Pirate's Strongest Emperor Deputy Mr3

Chapter 4 Hello, Brother 3!

Chapter 4 Hello, Third Brother!

"Pirate Empress?!!"

The moment they heard the name, the eyes of the other Pirate officials including Bucky burst out, and their facial expressions were extremely exaggerated.

As the supreme leader of a fighting kingdom, there is no doubt about the ferocity of the pirate queen, and although this person has the title of the most beautiful in the world, her personality is extremely bad, and she will petrify people and kick them to pieces.

Compared to Hawkeye, who has a milder personality, or "Little Whitebeard" Weibull, who has a clear direction of interests, the difficulty of recruiting is simply not too high!

Hmm... well, it seems more difficult to recruit the world's number one swordsman.

But at least, it won't be so easy to lose lives, right? !

The Amazon Lily, which is now mostly under siege by the navy, is simply a super bomb that "BOOM" at the touch of a button! !

"I know you're surprised, but that's what I said, don't worry, I'm measured."

Mr3's reaction to the crowd has long been no surprise.

Choosing the Pirate Empress as the first recruiting target was the conclusion he came to after careful consideration, not simply because he wanted to see the true face of the most beautiful woman in the world on a whim.

Ahem, actually there are, but that's just incidental.

The main reason is because there is a country behind Hancock that needs to be well protected.

This made the burden and restraint on her shoulders far greater than those of the other Qiwuhai, and it was difficult to fully use her hands and feet, and it was extremely difficult to even temporarily avoid the navy's capture.

In such a predicament, if you can help in time, the possibility of successful recruitment will be greatly increased.

And more importantly, Mr3, as a traveler who has read the original book, knows that the Empress has fatal weaknesses that other Qiwuhai do not have.

She was once a slave of the Tianlong people, and she is still shrouded in the shadow of that dark experience!
As long as he can make good use of this vital information, Mr3 believes that he has a [-]% chance of successfully recruiting Hancock.

Even if it doesn't work, the possibility of temporarily mixing the name of the alliance is still quite high.

Of course, it sounds simple, but how to implement it depends on your ability!
"Well, since you have this kind of blind self-confidence and awareness, brother, what we can do as companions, apart from trusting, is to help you build a decent coffin in advance."

After the shock, Bucky's clown face was full of sadness and reluctance.

With tears in his eyes, he turned around and said to the animal trainer Mo Qi in white: "Mo Qi, is there any more expensive wood on our island?"

"There are several good woods for custom coffins, but..."

Mo Qi lowered his head and thought about it seriously, and said, "Brother 3 will most likely be a few pieces of gravel on the daughter's island this time. There is no need to build a special coffin, right?"

Mr3: "..."

It's clear that these guys really have no confidence in him at all! !

"You can shut up, Bucky. Instead of making a coffin, you should quickly find someone with strong intelligence to help me."

Mr3 doesn't want to talk nonsense with these heartless guys anymore.

He just wants to hurry up to the Amazon Lily and complete the recruitment goal!

"You know, Kabbage is generally in charge of intelligence personnel."

Bucky put away the sadness on his face and looked at Kabbage, the chief of staff on the unicycle.

Kabaji stopped the movement of the soles of his feet and said, "Because it is a windless belt, our forces have not penetrated into the vicinity of the Amazon Lily, but there is a stronghold in the nearest sea area outside the windless belt."

After becoming Shichibukai, the Bucky Pirates developed the underground industry like Doflamingo and sent mercenaries to all parts of the world through their privileges and a large number of younger brothers harvested from the advance city.

Even established a mercenary organization called "Bucky Express".

So in terms of intelligence gathering and undercover eyeliner, the Bucky Pirates have done quite well.

"That's it, tell me about the island where the base is located later."

After thinking about it, Mr3 continued, "One more thing, prepare a small and fast ship, I need to arrive at Amazon Lily in the fastest time."

"As for the crew of the ship, the navigator and the helmsman will do, no fighters are needed."

Bucky responded quickly: "Of course there is no problem!"

Immediately afterwards, worry appeared on his clown face involuntarily.

Looking at Mr3, the good brother who was born to death with him, after pondering for a few seconds, he finally chose the style that he was best at, and a wickedness flashed in his eyes.

"Don't worry brother, if you really can't come back, I will avenge you."

"Even if you bet the entire Bucky Pirates, Hancock will have to pay the price!"

The sudden viciousness made Mr3 a little surprised.

Although this clown Bucky is insidious and cunning, and even often pushes the crew up as a shield to run away secretly, I have to say that this guy is benevolent enough to his brothers and companions.

"Don't worry, no matter what, I also blocked Magellan's poisonous dragon, who was helpless even for Crocodile and Ivankov, and he couldn't die."

He raised his hand and patted Bucky on the shoulder.

"Hahaha that's true!"

Bucky laughs as he recalls the hard times in Advance City.

Two 10 minutes later.

The back of Kalai Bali, a hidden escape route.

Inside the small fast ship, Mr3, who was ready, stood on the bow and looked back at the island behind him.

Although it was impossible to see the situation there, from the roar of artillery fire and the sound of the collision of weapons, it was not difficult to imagine how intense the battle between the Bucky Pirates and the Vice Admiral was.

As a world government well aware of the strength of the Qiwuhai, it must have sent troops to attack after careful planning, and it may even carry new weapons that are more terrifying than human weapons.

But at this time Mr3 had no other choice but to pin his hopes on Bucky and others.

"I hope when I come back, I don't see a deserted island full of corpses..."

He sighed softly, then turned and walked into the lounge.

According to the navigator, it would take four to five hours to travel from Kalai Bali to the nearest stronghold island to Amazon Lily, even for a new type of ship.

Mr3 needs to carefully plan the details of the next contact with Hancock and the Nine Snake Pirates during this period.

Don't look at his confident appearance, but he is really worried about negotiating with Hancock alone as Pirate Mr3.

After all, it is different from what the animation wants to show to the audience. It is a big pirate who can still have a place in the pirate world where many forces are entrenched. Its brutality is evident.

If you treat Hancock in the image of a "simple and cute love brain", you probably don't know how he died!

Not everyone is like Luffy, the protagonist with his own halo!
The time at sea passed quickly, and because of the clown Bucky pirate flag hanging on the boat, there were no ignorant pirates who dared to rob.

Although the abolition of the Qiwuhai system has spread throughout the New World, their power and prestige are there, and few people dare to provoke them.

Soon, Mr3 arrived at the island where the base was located - a remote and unnamed deserted island.

Several young men in black robes and face tattoos received the news and waited early on the coast.

Seeing Mr3 with the iconic "3" hairstyle getting off the ship, several people bowed respectfully and said:
"Hello, third brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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