I am full of talents, and it is very easy to fill in next time

Chapter 228 Translation translation, what is a surprise!

Chapter 228 Translation translation, what is a surprise!
Twenty years ago, when it was announced that it would be separated from the Great Zhou, Beibinghe Town was only a small city. Although nominally the entire northwestern region was under the jurisdiction of Beibinghe Town, in fact it was not recognized by everyone.

Until the city defense war that shocked the world with Dazhou, Li Yueming led the Xingyue Army to fight against the entire Dazhou with the power of the northwest and the two places, and finally defeated the invincible Dazhou army and fled all the way back to Fulongguan. Don't dare to stand up again.

Only then did the Xingyue Army officially become famous among the nations of the world.

At the same time, he also conquered Da Zhou and Da Qin who were covetously around him, and gained more than 20 years of precious peace in this troubled world.

After Li Yueming himself, dozens of reincarnated members of the Xingyue Army, and countless people of insight from top to bottom, under the rule of decades of hard work, Beibinghe Town has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to the past.

After the first round of reforms, the Xingyue Army has finally completely digested the oil and water brought about by the previous war.

The land controlled by Beibinghe Town borders on the territory of King Yu to the east, connects to the remaining mountains of the Hundred Thousand Mountains at the end of the West Frontier to the west, includes Dingyuan City and other fringe tidal towns to the north, and extends to Fulong to the south Outside the Fuhu Pass.

The actual territory spans nearly ten thousand miles from east to west and thousands of miles from north to south.

Although [-] to [-]% of them are wastelands that are not suitable for human survival and farming, the territory alone is already amazing enough.

At the same time, because Li Yueming attaches great importance to production, he not only dispatched capable personnel to study high-yield crops, but also spared no effort to vigorously promote them after the research was done.

Therefore, the grain production in Beibinghe Town has also shown explosive growth in recent years.

According to Tian Liang's preliminary statistics, from the completion of the first ten-year plan to the completion of the first ten-year plan, the grain production of Beibinghe Town and its 23 first-tier towns and 32 second-tier towns has soared by a full fivefold ! ! !
Because this increase figure is too scary, in order not to be noticed by other countries, Beibinghe Town took the initiative to hide this data, and also collected all the excess food circulating in the market through various channels.

I am deeply afraid that the detailed information of Beibinghe town's grain production will be spread to the outside world.

Leading to unwarranted coveting by other countries.

Now, the total population of Beibinghe Town and the cities and towns actually ruled by it has exceeded 2000 million. If we add some uncountable scattered people in other small towns and small villages, the total population may have already exceeded 3000 million.

This population may be nothing compared to when there was no war in the Northland.

After all, when the Qin army hadn't opened up the 2000 mountain roads, there were nearly [-] million people in the Northland alone.

However, what the Xingyue Army took over was the land that had been devastated by the Qin Army!
After more than ten years of war, the people in the Northwest and Northwest were disturbed by the elite cavalry brought by the Qin army at every turn. As a result, there was no way to sow seeds even though they had food in their hands, and there was no harvest every year.

Just because of this, the number of people in the North has dropped by about one-third.

In addition, after the Qin army broke through the twelve cities of the Northland, they burned, killed and looted, which caused the population of the Northland to decline even more.

By the time the Xingyue Army took over, the number of registered people in the Northwest and Northwest was less than 800 million. Even if there were many refugees who had not registered their household registrations, the number would be 500 million.

In other words, the population of Beibinghe Town has increased by more than 20 million in just 500 years.

Each household has added at least one child per capita.

The reason why such a large population can be restored in just 20 years has a lot to do with the high-yield grain promoted by Li Yueming.

After all, it is easy to say that it is easy to let the people have children, and it is indeed difficult to say that it is difficult.

The common people want to give birth, but after giving birth, there must be stuttering, right?
Only when their lowest needs are met can the population grow so fast.

This is also the main reason why Li Yueming put the increase in food production and the restoration of the population side by side in the first ten-year plan and made great efforts to implement it.

A population cannot be supported without food.

An army cannot be supported without a population.

Without an army, it is very difficult for one person to contend with a country.

Naturally, there is no way to complete the difficult hidden tasks.

