Pirate's Strongest Emperor Deputy Mr3

Chapter 341 Turning the tide of battle, Nika Luffy debuts!

Roar! !

Candle Dragon roared to the sky, broke through the glacier at an extremely fast speed, and charged towards the phantom of the moon suspended in the sky.

The raging flames ignited Mr3's huge body, like a flaming blade thousands of meters away, piercing towards Im under the shadow of the moon.

Im calmly raised his white right palm, facing the galloping flame candle dragon.


The phantom of the moon behind him bloomed with moonlight, condensing into an endless hemispherical barrier in front of him.

boom! ! !
The Flaming Candle Dragon hit the moon barrier with an extremely domineering attitude, and the golden thunder exploded in an instant, and the huge explosion sounded through the sky!

The collision between the two produced an energy storm center capable of destroying the island. Mr3, who has regained his human-beast form, has a crimson streamer floating around him, holding a siege spear transformed from a pure black ball.

The golden particles flowed out continuously and wrapped around the tip of the spear, giving it a terrifying lethality that penetrates everything in the world.

"Candle Dragon King: Spear of the Dead Thorn!"

After maximizing the strength of his arm, Mr3 threw the siege spear in his hand towards the lunar barrier!

call out!
The extreme speed left a trail of golden particles, and the siege spear was unstoppable, directly piercing a gap full of cracks on the surface of the moon!

The fragments of the moon were scattered all over the sky, and the dragon wings of the candle of freedom set off a manic hurricane.

In the next second, Mr3, whose right arm of Dragon Scale was ablaze with crimson flames, appeared in front of Im!

At the same time, Yim, who had been prepared for a long time, also clenched his fist tightly, and under the traction of the tidal force, he compressed the endless sea water on the front of his fist.

"Candle Dragon King Mighty Explosive Flame Fist!"

"Moon God Tidal Burial!"

The two diametrically opposed elemental energies collided like meteorites, dyeing the entire sky in two different colors.

——Even the super-giant ancient weapon Uranus, the king of heaven, became a dull background board at this time.

The golden light shone and turned into a continuously circulating energy halo to bless Mr3.

Without too many probing actions, he directly activated his current strongest state: dragonman awakening + full power!
With the huge physical strength and resilience provided by the animal-type Phantom Beast Devil Fruit, the overlord-like burning stage is no longer a bottomless consumption for him, and the continuous supply of domineering makes this killer weapon last for a long time.

"This is not the best venue for us to fight, so fly for me!"

Mr3 fully fires, swinging a terrifying punch that even distorts the space!
Both sides have cultivated the three-color domineering to the peak that no one can match, so the knowledge and knowledge that can foresee the future seem to be useless to them.

Unexpectedly, Im was directly blasted away by this incomparably domineering punch, spanning an unknown distance, and finally smashed heavily into the huge wall of the red earth continent at the end of the sea!

Its power is so great that even Nuoda's Red Earth Continent trembles violently!

Countless boulders tumbled down, crashing into the ocean below with a loud bang.

In the depths of the billowing smoke and dust, Im, whose side face was slightly bruised, stood in the bright moonlight field, his double-pupil eyes calmly staring straight ahead.

At the line between the sea and the sky, the Raging Flame Candle Dragon clings to the surface of the sea, flying at a speed that is difficult for ordinary people to catch with the naked eye.

Wherever it passed, hundreds of meters of waves were set off on the left and right sides of the sea. Before these waves fell back to the sea surface, they were evaporated by the ensuing extreme high temperature and turned into thick fog.

Even Im, who has lived for nearly a thousand years and has seen countless amazingly talented and powerful people, couldn't help but be moved by this scene.

The Mr3 who appeared out of nowhere in front of her was undoubtedly the strongest and most difficult enemy she had ever faced!
"The calm heart suddenly became a little hot, and it's really not good in this situation."

After pondering for a few seconds, the flaming candle dragon in his field of vision rapidly enlarged, and the corners of Im's mouth slowly rose, but he still didn't take the initiative to restrain the most primitive instinct of the body and let the blood boil in his body.

Although this will reduce the calming effect of the Moon God Fruit ability.

"Because of this, you can crush your self-confidence, trample on your arrogance, and let you feel the value of true despair!"

"The moon is coming!"

In space, the main body of the moon flying around Pirate World suddenly experienced a violent earthquake, which shocked the Thunder God Enel who settled on it.

