Chapter 257
After finally escaping from the Chu army's pursuit, the Liu Bang Group faced this unprecedented defeat, so naturally they had to share the blame.

But the pot is too big, and the Han Dynasty is even in danger of overthrowing. Who dares to take responsibility?
Luo Yi took a deep breath and said: "It's also the king's second assistant, this time he was defeated, it's also..."

"It's the widow's fault!"

A loud voice interrupted Luo Yi, it was Liu Bang!
Everyone shifted their eyes from Luo Yi to Liu Bang, only to see Liu Bang felt guilty, but still said with emotion: "It's my fault.

Ziyu had reminded the widow to retreat before. It was because the widow was overconfident that he thought he could defeat Xiang Yu. Unexpectedly, he was defeated to such an extent. "

"Your Majesty!"

Luo Yi called out, and Liu Bang said firmly: "Ziyu, I am sorry for you, if you are asked to share the fault for me, how can I call myself a real man?
The widow knows that you are responsible for the widow because you are worried that the widow will be devastated.

But Ziyu can rest assured that the widow is over half a hundred years old, I don't know how many setbacks I have experienced, even when I have achieved nothing, I still have great ambitions, and I will never fall here.

The vast majority of you are the rich followers of the widow. They are called monarchs and ministers, but they are actually brothers.

The widow believes that even now, you are still willing to follow the widow.

When the army fell to Qin, there were only a few thousand people, and we conquered a huge Han country.

Now we still have Guanzhong and Bashu, which are the foundation of Qin's annexation of the world. Is there anything to be afraid of? "

Liu Bang put all the responsibilities on his own body, and everyone who said these words wept but was impassioned.

"My lord, I am willing to die for you!"

Liu Bang's hair was the first to bow deeply, and the atmosphere in the big tent changed instantly. Luo Yi looked at this scene with a smile on his face.

Liu Bang never loses the chain at critical moments. When everyone's mentality is about to collapse, it is necessary for the monarch to stand up and tell everyone that we can still fight. You are all fine. It is my responsibility.

Liu Bang achieved this perfectly, and Luo Yi secretly sighed in his heart: "This is the Ming Lord, King of Han, you really did not disappoint me, you are a true hero."

"Your Majesty!"

Suddenly there was a voice from outside the tent, Lu Ze hurried in from outside, several people's expressions changed slightly,
Liu Bang rushed over in an instant, weeping and said: "Brother, in the chaos of the army, the queen was separated, and both Ying'er and Le'er fell into Xiang Yu's hands. I hate it very much."

The corner of Luo Yi's mouth twitched, if he hadn't seen Luo Xin coming, Luo Yi would have to go down to pick up the child.

Lu Ze's face changed drastically when he heard the words, and after losing Lu Zhi and Liu Ying, the Lu family no longer had any particularity in the Liu Bang Group, and completely became a hero like Fan Kuai.

But the matter has come to this, Lu Ze gritted his teeth, and still accepted the cruel fact, "Your Majesty, I recruited warriors in Wei and Han, spent all my wealth, and got 5 people. With these people, plus you General, at least there is no problem in guarding the main road to Guanzhong.

The Prime Minister of the State guards Guanzhong, as long as he is given time, he will be able to send the Qin people from Guanzhong to come.

Majesty, you are a rare hero. Xiang Yu's temporary victory can't explain anything. I believe that you will be able to regain your strength. "

Lu Ze's ability can be seen from these few short sentences, he is a visionary.

Especially when something happened to Lu Zhi, he decisively changed his position in the Liu Bang Group, and completely placed himself in the position of a hero, not a relative.

Liu Bang's eyes lit up, and he held Lu Ze's hand tightly and said: "You can only see loyal ministers when you are in a hurry. Brother's friendship today will be rewarded generously."

Lu Ze appeared in Liu Bang's army with a large number of soldiers, which was a real timely help.

Although Liu Bang is still the king of thousands of miles of land, no matter how much potential there is in the future, that is also the future. Now Liu Bang is extremely weak.

Lu Ze gave him a big tonic.

When everyone was jubilant, Han Xin and Luo Cai came in a hurry, Han Xin walked into the tent, clasped his fists and sighed directly: "My lord, the letter is late, I am really sorry for your expectations, I only managed to gather [-] routs, really It was because the casualties were too heavy, and those elites died under the trampling of the routers without even having the chance to go to the battlefield."

The casualties are all in the past. The most important thing now is that Han Xin has collected 5 rout soldiers, plus Lu Ze's [-] horses before.

10 million people!
Liu Bang even wanted to fight Xiang Yu again, but the idea disappeared as soon as it came up.

Forget it, Xiang Yu is really a little fierce. After Xiang Ying's battle, Liu Bang completely stopped thinking about fighting Xiang Yu in the wild.

