Chapter 1006 Disaster
In this world, Ji Zhao is the only one who has the power, so his voice can naturally continue to be heard by the human world.

Luo Changqing, who was in the human world, was a little confused. He even thought he had heard it wrong, but he really heard a call from the depths of his mind. The next moment, his whole body trembled. He did not hear it wrong, it was real, the ancestor was calling him!
He had lived for a hundred years and had never knelt before anyone, including the emperor. But now, he knelt on the ground like pushing down a golden mountain or overturning a jade pillar. His whole body was shaking with excitement. He was not so excited even when he inherited the title of King Luo.


"Changqing, have you been waiting for me for a long time?"

The next moment, Luo Changqing felt his eyes go dark, and then he appeared in a place filled with birdsong, flowers, and peach trees, and then he saw three people.

He recognized Ji Zhao without any need to identify him, even though he had never seen Ji Zhao before. He walked quickly to the peach tree and knelt down. Ji Zhao reached out and helped him up without letting him kneel. Seeing that Luo Changqing was a little anxious, he smiled and said, "Since it is a new era, there is no need to kneel anymore.

Let me introduce you, this is Asu, also known as Lord Luo Wen, and also the Imperial Master of the Tang Dynasty."


After seeing him, Luo Changqing guessed that it was Duke Wen, and the other one was——

Ji Zhao smiled and said, "You are a smart child. You should have guessed it. This is Lingjun. People in the world like to call her the Goddess of Luo River."

Luo Changqing bowed to the two of them. He originally thought that he was very lucky to be able to meet King Su, but he didn't expect that this time he would actually meet three legendary people in person. He was so excited that he didn't even know where to put his hands.

Ji Zhao was sitting under the peach tree while Luo Su was playing chess with Ji Zhao opposite him. Both of them were quite casual as it was impossible for anyone to beat Ji Zhao. Ji Lingjun was watching beside them with his chin on his hand and yawning from time to time.

"Changqing, come and sit down."

Ji Zhao called Luo Changqing over. The Luo family has always been quite casual. After getting over the initial tension, Luo Changqing gradually regained his previous personality and sat opposite Ji Lingjun. There were people on all four sides of the stone table.

The Void Heaven has never been so lively before, with four people there at the same time.

"Changqing, do you know why I called you here? Just ask if you have anything to ask."

Luo Changqing knew that the old ancestor must have known that he had many questions, so he called him here. He felt warm in his heart, knowing that the old ancestor did not want him to regret his whole life. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shed tears.

After calming down, Luo Changqing asked the first question, which was also one of the two questions he cared about most.

“Ancestor, in the process of spreading the new learning, the family is practicing the process of de-mythologization. This is actually contrary to the practices of the past thousand years. Moreover, in this world, there are really sacred things. When those scientists pursue the truth of the world, will they find such things?
Am I doing the right thing in this matter?"

This matter actually troubled Luo Changqing for a very long time. Now everyone says that there is no God. Although most people still believe in it, and the Luo family also says so, Luo Changqing really doesn't know whether this matter is right or not.

Ji Zhao pondered for a moment, and then said: "This is actually a big question. You said whether there is a god or not. Even if there is really no god in this world, many people will still avoid it. This is called taboo.

The world is better without God, because people can work hard on their own instead of relying on God, that is, my strength. If everything depends on me, then people would be regarded as being raised by me, just like chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep. Do I also have the right to dispose of them at will?

As for your concern about whether mathematicians and scientists will be able to discover the truth of this world through various studies, you don't need to worry about this, because everything in history can be explained by science.

All their research will eventually point to science, or powerful alien weapons, or the remains of a previous civilization."

Not only Luo Changqing was confused, even Ji Lingjun and Luo Su were confused.

"What about the various miraculous scenes that our Luo family created with divine weapons in history?
The snow that King Zhaosheng brought to the grassland, and the sword that went west. "

Ji Zhao smiled and said, "It still exists, but if someone really investigates it, we can use climate change as an excuse, that is, give them a reasonable explanation. Anyway, the Luo family can just deny it in the future, and they can't travel through time and go back to the past to see those things.

Is it magical?

Everyone knows that there must be one, but they have no evidence, and the Luo family will not use it again in the future, so they can only guess. As for what the truth is, let it be completely buried in the dust of history. "

Ji Lingjun grasped the key point, "Grandfather, what does it mean that the Luo family will no longer use it in the future?"

Ji Zhao smiled and said, "All the magical things in this world are now in my hands. Since the mainstream concept has been formed in the world, let's make these things disappear completely. The Luo family is no longer in danger of extinction, and it has become so powerful that we no longer need those magical tools to protect the family."

