because of you.

All these people went to Lingnan to build a town. I look forward to the day when these criminals who went to Lingnan will return to the Central Plains. "

Yingbu thanked Liu Bang for his kindness, and then was dragged down. Liu Bang sighed and said, "Why bother, if he learns from Changsha King, he will not be where he is today. The great man's society is as stable as Mount Tai, and I don't worry about what he will do."

Luo Yi knew that Liu Bang was telling the truth. Liu Bang just wanted to eradicate the kings with different surnames, but with Lu Zhi and Han Xin around, he just wanted to get rid of the country. He was not worried that the abilities of these kings with different surnames would threaten the existence of the Han Dynasty.

The Han army began to return, at a relatively slow pace at first, but soon began to hurry, because Liu Bang suddenly became seriously ill and had to return to Chang'an City immediately to arrange follow-up matters.

Whether it is Liu Ruyi's title of king, Liu Ying's succession, and the distribution of power after his death, he must personally decide.

Under this strong desire to survive, Liu Bang kept holding his breath and rushed back to Chang'an City. At this time, the news of the emperor's serious illness had spread, and the whole Chang'an City instantly set off waves of undercurrents.

Just seven days after returning to Chang'an City, Liu Bang couldn't hold his body anymore, hurriedly finished some last things, drove away the doctor who tried to treat him, and died amidst laughter.

At the beginning of the 13th year of the Han Dynasty, an emperor who rose from a commoner with a sword passed away, leaving behind a unified empire.


Gao Zu started from the commoner, raised a three-foot sword, and punished the tyrant Qin to establish the country, and swung the sword eastward. In three years, he defeated Chu in Ying, and the whole country became one.

In four years, he became an emperor. Since the Three Emperors, there has been no one who has changed like this among the five emperors and three kings. This is not ordered by heaven, how can it be like this? ——"Historical Records: The Chronicles of Gaozu"

 I will revise the last classical Chinese

(End of this chapter)

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