Through the powerful ability of the moon god fruit, Im can draw energy from the inside of the moon to strengthen himself.

As long as her physical strength hasn't bottomed out, this "moon power" blessing won't disappear!
At this moment, Mr3, which was under full power, had arrived.

Without much verbal exchange, the two who raised their aura to the extreme launched an unprecedented life-and-death duel on the slender and towering red soil continent!

Will the old era ruled by the Celestial Dragons be completely destroyed, or will the new era be strangled before it sprouts.

This top-level contest between the world's top powerhouses will determine the direction of the world in the future!
Mr3 and Im are in a fierce battle, and it is difficult to tell the winner for a while.

On the battlefield of the Navy Headquarters, under the siege of the three ancient weapons, the Elephant Lord and the Neptune, the powerhouses seemed a little powerless.

Not to mention that they had already consumed part of their physical strength in the previous battle, and they were not in the most perfect peak state.

Just the killing light cannon of the ancient weapons that can destroy the island with a single blow makes them tired of dealing with it, and if they fail to do so, they will end up seriously injured and wiped out!

You must know that these three super war machines named "Gods" have existed since ancient times.

The technology of the ancient times was far more advanced than the current era. From this point, Vegapunk has become a genius scientist 500 years ahead of the world through research and study of O'Hara's ancient books and materials, and we can clearly draw a conclusion .

In terms of energy, destructive power, and sturdiness alone, the ancient weapons are far superior to the Four Emperor Seraphs studied by the Crusades!

Uranus, the heavenly king floating in the sky, emits a dazzling light and continuously drops beams of destruction tens of meters in diameter. It is bound to be like the Kingdom of Cocosia and the Beehive Island before...

Wipe Navy Headquarters off the map forever!
In every corner of the Navy headquarters, southeast, north, and south, there are navy cloaks of justice fluttering wantonly.

Headed by Marshal Sakarski and former general Kuzan, the seven generals who have the ability to change the natural environment are scattered all over the place.

They raised their hands high to maximize their fruit abilities, abruptly receiving one after another terrifying beam attack from Uranus, the king of heaven.

Destroying energy continued to explode over the Navy Headquarters.

Kaido Hawkeye and the slightly recovered red-haired Baki and other pirate camp powerhouses face the ancient weapon Pluto head-on.

This super battleship that traversed the ancient battlefield was equipped with a terrifying number of light tower turrets.

Countless giant laser beams that are not weaker than Uranus, the king of heaven, shot out, crowding the sea area around the naval headquarters, overwhelming the pirates who wanted to board the ship to carry out internal destruction, helpless and difficult to advance!

As for the super-giant sea kings and the elephant masters, who are relatively scattered and weak, the weaker Karp Sengoku Raleigh will lead Yamato Kaerjin and other cadres to snipe.

Although their destructive power is not as good as that of Uranus and Pluto, they are only rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and they are extremely numerous, and their backs to the deep ocean are even more advantageous (super-large Neptunes have extremely high IQs).

Karp and others want to solve them in a short time, and the possibility of withdrawing to support the other two battlefields is almost zero!
The situation in the entire Navy Headquarters immediately fell into a stalemate.

And this is the biggest crisis facing the strong:
No matter how strong the recovery ability of human beings is, in the face of ancient weapons with almost unlimited energy, the result of a protracted battle will definitely be annihilation of the entire army!

"It can't go on like this! Sakaski and Red Hair can't hold on for too long!"

Shrouded in the golden Buddha light, Sengoku waved a shock wave from his palm, and the Neptune, who opened his bloody mouth wide enough to swallow a small island, blasted away, standing back to back with his old comrade Garp.

Garp also brutally punched the giant Neptune into the deep sea. Looking at the huge heads protruding from the sea one after another, he couldn't help but feel a headache.

"That's no way, the world's top powerhouses have gathered here, no one can break the balance, we can only try our best to fight Mr3 and defeat Im!"

"The point is that we can't wait! Garp, repeat what you just said!" Warring States seemed to have thought of something.

Garp was confused by what he said, and out of trust in his old comrade-in-arms, he still cooperated and said: "There is no way!"

"No, no, the latter sentence."

"The world's top powerhouses have gathered here..."

"That's it! Garp, can't you remember? There are still young kings who are qualified to appear on this kind of battlefield in this era!"

The Warring States period meant something, and deliberately emphasized the word "young".

"Warring States, you mean..."

