Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 213 The storm is about to come, the storm has come

Chapter 213 The storm is about to come, the storm has come

It is always said that man will conquer the sky, but for millions of years, human power has never surpassed the sky. There is no doubt that man is insignificant in front of nature. Although there are always sages fighting hard, the fear of natural disasters is imprinted in man's bones.

Although it can't be compared with Sitian Jiantai's celestial weapons that can change the entire Xia, at least on the battlefield in this area, the people of Qin have completely fallen into failure.

It is a remarkable thing to be able to affect thousands of people on the battlefield and make them completely lose their combat effectiveness and become pigs and sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

After Luo Yi finished using Borrowing the East Wind, he felt that the negative effects were not as serious as those recorded in the family classics.

The power erupted by a person in a desperate situation is terrifying, especially in the desperate situation where there is a strong spiritual force injected, the Luo people shouted loudly, each of them counts as ten, and in a short period of time, the offensive and defensive momentum is different!

Luo Yi saw the situation on the battlefield change so quickly, and deeply felt the power of the Divine Artifact of Destiny, "Such a powerful artifact is in the hands of the Luo family, no wonder the Su Wang Patriarch wants to set constraints for the Luo family, if it falls into the hands of the ambitious , I still don’t know what kind of disaster I’m going to create.”

Under the strong wind, the Qin people left corpses scattered in a panic, boom, thunder rang out, and dark clouds gathered in the sky again, it seemed that the sky was dissatisfied and wanted to pour down its anger on the world again.

This made the Luo people anxious. Once it started to rain, the Qin people would be even more chaotic, but the rebel army would also fall into chaos. No one can fight the enemy in the mud under the pouring rain, and they can't even see people. And there is nothing worse than rain in an open field.

"My lord, the clouds in the sky are gathering more and more, and there is another heavy rain. There is no shelter, and the soldiers have no raincoats. Once it rains for a long time, if it catches wind and cold, the consequences will be disastrous. Find a place to shelter from the rain."

The most important thing now is not to chase Qin Jun, but to leave here quickly, but Luo Yi did not do this. He still has an artifact in his hand, called Pujiang Ganlin.

The effect of this prop is to rain at a designated time and place. He is thinking that if this prop is used now, will the rain still fall from the sky?

It's like borrowing the east wind. If there is an east wind blowing between the heaven and the earth, and then the west wind is borrowed by using the artifact, then the west wind will appear in the end. The effect of the artifact directly changes the wind that should exist in nature.

Now raining rain can also change the rainfall in this space. As long as this heavy rain falls on the heads of the Qin people, the rebel army will naturally be able to sit back and watch the Qin people collapse in the heavy rain, and they don't even need to fight. The rain is enough to destroy any army.

Thinking of this, Luo Yi said slowly: "Everyone, it must be very clear whether there is a place to shelter from the rain when you escaped along the way, especially with so many people, there is no time at all.

The only thing I can pray for now is Su Wang's mercy.If it is really impossible to prevent the coming of death, let us die in eulogy. "

Yes, where can I hide from the rain?

Isn't it because of the heavy rain that many people died on the road along the way?
There are those from the Qin army, those from the rebel army, and many of the people who are still alive, many of them contracted the wind and cold and eventually fell into the muddy water, their bodies gradually stiffened, and their lives came to an end.

"Su Wang's spirit is in the sky, and his glory and reputation will last for thousands of years."

The high-pitched chants sounded, which is a hymn to the ancestors and gods. According to legend, King Su will always protect every Luo people who believe in him. As long as there is light in his heart, the soul will ascend to the place where King Su is. , Eternal support Su Wang.

Let the rain fall, start!
Following the position Luo Yi looked at, a force that no one could see swept across the vast battlefield, as if borrowing the east wind.

The scope of the real heavy rain is very small, but the area of ​​this artifact is ten times or even a hundred times. The dark clouds gathered over the rebel army were quickly dissipated under the drive of this force, but the dark clouds above the heads of the Qin people But there is no slight change.

Luo Yi inadvertently figured out the true use of the magical weapon of rain in the war, which is to use it in the weather when it is about to rain heavily, so that it can control whether it rains in an area.

Countless June snows can freeze the world, and countless rains can make the world drought. A prop used to rain can be used in the completely opposite direction, which is really terrifying.

A strange scene soon appeared between the sky and the earth, only tens of meters apart, with heavy rain on one side and clear sky on the other.

The people of Luo cheered when they saw it, and the hymn became even more upbeat. For believers, is there anything more exciting in this world than a true god sending down magical powers to save themselves?
"Su Wang is with us!"

Luo Yi waved his sword and shouted loudly, so hundreds of thousands of people shouted in unison, the sound of wind, rain, screams, cheers, hundreds of thousands of voices came together, and countless chaotic voices formed a scene of thick and colorful drama.

The Qin people were naturally not stupid, and ran towards the Luo people one after another, and then they found that as they moved, the place where the sky was originally clear and clear began to rain heavily.

