Chapter 32 For a better tomorrow!
The vast and boundless Shu Dynasty seems to never have an endless day.

Fortunately, the barriers of the Star-Moon Alliance are strong enough.

Even under the ground, a reinforced concrete foundation more than ten meters deep has been poured.


For the time being, it can withstand the attack of the rat wave.

in this period.

Wang Fei and Li Xiyue almost never came out of the war room.

24 hours a day in rotation.

It is also because of the seamless cooperation between the two of them.

There is no trouble in the entire Star-Moon Alliance now.

Although the hearts of all members are extremely heavy.

But at least the entire league is still functioning in an orderly manner.

that's it.

Three months passed by.

at last.

The Star-Moon Alliance destroyed the last machine gun.

The bullets are also cleared.

Looking at the corpses already spread all over the city wall.

Everyone's face is extremely complicated.

It can be said.

This battle is the most tragic battle since the establishment of the Star-Moon Alliance.

Although the whole process did not let a mutant mouse pass the defensive wall.

But there are no less than a hundred soldiers who are exhausted to death.

But they paid such a huge price.

It's just that the rats are driven back by less than a few meters.

After a brief rectification.

The swarm of rats continued to rush up bravely.

Standing on the city wall, Wang Fei couldn't help but sighed when he saw this situation.


All the soldiers stood up.

He glanced at the defense line under his feet with a complicated expression.


They went on and on and worked hard.

Nearly [-] machine guns were used to guard for three full months.


Still can't stop the fate of failure.

10 minute later.

All the soldiers in the outer circle were withdrawn to the second defensive circle.

With the explosion of gunpowder buried in the middle of the city wall.

A loud bang came.

The originally incomparably strong outer city wall collapsed.

The first line of defense built by the Star-Moon Alliance has completely fallen.


Above the second line of defense.

The more elite hunter team members are ready to go.

Started a new round of battle with the rat swarm.


Just when everyone thought things were going to settle down again.

that night.

A giant mouse with a height of seven or eight meters raided the city wall on the northwest side.

And cut a big hole in it.

Fortunately, the hunter team members are all elites among the elites.

The movement of the city wall was discovered in time.

This will not allow the loss to expand.

This episode scared so many people into cold sweat.

After three months of crowd tactics killing.

Many soldiers even forgot that there are even more terrifying higher races among the rat swarm.

Just a thought.

The giant mouse almost seized the opportunity to break through the second line of defense.

This is the end.

The soldiers who were frightened enough to step up their patrols at night.

The rats are trying several times.

I soon lost patience after finding that I couldn't break through the defense line in this way.

Half a year after the Rat Dynasty's first attack.

at last.

Traces of mid-level mutated giant rats began to appear on the flesh and blood mill.

The mid-level mutated giant rat has stronger vitality.

Ordinary attacks would at best injure him.

Only the Xingyue brand rocket launcher designed by Li Yueming can annihilate it in one blow.

But the mid-level mutant giant rat has a high IQ.

After suffering several losses.

As long as you see a bazooka pointing at it on the city wall.

He immediately turned around and fled.

This almost rogue-like harassment made the soldiers extremely painful.

They had to draw staff at any time.

Beware of the sudden appearance of mid-level mutant giant rats.

It can be done in one day.

The gains obtained are often always very few.

The bazooka doesn't have too many shells.


When there is no absolute certainty to shoot the giant rat.

To save shells.

These gunners could only stare blankly.

Progress over time.

The situation of the Star-Moon Alliance is also becoming more and more dangerous.

On several occasions the swarms even climbed the walls of the second line of defense.

It was a group of thirteen and fourteen-year-old children who poured down buckets of cooking oil to solve the crisis.

What is Edible Oil?
It is the ration of humans in the rear line of defense!

Forced to splash oil to make a rescue.

It is enough to say that the Star-Moon Alliance has been pushed to the corner by mutant creatures.

at last.

A year after the battle started.

The Star-Moon Alliance once again gave up the second defensive circle.

Prepare to retreat to the core circle for the final resistance.


This time retreat.

The Star-Moon Alliance paid the price in blood!
On the way to retreat, Wang Feilu lost an arm.