Now that the first ten-year plan has been completed, the people who have gradually become rich in their pockets have gradually developed trust in Beibinghe Town and Li Yueming. I don't know how easy it is.

Li Yueming only needs to promulgate the policies jointly formulated by the top leaders of the Xingyue Army, and he doesn't need to do any special propaganda. The people in the Northwest and the Northwest will take the initiative to start researching.

Their enthusiasm was so hot that it even exceeded Li Yueming's own expectations. The strategy of conscription and strengthening the people in the second ten-year plan generally received active support from the people.

For the policy of strengthening the people, the people basically have no special concept.

After all, most of them could not read a single character, and they had to be read to them by scholars to know the documents announced by Li Yueming.

In this case, expecting them to understand what knowledge is power is a bit too strong.

But they don't understand the meaning of the policy of strengthening the people, but they understand what it means to strengthen the army!

In the past countless years, the imperial court and the Zhenbei Army would go outside the customs to recruit soldiers, and if they couldn't recruit soldiers, they would even be forced to recruit them.

Most of the time, the people complain about this. After all, the army conscripts every year are basically young men from the family, who belong to the strong labor force, and often take care of the whole family.

Not only is life in danger, but you can't get much reward.

Therefore, if it wasn't for a disaster year when they didn't even have enough to eat, the people would be extremely reluctant to conscript.

But now I heard that the Xingyue Army is going to recruit troops.

The people in the entire Northwest and the Northwest are all flocking to it.

As soon as the information was announced, the young and middle-aged labor force who lined up at the entrance of the Xingyue Army even surrounded the entire headquarters of the Xingyue Army in Beibinghe Town.

In order to be the first to take a physical examination, some people even fought violently.

Looking at such a lively scene outside the barracks, even Ding Yitian Liang and the others were well-informed, and they all felt a little shocked.

Under normal circumstances, it is not easy to recruit troops.

Sometimes they even have to go door to door to tie them up.

Like the conscription of the Xingyue Army, it is not uncommon for countless people to line up to send the pillars of their families to join the army as soon as the news comes out.

And the reason for this.

Tian Liang, Ding Yi and others also made a brief summary.

The main reason why the Xingyue Army is so popular in the Northwest is that the policies of the Xingyue Army are too close to the people.

The slogan of conscription is not to defend the country, but to protect the people.

Although the soldiers were not paid much to join the army, they never lost a penny of what they should have. If they died because of the war, even if the Xingyue Army had no poor pants, they would try their best to pay the soldiers who died in battle.

And the follow-up Xingyue Army will help the families of the fallen soldiers tide over the difficulties from time to time.

In addition to completing daily drills, most of the rest of the Xingyue Army's time is spent on helping the people build houses, reclaim farmland, and build new canals.

This situation is simply not possible in other countries.

As for the reason, it is undeniable that part of it is because Li Yueming, the main commander, has super political literacy, but the biggest part is not on Li Yueming, but because of the existence of their group of reincarnators.

The ultimate goal of the reincarnation is the same as Li Yueming's ultimate goal, which is to do everything possible to build the Xingyue Army better and achieve the goal of unifying the world.

For this reason, the reincarnators don't care about other powers and fame at all.

Never even thought about what happened next.

Every policy promulgated by Li Yueming after discussing with them is aimed at the majority of the people. As for the interests of the reincarnators themselves, they are completely ignored at the moment, and they have not been considered at all.

Several items are superimposed.

The Xingyue Army's internal politics are clear and prosperous.

After all, the higher-ups dare not take it, and even if the people below want to take it, they have to weigh it carefully

Of course, there are some brave ones, but most of them die very miserably.

The unity of the top and bottom has ensured that the Xingyue Army's government orders can be consistent to a great extent.


No matter which world it is, the emotions of the people are always very simple.

Who is good to them and who is not to them.It's never about how to say it, but how to do it.

Deception may prevail for a while, but after all, no one is always a fool, and in the end only the sincerity can get the sincerity.

the river is long and tempestuous, it was like a hero.

