I am full of talents, and it is very easy to fill in next time

Chapter 46 3 years in Hedong, 3 years in Hexi, don't bully young poor!

Chapter 46 Three years in Hedong, three years in Hexi, don't bully young poor!
The library in the Li Mansion is located on the west side of the wing.

It is a long distance from the side courtyard where Li Yueming and Cheap Mom live.


It is not an easy task for Li Yueming, who is sensitive to identity, to go through several houses and run to the library to read.

Fortunately, Li Yueming was very patient.

Every day after helping the cheap mother with some work within her capacity, she would run to the yard to play.

At the beginning, there will be servants reporting the situation to the eldest and second bedroom.

After getting used to it, no one paid attention to it.

After all, the identity of a child is naturally confusing.

Adults may be wary of adults.

But for a kid who is only one or two years old.

It is estimated that it is just a joke at most.

Naturally, it is impossible for anyone to discover that Li Yueming did it on purpose.


After half a year of exploration.

Finally, at the age of one and a half.

Li Yueming successfully expanded his scope of activities to the vicinity of the mud pond outside Zangshu Pavilion.


After playing in mud alone.

Li Yueming dragged his dirty body towards Zangshu Pavilion.

The steward of Zangshu Pavilion looked at Li Yueming with a bit of disdain that couldn't be concealed.

There are five young masters in the Li family.

Only three are still in the palace.

The other two have already left for school.

The young master of the Li family is 12 years old this year.

Handsome and gentle, aside from mentioning it for the time being, he is still an incomparable talent with both civil and military skills.

The strength has reached the middle stage of martial arts.

Even among the younger generation in Qingquan County, he has a great reputation.

The second young master likes to read.

At a young age, he was photographed by a famous teacher in Qingdu Port.

If you take time to obtain fame, you must be a high-ranking official in the ruling party.

Although the other two young masters are slightly inferior.

But they are all good-looking talents, and they will not fall into the name of the Li family.

Only the youngest Fifth Young Master in front of him.

Walking around like a mud monkey every day, he doesn't look like a young master at all.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being born of a slave.

He didn't inherit the master's wise and martial blood.

of course.

Although I thought so in my heart.

But the superficial attitude of the manager is still very kind.

No matter how unpopular Li Yueming is at home.

But it is also the master's own flesh and blood.

as a servant.

As long as the mind in charge has not been broken, it will not make a face.

It is taboo for a servant to deceive his master.

Of course, it is impossible for the steward to make such a low-level mistake.

He saluted politely.

The steward lowered his eyebrows and said pleasingly: "I have seen the fifth young master, may I ask the fifth young master what's the matter?"

Li Yueming's eyes looked innocent.

Pointing to the bookshelf behind the steward with immature fingers, he said, "I'm going to play inside!"

The steward pondered for a moment upon hearing this.

After thinking about the wording for a while, he said: "This is the Library Pavilion, Fifth Young Master... You are still young, so come and play again when you have a chance!"

After all, the mistress had already ordered it.

Li Yueming is not allowed to touch anything related to the family.


Of course, it was impossible for the steward to let Li Yueming into Zangshu Pavilion.

Of course, Li Yueming was not surprised at all.

If he could enter the Library Pavilion so easily, he wouldn't have to plan for so long.

After hearing the steward's refusal.

Li Yueming, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately began to roll around.

while rolling.

Also crying and howling.

The mud on the clothes was thrown everywhere.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and many of them were thrown in the face of the steward.

It made the steward retch for a long time.

The entire Zangshu Pavilion was in chaos, with splashes of muddy water all around.

Such nonsense naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Many servants heard the news and ran over to watch the fun.

When he saw Li Yueming lying on the ground looking like a rascal.

They all couldn't help discussing in a low voice.

The steward had a serious face.

If possible, at this moment, he wished to pick up Li Yueming and beat him up.

Available in full view.

He had nothing to do with Li Yueming.

The crying sound caught the attention of a young man in the Library Pavilion.

The boy's name is Li Ziyue, and he is the third son of the Li family who is only nine years old.

After hearing the movement.

Li Ziyue walked out of the room with a book like a little adult,

He glanced at the 'little brother' who was rolling around on the ground, and then at the servants who were whispering.

Li Ziyue said angrily, "What are you doing?"

Although there is little intersection between the two.

But after all, they still live under the same roof.

Of course, Li Ziyue had heard about this half-brother.

A few wild species that my mother often mentions...

Although Li Ziyue is young.

But under the subtle influence of the power struggle in the Li family.

Some aspects are obviously more mature than children from ordinary families.


When I saw Li Yueming rolling around.

His first reaction was to scold.

After all, the other party is also his brother in name.

Seen like a monkey by so many servants.

His older brother's face was also panicked.

After all, Li Yueming's loss of face was not only his own.

And the faces of all the relatives in the Li family.

Hear his voice.

Li Yueming raised his head and glanced at him.

Still Sapo rolled and said: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo(y(d))

Li Ziyue turned around and looked at the steward behind him, and said, "He wants to go in to play, can't we just let him in?"

The steward's face was a little stiff.

to be frank.

He really didn't expect it to end up like this.

He could only bite the bullet and say: "Third young master... How dare this old slave stop fifth young master? This order was given by the eldest lady, and the younger one dare not disobey it!"

I heard the words Da Furen.

A bit of embarrassment was evident on Li Ziyue's face.

But at this moment so many eyes are on him.

Of course, Li Ziyue couldn't be cowardly either.

I can only bite the bullet and say: "You find someone to take a bath and change his clothes, and I will tell him about it at the aunt's side!"

The steward breathed a sigh of relief.

Hastily nodded and said: "Okay, I will do it right away!"

The steward raised his head.

Greeted a few young men who were still watching the fun.

Three or four people gathered around.

Li Yueming, who was lying on the ground and pretended to be dead, was lifted down.

After taking a shower.

Li Yueming finally got his wish and got the right to play in Zangshu Pavilion.

But in contrast.

He also paid a little price.

——There were a few bruises on some not-so-obvious places on his body.


Although he achieved his goal through nonsense.

But he was also warned and retaliated by several wives in the mansion.

In this regard.

Li Yueming's mouth twisted.


Who told him that he was just a three-year-old child now?
What is there to say?

30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor.

Converted to Li Yueming.

30 years is too long, three years is about the same.

At that time, this group of bullshit guys will all have to pay for their actions today.


After obtaining the permission to enter the library.

Li Yueming did not act rashly in a short time.

After all, his behavior this time has attracted the attention of many people.

According to the information in the deduction.

If he is willing to be a waste who will do nothing all his life.

Then the Li family may not tolerate him.

But once he showed a threat.

For the sake of her offspring, the wife of the family will have one less competitor to inherit the family property in the future.

Will definitely get rid of him without hesitation.

that's it.

Until half a year later.

Li Yueming is three years old.

After making sure that no eyes were watching him in the dark, he started to play in the library intermittently.

Every time he would play in the Library Pavilion for a while.

After you get tired from playing, find a few books to read.

In the eyes of the steward.

Li Yueming has not gone to school until now.

Even basic reading and writing should not be able to.

It is simply impossible to learn anything.

But actually.

However, Li Yueming has learned a lot of knowledge unconsciously.


PS: Ask for tips, monthly tickets, and recommended tickets for the matinee!

(End of this chapter)

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