Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 2 Patriarchal System and Enfeoffment System

Chapter 2 Patriarchal System and Enfeoffment System

When King Wu died, Ji Yun succeeded him under the name of King Kang.

Wang Shuji Zhao is the regent of Taizai, Taigong wants Taibao to assist, and the three princes of the emperor have two of them.

The whole world is looking at Haojing, Ji Zhao's first edict is to ask all the nobles and nobles of Bangzhou to come to Haojing to worship the emperor and discuss important matters.

Whether it was a minister in Wang Ji or a noble noble in the east, they all came to Haojing under their own misgivings to pay homage to an eight-year-old emperor.

The pavilion in the capital city of Hao, which received these princes Fangbo, was more lively than ever.

Ji Zhao sent someone from Guanyi early to teach the etiquette of these princes and Zhou, all of which were made by him himself, complicated and solemn. He wanted to make a pilgrimage to let everyone in the world understand that the emperor of Zhou is the real world. The co-lord is by no means the lord of the feudal lords of the Xia and Shang dynasties.

Son of God, noble blood, sacred and inviolable!

Everyone is talking about Ji Zhao. He is not a nameless person. King Wu once praised him as "the son of the unicorn". The etiquette and patriarchal laws of Bang Zhou are also made by him. It is said that in the process of King Wu's attack on Zhou. He is also a counselor in military affairs, but he is rarely seen in front of everyone.

Those who knew him thought that he might become Zongzheng, but no one would have thought that King Wu would entrust his young son to him at the end of his life, and give him such great power to let him act as a king.

Ji Zhao didn't care about the disturbance outside the palace. He carefully arranged the emperor's crown for King Kang, and his face was full of love. As a regent who will return to power in the future, maintaining a good relationship with the emperor is the most important thing. Just a child now, but one day he will be the king of the world.

"Your Majesty, this is the first time you have appeared in front of the princes. You must remain calm. You don't have to worry, no matter what happens, the minister will protect you from the wind and rain until you grow up."

Listening to Ji Zhao's comfort, King Kang calmed down a little, and said crisply, "Uncle Wang, I see."

At about the same time, Ji Zhao and King Kang, surrounded by guards and Gong E, came to the place of sacrifice, and the princes who came to worship had been waiting for nearly a quarter of an hour.

When the two appeared, everyone stood up and saluted. Ji Zhao lifted King Kang to the high throne, and then stood beside King Kang with his armor and sword, facing the princes.

Ji Zhao acted on behalf of the king. Regent Dazai presided over the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens. He also made sacrifices to the ancestral temples and the gods of the mountains and rivers. The princes who came to worship showed their loyalty to the emperor and worshipped each other. The princes have never experienced such a complicated experience. process, these etiquettes everywhere show the superiority and inferiority between the emperor and the princes.

All the ceremonies were over, the princes came to the palace for a feast, and finally the real talks began.

After drinking for three rounds, Ji Zhao put down the drinking vessel in his hand, and the princes who had been paying attention to him all knelt and sat up.

Ji Zhao looked around the audience and said with a worried look on his face: "All the clansmen, nobles, and heroes who come here are. Under the leadership, we killed the tyrant King Zhou of Shang, and now we have gained the world, but the fate of destiny will flow, will it remain unchanged forever?
Solitary is very worried!

The former king once said to Gu that if we want to continue the destiny of the Zhou people, we must build a new city between Yiluo. "

Hearing what Ji Zhao said, the expressions of some people in the hall couldn't help but change. Yiluo was in the center of the east, and he built the capital there, naturally, to guard against the old Yin and Shang divisions.

Ji Zhao looked at the expressions of everyone in the arena calmly, and continued: "The barbarians from all over the world are constantly pouring into our land, and there are always rebels in the land that has been occupied.

I worry that even if we build a new city, we will still not be able to let Bangzhou enjoy the destiny forever. "

He sighed repeatedly, as if he had thought of the day when Bang Zhou lost his destiny.

Yi Di has always been a big problem threatening all the countries of the country, and the demise of the Shang Dynasty was due to the rebellion of Dong Yi.

Taigong Wang, who was kneeling in the first row of the crowd, stood up and said, "We were originally the Xiaoqing of the Xiqi Land, because the former king received the mandate of heaven, and we were able to follow the former king to conquer the land blessed by God, and to serve the supreme and supreme emperor.

Since the late king appointed Dazai to be the regent, everything in Bangzhou is under your control, and all we can do is obey your orders. "

Some clan heroes also stood up and said, "Dazai is the younger brother of the late king, how noble is his bloodline!

You are in charge of State Week, can we not obey your orders?
I only hope that the destiny can always look after the state and Zhou, and we will always be by the side of the emperor from generation to generation, just like the stars in the sky surrounding the moon. "

No matter what everyone thinks in their hearts, at least here, they are all loyal ministers.

