Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 235 Crowning the Lord of the World

Chapter 235 Crowning the Lord of the World

When the princes of Shandong were fighting each other, Luo Ling left here, and Luo Yi whispered to Liu Bang before chasing him out.


Luo Yi came to Luo Ling's side, the two brothers hadn't seen each other for a long time, Luo Ling asked with a smile in his eyes: "A Yi, why did you come out?"

Luo Yi asked hesitantly: "Brother, I also don't know where the future of this world will go. You have wisdom beyond the sky, so I want to ask you.

Before, I also thought that there should be no problem with Duke Pei becoming king, but the hostility between King Xiang and the princes of Shandong is really great, what should we do next? "

Luo Ling said lightly: "The princes of Shandong are puppets, and the king of Qi is my blood alliance. I drive the wind and rain in the land of Shandong, and the princes of Shandong are afraid of me. No one dares to break their vows in front of me, and neither does Xiang Yu." dare.

You don't have to worry about Liu Bang's throne, but you have to be prepared for war. Liu Bang will be crowned king in Guanzhong, but there must be other kings in Guanzhong. "

As the head of the Luo family, Luo Ling is completely different from the children of Luo Yi. The resources he can mobilize are unimaginable. On Ji Zhao's system panel, Luo Ling's name is on it. He is Ji Zhao's real As an agent, this difference in identity and perspective, coupled with top-level scheming, forged Luo Ling's character.

He is the most kingless person in the world. In his eyes, the king is used to prosper the Xia. If he can't, then change to another one.

Luo Yi's heart trembled, he probably guessed what Xiang Yu wanted to do, and said with some concern: "Brother, just after the war ended, it started again, which will do great harm to Zhu Xia, do you plan to stop it?"

Luo Ling looked up at the sky, "Ah Yi, people should never try to stop the general trend of the world, that's something only the ancestors can do.

Just like King Yu's control of the water in the past, if he blindly blocked it, would he still be successful?
The fortunes of Zhu Xia are prosperous, outstanding people come forth in large numbers, and there are countless people with ambitions, so some things are unavoidable.

The family is indeed able to stop this chaotic war, the power of the family is far stronger than you imagined, but even the family cannot stop it all the time.

That being the case, why not roll out a strongest person and become the king who leads the world!

As for whether the king is Liu Bang or Xiang Yu, or even other princes, the family doesn't matter.

The task of the family is to destroy the Tyrant Qin without damaging the vitality of the world, and this goal has now been achieved.

The family will become the embankment of the great river of Zhuxia, and even if all the heroes of the world create turbulent waves in it, Zhuxia will naturally stand still. "

Preserving the vitality of Zhu Xia and always maintaining a state stronger than the surrounding barbarians is a very important task for the Rock family. Anyone who dares to touch this bottom line, even the emperor will die.

Luo Ling paused for a moment, and said slowly: "Since you are Liu Bang's courtier, you must take good care of him, otherwise it will be bad for you when I kill him."

After all, he is his younger brother, Luo Ling treats him differently, Luo Yi is relieved, although Liu Bang has many problems, he will not touch Luo's bottom line in this regard, he is a hero who has all the people in his heart.

Luo Yi solemnly said: "Brother, don't worry, if that day comes, I will follow the example of my ancestors and send him on the road with my own hands!"

After the Great War of the Xia Dynasty in the past, the contemporary Luohou poisoned and killed Zhou Tianzi who made a big mistake before his death. It is recorded in the family secrets that the Luo family has never been foolish and loyal, and has a flexible moral bottom line.

"After defeating the Tyrant Qin, Xiang Yu will discuss meritorious deeds and give rewards. Presumably the princes can't wait, but my brother doesn't care about this matter. Let Xiang Yu do whatever he wants. Princes and generals will eventually return to dust.

What my brother cares about is the Dao of Heaven and Earth, and all the people in the world gather in Xianyang, where my brother wants to trample on the laws of Qin, as a show to future generations. "

Luo Yi's expression was shocked. Compared with the changes of the dynasty, this is what the Luo family really wants to do. It has been preparing for it many years ago.


The allied forces of the princes entered Xianyang, and the first emperor moved all the treasures of the six countries here. The gold, silver, pearls and jade were like sand. Liu Bang was bleeding in his heart, but he said to Xiang Yu: "King Xiang, after Ji entered Xianyang, he was waiting When you come, the gold, silver, pearls and jade have not been touched."

Xiang Yu glanced at Luo Ling, knowing that this pass does not belong to him after all, if so, then completely evacuate Xianyang City!
Soon Xianyang City became chaotic. Xiang Yu was mainly targeting the clan of the Qin State. After all, he is the co-lord of the world now, and he still has to face. These people are the richest and have enemies with Xiang Yu. Xiang Yu has no burden to kill them.

But other princes who have a good relationship with Xiang Yu don't pay attention to it. You Liu Bang wants to be the king of Guanzhong, right? I'll leave you a mess, so I directly robbed it, not even limited to Xianyang City, and began to spread around.

Liu Bang was very anxious. In his opinion, this was all his future capital. Luo Yi smiled and said, "Pei Gong, I heard that misfortunes always come with opportunities. The princes of Shandong robbed the goods, but they couldn't plunder the population here. This is a good time for you to grab the fame."

Liu Bang understood, so he stepped forward brazenly, risking to turn against Xiang Yu, and violently clashed with those Shandong princes several times. As the well-deserved top three princes in strength, everyone saw that Xiang Yu didn't speak, so they all stopped.

Liu Bang's reputation gradually rose, and the reputation of benevolence and righteousness spread throughout Guanzhong.

