Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 246 Han Xin Said to Listen to Luo Cai

Chapter 246 Han Xin Said to Listen to Luo Cai
With the victory of each battle, Han Xin's status in the Liu Bang Group has become higher and higher, and the victorious commander can always win more respect and convincing.

Han Xin had already prepared for Liu Bang to appoint himself as the general in Dingdingguan. After Liu Bang was named King of Han by Xiang Yu, he said to Luo Cai: "Cai Niang, look, there must be a war between the Three Qins. The king of Shi will definitely choose me as a general.

Although there are many brave generals under the king's command, such as Zhou Bo, Xia Houying, Fan Kui, who ascended first and killed the generals, they are all warriors.

Even Lu Ze, who has the talent of a commander, is a first-class general, but there is no one who can compare with the ancient famous generals.

Dingding Guanzhong and Keding Sanqin are major events that determine the survival of the Han Kingdom. If they are dragged here, the country will be in danger of overthrowing, so the King of Han will definitely hand it over to Xin.

Defeat Mengtian; attack Luoyang openly, break through Wuguan secretly; fight in Lantian.

This is Xin's previous achievement, now Keding Sanqin will be another, Cai Niang, Xinzhen is famous all over the world. "

Luo Cai looked at Han Xin who was in high spirits, tenderness and helplessness flashed in his eyes.

Han Xin is indeed a military genius, but he is also politically incompetent.

He didn't realize that Liu Bang's control over the army was getting tighter. Now all the generals under Han Xin's command were Liu Bang's most trusted people, and they were people Han Xin could never win over.

The reason why Liu Bang was able to hand over the army to him so reassuringly was because Han Xin only had the right to command, not the right to control the army. As long as Liu Bang was willing, Han Xin could be made a prisoner in an instant.

Luo Cai was naturally very upset, but after thinking about it, he didn't think about rebelling anyway, so Liu Bang should be on guard if he wants to.

Luo Cai originally wanted to call Han Xin, but seeing Han Xin so excited, he suppressed those words in his heart.

There is no hurry now, Han Xin's contribution has not yet reached the point where his achievements are overwhelming, so let's make a little more publicity.

Now that Liu Bang has really handed over the important task of reining in the Sanqin to Han Xin, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Luo Cai proudly, as if a child got a piece of candy, "Cai Niang, I said that the king will definitely Hand over this important task to Xin, although King Qin and King Yong are mediocre people, they are the monarchs of hundreds of miles of fertile land after all, and the other generals under the king's command are all..."

Han Xin was only in his 20s, and he was already comparable to a famous general in ancient times. He always said that he was young and frivolous.

Luo Cai looked at Han Xin quietly, expressionless, Han Xin's voice became lower and lower, at this moment Luo Cai asked with a smile: "Han Jun, what did you want to say just now, what happened to the generals under the king's command? "

Han Xin just had a low EQ, not a problem with IQ, so he said with a sneer, "All the generals under the King's command are very good, very good."

Luo Cai sighed slightly: "My beloved, you must be cautious in what you say in the future.

People living in the world must always be humble to live long. You are an incomparable commander, and you are a subject who can be compared with famous generals in ancient times. Wouldn’t it be too ridiculous to lose your halberd in the struggle for power?
Is this some unrealistic fantasy of the concubine?
You must know the truth that a dike of a thousand miles is destroyed by ant nests. Disasters are often born from subtleties. Your random joke may be hated by others.

In the history books, there is even a story that the ruler offended the ruler, and then when the two countries were at war, the ruler rushed into the enemy army with the ruler, which eventually led to a big defeat.

Although the generals under the King of Han are far inferior to you on the battlefield, they are all close subjects of the King of Han, and their relationship is no worse than your relationship with the King of Han. Do you want to live in the military camp all your life?

Don't you ever set foot on this court again?

You naturally have the capital to be proud, so you can look down on the generals, and even laugh at them for their meritorious service, but when you fall into their hands, please remember that Cai Today told you these words.

Cai fell in love with you, at most it was just a walk on the road to hell. "

Han Xin had always listened to Luo Cai's words, and Luo Cai's words did not accuse him strongly, but just lightly pointed out the things he might encounter, which made him very ashamed.

Not to mention hearing the last sentence, Han Xin was both happy and ashamed, he said shamelessly: "Cai Niang, you are a virtuous woman, and there is no one in the whole Xia Dynasty who surpasses you.

Xin is a person without virtue, but he has won your favor. This must be a gift from King Su.

You just became a little arrogant after making a little achievement. If you don't supervise Xinxin, you must have this attitude towards the generals in the future.

That's where the misfortunes accumulate, as you say. "

Han Xin's expression is still so sincere, as long as it is Luo Cai's opinion, he will accept it, Luo Cai is confident, as long as Han Xin listens to her in terms of life, she can make Han Xin carry a whole body of meritorious deeds, and leave his name in history.

