Chapter 260 Bing Xian, Chu Han!
It wasn't until Liu Bang led the army back that he realized that the king of Qi was attacking according to the nobles in the country, and cut off Xiang Yu's food road from behind. The angry Xiang Yu had to fight the king of Qi first, and Xingyang just captured was slightly empty.

This time Liu Bang is excited. If he can't beat Xiang Yu, can he still beat you?

Coupled with the fact that the soldiers trained by Han Xin were really useful, Xingyang City, which Xiang Yu took more than half a year to capture, was captured by Liu Bang again in just over a month, and this important town returned to Liu Bang's hands again.

Xiang Yu came to Qi and defeated King Qi's army easily, and then King Qi retreated into the big city again, refusing to surrender.

Xiang Yu found helplessly that he had fought countless victories, but the strength of the territory did not increase at all, but the soldiers continued to lose.

Since they have been winning, it is not the kind of sudden large number of casualties, but the number of soldiers is still reduced a little bit after battle.

Xiang Yu was a little confused, I don't know why?
If you can win a war, why can't you win the world?

After Luo Yi contacted the princes and returned to Liu Bang, he learned that Liu Bang had gone to Han Xin's army before, which made him a little helpless.

Liu Bang is a man who has never lost the chain in major matters, but sometimes he still does things like the hooligan habits of the past. If he does too much of this kind of thing, it will lead to dissension between the monarch and his ministers, especially Han Xin, who is more gracious. There is no other way but to do this.

Luo Yi thought a little fortunately that Ah Cai was by Han Xin's side. At this time, Han Xin was heading to Zhao with the recruits he had just recruited from Wei and had only been trained for more than a month.

In the land of the Three Jins, there are mountains and rivers inside and outside, especially the land of Zhao, which is a real victory in the shape of mountains and rivers. At the end of the Warring States period, it was still able to resist Qin, which shows the strength of Zhao State.

Han Xin likes this kind of complex terrain the most, which means that he has countless room to play. Although he is best at commanding troops, as the pinnacle of the war planner, his strategy is also extremely good.

Entering the territory of Zhao State, Luo Cai asked directly: "My good man, Zhao State is tyrannical, and it is not comparable to Wei State. What strategy do you have?"

Han Xin said with a smile: "In the past, Wuzu Wei was invincible in the world, but he was repeatedly defeated by the princes. This is because the commander Wei Wuzu lost Wu Qi.

Bai Qi attacked Chu in the past, but he couldn't move forward when he arrived at Yancheng, and his army of hundreds of thousands could not conquer it. Finally, he used water attack to break through Yancheng with ease.

This is the reason why manpower is not as good as mountains and rivers, and blades are not as good as water and fire.

In such a victorious place like Zhao, the victory or defeat of the war lies in the commander, not in the soldiers. The king's 60 army was defeated by Xiang Yu in half a day.

King Zhao is an old idiot who can only talk nonsense. Even if Zhao State has tens of thousands of soldiers who can fight, they are useless under his command.

They are afraid of the reputation of the letter, and they certainly dare not commit crimes.

But Zhao Wang wanted to defeat Xin and gain fame in his heart. As long as the news was released, saying that the tens of thousands of troops were only five or six thousand capable soldiers, Zhao Wang would definitely come out in full force.

That was the time of his death. "

Luo Cai saw that Han Xin's thinking was extremely clear, and he understood that Han Xin had made all-out preparations, and it was obvious that he had dispatched agents to the center of Zhao State long ago to get a thorough understanding of the situation in Zhao State.

However, when the king and ministers of the Zhao State heard that Han Xin was leading the army to attack, they were all over the place in an instant. Han Xin had long been famous among the princes of the world.

Zhao Wang asked with some fear: "Han Xin, a famous general in the world, has never been defeated. Now he is leading an army of [-] to attack. How should he resist?"