Ji Zhao explained it very clearly and in detail, and the three of them understood it. Although they felt a little regretful, this might be the best ending. Isn't this what the Luo family has been pursuing all along?

Now even the ancestors feel that the Luo family is safe, and the current world situation no longer requires the Luo family to use magical weapons to ensure world stability.

After asking this question, Ji Zhao looked at Luo Changqing and said slowly: "In the history of the Luo family, there have been many, many family heads, some with strong abilities and some with weak abilities. When faced with the inevitable choices in history, there have been many confusions. In fact, you don't need to be too self-deprecating. The situation you are facing now is a major change that has not happened in a thousand years, and the change you are facing is more drastic than the previous one because of me.

What you have achieved so far is already very good. I can even say that it cannot be better. The family style and tradition of the Luo family can cultivate a person like you. I think this is something I should be proud of.

People always say that they hope their sons will become successful. I don't need to worry about the descendants of the Luo family. It's the same with you now. Every choice you make is basically the best. Even if Ah Su does it, he can't do better than you. Be more confident. "

There would be no chance for Luo Qingyun to write a book at all. Luo Su would finish writing the book himself and then go through the whole process from theory to practice.

It's totally incomparable to Luo Changqing.

Luo Su smiled slightly and said nothing, hiding his identity and name. How could Luo Changqing not know that Ji Zhao was comforting him? But he was still very happy, because this meant that his actions were recognized by the ancestor.

The initial confusion was swept away by Ji Zhao's guidance. Ji Zhao could feel the change in his state and was very satisfied. Sometimes Ji Zhao felt that his ability to guide others was definitely at a supreme level, exceeding 100 points.

After all, no matter how confused or uneasy any descendant of the Luo family was, he could comfort them very well.

After his mind gradually calmed down, Luo Changqing asked the last question nervously, "Grandfather, I think you already know all the thoughts in the world now, and you probably know what you want to do. If the entire Luo family sacrifices for the new world, will you agree?"

The reason why Luo Changqing asked this question was because in the Luo family's principles, the first rule was to maintain the existence of the family. This was an iron rule that could not be changed. In fact, this was what Luo Changqing had always been most concerned about.

Naturally, he didn't care about power, but he had been holding on to the power of the empire for so many years. One reason was to ensure that the power would not fall into the hands of the New School Party, and the other was because he was very worried that one day, this act of giving up power would cause harm to King Su.

The weakest time for the Luo family was when they had completely lost power. Later, Duke Wen came into the world, chose a new path for the Luo family, and then pulled the Luo family back from the abyss.

Luo Changqing can give up everything for his ideal, but he cannot disobey King Su. This is not a decision he can make, so he always wants to know what King Su means.

When Ji Zhao heard what Luo Changqing asked, he stared at Luo Changqing and couldn't help laughing. Luo Changqing, Luo Su and Ji Lingjun all saw that Ji Zhao was very happy, and that laughter that came from the heart could not be concealed at all.

Ji Zhao was really happy. He saw the shadows of some great people in Luo Changqing. After he came to this world and saw the truth of everything, and then saw Luo's performance, he felt that his trip was not in vain and he did not disappoint anyone.

"Changqing, let me tell you a story. This story comes from a long, long time ago."

Although they were talking to Luo Changqing, Ji Lingjun and Luo Su also sat up straight. After all, Ji Zhao's expression was solemn, which was rarely seen on the old ancestor.

[I saw a building with a door in front of it. The door was not closed. There was a dark and thick fog inside the door and I could not see anything.

There was a woman standing outside the threshold.

A snowy wind blew in the thick fog, and a chill came from deep inside the building, making people shiver. Someone asked the woman, "Do you want to step through this door? Do you know what's waiting for you inside?"

"I know." The woman replied.

"Cold, hunger, hatred, ridicule, contempt, insults, disease, prison, and even death!"

"I know."

“What about people’s alienation and deadly loneliness?”

"I know that I am ready and willing to endure all the pain and all the blows."

"Not only your enemies, but also your relatives and friends will stand against you and give you these pains and blows."

"Yes...even if it's them, I'm willing to endure it."

"Well, are you ready to sacrifice?"

"Yes, I am always ready."

"This kind of sacrifice will not be recorded. Without knowing about it, no one will worship you."

"I don't want gratitude, pity, or fame."

"If you fail, you become a criminal."

"I am also willing... to commit a crime."

The voice inside paused for a long time, and then said again: "You are still young. In the future difficulties, you will give up your current beliefs and feel that you have wasted your youth and life in vain."

"..., I understand, but I beg you to let me in."

