Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 210 Zhuxia, the Luo family chapter is here

Chapter 210 Zhu Xia, the Luo family is back
When Luo Yi and Luo Cai brought back the news that the First Emperor had died, Luo Ling had already started preparing for the battle. He was always paying attention to the situation in the Central Plains, and he was waiting for the person who was the pioneer of the king to appear and sacrifice the flag for the world.

This is something that comes naturally from his top-notch power-fighting ability. People with good reputations plan before they act, and have a long-term vision, while people with bad reputations are vicious.

Moreover, the Luo family cared more about luck. The Qin Dynasty was the orthodox Dynasty of Destiny, and the clay figurines were even a little angry. It was not easy to destroy a dynasty. Everyone who destroyed the old dynasty first would always suffer backlash.

When the wind blown by Chen She blows to the world, Luo Ling who has been waiting in the southern part of the world understands that now is the time.

He immediately wrote to the Xiang family, asking them to prepare to seize the power of Kuaiji County. The Xiang family has a very deep foundation in the land of Jiangdong, not only in Kuaiji County, but also in the entire old land of Chu State. They have great prestige and can contact many old nobles.

"The person who is the pioneer of the king has appeared, and the real king will be born next. It's time for Erlang to work hard."

Luo Ling deliberately narrated vaguely. He didn't point to Xiang Yu in a single word, but every word pointed to Xiang Yu, which cheered up the entire Xiang family. This is also an opportunity for Xiang Yu, to be able to get the support of Rockwell, which is beyond the reach of many people.

Xiang Liang didn't know why Luo Ling valued Xiang Yu so much, was it just because of the double pupil?Xiang Liang thought it was impossible. When did the Luo family care about the so-called being different from ordinary people? How could the Holy King be able to achieve it just because of a pair of pupils?
It was because Luo Ling said that Xiang Yu was the leader of the army. Xiang Liang didn't know the twists and turns, but he knew that the biggest opportunity for the Xiang family since its birth had come.

In the village where the Luo clan gathered, all the men were ready to go. The most talented person among the Luo clan wrote a letter, denouncing all kinds of atrocities committed by the Qin Dynasty, and calling on the heroes of the world to rise up and destroy Qin.

Luo Ling couldn't help applauding after reading it, and immediately arranged for people to publicize it in all directions.

Chen She led the peasant rebel army all the way to the west, and the successive victories dazzled everyone's minds, and then the rebel army ushered in a huge defeat.

Before the Great Wall Corps entered the field, the rebel army was defeated. The morale of the rebel army was greatly depressed after several consecutive failures, and internal blame began to be placed on each other.

At the same time, Chen She's deterioration was too fast. People all over the world praised him, and the title of King Chen made him forget the wealth and honor of the past when he was poor and destitute.

When he first advocated righteousness, he said that princes and generals would rather have kindness, but soon he thought that he was a born noble, a person who was born with a mission to destroy Tyranny, and the rebel army soon began to corrupt , and then the team began to separate from Germany.

Luo Yi and Luo Cai were planning to return to Tiannan together, but in the end only Luo Cai went back. After all, it is a troubled time, especially now that wars are raging, and more people are needed to protect her.

Suppressing the rebel army made Zhang Han famous, and the rebel army fled in droves. Zhang Han just sent an army, and he did not pursue it himself. Instead, he prepared to fight Meng Tian according to Hu Hai's order. Qin's internal struggle made the rebel army There was a slight respite, but at this time Chen She completely lost his prestige. The leaders of the uprising armies all over the country supported the restoration of the nobles of the original countries, and there were many Luo people for the restoration of the Luo State, under the banner of the Luo State.

It was raining lightly in the sky. After a heavy rain just now, the whole land was covered with mud. The turbulent water beside the big river hit everything. Luo Yi and his party wore coir raincoats and rode horses galloping in the rain. Luo Yi asked loudly Said: "Is it in this direction?"

"That's right, this is the only place within a hundred miles where people can wade across the big river. If the rebel army retreats, they will definitely leave from here, because they don't have a boat. At the current speed, I'm afraid that when we reach the side of the big river, the battle will be over. The rain should stop completely, the clouds will clear and the sun will reappear."

Although the heavy rain stopped, but in the strong wind, the voice of speaking began to erratic. Luo Yi looked at the raging river, as if it was going to swallow all life, and said loudly with some despair: "Such a raging flood, is it still possible?" Can someone come over? If they can’t cross the river, I’m afraid everyone will die on the other side. Is this God’s punishment for breaking Qin’s destiny?”

Just when Luo Yi was asking questions here, countless people were running for their lives, behind them were the soldiers of the Qin army, and then the people in the front saw the raging river, and suddenly felt desperate. Only the best boatman could handle such a rushing water. Dare to punt, but they probably need thousands of boats to leave. How could there be so many boats? If there were so many boats, they would not have come here.

