Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 233: The Qin Dynasty is exhausted!

Chapter 233: The Qin Dynasty is exhausted!
The sun shines in the sky, and it can't dispel the chill in Qin people's hearts. Han Xin stands under the banner of the Chinese army with his sword in his hand. He never fights in battle. He is the handsome general. Put it in the right place.


The messenger rushed over and said loudly: "General, General Zhou led the army to defeat the right flank of the Qin people."

Of course, Han Xin could see it from the height of the station. He closed his eyes slightly, and the situation of the entire battlefield immediately appeared in his mind.

The battlefield is a chessboard that includes everything, and all the generals and soldiers are flags. They opened their eyes and ordered: "Let Fan Kuai's army attack to the right, and cooperate with Zhou Bo's army to attack the third battalion on the right wing of the Qin army."

The order after order was conveyed in an orderly manner. Compared with the previous defeat of Meng Tian, ​​the strategic component was higher. This time, Han Xin completely led the troops from the front and beat the Lantian camp.

Han Xin, who was trying his best to quickly break into Xianyang, only felt a dull feeling. There was still some pressure against Meng Tian before, but now it was a pure crushing game.

Banners fluttered and fireworks filled the air. Han Xin led the generals and bowed to Liu Bang and said, "Pei Gong, it's a good luck for you to believe in your life. The Qin army has been defeated. Please enter Xianyang!"

Liu Bang laughed loudly, looked at Luo Yi and the others and called out, "Ziyu, Xiao He, Zifang."

Luo Yi laughed and said, "Pei Gong, please enter Xianyang and become king!"

All the generals said in unison: "Please enter Xianyang and become king!"

Liu Bang waved his hand and said vigorously: "Go to Xianyang."


When Liu Bang's army approached the city, Qin Ting was completely dumbfounded. Aren't you still confronting Meng Tian in Luoyang?

But the fact is that Qin Ting can't help being enlightened. The only thing he can do now is to choose to resist or surrender.

In the end, stubborn resistance is a dead end, and surrender is also a matter of life and death.

Liu Bang's army was also discussing how to face the emperor Fusu. Xiao He did not advocate killing Fusu, and the reason was very good.

"Fusu's reign is different from that of the first emperor and Huhai. He practiced benevolence and righteousness, and his prestige in Guanzhong is not low. If you kill him, it will not be good for you to become king in Guanzhong in the future. If he is willing to go to the emperor's title, dedicate Guanzhong to Why do you think he should be spared?"

Luo Yi frowned, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, if Fusu is alive, Liu Bang will never win the hearts of the people of Qin, but Xiao He is also right, Fusu cannot be easily killed, so he cast his eyes on Zhang Liang, this quick-witted and wise man Mou, presumably can solve this problem.

As night fell, Liu Bang and Luo Yi walked out of Zhang Liang's tent, sighing slightly, a wise man is indeed a wise man, Zhang Liang only said seven big characters - "a gentleman can be deceived by others", Liu Bang immediately understood what he should do .

In Xianyang Palace, Fusu stared silently at the inscription in front of him, it was very short, only eight characters, more like a sentence.

Alas, the Qin Dynasty is exhausted!
All the ministers in the hall lowered their heads, and Fu Su asked softly: "My lords, what else can I do now?"

"Your Majesty, there are castles and fortresses in Xianyang Palace that can be defended. As long as the soldiers use their lives, they will surely be able to defend them. You have prestige in the Guanzhong area. If you use your position as a prince to make a promise and call on the powerful to serve the king, you will surely succeed."

A few times in a row must be to give Fusu confidence, and the plan sounds very practical, but no one has confidence at all. The Lantian camp was directly breached, but the elite army was defeated so badly, and it was organized in a hurry. The army was nothing more than massacred.

What's more, the glaring big characters on the proclamation in his hand blurred his eyes and shook his resolve. Fusu sighed: "Before I asked all the lords why the Great Qin ruled the world but had no talents, while the Shandong countries had no talents." Come forth in large numbers.

Now it seems that this is the end of life. If this is the case, why call the Qin people to Xianyang to die?
Besides, if the Qin people are really summoned, can they resist Liu Bang's army?I don't think so. "

A frivolous letter broke Fusu's last will. After all, he is not a hero who can persevere, nor is he a hero who would rather I pay the world. He is a kind person, a somewhat pedantic and persistent When he gave up his final struggle, he might also have thought of those Qin people who sincerely supported him.

Fusu issued a notice to the entire city of Xianyang, all the officials took the seal of the Qin Dynasty, mountains and rivers, geography, population and household registration, etc. out of the city to welcome Liu Bang into the city, Liu Bang finally saw the legendary jade seal, it was really beautiful Huan is not like a human thing.

Just as he was about to take it, he heard Luo Yi cough lightly, and then Zhang Liang whispered beside him: "Pei Gong, this is something only the masters of the world can touch."

Liu Bang reacted, even if the princes fulfilled their agreement and entered Guanzhong as king first, they were still the king of Guanzhong, and Xiang Yu was the co-lord of the world, and the jade seal represented heaven. This is not what he should take. If he takes it now, I am afraid Xiang Yu will be unhappy. , there will be disasters in the future.