There was another long silence, and the muddy voice finally said, "Come in."

As soon as the woman stepped over the threshold, the thick curtain was immediately lowered.

"Fool!" someone yelled from behind. 】

Ji Zhao spoke neither fast nor slow. He had not recalled this article for many years. Luo Su and the other two were shocked by the spirit in it. Even a man like Luo Su could not help but freeze his hand holding the chess piece.

"A saint." Luo Su frowned, somewhat dissatisfied with the ending of the story. He seldom spoke with such emotion.

Ji Zhao paused, "At the end of the story, a voice of 'a saint!' came from nowhere.


A true saint.”

Luo Su's frown relaxed. The ending of the story was really good. He pressed the white piece in his hand on the chessboard. Ji Zhao told a story. On the surface, he did not answer Luo Changqing's question, but the three of them knew that Ji Zhao had already answered it.

In this story, it is clear what kind of state of mind the old ancestor of the Luo family has.

Luo Changqing's eyes were solemn, and he said softly: "For two thousand years, the Luo family has had tremendous power. Those cold, hunger, ridicule, and contempt do not belong to the Luo family.

The Luo family has its own family. We have the best relatives and friends in the world and will not suffer the pain and blows from relatives and friends.

Luo never worried that no one knew about his achievements.

Only sacrifice.

It turns out that without realizing it, the Luo family has already possessed all these, and even with all these, the Luo family is still hesitating here.

Grandfather, have we let you down?"

Although Luo Changqing didn't know where Ji Zhao's story came from, he admitted that he was far inferior to the woman in the story.

Despite so many dangers, he was able to stick to his beliefs. As Duke Wen commented, he was a true saint. Compared with this saint, many saints in history are nothing.

Ji Zhao shook his head and said, "Don't belittle yourself. There is a saying in the world that it is difficult to betray your own class. You are willing to give up everything you have, which is already amazing. On the road to holiness and greatness, there is not only the greatest person.

Since the Luo family has such favorable conditions, they should play their role even more.

I believe that the descendants of Luo will never fear those sacrifices, the ridicule and misunderstanding of some people, and those deaths, nor will they betray their beliefs in difficult circumstances. "

Ji Zhao knew a lot of things, and sometimes he thought about some philosophical questions, but in the end he still firmly believed in some things, and these things reached Luo's heart subconsciously.

"Are you not confused now?"

Ji Zhao looked at Luo Changqing with a smile.

"No, ancestor, please let me go back. Although heaven is good, I am still a human after all."

What he cares about most is still the human world.

Ji Zhao smiled, then waved his hand lightly, and Luo Changqing disappeared into the heaven.


In Prince Luo's Mansion, Luo Changqing opened his eyes. Everything that had just happened was clearly imprinted in his mind, letting him know that it was all real and not a dream.

He could not sense Su Wang's presence, and then he remembered what Su Wang had said, that now the sky and the earth were connected, even the Luo family could not sense it, there was only Ji Zhao's unilateral summons, just like Ji Zhao summoning Luo Changqing.

Luo Changqing sat there quietly for a moment, then picked up the book written by Luo Qingyun again and flipped through it casually.

There are already young people in the Luo family who have come to the forefront. Luo Changqing is very pleased. There are many such young people in the Luo family, so fewer and fewer young people stay in Luoyang in recent years.

At the beginning, there were more than a dozen people who could have inherited the throne of King Luo, both men and women. But now, there are only three sons and daughters of the Luo family left in Luoyang, and Luo Changqing doesn't even have a choice.

The remaining sons and daughters of the Luo family are busy promoting the development of productivity, and there are also people like Luo Qingyun who study social systems and allocation of social resources. What they do is to push the world forward.

Luo Changqing thought of the woman in Ji Zhao's story again. He didn't know what kind of spiritual power was supporting her.

Reformers in the Luo family may never feel lonely, because they always have a group of like-minded relatives to rely on.

Go see the emperor.

After packing up, Luo Changqing headed for the palace.

Prince Luo's sudden visit left the emperor a little confused. After seeing the emperor, Luo Changqing took a deep breath.

Then he roughly explained to the emperor the possible outbreak of a major crisis that Luo Qingyun had speculated about. To be honest, the emperor did not understand. After all, those theories were not something that ordinary people could understand.

Luo Changqing was not surprised. If Luo Qingyun had not explained it in detail, he would not understand these things. But Luo Changqing guessed the approximate result. Even though his guess was not half as good as the real result, it still scared the emperor a lot.

Although the emperor did not understand many things, he still knew what the world relied on to run. If these things were gone, he could not imagine how many refugees there would be in the entire empire. Moreover, would these refugees blame all these things on him, the emperor?

