I am full of talents, and it is very easy to fill in next time

Chapter 28 Meet Zhou Wuhai again, how much can you give this punch?

Chapter 28 Meet Zhou Wuhai again, how much can you give this punch?

After Li Xiyue left.

Li Yueming returned to his usual ruthless style.

at the same time.

The entire Star-Moon Alliance began to vibrate.

to be frank.

If it weren't for Li Yueming's absolute belief in the Star-Moon Alliance and all residents.

Several of the directives he announced at the meeting were absolutely impossible to implement.

But now.

With unprecedented cohesion.

The Star-Moon Alliance unexpectedly carried out the entire order abruptly.

The first is to send the scarlet team to the mining area to escort and transport various ores.

compared to other commands.

This one is the easiest to do.

Less than two hours after the meeting.

Armed to the teeth, the Scarlet Squad set out.

almost the same time.

The mine has also received instructions to continue mining.

They will shoulder the heavy responsibility of collecting and transporting minerals for a long time to come.

the other side.

The Star-Moon Alliance began to convene the grassroots branches of the alliance in various regions.

Then, the members who have been sticking to the branch all year round will pass on Li Yueming's instructions from door to door.

the next day.

The entire Star-Moon Alliance except for the necessary logistics workers.

Almost everyone gathered outside the Star-Moon Alliance headquarters square.

Some of them are refugees who have followed Li Yueming since the underground world.

There are also some aborigines from the survivor base in the 0911 shelter.

of course.

Now they all have a new identity.

Through the statistics of the grassroots branches door to door.

Both refugees from the underground world and survivors from the surface world have been registered.

And have a unified identity card.

They are collectively referred to as the Human Federation Citizens of the Star-Moon Alliance.

And today.

It is also the first time they have gathered together in this brand new capacity.

Watching the man called the Son of God stand slowly on the high platform.

All the citizens of the Star-Moon Alliance cheered.

"Long live the Son of God!"

Li Yueming took out a crude trumpet and coughed twice and said, "Everyone, I have some bad news for you, the mutated creatures have discovered our existence!"

Hear this.


The entire audience of more than [-] people fell silent in an instant.

The refugees in the underground world are fine.

After all, they lived in the underground world, and basically never witnessed the horror of mutated creatures.

But the survivors from the 0911 refuge were all panicked.

No one knows the horror of mutated creatures better than them.

The strongest of them can even be as high as the city wall.

Ordinary humans are like a bug the size of a bean in front of them.

There is no threat to it at all.


They thought they could avoid the threat of mutant creatures under the protection of the Star-Moon Alliance.

But did not expect.

In the end, he was still targeted by mutant creatures.

There was a commotion under the stage.

Many citizens couldn't help talking about it.

In this regard.

Li Yueming was not surprised, and continued: "I know what you are thinking, it is nothing more than how to escape, how to survive... But please think about it, standing behind you are wives, children, relatives and friends !"

"At this moment, if you take a step back, it means that everything you have will cease to exist!"

"Homeland will be trampled on, wives and daughters will be killed, and close friends and relatives will be separated!"

"Therefore, please give up the idea of ​​escaping!"

"Fend off the enemy together with me and all members of the Star-Moon Alliance!"

"In this battle, we and the mutated creatures... will never die!"

Say it all.

Li Yueming didn't say anything more.

Instead, it left enough time for all residents to think about it.

no doubt.

What follows will be an extremely tragic war.

Even if Li Yueming has the talent of infinite deduction.

But in the face of the absolute power of mutant creatures.

Sacrifice is inevitable.


Mandatory conscription is absolutely not advisable.

Rather than laying mines for future battles.

Li Yueming prefers to explain the cause and effect clearly from the beginning.

Only the 10 people in the dark are sincerely taking actions for the people they want to protect.

Only the Star-Moon Alliance could have a glimmer of life in the long-term battle.

After a long silence.

at last.

The crowd began to bustling with roars.

These voices are like a banner in the dark.

Soon a prairie fire broke out.

In the Star-Moon Union Square, the shouts of the crowd gradually turned into a single word.

war! !

war! ! !
This year.

Li Yueming is 21 years old.

Standing on the high platform, it looks like a real god.


that night.

Everyone in the entire Star-Moon Alliance began to work in 24-hour shifts to build various fortifications.

And Li Yueming no longer has any secrets.

All kinds of military architectural drawings deduced in the previous two years were shaken out.


Even many members of the Star-Moon Alliance don't know about it.

It turns out that there are still large quantities of steel bars and cement hidden in the alliance's warehouse.

These were all secretly made by Li Yueming through Li Xiyue.

The level of secrecy is very high.

Even Wang Fei has only heard about it, but he doesn't know the specific situation.


All these have come in handy.

So much work.

The entire Star-Moon Alliance began to spin like a spinning top.


In such a tense situation.

As the leader, Li Yueming himself came outside a house in casual clothes.

Knocked on the door.

The incomparably majestic Zhou Wuhai walked out of the house very quickly.

Looking at Li Yueming in front of him.

Zhou Wuhai was silent for a long time and said, "When did you find out?"

In this regard.

Li Yueming thought for a long time and said, "Well, it seems that I never trusted you from the beginning?"

Zhou Wuhai: "..."

Originally, he thought that his hiding was going well.

But never expected.

Li Yueming never had the slightest trust in him from the beginning to the end.

But now.

There seems to be no point in talking about these anymore.

Looking at the young man in front of him.

Zhou Wuhai twisted his neck and said with a smile: "It seems a bit too boring to swallow such a delicacy that has been cultivated for so long!"

Li Yueming also twisted his neck: "It seems that the lesson I gave you a few years ago was not deep enough!"

Hear this.

The smile on Zhou Wuhai's face froze.

The eyes that looked at Li Yueming finally revealed a strong killing intent: "Hehe, do you think you are strong? If it wasn't for better observation, I would have crushed you to death!"

In this regard.

Li Yueming did not reply again.

He directly picked up his fist the size of a sandbag.

One punch.

Immediately, Zhou Wuhai was sent flying.

The whole person fell to the ground like a meteor.

The tyrannical force even smashed a huge hole in the ground.

Looking at Zhou Wuhai's bulging body in the pit.

Li Yueming blew the dust off his fist and said, "How is it? How much can you give this punch?"


PS: The third update today, the author is hungry, please vote!
(End of this chapter)

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