This is to forcibly change the rain with a magical tool. Once Luo Yi no longer controls it, it will naturally rain again. Now all the Qin people are completely defeated, and many people are not even ready to escape. They just kneel on the ground. Pray for God's forgiveness.

Everyone thought that this had offended the heavens, and that's why they sent such punishments.

"Follow King Su, defeat Wudao, Xingluo Clan, and punish the Qin Dynasty!"

The deafening yelling in unison reminded everyone of the high spirits they had just followed Chen Wang's uprising, and now standing beside them was Luo Shi!
Everyone surrounded Luo Yi, their faces were full of excitement and said: "Young Master, the failure of the rebel army may be due to King Chen. If the rebel army is led by the government, it must have broken into the pass by now and slaughtered the Qin government."

There is no doubt that the resentment of the heads of Guizhou towards the first emperor is no less than that of the Xia people towards Xia Jie.

Everyone gritted their teeth and said: "A tyrant like the first emperor should cut off his descendants and destroy his priests. His delusion to continue to be the emperor in the underworld is simply a dream. Su Wang will punish him. Death is his only end."

A Luo man ran over from afar and said loudly, "My lord, Meng Xiang, Zhang Han's deputy, has been arrested. He is the commander of this Qin army, and he is also the Duke of Qin."

The expression on Meng Xiang's face was changing all the time, he was dazed and stunned, obviously already suspicious of life, even if he was not arrested, he might not be able to survive in this mental state under such circumstances.

Without hesitation, Luo Yi immediately said, "Kill him, and avenge the dead."

With the knife in hand, blood splattered, and the crowd asked again: "My lord, the Qin army who fled suffered heavy casualties, but these Qin troops who knelt down and begged for mercy survived, how to deal with them?"

For the disorderly army, the biggest casualty was caused by the crazy trampling. The people of Qin who faced the wind and rain knelt on the ground, instead of trampling each other, they saved their lives.

Luo Yi was not dazzled by the victory in front of him. This was a victory brought about by an artifact, and now everyone is still in a dangerous situation where the army of the Qin Dynasty may come at any time.

So he said in a deep voice: "Everyone, the top priority now is to get out of here, we don't have time to deal with these prisoners."

A member of the rebel army from Zhao said loudly: "My lord, should we just let these Qin people go back? In the past, Bai Qi killed Zhao Guo's surrender army. Isn't it the right time to return them now?"

Changping is a pain that will never heal in the hearts of the Zhao people. Others also agree to kill these prisoners. Killing surrender has always been considered unknown, but it is just a few words that are simply circulated in the upper class. The real bottom soldiers only obey orders and don't care. other.

Luo Yi heard the words and said loudly: "King Su is with us, raining wind and rain to save our lives, but a human being is born in this world, has hands and feet, has the wisdom of the sages and the benevolence and righteousness in his heart, what can't be done?
Do you have to trouble King Su for everything?Is it going to be a vine attached to King Su?That must be what King Su hated.

King Su despises the tyrannical and immoral Qin law, we rise up, kill it, trample on it, so that the later princes will never dare to use it, and then go to Bingsu King, isn't this the most glorious thing in life? ? "

Everyone was a little ashamed when they heard the words, yes, Su Wang has always taught self-improvement, how can you rely on Su Wang for everything?
So they all said: "Young master, what you said is correct, so where are we going now?"

Luo Yi smiled and pointed to the southeast, and said loudly: "Go and make peace with my elder brother. Elder brother has the ability to measure the world, and can observe the changes in the hearts of the world. As long as he follows the elder brother, it will be easy to destroy Tyranny."

In fact, Luo Yi slipped away so quickly because he was a little afraid of Zhang Han. Although this man was not well-known, after getting to know Luo Yi, he felt that he was not a simple person.

At least in terms of leading the army, Luo Yi thinks that he is not up to his level. An official who is biased towards government affairs can command an army of more than [-], and he can win battles as soon as he goes to the battlefield. This has to be said to be a talent Extraordinary.

The tens of thousands of people who followed Luo Yi were pleasantly surprised to hear that there was more than one son from the Luo family who fled in the past, which is really great news.

As time went by, the mysterious battle that took place at the ferry became more and more widespread.


Yinghou Luoyi, the descendant of the Gallo family, and the descendant of King Su.

In August of the first year of the Second Emperor, Chen She was defeated and died, and the rebel army fell to the ferry. The Qin army rushed, and the overthrow was imminent.

At that time, he also came across the river under the order of King Su. At that time, the clouds dispersed and the rain stopped, and he looked like a god and man, and everyone worshiped him.

It is also a word of wind, a word of rain, falling on the Qin camp, within three feet of the body, it is like a clean room, unstained by dust, the gods are so strange, the Qin army is panicked, and they all call it divine punishment, and the dead will not be counted.

It is also to lead the rebel army across the river to the west. ——"Historical Records Luoyinghou Family"

 The words written on the plane can be called flying chapters, Le

(End of this chapter)

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