Ji Zhao heard the words and said with a smile: "Tai Gong is the biggest contributor to the establishment of Bang Zhou, the former king once told Gu that he wanted to share wealth with you.

Your ancestor once assisted Xia Yu and was enfeoffed in Ludi. He was an ancient noble. The former king gave you Qidi as a feudal state, so that you could worship your ancestors.

Bangzhou gained the world, and the ancestors gave the fertile land to Gu because of Gu's blood.

What an honor for the two of us to be able to defend Wang Ji!
While I was alone and happy, I thought that the relatives of the clan did not have a piece of land to live in, and all the ministers were descendants of the three kings and five emperors, and they could not worship their ancestors.
There is no one to resist the barbarians in the four directions, and the fertile land has no kingship. The emperor has to directly face the barbarians who lead beasts and cannibals. Isn't this a shame for our courtiers?
Yin Shang did this and lost the Mandate of Heaven. Shouldn't we avoid it?

Although Bangzhou is a state handed down from ancient times, its mission is to establish a new system.

Gu Zeng negotiated with the previous king, and all of them were courtiers with noble bloodlines, and they were bloodlines passed down from the time of the Three Kings and Five Emperors.

The former king decided to divide the land among the ministers to establish their own countries, so that you could worship your ancestors.At the same time, it can resist the intrusion of barbarians and protect the emperor as a barrier. What an honor. "

Xia Shangdu once distributed the land to the heroes. In the eyes of everyone, this is the beginning of a new round. Originally, they thought that there would be any difference between Bangzhou and Zhou, but they did not expect it to be the same old way.

Thinking of this, many people have already put their minds at ease, and even started to calculate where they can get the land.

Ji Zhao naturally knew what they were thinking, and he just sneered a few times in his heart. Naturally, the land would not be divided from Wang Ji. If he accepted the land, he also accepted the new system of ritual and music.

As long as the emperor holds [-]% of the power of the world, he can leverage the submission of the entire system of princes, which is completely different from the county system of later generations.

As long as the emperor does not commit suicide, this system can at least guarantee the authority of the emperor for 400 years!
At present, there are two most fertile lands in the world. One is around Haojing. Zhou people have been working hard for thousands of years.

One is between Yiluo, but if a new capital is to be built in that place, it is naturally impossible to seal off all of them.

A deeply trusted clan like Ji Zhao could be enshrined on the banks of Luoshui, but most people here probably wouldn't have this kind of treatment.

Even Taigongwang, Ji's most important ally was sealed in Qidi. Although the land was fertile, it was full of Dongyi, and the danger was not low.

Before everyone could react, Taigongwang worshipped with tears in his eyes, "The reason why Bangzhou was able to gain the world is entirely because the late king got the mandate of heaven, the minister only made a small achievement, but the late king gave such a great grace, I only wish to be the fence of the emperor from generation to generation."

Most people have already begun to think about what benefit Ji Zhao gave Taigongwang to make him cooperate so much. If the two hadn't discussed it, they wouldn't believe it if they were killed.

King Wu passed away, Taigong is the No.1 in the current Bangzhou military, not to mention the Jiang surname force behind him, this kind of ally is worth paying any price except the throne.

One of the direct daughters of the Jiang surname Lu will become the wife of Ji Zhao, the other will become the queen of Bang Zhou, and one Wang Ji will be the wife of the state of Qi, and the surname Jiang will marry the emperor from generation to generation.

Qi State and Luo State will be the most important allies of Haojing in the East. In Ji Zhao's system design, the ritual and music conquests come from the emperor, while Qiluo two countries hold the power of conquest, and they share the responsibility of suppressing the east. The important task of Fang Kingdom, which is close to Yin and Shang, and the Dongyi tribe.

Although many people slander, but no one will speak out against this situation.

In the face of the army that had just defeated Yin and Shang, it was almost the most powerful stage of Bang Zhou's army at present, and it was not something that some Fang countries could compete with.

"The ministers and others are willing to be the fence of the emperor from generation to generation."

Ji Zhao laughed loudly and said, "All the monarchs are indeed our loyal ministers of Bangzhou, and the destiny of Bangzhou will come to the Son of Heaven. I have been thinking hard, only by taking the patriarchal system and the feudal system as the foundation, can we ensure that the princes will always respect the Son of Heaven. Only in this way can we ensure that our country will enjoy the destiny forever."

This time, without waiting for the Grand Master to appear, a country lord from the old land of Yin Ruins stood up and asked, "Dazai, I will understand the division, but I don't know what this patriarchal law is?"

"The so-called patriarchal system is the most fundamental inheritance method of our country and week, and it is the foundation of our country's Zhou ritual and music.

The wives of all the ministers are the noble daughters of the princes, and the first son is the heir given by God to inherit your status.

Xia and Shangdu used to be a dynasty that received the mandate of heaven, but they did not care about the will of God. The throne was passed from elder brother to younger brother, and then from father to son. This repeated, isn't it disrespectful to God? "

Although there are many princes who have inherited the status of their brothers in the temple, they naturally want to pass on their status to their sons. Ji Zhao's policy is right in his heart. With the emperor's endorsement, the elders in the clan have nothing to say.

