Chapter 1008: The End of Heaven
The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty sent telegrams to all provinces in the empire.


But he was soon persuaded to go back. The affairs of the new government had not yet been discussed properly, and the current court was still needed to keep up appearances. But since it has come to this, the future is already determined.

After telegraphing the entire empire.

But there is no such thing as preparing to abdicate today and then regretting it tomorrow.

The preparation of the abdication edict and the power transfer ceremony takes time. The formation of the National Assembly is not an easy task either. Now, people from all provinces of the empire are rushing to Luoyang. Ships are docked at the ports of the empire, and well-dressed gentlemen and ladies are getting off the ships.

They will come here to fight for their interests and occupy key positions in the future National Assembly and the new court.

Ordinary people might think that the palace is filled with gloom and sadness, but that is not the case.

The emperor who was about to abdicate and Luo Changqing were sitting side by side on the steps in front of the palace, gazing at the red walls and golden tiles of the imperial palace. They did not feel much sadness, only emotion.

"What a picturesque landscape! It's about to change hands."

The emperor was truly filled with emotion. He had never thought that he would be the king who led to the fall of the Tang Dynasty. However, he, as a king who led to the fall of his country, would not be rebuked. Instead, he would be recorded in history books and become a praised sage king.

The emperor looked out of the palace and smiled slightly, "Lord Luo, they can't wait any longer."

Luo Changqing knew that the "they" the emperor was referring to were not only the New School members who wanted to take control of the central government, but also many people hiding behind the scenes. Many of them, although they had not completely abdicated, were probably already preparing for a restoration.

With the strength of the Tang Dynasty royal family, there will definitely be someone who will raise the banner of restoration after abdication, especially if they cannot gain enough benefits in the new court. In that case, restoring the Tang Dynasty will be the first choice of those princes and nobles.

"They are just some clowns. The world is in chaos now. There is no room for them to cause trouble.

It's a good thing to make a fuss. Some people and things will always be settled. Blood debts can only be repaid with blood. When the retribution for the sins you have committed comes back upon you, don't cry and scream, feeling that you have been greatly wronged."

The emperor doesn't care. He doesn't know most of his relatives, nor is he familiar with them. Their life and death have nothing to do with him. Besides, he thinks Luo Changqing is right. As the emperor, the supreme ruler of the empire, he has lived very cautiously over the years, fearing that something might happen. Others, on the other hand, live freely and unrestrainedly. If they can get a good result in the end, it would be really unfair.

"Lord Luo, can you tell me how you plan to deal with this world from now on? I don't believe you will really hand the world over to the New School Party."

The emperor was well aware of Luo Changqing's disgust for the New School members. He believed that Luo Changqing had definitely set a trap for them.

Luo Changqing seemed to have thought of something, and chuckled: "Your Majesty, do you remember the book I gave you before? I believe the future lies in it. We, Zhuxia, no.

We are Rockwell.

Your Majesty, do you know why our Luo family has been able to hold high positions for so many years?"

Without waiting for the emperor to answer, Luo Changqing said: "Perhaps you will say that King Su, or that my Luo family has been a wise man for generations, this is certainly one of the reasons.

But there is another reason that cannot be ignored.

In our Zhuxia, since ancient times, there have been people who work hard, people who work hard, people who plead for the people, and people who sacrifice their lives for the law. It is these people who have raised the Luo family high and made it a banner. Some people praise the Luo family and say that the Luo family is the backbone of Zhuxia, but the Luo family understands that it is because there have always been such a group of people that the Luo family has become what it is today.

In today's world, there are more and more such people. With the change of ideas, there may have been only ten million such people in the past, but in the future there may be one hundred million or two hundred million. All over the land of China, there will be people like Yao and Shun.

What they need now is a piece of soil that is strong enough for them to take root, sprout, and thrive.

People cannot teach people, but things can teach people once.

After the Tang Dynasty falls, once the New School members establish a national government, it won't be long before their ugly faces are revealed. At this time, if an unprecedented crisis occurs again, no one will be able to control what happens next.

At that time, Your Majesty, you will see that a world more beautiful than ever before will come.

You may see more Luo clan members than ever before."

The emperor was really shocked this time, "Does Luo really agree with that new theory?"

No wonder he asked this question. You have to know that among the more than a dozen mainstream new school parties in the empire today, there is almost no trace of Luo. Logically, Luo made great efforts in promoting the new school theory, but after a group of politicians actually used the new school to establish political parties, they disappeared.

Moreover, although he was the Son of Heaven, he had indeed never met many of the Luo family's disciples. After all, there were only four disciples left in Luoyang, and no one knew where the others were. Unless they took the initiative to contact them, even the Luo family could not find them.

"Who would disagree with the world of great harmony?"

Luo Changqing said softly with longing, "Which descendant of the Luo family would not pursue the ultimate splendor of the kingly way?
In the past, we thought that as long as there was a sage king ruling the world, it could be achieved, but now it seems that even a sage king cannot achieve the ultimate splendor of the kingly way. "

The emperor had never seen such a glow on Luo Changqing's face, but he understood very well that in the Chinese nation, no one would not be tempted by the kingly way and paradise described in the classics.

The emperor murmured, "If the King's Way and Paradise can really be realized, even if I lose my throne, it won't be a big deal. Even if my ancestors ask about it, I will have something to say.

How can the power of one family compare to the well-being of all the people in the world? "

Luo Changqing turned his head and looked at the emperor, "Your Majesty, from the moment you said this, you have become a holy monarch. Unfortunately, this is not your era. Live well in the future and see the future of Zhuxia for me."

The emperor nodded. He thought Luo Changqing meant that Luo Changqing was old and might not be able to see that scene, but he still didn't understand.


In the last year after his abdication, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty used the last reign title - "Tianzhong".

The literal meaning is simple: the end of destiny.

All matters were proceeding in full swing. When the Tianzhong era began to run, everyone felt a sense of urgency to complete everything within the first year of Tianzhong.

On the first day of July in the first year of Tianzhong, the emperor abdicated in the sacred capital Luoyang, and at the same time announced the establishment of the Zhuxia Republic and sent a telegram to all provinces across the country.

(End of this chapter)

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