Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 263 Coronation, Entrustment, Weitian Youhan (End of Volume)

Chapter 263 Coronation, Entrustment, Weitian Youhan (End of Volume)

Luo Ling looked at the far north with his hands behind his back, he was not surprised by Xiang Yu's choice.

Xiang Yu is an unqualified king, he can't control the scale of kindness and cruelty, and he can't grasp the timing of unfaithfulness and righteousness.

Liu Bang is not a good person in the traditional sense, but he can always do the right thing at critical moments.

The world belongs to the Han, as it should be, and it is time to test the Han Dynasty, because the Hu people in the north have risen.

In the Zhu Xia world established by King Su, if a dynasty can only squeeze internally and bend its knees externally, then there is no need for it to exist.

Luo Ling didn't care about the rise and fall of these dynasties.

But Hanchen, who had defeated Xiang Yu, was already very excited.

They couldn't wait to elect Liu Bang as the emperor together outside the city of Xiangying. First, the name was determined, and it would be done after the enthronement ceremony.

Naturally, Liu Bang would not refuse, so he said: "When the first emperor was traveling in the past, the widow once said: a man should be like this.

I didn't expect that today, the king of Han can't show the dignity of the widow, so let's call him the emperor, and just use the word "朕" to call himself. "

There are historical reasons why Xiang Yu didn't call him emperor, but Liu Bang didn't. The title of emperor was taken from the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, which sounds more noble than more and more kings now.

The first emperor called himself "Zhen" to distinguish "widow" from "solitary", and Liu Bang also wanted to do the same. As the only emperor, it is inappropriate to call "widow" with the kings.

The ministers then bowed in unison: "The ministers and others will see Your Majesty."

Most of this group of people didn't think about Liu Bang's thoughts at all, they just wanted to support him quickly, and then rewarded him to finish.

This is the founding hero of the dynasty!

The worst founding heroes of the Zhou Dynasty have been handed down for hundreds of years, and the most powerful is the Lu family. The main line has been passed down for 1000 years, and now the branch line has once again become a foreign relative of the Han Dynasty. The dignified.

Most people never thought of being like the Lu family. After all, the Lu family has been able to pass on for so long, and they depended on the Luo Kingdom to hang their lives in the later stage. They only thought that two or 300 years of inheritance would be enough.



Under the persuasion of Luo Yi, Zhang Liang and others, Liu Bang had already decided to set his capital in Guanzhong, but Xianyang City was destroyed by Xiang Yu, and Luo Yi was ordered to build a new city, which has not yet started.

Therefore, the center of the Han Dynasty was temporarily located in Luoyang, one of the capitals of the Zhou Dynasty.

After simple repairs, Liu Bang moved in here, and then summoned Luo Yi to discuss the matter of rewards. Among the officials, Luo Yi was the only one who made great contributions, had a high status, and was indifferent to fame and fortune. He will not discuss this with Zhang Liang.

Liu Bang first asked Luo Yi: "Ziyu, the world is established, and it's time to award meritorious officials, but I don't know how to award them properly. Among the officials, you are the most fair, and you don't care about fame and fortune, so I want to ask you for advice." .”

Luo also knew that Liu Bang was asking about heroes, not princes, so he pondered for a while and asked, "Your Majesty, Xiao He is always thoughtful in your heart, how do you reward Xiao He?"

Liu Bang blurted out: "Xiao He has great achievements, so he should be entrusted to the Marquis of Wanhu."


Luo Yi nodded, it was very appropriate, Xiao He is the Marquis of Ten Thousand Households, so he himself is also Marquis of Ten Thousand Households.

"There are three ranks of meritorious officials, one rank with Xiao Hegong, seal [-] to [-] households, one rank with Fan Kuai and other Fengpei relatives, seal more than [-] households, and the rest less than [-] households.

Those with more than [-] households will be able to secure the Han Dynasty, and most importantly, they can secure the country.

But Zimu's meritorious service is second to none, and he declined the reward of becoming king, how do you want to reward him? "

Han Xin's merits should be crowned king, but Han Xin does not want a king, but only a prince, which is not easy to seal.

There were hundreds of thousands of lords in the state of Qin back then, but Xiao He was only a lord of ten thousand. Although Han Xin's contribution is great, it is not appropriate to be ten times that of Xiao He.

Liu Bang pondered and said: "I conferred thirty thousand households as Marquis for the General, and sealed them in my hometown Huaiyin. The General will definitely get married when he returns from Zhaocheng this time, and then confer ten thousand households as Marquis of Anyang for his wife. This must be enough."

After defeating Xiang Yu, Han Xin did not return with the army, but took Luo Cai directly to Zhaocheng.

Luo Yi agreed, and then slowly said: "Lu Ze, let's designate him as a hero like Xiao He."

From one incident after another, Luo can also see Liu Bang's character. It is better to keep a low profile in front of the emperor.

Especially as Liu Bang is getting older and older, the Lu family is already too prominent, there is no need to be so sharp in front of Liu Bang.

If Liu Bang is really annoyed, the Lu family can only die with Liu Bang at most, before awarding the reward.

Liu Bang worried when he heard the words: "Can Lu Ze be willing?"

Normally speaking, of course he is not willing, but Luo Yi had already communicated with Lu Ze before and persuaded Lu Ze, "As a foreign relative, the most important thing is to ensure that the prince of the family can ascend to the throne. This is the bottom line of the family. , before this matter, other temporary interests are not important.

If the relationship with His Majesty is too stiff now, it will only make His Majesty feel ill-willed towards the Prince, and the gains outweigh the losses.