"Masters, the Son of Heaven is a person who is favored by the mandate of Heaven. Heaven gave all the land in the four directions to the Son of Heaven to rule, and the Son of Heaven gave land to clansmen and heroes to shepherd the people. What a glorious thing this is!"

It is not necessary for Ji Zhao to say, they also know what a glorious thing this is. Obtaining land, becoming a nobleman, and restoring the cause of their ancestors are the common thoughts of everyone in this era.

The enfeoffment system is very suitable for the economic foundation and social reality of this era.

"The former king and Gu once negotiated that the five titles of Duke, Hou, Bo, Zi, and Nan should be given to meritorious officials. When the former king died, Gu decided to give land to all the princes in the world according to the fifth-rank titles. , the child is small.

They serve the emperors and princes with ministers, doctors, and scholars.

The three princes of the emperor are regarded as princes, ministers are regarded as uncles, the doctors are regarded as sons, and the princes are regarded as sons. Take this as an example. Since then, under the ritual system, all ministers have their own high and low levels. To show off the majesty of the Son of Heaven! "

This time Ji Zhao completely shocked the ministers in the hall.

Now Ji Zhao wants to break this convention. He wants to take back the power. Once it is achieved, the battle between the princes will depend on the emperor's face. Even if the party with the stronger national power cannot win the emperor's favor, I am afraid that he will suffer a dumb loss.

Even Ji Zhao's cheap son didn't know that his father wanted to do this. After all, Luo Guo would be one of the princes in the future!

Seeing that no one spoke this time, the Taigong stood up again and asked, "Dazai, I don't know what this fifth rank has to do with the land given?"

Taigongwang asked this question, and the shocked people in the hall recovered a little. Anyway, they couldn't resist for the time being. It is better to estimate how much land they can hold and what title they can receive. These two determine the future status of the family.

"The emperor's field is a thousand li, the lord's field is a hundred li, the Bo's field is [-] li, the son's field is [-] li, and those who are less than [-] li are the vassals of the princes."

Where does all this land come from?This question arose in everyone's heart. With so many people here, even if all of them were sealed, they would be able to split Wang Ji up in an instant.

But soon someone guessed the meaning of Ji Zhao from the state of Qi, who was conferred by Taigongwang.

What a dog!

This is the idea in most people's minds, to seal off the land that does not belong to them, but although they are in a bad mood, they also know that Ji Zhao will never dare to pit so many people at the same time, and there will be an explanation in the follow-up.

Everyone was still in shock wave after wave, but Ji Zhao was still in no hurry to preach his policies to the world.

"Yao, Shun, Yu and Tang are all ancestor kings with great merit. God will not let their ancestral temples be destroyed. The emperor treats their descendants with the etiquette of guests, and confers them the titles of dukes, so that they can worship their ancestors and preserve the ancestors' ancestral temples. It will bless the Son of Heaven.

Guan, Cai, Zhao, Taigong, etc., or the brothers of the late kings, or the heroes of the state and Zhou, it would be unreasonable not to grant them the title of marquis.

The titles and lands of uncles, sons, and men are rewards given to meritorious officials, and the Son of Heaven cares for meritorious officials and their descendants.

The king is the big sect in the world, but he cares about all the minor sects. Shouldn't we use our lives to swear allegiance to the emperor? "

For Ji Zhao's remarks, everyone thought it was reasonable. This is an era where blood determines everything, and it is normal for clans to occupy high positions.

The most surprising thing is none other than the descendants of Yao, Shun and Yu. Although they knew that the so-called dukes were only high-ranked tablets, but now they are small and low-ranking, and in the new order, they can obtain far more political status than before. .

Establishing the patriarchal clan system and enfeoffment system, you have greatly influenced the course of history, your luck points have increased by 5000, and you have obtained a prop - Tianjie · Sitianjiantai. 】

It's another heaven-level item, and it's an item like the Sitianjiantai that can bless a country's luck for a century. Ji Zhao was shocked. Could this be the feeling of Tianhu's start?
Noble title!



Ji Zhao used the title to define the status of all his ministers, the land to control the strength and role of the princes, and the patriarchal law to control the inheritance of the princes and clans.

Compared with the tribal leader of the Shang king, Zhou Tianzi's power has been greatly improved. As long as the emperor's majesty is still in place and the order does not collapse, the emperor can exclude a certain prince from the political system by depriving him of his title and make the world go Hit it together.

But so far, the system has benefited everyone except a few Fang Kingdoms that already have land.

Especially the clan with the surname Ji, the clan is the core, Ji Zhao obviously wants to reuse the clan, although they and their descendants will no longer hope for the throne of the emperor, but the things that are illusory have real interests in front of them.

 It has been signed, and you can invest with confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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