Luo Yi was equally anxious, many of the Luo people led by Chen She were Luo people, of course Luo Yi couldn't just sit back and watch these Luo people die on the river.

Luo Yi believes that as long as the defeated army can be integrated, it will still have the strength to fight. Once the Qin army finds that it cannot win, it will probably not pursue the killing. After all, now that the military merit system has collapsed, even killing the enemy has no military merit.

Fortunately, they quickly found a skilled boatman. This is an old man who looks a little thin, but his body is full of muscles, and he looks very powerful.

Hearing that Luo Yi wanted to cross the river, the old man refused: "You seem to be a nobleman, why would you challenge He Bo's majesty when the heavens are furious?

Going out of the boat in such weather, even if He Bo showed mercy and let us pass safely, we will definitely face punishment in the future. "

In the legend of Chudi, whenever the river starts to surge, it is Hebo who is angry. At this time, all boatmen and fishermen should not enter the river, otherwise they will be punished. It is a legend that came out, but it has been passed down from generation to generation, and everyone firmly believes that it will not be violated without special circumstances.

Luo Yi then informed the boatman of the situation on the other side, and said sadly: "If we can't rush there in time to organize them, I'm afraid everyone will die under the iron hooves of Tyranny."

Hearing this, the boatman sighed and said, "Why are you worried about people you have never met before? Would a nobleman like you also worry about the life and death of the head of Guizhou? The big river in front of us is too big, now that more people die, will there be any difference?

Tyranny Qin is too powerful, the old man heard that His Majesty has a jade seal, which was given to him by heaven. It says that he obtained the destiny to rule the world from heaven. The life of the king is long and prosperous. Can anyone beat him? "

There was sarcasm in the boatman's words, but at the same time there was a trace of indifference. It was an indifferent emotion. He didn't worry about offending Luo Yi because of these words. He was alone without any worries.

Hearing this, Luo Yi slowly took off the bamboo hat he had been wearing all the time, and said in a deep voice: "Old man, perhaps the Qin Dynasty has obtained the destiny, but King Su is with all the people."

Su Wang!

The boatman just woke up from a trance when he saw the stigmata on the center of Luo Yi's eyebrows. Even the ignorant Qin people had vaguely heard of the stigmata on the center of Luo Yi's eyebrows. Don't say that he is a native of Chu State, the legend of Luo Yu's Yan Gong is well known in Chu State.

King Su's belief in the state of Chu is also deeply rooted. The boatman didn't care about the muddy water on the ground, and almost immediately knelt down and said, " did you appear here? Could it be that King Su came to save us?"

Luo Yi hurriedly helped the boatman up, and said in a deep voice: "Old man, to punish the innocent and punish the Qin Dynasty, this is what the Luo family has to do, and now cross the river to save those people, just for this, I promise you , I will definitely destroy Tyranny and avenge you."

Of course, Luo Yi could see that the boatman had no family, but had a high probability of dying in the war and the heavy corvee. This kind of thing was really common in these years of rule. It takes luck to survive.

This time the boatman immediately started to prepare the boat. In the turbulent waves, the boat swayed from side to side, and was always on the verge of capsizing. Luo Yi was nervous, but smiled and said to the boatman: "Old man, you Said that when He Bo was angry, he would be cursed if he went out on the boat. I promise you that you will no longer need to go boating for a living. I will give you gold, silver, pearls and jade to repay your kindness for letting me cross the river today. .”

The boatman heard the words and said: "Young master, what you said really shames me. If I take your gold, silver, pearls and jade today, how can I go to the Nine Heavens to meet King Su in the future? Although the old man is the head of Guizhou, he also knows that people are kind." Evil, I am willing to die for your righteousness, this is the most glorious moment in my life."

The boat has been on the verge of capsizing countless times, but they have survived safely under the superb skills of the boatman, and reached the opposite bank at the fastest speed. The passage of time has gathered a lot of people, and now they are swarming over, densely packed like a colony of ants.

Luo Yi took a rough look and found that although the armor was not complete, many people still carried weapons in their hands. He was slightly relieved, and having weapons meant that they still had the ability to resist and would not be killed like pigs.

Although Luo Yi came here with the intention of dying, who would want to die if he could live?


This was the sound of the boat leaning heavily on the shore. Luo Yi and a group of guards jumped off the boat directly. At this time, the people in the front had rushed over, and then directly saw Luo Yi's unobstructed stigmata.


The man exclaimed, as if he had seen something incredible!
 still today~
  I've been so busy these days, I don't even know when I'll have time, alas
(End of this chapter)

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