The entire hunter team of thousands of elites was almost wiped out! ! !
As for why.

Very simple.

When Wang Fei gave the order to retreat.

Suddenly, a dozen or so different rats rushed out of the rat swarm below the city wall.


They are no different from ordinary mutant mice.

But in fact, they are disguised by several high-level ethnic groups.

These mice were hiding among ordinary mice.

After approaching the city wall, he violently rose up and opened a gap at the fastest speed.

This caused many members of the hunter team who had not had time to retreat to die tragically without being caught.

Even Wang Fei almost died in Huangquan.

In the end, it was under the sworn protection of the members of the hunter team that he was able to save his life.


that night.

The doctor just bandaged Wang Fei's wound.

Wang Fei got up and slapped himself hard
Then they began to cry loudly.

It was hard to stabilize the mood.

Wang Fei knelt on the ground and drove away all those who tried to help him up.

Kneeling all the way to Li Yueming's wooden house.

Looking at the closed door.

Wang Fei kowtowed several times, and said in a trembling voice, "Teacher, I'm sorry, student... The student has let you down again!"

There was no movement in the house for a long time.

After a long time.

Li Yueming opened the door.

Looking at the empty sleeve of Wang Fei's left hand, he closed his eyes and said, "You've done a good job!"

Wang Fei could no longer control his emotions when he heard the words.

Breaking down and crying loudly.

The sound is heart-wrenching.

while crying.

On the one hand, he couldn't help but slap himself.

"Why didn't I prepare in advance? Why am I still alive? Why..."

Seeing this situation, the members of the Star-Moon Alliance who followed were all extremely silent.

In fact, everyone knows that this is not Wang Fei's fault.

After all, no one could have expected that group of cunning mice would choose such an opportunity to launch a sneak attack.

It is even more unexpected that the high-level mutated life forms are so powerful.


The loss this time was too heavy.

So much so that even Wang Fei's psychological defense was severely penetrated.

He believed that it was because of his command error that the hunter team suffered such heavy losses.

Li Yueming sighed.

At this time.

Someone looked up at him.

Only then did I realize that Li Yueming, who was still high-spirited last year, now has pale hair all over his head!

Obviously, a year of non-stop deduction and research has cost him an unimaginable price! ! !
Such a scene stunned everyone.

The surrounding members of the Star-Moon Alliance couldn't help but kneel on the ground.

Anxiously said: "Teacher, what's wrong with you?"

Li Yueming closed his eyes tiredly.

It took a long time before he opened his mouth and said, "It's okay, my current research has already taken shape, you give me another half a year, and after half a year, I will give you peace in the world!"

Finished speaking.

Li Yueming no longer paid attention to the noise from the outside world.

Straight away he closed the door.

He hardened his heart and ignored the cries of a group of students outside.


that night.

Many had a night they will never forget.

The loss of the hunter team was undoubtedly an extremely heavy blow to the Star-Moon Alliance.

But no matter what, the war had to continue.

the next day.

The news that Li Yueming asked the members to stick to it for half a year spread throughout the Star-Moon Alliance.

After hearing that they only need to fight for another half a year, they may be able to hope for a counterattack.

The entire Star-Moon Alliance erupted into a powerful cohesion in an instant.

After all, Li Yueming symbolizes the omniscient and omnipotent god in the Star-Moon Alliance!

He said that half a year later, the Star-Moon Alliance would be able to restore peace to the world, so no matter how unbelievable this matter sounds, everyone in the Star-Moon Alliance firmly believed in it.

There is no need for any reason to trust Li Yueming!

the next day.

The Star-Moon Alliance held a brief funeral for the dead hunter team.

Then he began to concentrate on the intense war again.

With Li Yueming's promise that night.

Now even the aunt of the cook in the logistics has become the most steadfast fighter.

In order to be able to have a piece of their own home.

In order for future generations to have a tomorrow without worrying about living.

Even if they die ten thousand times.

We must fight for Li Yueming for half a year!


PS: I've rushed to the end of the new book list, I'm asking for some data to see if I can make it to the top fifty?

(End of this chapter)

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