Thinking of this, Liu Bang giggled and said, "I want to hand over the jade seal to King Xiang with my own hands, and now it's time to meet Young Master Fusu."


The son Fu Su.

When Liu Bang called Fusu this way, Fusu was stunned for a moment. Although it was less than two years since he took the throne, it seemed that it was called a long time ago.

Liu Bang deliberately used this title, as if he was feeling that it would be fine if Fusu didn't ascend to the throne of God.

"Pei Gong, are you here to humiliate Fusu? Or to kill Fusu?"

Liu Bang shook his head and said: "Of course not, you are a rare and kind person in the Tyrant Qin Dynasty, now the whole country surrenders, Ji will not kill you.

Ji just took a look at the future opponents. I will meet when the Shandong Heroes will meet.

Now Ji Xian enters Guanzhong and wants to be king in Guanzhong. Although you are in prison now, as long as the heroes in this world are famous, don't they have a chance to stand up?

Presumably the Qin people who are grateful for your kindness will definitely support you to restore the country. At that time, when we meet again on the battlefield, it will be reasonable for Ji to kill you again.

You can rest assured that Ji will fight quickly, just like this time to destroy Qin, and wipe out your rebellion in the bud with lightning speed. "

After finishing speaking, Liu Bang left here directly. This is Xianyang City, where countless gold, silver, jewels and beauties are located. This is Liu Bang's favorite thing, especially beauties. Even on the march, he will not forget the beauty.

After Qin Shihuang's migration of the big clan, the quality of beauties in Xianyang City is definitely the highest in the world. Liu Bang's entry into Xianyang City is like a rat entering a granary. It is not normal not to steal food.

Not to mention counselors like Luo Yi and Zhang Liang, even military generals like Zhou Bo and Fan Kui felt that Liu Bang was not good enough, so he hurriedly came to persuade him, Liu Bang said angrily after hearing the words: "I have fought for several years, can't I just enjoy myself?
Guan Zhong said that it is enough for a monarch to know how to use people well, and other small problems are not important. Even if Duke Huan of Qi is not good at writing, he can achieve hegemony because of this.

Although I have no talent, I am still better than Duke Huan of Qi. You must be staring at me all day because you think you are inferior to Guan Zhong? "

Then Liu Bang got a definite answer, and even Luo Yi said: "What Pei Gong said is very true, the ministers are indeed inferior to Guan Xiang, as it is recorded in the family's classics, after Wen Xuan, Guan Xiang is the first."

The number one personally certified by the Luo family is so valuable that Liu Bang didn't know what to say, Zhang Liang coughed lightly and said, "Pei Gong, Fusu is still in Xianyang, Liang is really worried about you."

Luo Yi whispered in Liu Bang's ear, "Pei Gong, don't waste all your previous efforts."

Liu Bang woke up suddenly. Although he likes beauty, beauty is nothing compared to power. He quickly said: "What Zifang and Ziyu said is very true. Ji Deyi has lost his mind."


"Pei Gong, Fusu committed suicide. Before he died, he said that the people of Qin had suffered for too long, so you should treat the people in Guanzhong well."

When Liu Bang heard this, a light flashed in his eyes, and he was able to accept Guanzhong completely at this moment. At the same time, a flash of complacency flashed in his heart, and he said with a soft smile: "A gentleman can be bullied, but luckily Ji is not a gentleman."

Luo Yi hurriedly walked in and said, "Pei Gong, King Xiang and the eldest brother's mausoleum are about to enter Guanzhong."

Liu Bang was startled, and said anxiously, "How could it be so fast?"

This was really beyond his expectations, Luo Yi comforted him: "Xiang Yu was not able to destroy Qin Ting with his own hands, so he must be dissatisfied with you, but with the elder brother's mausoleum, your throne cannot be lost, so don't worry too much .”

This is Luo Yi's self-confidence. Even if Xiang Yu really wants to do something wrong, or wants to be the foundation of the king's business in Guanzhong, but Luo Ling is here, unless Xiang Yu wants to turn against Luo Shi directly, he will never dare to openly break his promise.

Moreover, the Zhaocheng League is also aided by the legitimacy of Xiang Yu's co-lord of the world, and it is impossible for him to overthrow the resolution of the Zhaocheng League by himself.

Liu Bang sighed: "I hope so, the death of Qin and the death of Su, I don't know what the world will be like."


Huaiyin broke the blue fields, and Xianyang could be obtained at any time. Gaozu said: "In the past, the king of Chen rose up and called on the world to "cut down the injustice and punish the tyranny of Qin".

At this prosperous time, there should be a word to shake the prestige and capture the Qin court. "

Everyone said two or three, Gao Zu didn't use it.

He also said: "You Qin Dynasty, the breath is exhausted!"

The crowd said: "It's great! This statement is so majestic, it's so powerful."

Gao Zu Dayue said: "Those who know me will move to Xianyang!"

Showing to the Qin court, the emperor helped Su and said: "The energy is exhausted. Sincerely, you can't kill recklessly."

The fighting stopped, and Gaozu was based in Guanzhong. ——"Historical Records Luoyinghou Family"

(End of this chapter)

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