Zhao Guocheng An Jun immediately came out and said: "Your Majesty, don't panic, Han Xin's [-] troops are just lies. A few days ago, spies came to report that Han Wang Liu Bang took a large number of soldiers from Han Xin's camp to resist the Overlord.

Now there are only five or six thousand soldiers in Han Xin's camp, and the rest are recruits who are not worth worrying about, and it is impossible to have one hundred thousand. "

As soon as Mr. Cheng An said this, the atmosphere in the palace instantly warmed up. A hundred thousand troops could not defeat him, but thousands of people dared to come to Zhao Guo to provoke?
You are not the kind of peerless general who can kill hundreds of people like the Overlord of Chu!
Zhao Wang laughed loudly and said: "The widow once heard Mr. An say that there is no war in this world where the weak defeat the strong.

To defeat the strong with the weak is actually to use your strongest to attack the weakest of the opponent. The weak will collapse when attacked. After the collapse, the entire army will become a weak army. This is the principle of defeating the strong with the weak.

Now Han Xin's army has only five or six thousand capable soldiers, but the widow has fifty thousand capable soldiers. This is beyond Han Xin's reach. Can Han Xin still win?

Pass on the order of the widow, contact the Dai Wang, meet Han Xin, and recover the land of Wei after defeating Han Xin, and the widow will send a big gift to the overlord. "

Cheng Anjun is the one who knows the most about military matters in the palace. He also doesn't think that Han Xin has the possibility of victory. The gap in strength is so large. If he wants to create a miracle, he must let Xiang Yu's soldiers come forward and go straight up. , Tactics beat the strategy, then it is possible.

Although Han Xin is a famous general, but he is also a military strategist, Cheng Anjun doesn't think he can lose with such a big advantage.

If Li Mu, the former famous general of the Zhao Kingdom, knew what he was thinking, he would definitely take out a fatuous King Zhao passed down from the ancestors of the Zhao Kingdom. He gave.

Han Xin learned of Zhao Wang's movements after receiving the detailed information, and laughed loudly: "As expected."

So he began to arrange various ambushes and strategies. Han Xin had [-] half-year veterans who had been sent to Wei Guolian before, and [-] recruits. Naturally, these people were not enough to fight Xiang Yu. It is estimated that before he used the strategy, Xiang Yu would die in a single charge. But it is more than enough to beat King Zhao.

If it weren't for the purpose of expanding the results of the battle, Han Xin would not have worked so hard to win Zhao Dai in the first battle. He was sure to use the 2 people in his hand to directly defeat Zhao Dai's army head-on.

"Courage is also needed in the battle of husband and wife. If you work hard at one stroke, it will decline again, and it will be exhausted after three times."

"Death and then life."

"Xiang Yu sinks the boat and breaks the cauldron, defeating the Qin army."

"There is great terror between life and death, but there is also great courage."

"Don't collapse, don't scatter, don't panic, don't fear, don't be afraid, with these five things, you can live to death."

Han Xin whispered the words and sentences left by these sages, what is the talent of heaven, even if it is not a book of war, Han Xin can still find out the method of general soldiers.

He deeply understands that commanding the army is the heart of commanding the soldiers, which is what he is best at, so he can command far more troops than other generals without collapsing.

Zhao Dai's army and the Han army began to fight, and Zhao Dai's army had a superficial advantage, but Han Xin had already begun to cut off the food and grass of Zhao Dai's army. The 20 troops needed too much food and grass. As long as one or two places were burned, the food and grass of the entire army would be reduced.

At the same time, suspicious troops were continuously sent out, pretending that the Han army had tens of thousands of people, which hit the morale of Zhao Dai's army and confuse Zhao Dai's army's cognition.

But hearing is believing, and seeing is believing. Of course Zhao Daijun believed what he saw, and King Zhao's announcement actually affected morale even more.

At the same time, Zhao Daijun was lured step by step into the encirclement circle that had been arranged long ago.

Although Cheng Anjun did not see that Han Xin's strategy was to annihilate Zhao Dai's army, but Zhao Dai's army was short of food and grass, and it was not safe to attack directly.

