Established a millennium family since King Wu defeated Zhou

Chapter 16 The Teacher of the Diligent King

Chapter 16 The Teacher of the Diligent King
Since it became the capital at the end of King Kang, after decades of development, Luoyi is worthy of the most prosperous city in the whole state.

There are more than 50 Chinese people in the city. If you add the Wangji area around Luoyi, including the nobles who own fiefs and the savages in the countryside, the entire population exceeds 180 million!

If you add Hao-kyung, the emperor can control a third of the population of the entire state.

This is the fundamental reason why the princes surrendered to the emperor. Ji Wan's fiasco this time was not only a serious blow to the authority of the emperor. The elite army that could not be rebuilt in a short period of time would inevitably lead to the compromise of the king's power to the powerful princes.

Although Luo Guo is also a member of powerful princes, there is an ancestor in Luo Guo, whose fundamental interests are different from those of other princes.

Luo Guo's interest appeal is to hope that the stable system of feudalism will last long enough, instead of instinctively swallowing all surrounding countries and becoming stronger like other vassal states.

From a materialistic point of view, this is moving against the trend of history.

Luo Su received the feudal lords who came one after another in the capacity of Taifu. The first heavyweight feudal lord appeared in Luoyi, one of the feudal lords surnamed Ji, the strong vassal of the Central Plains, and the feudal lord of Jin.

He brought a full [-] soldiers!
The ancestral branch that established the country from the time of King Su, the predecessor of Jinhou once served as the third prince of the previous king.

Every time the Son of Heaven had summoned the feudal lords, the State of Jin responded positively, and the soldiers were sharp and well-known in the world.

However, Luo Su frowned slightly, and the relationship between Jin State and Luo State has gradually become strangers since the previous monarch.

The main reason is that the Jin State, which has grown in strength, wants to improve its status in the Ji surname clan, and the big Zongzheng of the Ji surname clan has been held by the monarch of the Luo Kingdom since King Su.

The monarch of Jin once said to the monarch of Luo: "The ancestor King Wu accepted the mandate of heaven and established Bangzhou, and King Su divided the princesses into various parts of Bangzhou, and gave us honorable titles. Since you took office as the great emperor, the clan has been closely united. How prosperous is Bang Zhou by the emperor's side.

Now that the emperor has given you the high position of the third prince, and let you assist the emperor to govern, Wang Ji is so large and must be very busy. I hope to take over your position as Da Zongzheng and do something useful for the Ji clan. "

The Marquis of Jin was willing to pay the price, but the former Luohou finally rejected him, because Dazong was the bottom line of the monarch of the Luo Kingdom, and he would rather not have the high position of the Three Dukes than lose this position.

The influence of Da Zongzheng on the princes surnamed Ji is beyond doubt.

The simplest, Da Zongzheng can ask the princes surnamed Ji to donate more wealth and population to the emperor, effectively reducing the strength of the princes.

There are more legal and compliant means, and if you do it absolutely, even those princes who are small and weak can't even inherit the throne of the monarch.

Luohou in all dynasties used this position to balance the strength of the princes surnamed Ji and prevent them from threatening the status of the emperor.

In order to express his attitude, the former Luohou even said to the Jinhou that he could propose to the emperor to give up the position of Taibao and recommend the Jinhou to serve.

As a result, there was gradually no communication between the two countries. Since Luo Su served as the chief official, the Marquis of Jin moved frequently within the Ji clan.

In particular, the Marquis of Jin was trying to increase his influence in the Central Plains. Luosu used Da Zongzheng's power to suppress the Ji surnamed princes who had surrendered to the Marquis of Jin. This led to deep grievances between the two sides.

Although there were a lot of thoughts in his heart, Luo Su personally received the Marquis of Jin and a group of princes surnamed Ji.

The vast majority of these princes with the surname Ji are the sons of the previous kings, or the descendants of great countries and powerful vassals. For example, there are countries established by the other sons of King Su.


As soon as the Marquis of Jin spoke, Luo Su said with a smile: "Don't be so polite to the Marquis of Jin, all the princes with the surname Ji, the vassals of the Zong family, and the same clan can be called Guzongzheng."

The smile on the Marquis Jin's face instantly solidified, Luo Su was really a pot that couldn't be opened and lifted, and he specially sprinkled salt on Marquis Jin's wound.

The other princes surnamed Ji did not have so many concerns, and greeted Luo Su respectfully one after another.

Jin Hou's expression changed for a moment, then he adjusted and smiled at Luo Su: "Da Zongzheng said it is very true, the two countries of Jin and Luo are strong vassals of Zongzhi. Help protect Zhou Sheji, I don’t know what advice Luohou has.”

Luosu took a deep look at Marquis Jin, pondered for a moment, and then said: "What Marquis Jin said, I know that I know that Duke Song and Marquis Qi have led Qin Wang's army to station in Yingkang, but this time Xiong Dun went north, and he was very coerced. Southwest of the Luohe River in Bangzhou, the 70-year closure of the country was destroyed, and it may be even more difficult to control him in the future.

