Pirate's Strongest Emperor Deputy Mr3

Chapter 31: Enhanced Candle · Great Spitfire

Chapter 31: Enhanced Candle · Great Spitfire
Stierez clenched the katana in his hands, his breath blooming, and he covered it with a lacquered black armament in advance.

If the sudden appearance of Mr3 made him tense and face a great enemy, the beauty standing behind Mr3 with her arms folded in her arms made him feel a trace of coldness and despair from the bottom of his heart:

Why, the Pirate Queen Boyahan Cook, who was supposed to be surrounded and suppressed by Kebi, and the entire Nine Snake Pirates, would appear in this place? !

The shock in Stierth's heart was beyond words, and his eyes rolled, falling on the subordinates beside him who were barely able to withstand the impact of the overlord.

Although I can't understand why Hancock came here, there is no doubt that she is on the side of the Clown Bucky Pirates!

Recognizing the reality, Stierres was not confident enough to be able to fight against two Qibu Pirates at the same time, so he began to think about the next retreat and what to do to keep the lives of his subordinates safe.

Completely different from Stierless, who was waiting for him, and a group of stunned seamen, the Bucky the Clown Pirates are here.

After recognizing Mr3, the younger brothers showed excitement and joy, and laughed extremely wanton and arrogant.

"Third brother? Third brother! It is third brother!!"

"The third brother is back, the third brother is back with a group of girls!"

"Damn! Don't you shout so loudly? Look carefully, who is the one standing behind the third brother!"

"Ah? Ah! Sea, Pirate Empress, Boyahan Cook???"

"Fuck! It turns out that the purpose of the third brother's secret trip was to find the Nine Snake Pirates Alliance?"

"Third brother! I'm sorry for you. Just now, I was swearing in my heart that you are a waste who escaped. I misunderstood you, third brother!"

"It turns out that it's not that man, but a man! The third brother is mighty!!!"


In front of the successive cheers, Al Rita and the others who were standing on the edge of the balcony were also shocked. They couldn't believe that Mr3 really drew the Nine Snake Pirates over.

The key is that he didn't sink into the endless beauty, and he still thought about their old buddies!
"3 This guy is really capable, our little lives are finally saved."

The animal trainer Mo Qi heaved a sigh of relief.

Hancock, the captain of the Nine Snake Pirates, is a real and powerful monster with unfathomable strength, and he is not at the same level as their captain Bucky.

With her and the Nine Snakes Pirates joining in, it is a sure thing to defeat Stierres and relieve the crisis of Kalai Bali!

"Aha, ahaha, as expected of the third brother, I said that it would be no problem to hand it over to a man like him!"

Kabbage, the unicycle acrobat, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with relief, and was thankful that he had managed to get through.

"I didn't expect that he actually found the Pirate Queen, and..."

Arrita silently took down the mace on her shoulders. In addition to being surprised, she looked at Mr3 with a strange look in her eyes.

"Is it my illusion? Why does this guy 3 look so pleasing to the eye?"

"That's not the point!"

Bucky, who stumbled and fell below, stood on both feet, and his body was separated by the ability to split the fruit, and floated back to the balcony again.

His eyes skipped Mr3, fell on Hancock beside him, and said with a serious expression: "The point is, the overlord color just now is not from this guy 3, but Bo Yahan who has three colors domineering. Cook!"

He especially emphasized the three words Hancock, as if in this way, he can make himself more firm about the basic fact that Mr3 will not be king.

He is not envious of other people's awakening overlord, and even sends the most sincere blessings to them.

But as a comrade who suffers and suffers together, Bucky doesn't want to see Mr3, Kabbage and these old buddies have the overlord color in the bottom of his heart.

It's not that I'm worried that they will surpass me when they become stronger, but I simply don't want to see a good brother who can pretend to be more powerful than me!
Thinking of this, Bucky's clown's expression suddenly became artistic: Please 3, no matter who it is, it must not be you!
Other "losing friends" also hold the same idea.

"Isn't this inevitable? If the third brother awakens the overlord, I will swallow the car on the spot!" Kabbage raised his finger and pointed to his unicycle with a firm tone.

Arrita raised her mace and agreed: "I gnawed on this mace, the kind that has no mace left!"

After that, the two turned to look at the bewildered animal trainer Mo Qi.

Mochi, who was wearing a white coat, looked left and right, and finally set his cruel eyes on Liji the lion: "Then me, then I will swallow Liji!"

Hearing this, the lion's hair stood on end, and his cute eyes stared round: "???"

Jealousy has made this gang unrecognizable!