Seeing that the atmosphere at the meeting has improved because of two consecutive good news, Luo Yi came out and said: "My lord, Xiang Yu's victory will definitely change the situation of the world, especially the kings of the Central Plains may completely surrender to Xiang Yu, Xiang Yu With the power of the world, we are definitely not opponents."

Liu Bang knelt down slowly in the banquet, and asked all the ministers: "You can speak freely, and at this critical moment, it is necessary to brainstorm."

Zhang Liang, who immediately followed Liu Bang because King Han was beheaded, knew it was time to show his worth, and immediately said: "Your Majesty, I think that Xiang Yu is fierce in field battles, and the Chu army under Xiang Yu's leadership is unstoppable.

That being the case, don't confront the peak Xiang Yu head-on. You should form allies and make Xiang Yu exhausted. Although Xiang Yu is strong, most of his subordinates are like trash.

As long as you continue to harass Xiang Yu's rear, slowly cut off the food and grass of the Chu army, and wear down their numbers and fighting spirit, after such a trade-off, Xiang Yu will have less and less power to use, and then the final decision can be made.

So the first thing to solve is those princes and kings who Xiang Yu will definitely entrust in the Central Plains, put down Zhao Daiyan, contact Qi State, and at the same time form an alliance with Jiujiang and other princes, and drag Xiang Yu to fight together.

This must be a protracted war. Your Majesty, you must manage Guanzhong well, otherwise you will not be able to withstand such consumption. "

Han Xin couldn't help looking at Zhang Liang when he heard the words. He really didn't expect that there would be someone who thought so much like himself. The difference was that Zhang Liang proposed the plan for the entire Liu Bang Group, while Han Xin was thinking about defeating Xiang Yu on the battlefield. method.

Seeing Liu Bang's face full of joy, Han Xin immediately said: "My lord, I have studied Xiang Yu's tactics. Xiang Yu will not be defeated tactically. Therefore, if he wants to defeat Xiang Yu, the commander must be able to be defeated without being defeated. At the same time, he needs a lot of troops. The brave generals are the assistants, and the Chu army who cuts Xiang Yu can do it.

I am willing to lead [-] elite soldiers to Zhao Dynasty to wipe out those princes for you. "

"Ten thousand?"

Liu Bang asked in amazement, "Is it only [-]? Could Zimu be joking?"

Everyone also looked at Han Xin with amazement, and dared to go to Zhao Dai's area with 1 people.

Han Xin said confidently: "Of course it's not a joke. Xiang Yu's subordinates are all mediocre people. I believe it is enough to recruit tens of thousands of refugees and train soldiers while fighting at the same time. Elite soldiers have the tactics of elite soldiers, and recruits have the tactics of recruits."

Seeing that Han Xin was sure that it was possible, Liu Bang immediately became solemn and said: "General, the widow gave you the seal, you still wear the seal of the general, and you are above all the ministers. I will give you whatever resources you want. If you can really calm down Zhao Dai and other places, the widow will reward you heavily.

As for Xiang Yu, the widows held him back in Han. "

Han Xin smiled and said loudly, "Your Majesty, just wait for the good news from the minister."

Liu Bang said again: "You go to Zhao Dai alone. I don't worry about it. If something happens, it will be too late. Fan Kuai and others are brave. You can choose some of these people and take them away. The widow will fight Xiang Yu and defend the city." Master, these fierce generals who are rushing to the battle are really wasted here."

Luo Cai stood at the bottom and frowned slightly, but didn't say anything, but was secretly on guard. Han Xin didn't think too much about it. These well-born generals were under his command many times, so he agreed without thinking.

Seeing this, Liu Bang showed a satisfied smile.

It was supposed to be an extremely dignified pot-sharing meeting after the defeat, but no one thought that it would turn into a planning for the future.

It seems that this defeat did not have any major impact on Han.

But when all the generals left, Liu Bang sat in the big camp slumped, Luo Yi knew that this defeat would still deal a heavy blow to Liu Bang.


According to historical records, after experiencing such an extremely tragic defeat in the Battle of Xiangying, the Liu Bang Group did not show the slightest eccentricity, but was more closely united. Throughout history, such political groups are extremely rare. Liu Bang's political Here is the charm.

However, the impact of the Battle of Xiangying on the Han Dynasty was still huge. Liu Bang missed the first opportunity to ascend the throne, which led to a huge change in the power structure within the group of heroes. Yu Zhangliang, a hero who joined later, was awarded a heavy title because of his outstanding performance in the Chu-Han dispute.

The impact of the war is far more than that. The fate of Dongahhou Luoxin has changed, and the prosperity of the princes and kings will be described in detail in subsequent chapters.

In short, this war changed the fate of countless people, or changed the fate of countless political groups. For any editor who tries to tell the history of the early Han Dynasty, this must be written in full force. ——"History of the Rise and Fall of the Han Dynasty"

(End of this chapter)

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