Although Xiong Dun is brave, he is only the monarch of a country.

King Wu established the state and Zhou, and King Su was feudal. Many of our countries with the surname Ji were rich and noble because of the two kings. The task set by King Su for us was to protect Wang Ji.

This time, the emperor's six armies suffered heavy losses, and Wang Ji could no longer be destroyed. Otherwise, how would the emperor's majesty be displayed?

The princes of foreign surnames in the world submit to the Son of Heaven, so that we have the lofty status of princes with the surname of Ji. If those princes with different surnames have arrogant thoughts like Xiong Dun in their hearts, how should we deal with ourselves?
Today's plan can only be to gather the power of the princes surnamed Ji to re-establish feudalism and maintain the stability of the society in the south of the Luohe River. This is a major event of the state and Zhou, and our princes must not stay out of it. At that time, we will discuss a charter, and each country will make a suitable amount. "

Do this again!

This is the first thought of everyone present. In recent years, Luo Su has often engaged in this kind of activity, called the matter of Zhu Ji, and asking each family to contribute, in fact, is to take the manpower and material resources of the strong vassal and distribute it to the small country surnamed Ji. , to maintain the balance among the Ji clan.

This time, Luo Su wanted to use the national power of the princes surnamed Ji to wipe the butt of the emperor. Naturally, everyone was unwilling to agree, but no one dared to say that Luo Su's power was evident.

The Marquis of Jin has suffered a lot of this kind of dumb loss over the years, but because of the strength of the emperor, and Luo Guo often taking the lead, he can't refuse, but this time the emperor's strength has been greatly reduced, and he has some other thoughts.

At the beginning of the feudal period, the relationship between countries was still relatively close, but now the countries are basically the third and fourth generations, and even the fifth generation of princes. One of the most worrying things before is that simply relying on his efforts in the clan cannot undo this trend of drifting away.

Jin Hou Qinwang is so active, not to wipe the emperor's ass, after a little thought, he said solemnly: "Da Zongzheng, King Su established the patriarchal system in Haojing, saying that the emperor is the chief of the concubines, and I will be the middle school of the country. The great sects and the feudalists each gave us land to protect Wang Ji.

Over the past few decades, we have been rewarded and rewarded by the previous kings for many deeds. However, since the emperor came to the throne, he has no longer been close to the Ji clan, and even important ministers like Da Zongzheng have been dismissed at will, which eventually led to such a catastrophe.

Bang Zhou, Zhu Ji's Bang Zhou, not the emperor's one-man Bang Zhou, the emperor shakes the state and Zhou's society, we should give our Ji Ji an explanation, and then we can discuss the reconstruction. "

There is evil in the words of the Marquis of Jin. Didn't you Luohou always defend the emperor?

Now that the emperor has done such a big disaster, it depends on how you maintain it, and I will use the words of your own ancestors to run on you, to see what you have to say.

Luo Su's eyes swept across the audience, his heart was full of anger, and his voice couldn't help but say: "Jinhou Zhangkousu, shut up about the patriarchal law, I just look at you, you really don't know what the patriarchal law is. Bangzhou is indeed the state of the princes, and the prince of Jin. There is nothing wrong with what he said, but I hope you all remember that the Son of Heaven is the head of all the concubines.

The Lonely Luo State, Ji surnamed Luo, Jinhou State, Ji surnamed Jin, the feudal lords present, either by the place of entitlement or by the official position of the ancestor, each have their own surnames.

According to the patriarchal law, the family name is different from the marriage, and the clan is different from the noble and the low. Therefore, those who have a clan are honorable, and those who do not have a clan are humble.

But have you forgotten that the Son of Heaven also has a surname but no surname!

All the noble families in the world are descended from the Son of Heaven, and this is the deep meaning of the great sect of the Son of Heaven. All the concubines and concubines, there are only concubines with the Son of Heaven. Who remembers where you and I came from?

Open your eyes and see, among the slaves who survived in the state of the state and Zhou nobles, are there no descendants of the three kings and five emperors?Who can tell the difference?

Although Tianziwan is stubborn and does not have the appearance of a holy king, since he came to power, has there been an innocent deprivation of the surname Ji?

Now that the emperor is in trouble, the society is shaken, and the princesses do not unite, will it be possible to give up the state to the princes of foreign surnames? "

This accusation of the Marquis of Jin cannot be admitted, otherwise, if it is spread, how will the state of Jin handle itself in the future, and immediately said: "Da Zongzheng, after you are King Su, have been in charge of the clan for a long time, and served the emperor for many years. Of course, what you said is the golden rule, but Is it correct to accuse a prince who has made great achievements so maliciously?
Gu just made inappropriate words under the anger.

Since the time of King Su, if the feudal lords surnamed Ji, like me, were disadvantaged in battle and could not serve the emperor wholeheartedly, they would be scolded by the emperor at every turn, or even be sacked by the emperor.