In a huge country, there are too many opportunities to make meritorious deeds. When the crown prince ascends to the throne, is it not easy to get such a thing as a marquis if given the opportunity? "

Lu Ze agreed with Luo Yi's words, both sides are smart people, Luo Yi asked Lu Ze to take a step back, and Lu Ze secretly supported Liu Ying in order to let Luo Yi, a fair political transaction.

As soon as Lu's problem was solved, Liu Bang became enlightened about the reward, and then asked the last key question: "Ziyu, when will Duke Luo come to Luoyang?"

Many people hope that Luoling can crown Liu Bang, and Liu Bang himself needs it. Lord Luo was entrusted by Xiang Yu, and he wants to re-entrust Luoling.

After passing through the first emperor, the sanctity of the Luo family was destroyed, but Luo Ling pulled back.

Not only relying on those props, but also because since he appeared, everything has allowed him to gain an outstanding reputation.

In the history of the family, it is rare for a Patriarch of the Luo family with such a high status to rely solely on his own strength. It can only be said that the plot is full of real terror.

Ji Zhao's luck points and props are worth the money.

Luo Yi said with some uncertainty: "It should be soon."


When Luoling's car drove into Luoyang, the whole city became noisy. Of course, old friends like Qi Wangcheng were looking for an opportunity to visit Luoling, but not everyone could see it.

More importantly, with the arrival of Luo Ling, everyone knew that merit-based rewards were about to begin, because it was impossible for Liu Bang to keep Luo Ling waiting.

Sure enough, on the second day after Luoling entered Luoyang, Liu Bang announced that he would hold a grand enthronement ceremony.

Everyone found that Luo Ling was different from when he crowned Xiang Yu that day, his eyes were obviously full of benevolence, but when he looked over, he felt cold all over his body, and the expression on his face was neither sad nor happy, as if blending in with the surrounding nature For oneness.

It's really becoming less and less like a mortal.

This is the first thought that appeared in everyone's mind.

Liu Bang bowed his head slightly, and Luo Ling put the crown on Liu Bang, and a melodious voice resounded throughout the audience: "The Son of Heaven who is ordered by the heavens, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, may King Su be with you."

The magnificent hymn was sung spontaneously, spreading from the nobles under the high platform to the guards in the palace. The musicians who were responsible for playing music for the enthronement ceremony played in chorus. The crowd knelt on the ground like a tide, and the Qin people were a little embarrassed bowed his head slightly.

It was night, and the main hall in Luoyang was brightly lit.

This city that once shined in the Bangzhou era ushered in an emperor again.

"The Duke of Luo is a descendant of King Su, with high merit and virtue. He should be granted the title of Zhaocheng. He should be called Zhaogong after the holy name of King Su. His posthumous title is Zhao, which is taboo in the world."

Hearing this, Luo Ling couldn't help raising his head to look at Liu Bang. From then on, the word "Zhao" was exclusive to the head of the Luo family, and even posthumous titles could not use this word.

"I will add nine tins for Duke Zhao again, and I will not go to the court, and I will not be famous in praise, and I will go to the palace with my sword."

Anyway, Luo Ling will stay in Zhaocheng and won't come out, so it's good to add honor.

Luo Ling cupped his hands slightly, "Weitian has Han, but Han has light."

Liu Bang granted the titles to the kings again, and these kings were all the same as Xiang Yu at the beginning, and they had to be granted the titles. However, Liu Bang did not play tricks like Xiang Yu did at the beginning, and the kings were happy to accept it.

Then finally came the main event, the distribution of the hero group.

"The first meritorious service of all ministers is Xiangguo, General Han Xin, and wife Luo Cai."


Han Xin ranks first among heroes.

"The first meritorious service in the founding of the Han Dynasty, all the ministers are the same, enfeoffed as the Marquis of Huaiyin, with [-] households in Shiyi, and Luocai was granted the title of Marquis of Anyang, with [-] households in Shiyi."

Han Xin was very satisfied, not only for himself, but also for his wife, he raised his eyebrows at Luo Cai proudly, and thought to himself: I am really too strong.

Lu Ze was granted the title of Marquis of Lu, and there were thousands of households in the city.

Luo was also granted the title of Marquis of Ying, with tens of thousands of households living in the city.

Xiao He was granted the title of Marquis of Bing, and there were tens of thousands of households in the city of food.

As soon as Xiao He's rewards came out, Feng Pei's heroes were determined. Basically, the rewards were more than [-] households, which was an obvious improvement for Liu Bang. The only exception was Zhang Liang's [-] households, which was a typical example of coming from behind.

Luo Ling closed his eyes slightly. In his opinion, Liu Bang's entrustment to the heroes was meaningless. It was just a gift of glory and wealth, and it would be canceled at any time.

Because of the power of the emperor, he can already control everything in the Central Plains, which is completely different from the emperor of Zhou.

Blossoming like a brocade, this is the current scene of the Hero Group.

Everyone is shouting the emperor's sage, at least at this moment, Liu Bang's generosity has won him prestige.

What will happen tomorrow, no one knows.

Whether the new Han Dynasty will suddenly collapse like the Qin Dynasty or Xiang Yu's rule, no one knows.

Luo Ling left here and returned to Zhaocheng.

The emperor stayed in Luoyang, and Luo Yi entered Guanzhong. He wanted to build a city here. Liu Bang hoped that the great Han would have long-term stability, so it was called——



After the collapse of the Qin Dynasty, a new unified dynasty reappeared in the land of Zhuxia. This is a historical necessity, but the rapidity, vitality and significance of this new dynasty cannot be repeated at all. The author is still trying to describe this great dynasty from a certain aspect. ——"History of the Rise and Fall of the Han Dynasty"

(End of this chapter)

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