But Zhao Wang didn't listen to Cheng Anjun's suggestion, and said to himself: "The Han army is not strong enough. As long as it is forced to the water's edge, we can defeat it overnight with the strength of our army. Then we can return to the country. Do we still need food and grass?"

So he encouraged Zhao Dai's army to attack again. At this point, Han Xin understood that as long as the Han army stood firm, Zhao Dai's army would collapse without fighting.

But of course he would not wait quietly, telling the whole army, "Zhao Dai's army is short of food and grass, so they rushed to attack our army, and there is a big river behind. If you stick to it, you will live, if you don't obey, you will die."

Han Xin is good at running the army, and he has never been defeated all the way, so the morale of the Han army is strong, and Han Xin ordered Fan Kuai and others to lead [-] elites to stand by.

When King Zhao saw Han Xin fighting against the water, he laughed loudly: "I really didn't expect Han Xin to be a man of vain reputation. Fighting against the water, the Han army must be terrified. This is a victory bestowed by heaven."

So they beat the drums again, but they didn't expect the Han army to take the lead. The formation of Zhao Dai's army was a bit chaotic, and the two sides fought fiercely together. Fan Kui and others led the elite directly into Zhao Dai's army, and countless troops with the banner of the Han army emerged from all directions. Come on, where is the thousands of people Zhao Wang said, it is obviously tens of thousands!
Meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins. Zhao Dai's army is overwhelmed by the loud shouts of the Han army. In the barracks, it was found that the flags of the Han army had long been planted.

The fire that ignited in the granary became the last straw that crushed everyone. Zhao Daijun either fell to the ground and surrendered, or died under the trampling of fleeing in all directions.

Of course Han Xin didn't burn the food and grass, it was just a cover-up, and no one would discern carefully under such circumstances.

Zhao Wang was directly killed, and he walked up to Han Xin on his knees on behalf of the king, saying: "General, Xiao Wang is guilty."

Han Xin was so emotional that he directly asked Dai Wang to be dragged down, "Cai Niang, the country of Yan is next."

Luo Cai said softly: "I'm afraid the country of Yan doesn't need to fight anymore, as long as the beloved sends a letter of persuasion, the king of Yan will come to surrender."

Han Xin said with a smile: "It's exactly what I want. Now we will collect the soldiers from Zhao and Dai first. After this battle, there may be 30 troops.

If you take Yan, you will be able to go south with King Qi to attack Chu, Cai Niang, and the world will be stable. On the day of stability, Xin can go to Zhaocheng to ask for marriage. "

Luo Cai is not shy anymore.

She just sighed slightly, yes, it's about to settle down.

In less than two years, breaking through Wei, Zhao, and Dai, and forcing Yan to the north, is too shocking. No one would have imagined that a land of two thousand miles, more than a hundred cities, and hundreds of thousands of troops, would be defeated to such an extent.


Believe in the generals of the Han Dynasty, go west to destroy Qin, defeat Mengtian, secretly break through Wuguan, attack Lantian, the Qin court is destroyed, and reach Chu and Han, and are appointed as generals. In three years, they conquered the Three Qin Dynasty, planned to destroy the Western Wei Dynasty, and destroyed Zhao Qin In the ancient times, Enwei descended to Yan, this so-called merit is indistinguishable from the world, and it is also a little out of the world.

As far as Xiang Yu, millions of people gathered together to surround them, like arms and fingers, retreating without dispersing, defeating but not collapsing, Xiang Yu was brave, he was helpless, trapped in the net, and could not get out, Gaozu then had the world.

Faith in the use of soldiers is like immortals and gods, without traces to be found. The strategy of military books can be easily read. Within four years, the world can be ruled. There is no one who is invincible, and no one is invincible. People at that time said: "This country is unparalleled, how can it be manpower?"It's a godsend! ——"Historical Records Huaiyin Marquis Family"

(End of this chapter)

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