I have made an oath to treat the emperor respectfully from generation to generation. Even so, can the emperor do wrong things at will?

Xiong Dun was in Chu land far away from Luoyi King City, so after the emperor made a big mistake, the army of King Qin was able to come to rescue the emperor in time. "

Although the words of the Marquis of Jin were fierce, people with a heart could tell that he had already been counseled, and now he was on the offensive and defensive, and let himself go down the stairs.

After all, Zongzhi is a strong vassal. Since he admits to cowardice, Luo Su should not push him too hard. Besides, what the Marquis of Jin said has some truth. Of course, the emperor must be punished for doing wrong.

As for Ji Wan's follow-up treatment, Luo Su had already had a draft, and now he leaked it to them to appease the emotions of people like the Marquis of Jin. , Li."

Everyone, including the Marquis of Jin, stared at Luo Su with disbelief in their eyes.

Evil posthumous!

The last time the king was given a bad posthumous title was King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty, the emperor of the Yin and Shang states. Now Luo Su has decided to give Ji Wan a bad posthumous title.

But think about it carefully, Ji Wan's life is really lackluster, without the slightest achievement, it is full of absurd things.

In the end, he was defeated in person, shaken the society, and died in the chaos of the army, which is really ridiculous.

If such a king cannot be given a bad posthumous title, the fairness of the posthumous title of Bangzhou will be questioned.

Everyone just didn't expect that Luosu, who has always maintained the authority of the emperor, and was even dubbed the emperor's dog by Zhu Ji in private, would give the emperor a bad posthumous title, and even everyone could hear a hint of happiness.

This Taifu, Da Zongzheng, Luohou, and Zhou Zhongchen who served the emperor for many years, seemed quite dissatisfied with the emperor Wan!

The Marquis of Jin has no dissatisfaction in his heart. The posthumous title is a judgment on a person's coffin. To give the emperor a bad posthumous title is equivalent to completely denying his life. This kind of punishment can already slightly repay the turmoil he caused to the state and Zhou society.

And from Luo Su's tone, he could vaguely feel that Luo Su would not let Ji Wan go simply like this.

Through this meeting, Luosu knocked out Ji surnamed lords such as Jin Hou who had changed slightly, and the subsequent Ji surnamed lords could not make waves.

He met other princes with different surnames many times.

In addition to the Duke of Song, the kingdoms of two kings and three kings with respected status, although their strength is average, their political status is very high, and they can represent the opinions of certain princes.

Luosu appeased them, gave them both kindness and power, and swore an oath in the Taimiao to preach the sanctity of Zhou Tianzi's co-lord.

With Luo Su's unremitting efforts, the hundreds of teams that came to King Qin from all directions finally found their place in King Qin's army temporarily.

It wasn't until this time that Luosu was slightly relieved. These princes brought too many troops. When the number of soldiers around Luoyi was the largest, the number of soldiers alone was nearly 20.

Luo Su tossed and turned every night, terrified, worried that these armies that were not under each other would suddenly riot.

Fortunately, as he summoned those princes one by one, these troops have been stationed in various places in the south of Luoyi under his arrangement. .

At the same time, Luo Su was still summoning those vassals who directly belonged to Wang Ji. Many of the masters of these vassals followed Ji Wan's expedition to the south.

In particular, many people's fiefs are not hereditary, but the Son of Heaven bestows them on farming, rewarding their loyalty with the output of the land, which is equivalent to paying a salary.

Luosu reassured them and told them that no matter what, the responsibility for defeat would not be put on them, and all the fiefs would not be taken back. If they died in battle, their eldest son could continue to serve the emperor to inherit these fiefs.

The lowest-ranking nobles in these states were determined, and responded enthusiastically to Luosu's request for service. The children of these Yuanshi families were trained since childhood.

Soon Luosu obtained a group of relatively elite warriors, and then took out the armor from the treasury and equipped it, and the Wang Jun in Luoyi finally had the strength to resist the riot.

Luo Su was slightly relieved, and began to arrange for Prince Xi's relatives to train the army. Since Ji Wan had already married Jiang's surnamed Lu's daughter as queen, according to King Su's etiquette requirements, Prince Xi married a concubine's surname Chen. As the future queen, Qi still married a noble girl.

The strength of Qi State is already very strong, and now that Qi Jiang has become the Queen Mother, Luo Su naturally wants to balance Qi State's power among Wang Ji.

When Wang Jizhong was completely stabilized, Luo Su came to the front line of the confrontation between the two sides with the will of supervising all matters in the southern expedition.


Killing innocents is called stern; tyrannizing without relatives is called stern; violence and rudeness is called stern; helping evil and disobeying righteousness is called stern. ——"Ritual System · Posthumous Law Interpretation"

 Thank you for the reward for the stars falling into sunlight.

  Good news: this chapter is over four thousand words again.

  Bad news: the new book is limited to [-] words, so my friends will understand it.

(End of this chapter)

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