Xianyang City became more and more noisy, and all schools of thought from all over the world came here, especially Confucian scholars and Huang-Lao Taoists from all over the world gathered in Xianyang.


Xiang Yu held a grand sacrifice ceremony in Xianyang City. To fulfill the long-cherished wish of the Chu people for thousands of years, he asked Luo Ling to crown him, which felt like a handover ritual to him.

Naturally, Luoling could do nothing, the Luo family's coronation of Zhou Tianzi greatly improved the Luo family's status, and now Xiang Yu has obtained the position of the co-lord of the world, but still chooses to let the Luo family be crowned, which is good for the Luo family.

Luo Ling stood on the altar, Xiang Yu stood beside him, holding the crown in his hand, Luo Ling turned to look at the radiant princes below the stage.

I suddenly thought of whether it was the same feeling when the ancestors crowned the emperors in Bangzhou in the past.

"You gentlemen!"

All the people were in awe, only to hear Luo Ling's loud voice: "Baoqin has no way, and heaven hates it. King Su ordered Mausoleum to crusade against Qin Dynasty. Because there is no one in the world, the princes used the name of King Su to punish Qin Dynasty.

Now that the Tyrant Qin is dead, Su Wang is in the sky, and the master is in the world, and each of them performs his own duties, so the command of the world should be transferred to the co-lord.

Zhaocheng Huimeng, we agreed that the person with the most meritorious service will be the co-owner. Xiang Wang, Handan, killed 30 troops of the Qin army in the first battle, and the land of Shandong, the tyranny of the Qin Dynasty, was wiped out. , Is there anyone else qualified to be the co-owner? "

Hearing the words, the princes of Shandong couldn't help but secretly said in their hearts: "Mr. Luo, your contribution is even higher."

Those who had witnessed it couldn't help recalling the situation after the Battle of Handan in their minds.

At that time, Zhang Han was in Xingyang, and he was really good at defending the city. No matter how brave Xiang Yu was, he could not have knocked down the city wall alone.

Luo Ling stood up, and he built a high platform outside Xingyang. At three o'clock in the afternoon, when the sun was shining in the sky, accompanied by the voices of countless people praising the saint, there was a strong gust of wind.

The soldiers on the head of Xingyang City couldn't stand at all, let alone shoot arrows and brandish weapons against the strong wind.

The superimposition of three full cards by the east wind is enough to change a local war, let alone a siege battle. In just one day, Xingyang City was captured.

It was in this battle that Xiang Yu completely changed his attitude towards Luo Ling, especially when Luo Ling said lightly: "Ling is just a mortal, it is because King Su despises the violence of Qin that he punished him."

This frightened Xiang Yu even more. He believed in these things very much, especially the existence of King Su. Xiang Yu's tyrannical temperament was often controlled by the reputation of King Su and Xiang's ancestors.

Seeing that no one objected, Luo Ling turned to face Xiang Yu and said, "King Xiang, you have made great contributions to the death of Qin, and the people of Chu have made great contributions. Is there anyone in this world who does not appreciate your kindness?
You have become the co-lord of the world and ruled the Xias on behalf of the heavens. No matter Chu people or Qin people, they are all your people. May you treat all people kindly.

King Su is with the world! "

Xiang Yu didn't hear the looming sharpness in Luo Ling's words, but only Zhang Liang and a few others could hear it among the people present.

Xiang Yu bowed his head slightly, and the crown was placed on his head.

[Honorable master, your family has put on the highest crown for the new co-lord of the world, you have obtained 5000 luck points, and your family's prestige has been improved. 】

Luo Ling naturally didn't know about this, he stepped aside after finishing these, Xiang Yu said vigorously: "My lords, we raised troops in the name of King Su, today's war is over, I am the co-lord of the world, King Su is with me.

Since ancient times, the co-lord has a title, and Yingzheng is called the emperor. I don't use it. I get the help of the princes in the world. "

After all, it is the origin of family studies. Even if he doesn't like reading, his cultural level is still not low, and he is very proficient in using various historical allusions.

From the princes to the soldiers, all of them lowered their heads with crossed hands, and even knelt on one knee, and the unanimous promise resounded through the sky: "Su Wang is with you!"


The vast hall was full of voices, the princes were all whispering to each other, and the leaders of the respected schools were also whispering something to their children. The most influential and powerful figures in all aspects of the world gathered here.

"King Xiang is here! Duke Luo is here!"

Everyone sat up straight, Xiang Yu and Luo Ling arrived hand in hand, today's occasion was Luo Ling's home stadium, Xiang Yu could come or not, he finally decided to come over to get first-hand information as soon as possible.

After all, the Luo family has made such a big deal that almost all schools of thought from all over the world have come to Xianyang, even farms with three or two big cats and small cats who are farming in the mountains have been brought here.

One must know that even the Qin Huimeng did not have such a big battle, who could not be curious about what the Luo family is going to do?


Generally speaking, Xiang Yu, a transitional figure in the process of great dynasties, will always be downgraded by later dynasties, that is, he will not be included in this era in the history books, but Xiang Yu is special, not to mention "Historical Records" All unofficial history books, even the "Hanshu", still include Xiang Yu in this era. The root cause is that Xiang Yu chose to let Luo Zhaogong wear the crown for him, which made Xiang Yu extremely high in both heaven and man. Therefore, the rulers of the Han Dynasty were unwilling to touch the Luo family for the sake of fame, from which we can get a glimpse of the influence of the Luo family in the Han Dynasty. ——"History of the Rise and Fall of the Han Dynasty"

 feel a little bit
(End of this chapter)

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