Chapter 225 The Two Sides
Luo Xin faintly felt that Lu Taigong was not only friendly with him for Liu Bang, he seemed to want to restart the relationship between the two parties on behalf of the Lu family.

But in fact, this is a side effect of Luo Xin playing too much politics. Lu Taigong simply thinks that Liu Bang is not as reliable as Luo Shi.

It would be bad if Liu Bang gets rich and directly kicks Lu Shi out of the game, or some other things happen, but if there is the support of Luo Shi, at least Liu Bang dare not play too much.

The original purpose of Luo Xin coming out of Luo Village this time was to contact Luo's old relatives and friends. These people basically had a deep relationship with Bang Zhou, and were hit hard by Emperor Shihuang. They were the main force against Qin.

When Luo Xin left Pei County, Liu Bang didn't know that his home had been stolen.


Xianyang City.

The changes in Guanzhong are quite big now, and Hu Hai has already finished the burial of the first emperor. After all, he was the second emperor of Qin for a period of time, and he still did a lot of things.

Since Fusu ascended the throne, except for the great conferment of princes, basically all large-scale projects have been stopped, not only the construction of Afang Palace, but also the repair of Xianyang Palace.

This is what Meng Yun and Fusu said when Meng Yun was still alive in the past, when they were drinking, they wanted to save Daqin, cherish manpower, release the shackles, let the people of Qin have expectations for the future, and give Qin people hope for the future. They want that to be the most important thing.

Fusu looked at the scrolls of bamboo slips on the case, which were the government affairs of Guanzhong, "only part of the manpower was released, and the troops that Guanzhong could mobilize far exceeded before. ?"

Fusu was somewhat moved by these changes. Before his father used severe punishments and harsh laws to control the people of the world, but there were countless prisoners who escaped. Now he uses benevolent laws and no longer punishes them by force, but he has received greater support. This is really a kind of irony.

The eunuch hurried in from outside the hall, and said with joy on his face, "Your Majesty, good news from Shandong."

Fusu took the battle report and unfolded it, "Your Majesty, I have broken through the coalition forces of Chu and Zhao. Xiang Liang of Chu was seriously injured and dying. The traitors of Zhao are fleeing. I am leading an army to chase and kill them. Zhao will soon be killed." To recover, the banner of Daqin will be replanted on the land of the Shandong kingdoms."

Fusu couldn't help applauding, and exclaimed: "I really deserve to be a famous general of the Great Qin Dynasty, so I immediately wrote back to the King of Handan.

After conquering the land of Zhao, I will give him half of the country of Zhao. If he can make great achievements again, I will give him the whole country of Zhao and let him be the king of Zhao.

This is the emperor's promise. "

The eunuchs were all shocked by Fusu's generosity. Although they knew that the Great Qin Emperor was completely different from the First Emperor, the difference was too great.

The main reason why Fusu was so happy was that Zhang Han defeated Chu's army and even seriously injured Xiang Liang.

Although Fusu's mother was born in Chu, he knew very well that Chu was now the stronghold of the anti-Qin. He had some prestige in Chu, but he couldn't compare with Xiang.

Not to mention him, even if the descendants of the Chu royal family were recruited, they might not be as good as the Xiang family. It would take a long time to flatten the resistance in Chu.

In the battle report, Zhang Han also specifically mentioned the help of princes like King Xingyang to the army, which made Fusu unable to help but think of Meng Yun again. result.

"Meng Yunzi, if you are willing to help me and be my prime minister, Daqin must be full of vitality now, and the world has changed. If you don't leave Guanzhong, maybe you won't meet the rebels in Shandong. You and I don't have to be so yin and yang now. interval."

While Fusu was feeling emotional, he began to transfer the elders from Guanzhong to Shandong to fill up the army. At the end of Zhang Han's battle report, Zhang Han asked Fusu for more troops.

Because the imperial court occupies more and more cities, and the territory is getting bigger and bigger, and it must have enough troops to defend it.

This is the institutional inertia of the Qin Dynasty, which cannot be changed by Fusu alone. Even unknowingly, he began to gradually act according to the opinions provided by those subordinate officials.


When Fusu was mobilizing manpower in Guanzhong, Luoling was leading the troops of Zhao and Chu to confront Zhang Han. After Xiang Liang's death, Luoling completely took over the command of the two armies.

With Luoling's unparalleled level of military strategy, combined with the decent commanding level of the lieutenant generals of the Chu and Zhao armies, Zhang Han naturally couldn't take advantage of him.