"of course!"

Luo Changqing said firmly that it was not something that could be said, it should be said that it was destined, whoever ruled this country would have to bear the consequences when something happened in this country.

Whether it's good or bad.

Especially since many of those who manipulated the situation did so through the royal family, the emperor cannot escape the blame no matter what.

Not only that, after Luo Changqing handed the book to him, the emperor was a little confused at first, but after reading a little bit, he felt the horror of the book.

This is even more terrifying than the new books before. In this book, the leader of the imperial system, that is, the emperor, is simply the embodiment of all evil. To use an old saying -

"The greatest evil in the world is the king."

The harm in this sentence does not mean that the king himself brings disaster to the world. Since ancient times, there have been holy kings, wise kings, mediocre kings, tyrants, and foolish kings. Each of them has a different impact on the world. Among them, there are not many monarchs who can really be said to have brought disaster to the world.

Even if we simply use the terms good or bad to describe them, in reality most kings, that is, normal people, are far worse than kings.

But why is it said that the greatest disaster in the world is the king?

There is an old saying that goes, I didn't kill Bo Ren, but Bo Ren died because of me.

That’s what I’m talking about.

Even those holy kings who do not do evil cannot accept punishment because of his existence.

The king’s existence itself is the background and backstage of all those people.

The existence of the king means the corresponding hierarchy, as well as the entire imperial aristocracy system, the bureaucratic system, those who are born with great power, those patrons, and those despairingly noble people.

Sometimes people cannot decide for themselves.

A system must maintain the interests of those who make it up.

What is a country?
Exclude those things like destiny, and exclude all the history, ancestors, glory and splendor that have been promoted in the past.

“The state is a tool for rulers to exploit and oppress the ruled. It is the product of irreconcilable contradictions between rulers and the ruled.”

The emperor's hands were shaking. These words were like a sharp sword that pierced his heart, then turned his flesh and blood out and exposed it to the sun.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but closed it again. What could he say?

He said these absurd and heart-piercing words, but he was not a fool. There were only him and Luo Changqing in the hall, and he didn't even know who he was talking to with such tough words.

Because this is the truth, the bloody truth is now pierced.

"They sanctified the law, and those who broke the law seemed to be unforgivable, which deceived many people. In fact, everything was done to cover up its most fundamental sin. The law created for the well-being of a few people should be nailed to the pillar of shame."

The emperor couldn't hold it anymore, and the book in his hand fell to the ground. His face turned pale, and he asked in a low voice: "Lord Luo, who wrote this? It's terrible."

Luo Changqing said in a deep voice: "It was written by a young man of the Luo family. He hasn't been back to the family for almost 20 years. I didn't expect that he suddenly sent the book back a few days ago."

Hearing that it was Luo's people, the emperor breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Lord Luo, it's a good thing that you stopped me from doing that before, otherwise I would have made a big mistake.

I originally thought that the new scholars would be the ones who would be in charge of this world, but after this book came out, I think it will not be that simple. This book is not just criticizing me."

The emperor is actually a very smart person, but in today's era, intelligence is of no use. The world is doomed, and how can a mere person like him reverse the trend of progress?


The emperor's eyes fell on Luo Changqing. As long as the Luo family was around, anyone who wanted to go against the tide of history, anyone who wanted to be a reactionary, would have to ask whether Luo's sword was sharp.

As the Emperor of the Li family who had cooperated with the Luo family for more than 400 years, he would never try to go against the Luo family.

The emperor was very grateful to Luo Changqing. In this turbulent era, simply standing on the side is no longer a guarantee of survival. Some people cannot change teams because their hands are full of blood and they will not be accepted by the new era. Some people can do whatever they want.

The same goes for him as the emperor. If his hands were filled with the blood of righteous men, he would have to stand to the end. But the current emperor has no blood on his hands at all. He follows the tide of history. No matter which group among the people, none of them have any hatred towards the emperor. This is the key to the emperor's ability to escape unscathed in the future.

"Lord Luo, how far have these words spread?"

"It has not spread very widely. It has spread to a certain extent in Qin, but it has been a short time. There should not be a political party established with this idea as its platform."

After the rise of new learning, a major difference from the imperial era is probably that officials openly formed cliques. In a true imperial era, such cliques would have been purged, but now no one cares.

"Lord Luo, do you think I should prepare a way out now? If I am no longer the emperor, I can't really work like an ordinary person. I don't have the ability of a direct descendant of the Luo family."

The emperor knew that the direct descendants of the Luo family were all good at farming and had many other skills, but he only knew how to be an emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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