Chapter 19 Luoyi and Haojing

Xiong Dun released the captured nobles, and together with the defeated army who had escaped earlier, he recruited a group of small nobles from Wang Ji.

The establishment of the Sixth Army in Luoyi was quickly restored. Qihou, as Chief Xia, was training this rebuilt army, hoping to restore its combat effectiveness as soon as possible and make up for the hidden danger of the lack of combat strength in the Wangji area.

Almost everyone looked happy. The negative impact of this defeat was gradually fading away, but Luo Su sensed danger from it.

In a special period other than wartime, it was possible to recruit tens of thousands of full-time troops.

This does not mean that the economy is good, but it means that there are more nobles without fiefs, who hope to gain land by serving the emperor.

There are a large number of nobles in Bangzhou and Zhou who have feudal kingdoms, but there are also many nobles who did not divide the title, but stayed in Wangji to develop their own clans.

They served the emperor and served as officials in Wangji, and the emperor distributed Wangji's land to them, and the output of the land was used as salary to support the clan of these people.

These lands are different from the lands that are entrusted to the princes. The ownership is still in the hands of the emperor, and they cannot be bought and sold, but only as output.

Countless small nobles live on this, and even Luosu has a fief in Wangji.

If many people lost their fiefs in an instant, the entire Wangji would explode in an instant.

There are very few free people in this era. No matter any vassal state, there is no military recruitment like the later generations.

To ensure their interests, the emperor can safely sit on the throne.

This was also Ji Wan's landslide on the way back to Luoyi. After the news of the great defeat came back to Wang Ji, Luo Su immediately expressed his consolation to Wang Ji's minor nobles.

All the fiefs will not be taken back, and even sending people from their clan to continue to serve the emperor is to ensure the loyalty and confidence of the vassals to the emperor.

In order to thoroughly understand the basic situation of Wang Ji today, Luo Su asked for the distribution of Wang Ji's land, population, and clan from Marquis Chen.

This is the latest statistical result obtained by recruiting new troops. Chen Hou is a mediocre person, and he has no ability to analyze the information revealed behind these data.

But Luo Su can, looking at this list, he feels his hands are shaking.

The situation was even more serious than he had imagined. It had only been 70 years since King Kang moved to Luoyi, and the land in Wang Jizhong had been divided into four layers.

According to the patriarchal system, large clans are divided into small clans, and small clans are further divided into small clans. The number of such clans will increase exponentially. How can there be so much land in Wang Ji to be allocated.

If new land is not available, there will be fierce conflicts between those small nobles who have no fiefs and those who have large fiefs.

At that time, the entire Wang Ji will definitely fall into the haze of political struggle, and even those military aristocrats will directly use their knives.

"No wonder the ancestors said that the patriarchal system, the feudal system, and the Xia Junyi people are the trinity. Without any link, the Zhou people's destiny will gradually collapse."

Luo Su took a deep breath, "This kind of continuous enfeoffment among Wang Ji must not continue, and some of these clans that have been entrenched in Wang Ji for many years must be cleared out."

Luo Su knew after a little thought that there must be a lot of resistance in this matter. If he were to use the example of later generations to describe it, it would probably be equivalent to driving a middle-class settled in Beijing out of Beijing to the frontier.

Such a thorny problem, even the ancestors, such as heaven and man, have no complete solution. They can only choose to divide the seal arbitrarily, which can be delayed. However, the situation is different now, and the seal does not mean that the seal can be sealed. There are also some inconveniences.

Suddenly, the guards outside claimed that there was a letter from Haojing, Luosu put down the bamboo slips in his hand, and asked the guards to bring people in.

Then he saw Taibao, Xia Officer Qihou and a small noble in leather armor hurried in. When Qihou saw Luosu, he said eagerly: "Taishi, there is an urgent military situation from Haojing."

Qihou is the official Xia, who controls the important military affairs of the state and Zhou. All military news, except for Luosu, must be sent to the official Xia office at the same time.

As soon as he received the information from the messenger, he immediately put down what he was doing and came to Luosu.

Luo Su hurriedly opened the letter from the messenger, and Qi Hou said directly while waiting for Luo Su to read: "The vassals in the west of Haojing have jointly sent a letter saying that the news of King Li's defeat has reached the Xirong tribe, and the Xirong tribe believes that the state The myth of Zhou Dajun's undefeated army has ended.

They gathered dozens of tribes, formed a coalition, and suddenly attacked the vassal states in the west.