"My darling, you just need to make contributions forward, and my concubine will be by your side. Eldest brother agreed to our marriage, and we will get married when we settle down. In the future, I will take care of all these matters for you."

When you settle down, you get married. What is stability?

Naturally, there is no war in the world that requires him to take action, Han Xin's eyes suddenly sharpened, and the princes who are causing trouble in the world, you already have a way to kill.

Luo Cai followed Han Xin to the big tent and sat down. In this era, the oppression of noble women is not great, especially for Luo Cai who is capable, it is not uncommon for her to participate in political affairs and even become a knight.

Naturally, all the generals had arrived, and when Han Xin and Luo Cai walked in, they all stood up to pay respects, and said in unison: "General!"

Han Xin walked like a tiger, flicked his cloak, and sat on his head. He completely lost his appearance in front of Luo Cai.

This is the real Han Xin, who is invincible and invincible. Since his debut, he has defeated Mengtian, broken Wuguan, and attacked Lantian. In three major battles, he has killed [-] people and defeated [-] people in more than [-] battles. !
Han Xin bowed his hand to everyone, and then he went straight to the point and said: "Everyone has participated in the meeting of the previous king, and Xin will not waste time introducing it. It is not difficult to defeat the two kings of Qin and Yong, as long as you put your heart into it. Announce good news for the King of Han.

The two kings of Qin and Yong were both members of King Xiang's family. There was a great enmity between Qin and Chu. Although Xiang Rong and Xiang Shen were kings, they did not regard themselves as the kings of the Qin people at all. The place where they lived was destroyed and massacred. .

They oppressed the Qin people no less than the first emperor. Some benevolent policies implemented during the emperor's support of Su were all abandoned, so the Qin people resented them.

Although they are kings in Qin now, they have not won the hearts of the Qin people. The Qin people all resent them and do not want to get close to and depend on them.

Without the support of the Qin people, the throne is like a lotus leaf floating on the water without a root. As long as there is a slight setback, it will fall into a situation of collapse.

I have never heard of a country that lost people's support and was able to stabilize the country. Qin and Yong are such countries that cannot be stabilized. "

None of the generals spoke, they were used to it, and this is what it was like to be a general under Han Xin. Han Xin was responsible for assigning tasks, and they were responsible for completing them. Some people questioned Han Xin, and then they were slapped in the face by the brilliant victory.

"Our army's sneak attack can take these three important towns first, and then the two kings Qin and Yong must have known about this matter. They are confident that they will join forces to fight our army.

With the three towns in hand, no matter whether our army wants to go east or the two kings of Qin and Yong want to stop them, only these counties in Yongdi are the most suitable battlefields.

Annihilate the main force here, and then you can break through Xiongguan, and the generals can lead troops to pacify the counties in Guanzhong. "

Han Xin told everyone about his strategic intentions and tactical methods on the Kanyu map, "Everyone knows the rules of Xin, and must act according to orders. Although the situation on the battlefield is ever-changing, the special emphasis of Xin must not be violated."

Han Xin gave the generals in command of the front line some freedom of choice. After all, various special situations may occur on the battlefield, and they should not be rigidly followed by the pre-war arrangements, otherwise good opportunities will be missed.

However, there are some extremely risky operations that Han Xin absolutely forbids. After all, only desperadoes would bet on tactics with a very low probability of victory.

Han Xin is a large army manipulating the ceiling, as long as he can win step by step, there is no need to risk his life.

This is not the first day to accept Han Xin's dispatch, all the generals promised in unison: "Yes, General!"

Foreign wars and defensive wars are not the same thing at all, and preparations for foreign wars have always been time-consuming and energy-consuming.

The mobilization of grain and grass alone would take a long time. The second king Qin and Yong had been paying attention to Liu Bang, but found no sign of this, so the precautions were quite lax.

Who would have thought that Liu Bang would start preparing for war so early, with a perfect time difference, Han Xin realized the change in the situation, and said pleasantly: "The two kings Qin and Yong didn't know that our army had already prepared food and grass.

There are only a few places on this road that are convenient for storing supplies. Most of the cities do not have enough food and grass. As long as the food roads are cut off, they can be destroyed without attack. If the two kings of Qin and Yong do not want to leave Guanzhong directly, they must seek opportunities A decisive battle with our army. "

Although Han Xin is the pinnacle of the war-seeking faction, his strongest is command and dispatch, and he is not afraid of fighting head-on.

"Cai Niang, please also write a letter to your brother and the king, that you will have a decisive battle with the two kings Qin and Yong in the west of Xianyang."

Han Xin is going to tell Liu Bang, remember to be prepared, once you win this battle, you will enter Xianyang again.

 I didn’t come back until after four o’clock in the morning, so I didn’t break my promise. After finishing this chapter, I went to bed and asked for a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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