Hearing the words of the Warring States Period, for some reason, an incomparably bright smiling face suddenly appeared in Garp's mind.

"No, no, how is that possible! A field of this level is fine for the dragon, but it's too far away for that brat who needs to be beaten!" He shook his head repeatedly.

"Perhaps he is still a young kid in your eyes, but Garp, have you ever seriously thought that he is already an indomitable man who defeated Mama Kaido?" Warring States stopped the Buddha's sword in his hand shock.

He was full of knowledge and domineering, barely captured the next scene, his mood inexplicably became calm, and he was smiling.

Garp opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the next second, he also foresees the future, and his eyes froze in place for an instant.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Soon, the strong men who were overwhelmed by the fierce attack of ancient weapons all heard the incomparably loud and cheerful laughter from high above.

The laughter was full of inspiring appeal. Invisibly, there seemed to be a thick drum echoing in the hearts of everyone, dispelling their fatigue and bringing about double liberation of body and spirit!

"Devil God Fengjiao Hell Feast!"

"Ghost Qi · Nine Swords · Asura · Draw Sword · Dead Man's Play!"

"Rubber Siege Ape Gun!!!"

When the laughter stopped, there was an earth-shattering noise from the relatively fragile back of Uranus, the king of heaven in the sky.

As if receiving a terrifying blow, a hole with a diameter of more than [-] meters was pierced through the solid hull!
Although this damage is almost negligible compared to the ancient weapons with a length and width of tens of thousands of meters, it still inevitably disrupted the attack rhythm of Uranus, the king of heaven.

It gave the overwhelmed Sakaski Kuzan and others a precious breathing space.

"Hmph, what's the matter, hundreds of meters of steel plates have been crushed by my foot!"

"If I hadn't cut it open with a knife first, you would have rolled on the ground hugging your legs in pain."

"Green algae head bastard, do you want to fight? I don't mind kicking you from this height to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish, which happens to be full of big guys!"

Zoro Sanji, the king's wings, bickers every day.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! Ancient weapons! Superstar Neptune class! The king of the world Im! Die, die, die!"

Nami, Usopp, and Chopper were the cowardly trio, but they hugged each other desperately, trying to get some warmth from each other's arms.

If God gave them another chance, they wouldn't even dare to think of rushing to the Navy Headquarters if they were killed.

In this way, they will not be taken to an altitude of [-] meters by the inexplicable upwelling current (when Im is showing the power of the tide), and then fall into the four emperors and walk everywhere, and they will die thousands of times in a minute hell battlefield!

Robin Jinpei and the members of the Thousand Sun followed closely, and in an unexpected way of falling from the sky, the Four Emperors Straw Hat Pirates appeared!
At the same time, the sea area around the headquarters of the Navy.

Eustace Kidd controlled the mechanical giants composed of steel torrents to soar into the sky, and fired an electromagnetic cannon that condensed all the energy, smashing one of the hundred cannons arranged on the side by Proto, the ancient weapon.

The impact of the huge explosion forcibly changed the angles of Pluto Proto's remaining light tower artillery, and part of the firepower flew towards the distant sea area against the sea surface, blasting out a mushroom cloud of amazing power!

The high pressure endured by the strong players of the pirate camp was also temporarily relieved.

On the other side of the sky, Princess Shirahoshi and Momonosuke were tightly bound by the phantom cage of the moon.

The special sound of the fruit of the operation's ability being activated came out, and the handsome Trafalgar Law appeared, the blade in his hand was covered with the super penetrating attribute after the ability awakened.

"Let me, as a doctor, use this trick to rescue you from your abnormal mental state!"

"R ROOM Cut!"

The [-]-meter knife slashed across the sky, cutting through the phantom of the moon, and at the same time cut off the connection between Im and Momonosuke Shirahoshi!
So far, the three captains of the new era, who have completed training and strengthening from the giant's hometown of Elbaf, and whose strength has reached the level of generals, have all arrived on the battlefield!

Although their combat power alone is far from being able to severely injure the three ancient weapons, the timing of their appearance is quite perfect.

The few seconds gained will directly break the stalemate and become a crucial turning point for victory in the war!

(ps: I wanted to end it quickly, but I saw that many people wanted to watch Nika Luffy, so I fine-tuned the plot overnight, so that the three captains also showed their faces. Although the results are poor, I will try my best to satisfy you Yes, but the ending will have to be delayed for another day)

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