Pirate's Strongest Emperor Deputy Mr3

Chapter 42 Recruiting to Bucky

Chapter 42 Recruiting to Bucky

"They are Crocodile the Sand Crocodile, and Edward Weibull, known as White II!"

As soon as Mr3 said this, the audience was stunned and fell into silence.

Even Hancock, who knew Mr3's next recruit in advance, couldn't help but stunned: This damn liar, isn't it only Crocodile who said on the deck of the merchant ship, why is there a brutal Bai II now?
Recruiting two new and old Qiwuhai at the same time, did he not wake up, or did he really think his little life was too long?

"Hey, 3, are you sure you're not joking, same, recruit two at the same time, or two that are so difficult?"

After the shock, Bucky, the captain, was the first to speak, and asked everyone's doubts, "If I remember correctly, Crocodile is still your original boss, right? Besides, although Bai Ershi is powerful, there are young Bai Ershi. The level of the beard, but…”

At the mention of Edward Weibull, Bucky's Joker had a hint of apprehension on his face.

This guy who suddenly appeared and claimed to be the biological son of Whitebeard didn't look like a person who paid attention to benevolence and morality.

Its "client", Miss Ba Jin, is a cunning and cunning person. If you contact them, you will be bitten back if you are not careful!
Bucky's words caused everyone at the conference table to nod in agreement.

Whether it is Zha Po of the Nine Snake Pirates or Arrita and others, in their guesses, these two people are not the best choice.

Compared with them, Luo, who was born in a supernova, and Hawkeye, who pays attention to morality, are better choices.

Although the difficulty is also not small, even if the negotiation with them breaks down, it is not easy to provoke unprovoked attacks from the other party. At least there is some basic protection for Xiaoming!

However, such an idea falls into the eyes of Mr3, who has a big picture of the One Piece world.

Luo Naturally, who is now in the decisive battle with Kaido's mother on Onishima, needless to say, the difficulty factor is bloody.

As the world's largest swordsman, Hawkeye has always liked to be alone, and he has no weaknesses like Hancock once became a slave of the Tianlong people. He is an almost perfect and mysterious man.

To recruit such a lone ranger, considering the current conditions, it is as difficult as heaven!
As for the possibility of an alliance with Hawkeye...

For the time being, it is not within the scope of Mr3's consideration for recruiting Shichibukai to become stronger.

In this way, there are not many Qiwuhai left.

Jinbei who joined the Straw Hats and was also in the Onishima War, Moria who broke into the Blackbeard territory to find his subordinates, and Big Bear who was transformed into a plaything of the Dragons, these three are not to be thought of for the time being!

Of course, Mr3 couldn't tell these people about the original work, and he couldn't explain it if he really wanted to.

So, in the face of everyone's puzzled eyes, he looked up at Bucky, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and said to himself: "Because Crocodile is my former immediate boss, I know him quite well, so the possibility of successful recruitment is possible. not too low."

"As for Shi Bai, judging from the information published in the previous newspapers, this simple-minded guy is obedient to Miss Ba Jin by his side."

"And Miss Ba Jin, like you, is a bad guy who regards money as his life and has no lower limit for money, so..."

Light flashed in Mr3's eyes, "As long as there are enough attractive interests, there should be no big problem for her to agree to Bai Ershi to join us!"

"Wait, Gal Dino, who the hell did you say is a villain who has no limit for money?!"

Bucky immediately heard the smell of pointing at Sang and scolding Huai, he patted the table and shouted out of course, "Pirates, didn't they choose to sail for money? Treasure maps and treasures are the romance of men, you know the shit. Ah bastard!!"

Mr3 waved his hand irrefutably.

Bucky is right, think about it carefully, it seems that in the whole pirate world, this guy is keen to collect treasure maps and hunt for treasures.

Other pirates either take risks or want to be the strongest in the world, and they are some heinous desperados...

On the opposite side, Hancock skipped Bucky's unnutritious remarks and asked Mr3: "Mr3, since you are so confident in recruiting Crocodile, you won't say much about your concubine. But Weibull is like a ticking time bomb. Guy, can it really make a difference to our team?"

Mr3 heard what she meant.

Under the control of Miss Ba Jin, whose interests are paramount, Bai II, who joined the Baji Pirates, will become the biggest hidden danger.

If you are not careful, you will be bitten back, which is not worth the loss!

In fact, he did not include Bai II in the recruitment plan in the first place.

But after a difficult battle with Vice Admiral Stierres of the Navy Headquarters, he was deeply aware of his own lack of strength and eagerly wanted to become stronger in order to cope with the turbulent era of chaos that followed.

After all, when it comes to that far beyond the anime plot, the overall situation as a traveler will be useless.

The only thing that can save lives is only strength, strong enough to compete with the strength of the generals and the four emperors!

Therefore, recruiting Bai Ershi is considered a "dangerous move" with practical value. If it is successful, it will be twice the result with half the effort, and the system goals can be completed in the shortest time, and the greatest improvement in strength can be obtained!
By that time, even if Weibull really has two hearts, he will be able to...

Killed on the spot!

"Weibull is indeed a time bomb, and it poses a great threat to the subsequent security and stability of the Bucky Pirates, but think about it in reverse, isn't this a big weapon that can blow up the enemy half to death?"

Mr3 paused and looked at Hancock and Bucky with an inexplicable smile on his lips, "Or do you have no control over Weibull's confidence and think his strength and IQ are higher than yours?"

An understatement struck the proud Bucky and Hancock like a bolt from the blue.

"Bastard Mr3, I can't pretend I didn't hear what you said!"

Bucky floated up, the ability to split the fruit was activated, and the big red robe on his body was stretched huge, "This uncle is Bucky the clown! Weibull is a fart!!"

Hancock's face was also gloomy, with arrogance and anger flowing in the depths of his beautiful eyes, and said coldly: "Mr3, do you know the consequences of underestimating your concubine?"

Granny Zha, who was sitting next to Hancock, stared at Mr3 with a serious expression, with fine sweat oozing from her forehead, and was secretly shocked: This man, in such a short period of time, found out the character and temper of Sheji?

However, due to Mr3's special status as a slave of the Tianlong people, and also agreeing with his proposal, the mother did not stop it.

Mr3, who successfully aroused the fighting spirit of the two, smiled and hid his merits and fame: "Since both of you are all right, that's the decision."

After that, he looked up at Bucky, "Bucky, negotiate with Miss Bajin and recruit Weibull, it's up to you!"

Bucky, whose self-esteem was in a state of bursting, nodded heavily: "No problem, leave this kind of small matter to..."

Halfway through the sentence, Bucky suddenly realized something was wrong, and pointed at himself, the relaxed calm on his face instantly collapsed.

"Ehhhhh? Me, let me recruit Weibull?!!"

 I have a bit of heat stroke and a cold, I slept a little bit badly for a day, and the second is more likely to be late

(End of this chapter)

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