Zhang Han couldn't attack for a long time, so he completely gave up his plan to wipe out the Chu-Zhao coalition army in a short time, and planned to wait for the troops sent from the rear and Meng Tian's reinforcements.

Limited by the strength of the Chu-Zhao coalition forces, Luo Ling was not sure of completely annihilating Zhang Han, so he was also waiting. Both sides were waiting for the troops from Henan, but Luo Ling seized the opportunity and moved the troops back first.

Most of the princes of Zhaocheng Huimeng came to the battlefield in this land of Hebei. Among the princes granted by Fusu, besides Handan Wang Zhanghan, Xingyang Prince Ying also came here, and there were five or six other princes who were born here. Hou Du led the army to the battlefield to support Zhang Han.

Fusu's edict has also reached Zhang Han's hands, and a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry followed. The generous rewards made Zhang Han full of motivation again.

Prince Ying of Xingyang smiled and said: "King Zhang, if you win this battle, half of the country of Zhao will be yours. Your majesty said that if you make great achievements, you will conquer the country of Chu. When the world is stable, you will be the king of Zhao.

In the past, Bai Qi and Wang Jian did not receive such a high reward for their great achievements. This is because of His Majesty's great love for you. "

Ziying is considered to be a rare talent in the clan of the Qin State. From the time they became king together until Zhang Han defeated Xingyang, the relationship between the two has always been good. Zhang Han said with a smile: "King Xingyang, you are right, For a benevolent king like His Majesty, there may not be many times in the history books.

If Zhang Han doesn't die for His Majesty, I'm afraid he won't be at ease even if he arrives at Jiuyou Huangquan. This time, I will use Zhao Wangxie's head as a proof of my loyalty to Your Majesty. "

Zhang Han was indeed very moved. When he first named Handan King, although the emperor verbally said that he wanted to be King Zhao, Zhang Han was still a little uncertain in his heart.

After all, it was a big prince and king. At the end of the Warring States period, Zhao State was the biggest obstacle to Qin State's eastward movement, especially the strength of Zhao State and the dangerous terrain.

But he didn't expect that the emperor would bring up the old matter again, and write it directly in the imperial edict to let everyone know that it was almost clear that he was going to be King Zhao. How could he not be moved by this?
Facing such a king, the only way to repay his kindness is to die. This is Zhang Han's truest thought.

The high-level mobilization of the Qin Dynasty was very successful, and the emperor rewarded Zhang Han so much that other people were also swayed.

This time the reward proved that the previous great feudal lordship was not accidental, and it was not to buy people's hearts. This emperor was really generous and willing to give soil. After confirming this matter, he naturally had to move forward bravely.


Luo Ling saw Xiang Yu again.

Ever since he heard the news of Xiang Liang's death, Xiang Yu was like a powder keg that was on fire at any point, his eyes seemed to be on fire at any time, and there was a strong hatred inside.

Naturally, Xiang Liang's body had already been put into the coffin. Luo Ling personally selected the best coffin for him. In such troubled times, it was not easy to be buried like this. Buried in a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

Xiang Yu kowtowed heavily in front of Xiang Liang's lord tablet, he already knew that his uncle passed on the position of Patriarch to himself, "Don't worry, uncle, I know your long-cherished wish.

Ji will definitely make the Xiang family unspeakably valuable, and will definitely win the first place in the battle to destroy Qin, make great contributions, and be the co-lord of the world.

I will never forget the oath I made in front of my grandfather in the past, and I will definitely let Ying Qin pay for it with blood. Now you have to add your blood feud. Can such hatred be annihilated? "

Xiang Yu kept talking in front of the memorial tablet. He lost his father when he was young. His uncle Xiang Liang brought him up. The relationship between the two of them is too deep. As he talked, Xiang Yu couldn't continue talking, and couldn't help but let out a loud voice. cry.

People are complicated, Xiang Yu is really kind to his relatives, if there are brothers and nephews like Xiang Yu, he can really lie down and win, he doesn't even need you to ask, he will directly stuff gold, silver, treasures and fief titles in your arms.

After an unknown period of time, Xiang Yu slowly got up from the ground and stood up. He was already extremely tall, but under the light, the shadow on the ground was stretched very long, making him even more majestic.


Xiang Yu pushed open the door and walked out, and then saw Luo Ling sitting kneeling in the courtyard, a dead leaf slowly fell and landed in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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