The feudal lords fled to Hokyung Wangji with members of the public family, defeated troops and nationals, and temporarily lived in the city of Wangji.

Now the princes of Zhenxi, Chenghou, Maohou, Taihou, and Bihou are leading the army to resist, preventing Quanrong from directly breaking into Wangji and destroying the ancestral temples of my ancestors.

It is said that they have contacted Marquis Bao. Marquis Bao has always been on good terms with the big tribe of the Quan Rong, hoping to make the Quan Rong retreat. "

Luo Su had also read the information sent at this time. He really didn't know much about military affairs, but he was very good at maintaining the balance of power, but now most of the diplomacy of Bang Zhou was made by him himself.

He felt very strange about what happened in the west, and said to himself: "How could the Quanrong suddenly attack on a large scale? The two sides often have frictions. I know it, but with the Qiang people as allies, Quanrong is crazy to be with us. A large-scale war in Bang Zhou?"

The Qiang and Jiang have the same origin, and the Qiang people have always been the most important ally of Bangzhou in Haojing to the west, and also an important helper in defending against the Quanrong. How could such a balanced distribution of forces be suddenly broken?
As for the myth of the invincible army of Bang Zhou, just listen to it. Since the capital was moved to Luoyi, and with the help of the Qiang people, Bang Zhou has focused its energy on the development of the central and eastern parts of the country, and the strength on the side of Haojing Projection has never been enough.

Ordered the guards to take the messenger down to rest, no outsiders were present, the two of them sat cross-legged at will, thinking about the strange news from Haojingcheng, Luo Su shook the bamboo slips in his hand and frowned: "Uncle, what do you think of this matter? All revealed a strangeness.

As the princes in the west said, the strength of the Quan Rong has grown extremely rapidly in recent years, but it has not suddenly grown to the point where the allied forces of the nations cannot stop it.

There is no way that there is a peerless general like Xiong Dun in the cavalry, who can win more with less, and at the same time defeat the western princes and Qiang tribes.

Does Gu still have to pull the newly rebuilt army in Luoyi to pacify the chaos?

It's simply a joke of the world. "

Qihou is a man who has experienced battles for a long time, and he even thinks this news is strange.

I have been thinking about it along the way, and I can't figure it out.

But when he heard Luosu's words, it seemed as if an aura suddenly shot into his mind, "Leading the army to Haojing and re-arranging a huge military force in Haojing, could it be that the princes in the west created this by themselves? thing."

Luo Su heard Qi Hou's muttering voice, and he immediately remembered that the two of them had said before that the princes in the west often played up the threat of Quanrong to Haojing, and tried their best to make the emperor move westward.

The main purpose is to hope that the emperor will re-invest in Haojing, so as to restore the political status of the center.

It is very likely that the princes in the west took advantage of this opportunity of the emperor's defeat, and took advantage of the Rong to see if they could bring the emperor to Haojing.

Luosu was aware of the demands of the princes in the west, but he would not allow this to happen. At least for 30 years, the emperor would always stay in the Central Plains.

"Uncle, your guess is still very likely, otherwise you can't explain this matter."

Luo Su said angrily: "I hope this is just a guess by the two of us. If the princes in the west deliberately condone the rebellion, they will be punished, and those who shake the society should die.

But if it was them, making such a move would be a dangerous political signal.

It seems that the decline of Ho Kyung has reached a point that they cannot tolerate.

Without considering Hokyung's hearts and minds, a more dangerous turmoil than this might not be far away.

Guaranteeing the stability of the west is the top priority, and Haojing is the center of the rise of Bangzhou's destiny, and there must be no mistakes.

At that time, King Su told King Kang that he would implement the two-capital system. In the long and narrow piece of land between Haojing and Luoyi, a large number of feudal feudal states with the surname Ji were assigned, and this piece of land was completely kingized.

Then communicate the two capitals, Bang Zhou's destiny will become long, but in the end it will not be implemented.

Now, it seems, it's time to reintroduce the plan.

With the development of the east, Luoyi has prospered to the extreme, and now the reconstruction of Haojing can also lay a solid foundation for the future through the western border. "

The Duke of Qi belonged to one of the leaders of the eastern princes, and was naturally opposed to the emperor's move to the west.

But Qi Guo was an ally of Bang Zhou after all, so he didn't say much, just frowned: "These years, the feudal feudal lords have gradually become customized.

Previously, the three sons of the late king were designated as lords, and it can be said that they are of noble blood, and with the addition of Jiaen, the son of the emperor, who ascended the throne, what reasons should the other princes with the surname Ji use?