In fact, it's no wonder that they reacted so violently. It's true that Mr3's sinister and timid image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It's not surprising that someone like him awakens the Devil Fruit, and it's not surprising that his strength has grown by leaps and bounds, but it's not surprising that he is an overlord...

It's more exaggerated and dreamy than Bucky being the Pirate King! (Of course, Bucky, who is targeting One Piece, doesn't think so)

In the distance, Mr3, who led the soldiers of the Nine Snake Pirates to face off against Stierres, was still immersed in a wave of coolness after he finished pretending. Cheat to drink, delusional iron supplementation.

"Boya Hancock, why are you here? What about Kirby and the other sailors?!"

Holding a katana sword, Stellas looked nervous and shouted at Hancock behind Mr3.

Naturally, he focused more on Hancock.

Compared with the pirate queen who exudes a dangerous atmosphere, Mr3's threat to them can almost be ignored.

And what is about to happen next will completely change the view of this well-informed Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters!
Hancock brushed away the hair hanging on his side face, his body was tall and straight, his expression was arrogant, and he said arrogantly: "Who do you think you are? Kneel down and kowtow, and I can consider answering your question."

"You!" Stierez's face was ashen, but he was afraid of Hancock's strength and did not dare to act rashly.

On the other hand, the elite marines under their command couldn't see that their lieutenant general was being so insulted, so they stood up and pointed at Hancock and shouted: "Damn pirates, how did you talk to the lieutenant general?!"

"Damn! Don't mess with that horrible woman!"

Although Stierez stopped quickly, he still couldn't change the fate of the sad reminder of the sea soldiers.

Hancock was just a glance, and the elite marines who would be maintained by the Outspoken Gang turned into stone statues in an instant.

Compared with the time of the top war, after two years of training, Hancock's development of fruit ability is naturally more refined. Like this weak person who is not strong and courageous, he can be petrified without light!

"Boya Hancock!!"

Stiles was furious. Faced with the current crisis situation of being attacked by the Bucky Clown Pirates and the Nine Snake Pirates, he made a decisive decision and issued the final order to the conscious men beside him.

"Everyone who can still move, listen to me, the old man will open a path for you. No matter what happens next, you just run forward, the farther the better, the faster the better! This is a death order!! "

With determination to die in Stellas' eyes, the violent sound was like thunder, which awakened the sluggish sailors.

The cloak of justice that keeps flying behind him gives him infinite courage and strength.

In order to allow the young shoots behind him to thrive, Stierth decided to risk his own life and take the initiative to attack Mr3 and the Nine Snake Pirates with a fierce and ferocious offensive!

Hancock's eyes turned cold and he took a step forward.

However, he was stopped by Mr3, whose right arm was constantly spewing fluid candles.

"Let me come, just to try the limit of this trick."

Mr3 looked at the galloping Vice Admiral, his eyes hidden under the goggles were steady and calm, but his whole body's blood boiled and agitated as Stierres approached.

I saw the thick and sticky candles surging and compressing layer by layer, then expanding and getting bigger, making a strange sound of "gurgling".

Among them, a large number of miniature gunpowders of the same material as the clown Bakimachi are naturally mixed.

When the internal pressure of the single-fluid candle reached its limit, the giant candle fist on Mr3's right arm had swelled to twice the size of his body, like a giant's fist!

After the fruit ability accuracy and three-color domineering have been slightly enhanced, it is only natural that the destructive power of the "Candle·Big Fire" he developed by himself will definitely be more terrifying than when it was used in Nine Snakes City!
"Don't overthink Mr3, my goal is not you!"

Stierless clenched the dark katana in both hands, and his blue veins burst into a frantic charge, wanting to kill Mr3 who stood up in an instant.

According to the intelligence analysis of the officers of the Bucky Pirates, he is absolutely sure that he can do this kind of thing!

"Then let's try it."

Mr3 didn't change his face, he tilted his head slightly to the right, and let the figure-3 flame above his head ignite the giant candle fist.

boom! ! !
With bursts of dull and depressing explosions, the white candle giant fist was instantly ignited, turning into a beast of flames that would devour everything!

"What? This move?!"

Stellas felt a chill in his heart, and the absolute confidence that pervaded his face immediately collapsed and ceased to exist.

The widened eyes were unbelievable, because at this time, the figure that appeared in front of him actually overlapped with Marshal Sakaski!
However, Mr3 didn't intend to give him time to react, so he jumped into the air, raised his flaming fist and slammed it in the face!
"Candle·Big Fire!!!"

 Hey, it's a loss, it's another [-] words

(End of this chapter)

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