There is no reason to divide the seal, not to mention the princes with different surnames, even the royal family will have problems. "

Luo Su naturally knew this, and suddenly he seemed to think of something. He turned around and picked up Wang Jin's clan population again, with a smile on his face, and said with some joy: "The name of the seal has been found, the key is how to get these people. go out."

Qihou took the bamboo slip from Luo Su's hand, and it seemed that he immediately understood what Luo Su meant and asked, "Are you going to seal out these princes from Wang Jin? If it were these people, the resistance would indeed be much less."

Finding solutions to the two problems at the same time, Luo Su said with a relaxed expression: "These ministers in Wang Ji are nobles who have stayed in Wang Ji since the reign of King Kang.

Although they do not have a country as their backing like our princes, they are intertwined among Wang Ji and have a large population. It is very beneficial for the state to transfer them out.

These people have served the emperor for many years, and they have done enough credit to stop the mouths of some princes. Many people are nominally the emperor's ministers, and their identities are noble enough.

When the ancestors formulated the patriarchal law, they said that the three princes of the emperor were regarded as princes, the emperor's ministers were regarded as uncles, and the doctors of the emperor were regarded as sons.

According to this system, among the kings, the nobles with huge clans, the nobles who lost power but possessed a large number of fiefs, and the small aristocrats who could not obtain fiefs were all enfeoffed.

It can not only solve the land problem in Wangji, but also solve the problem between the two capitals. "

Qi Hou quickly pointed out a problem in this method: "Let those great nobles migrate out of Wangji, can they agree?
Especially in the families of those generations of ministers, even you were not able to reprimand Yuki and the two from King Li.

If it wasn't for King Li's defeat this time, I'm afraid they would still stay by King Li's side safely.

The land enfeoffed in Wang Ji is not hereditary, but everyone knows that it is actually hereditary.

I even heard that the official Wangji office is now trying to get the nobles to trade the land in their fiefs at a reasonable price.

If you exchange the land outside Ji for the land within Wang Jin in their hands, they will definitely oppose it.

Wang Ji is their territory after all, unless the troops from our country are transferred, but you know, we can't do that. "

Luo Su smiled slightly: "Uncle, your nephew has naturally considered what you are worried about.

Speaking of which, although Luo Guo is a foreign country of Ji, since the ancestor King Su, Luo Hou has basically served in Wang Ji in all dynasties, but the ancestral temple is not here, but it can be regarded as Wang Ji's minister.

As far as I know, Wang Ji's public officials are not monolithic, and some of the public officials and clans are gradually marginalized in Wang Ji, and they want to be released.

If it was a hundred years ago, Wang Ji would naturally be the most prosperous and fertile place in the world today, and no one would want to leave here.

But after so many years, with the progress of Xiajun and Yimin, many lords have not been so difficult now, and Wang Ji Gongqing is jealous.

As for those ministers who are unwilling to be released, according to the patriarchal law and the system of division of feudal feudalism, ministers, doctors, and literati must be sealed off layer by layer.

The large sect does not give soil to the small sect, which is not in line with the Zhou etiquette.

I am Da Zongzheng of the Ji clan. For this kind of clan that does not follow the patriarchal ritual system, it is normal to uphold justice for those small sects in the country, right?
As long as the military nobles are stabilized, I will first divide the small sects who cannot get their fiefs out to weaken the strength of the major sects.

At that time, if you still don't know what to look like, you should ask me if my blade is sharp. "

Hearing what Luo Su said, Qi Hou thought it was appropriate, so he said with a smile: "Since you have a good plan in your belly, I won't ask more, but now what should I do with this matter in Haojingcheng?"

Whether it is to relocate Wang Ji Gongqing or revitalize Haojing, it is a long-term national policy. Now the two are facing the chaos in the west.

Recovering the divergent thoughts, I don't know the specific situation of the western thing, and there is no other way.

All I could do was send someone to go there and say, "I still have to trouble my uncle to go west for this matter.

Leading the troops of the First Army, I will let the Council of Regents decree to entrust the military and political affairs of the entire western region to you, so that you can act with full authority.

After arriving, the main thing is to appease them. For those defeated princes, if there are too many, find the one that is the most excessive and deal with it.

As for the Qiang tribe, my uncle knows better than me, so I can decide for myself. This time I have to take a good look at what's going on in the west. "

When Qi Hou came, he expected that he would most likely be going west, so he directly agreed: "Leave this matter to me, and I will send a messenger back when I have a new discovery."

(End of this chapter)

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