The establishment of the Star-Moon Army was full in less than a week, and the people who were still unsatisfied even offered to let the Star-Moon Army continue to expand the number of troops. After all, only when the number of troops is large can the Star-Moon Army have a guarantee that they will not be defeated by the Great Zhou. Or the power of Daqin's bullying.

Therefore, they wished that the Star-Moon Army would recruit more talents.

A group of high-level members of the Xingyue Army couldn't laugh or cry when they heard the words.

However, Li Yueming has no plan to expand the Xingyue Army in a short period of time. After all, some things can be done quickly, but some things must not be done quickly.

This is the case with the army. Too many recruits at one time may cause the combat effectiveness of the entire Xingyue Army to drop significantly, and it may not be able to recover for several years.

The Xingyue Army's ability to grow in the gap between the Great Zhou and the Great Qin did not depend on the huge number of troops, but the consistent command and well-trained spirit of not fearing death.

This spirit was cultivated by Li Yueming with all his efforts.

This hard-won perseverance cannot be dissipated because of the large number of recruits.

Therefore, in the first year of conscription, no matter what other people think, Li Yueming only recruited less than [-] soldiers according to the original plan.

In fact, by this time, the entire Northwest and the Northwest have basically recovered their vitality, recovered from the burning of the war, and began to become more and more prosperous.

For the people who have lived in the bitterly cold Northwest for generations, this is considered a fairy day, and they are very satisfied with everything in front of them.

However, he didn't expect that this was just the beginning of Li Yueming's reform, and the real highlight was yet to come.

After conscription is complete.

The Xingyue army began to build school palaces non-stop in the large cities of Beibinghe, Zhenbei City, and Zhenxi City, from the enlightenment class to the governance class, and began to publicize the significance of the school palace construction to the people in the northwest and the people in the northwestern region, as well as reading and writing. the benefits of.

If Li Yueming carried out such a reform a few years ago, it is estimated that there would be no noise in the entire Northwest.

After all, the meal is not full, who has the time to do something that is not there?
Even if he had the time, wouldn't he like to grow a few acres of land?
But now, because the food production is still sufficient, some people with better family conditions have been liberated from the loess land, and some people have tried it after the school was built.

Most of them are enrolled in the enlightenment class. After all, attending classes in the school is not only free of money, but also has a place to shelter from the wind and rain. Who can refuse the temptation of prostitution?
As for the other governance class, quite a few people are interested.

After all, in the propaganda, no matter who they are, as long as they enter this class, they will have the opportunity to become an official of the Xingyue Army and Beibinghe Town as long as their follow-up results do not fail.

This is still very attractive to the public.

The first two classes have recruited a lot of people.

As for the final specialty class, it is for adults.

In order to encourage more people to study, Beibinghe Town implemented a grade examination system.

Whether it is a craftsman or a commoner, if you want to get higher salary and more tax relief, the easiest and quickest way is to go to the academy for special training.

According to personal strengths and hobbies, the school will select teachers to lead the apprentices to learn.

The construction of the three types of school palaces was completed, after the students were recruited and started to study.

The first few years didn't attract much attention.

It wasn't until the first batch of students graduated from the academy that the entire Northwest and Northwest suddenly discovered that the times had suddenly changed.

In order to ensure immediate results, let everyone know the benefits of establishing a school.

Therefore, the first batch of teachers in the academy were all excellence-seeking beings, and they were basically directly responsible for the reincarnation.

For example, Ding Yi taught soldiers how to fight, Tian Liang and Huang Lier taught farmers how to cultivate the land more scientifically, and Wang Biao and others taught craftsmen how to improve their skills.

Who are these reincarnators?

Those are all ruthless people who have crossed dozens of hundreds of reincarnated worlds.

Not to mention omniscience and omnipotence, but most of the skills are quite proficient.

Under their all-in-one teaching, the people who listen to the lectures in the academy are naturally lying in the classroom, and their hearts are full of skills.

After several years of study.

After the initial shock, all the students who entered the school felt that a brand new door had been opened in the world that they had never touched before.

It turns out that the crops in the plowing field have so many special habits, it turns out that there are so many skills and regularities in iron and steel smelting, and it turns out that marching and fighting have to pay attention to so many details...

Before that, these were things that only a few people could master.

Even if there is a book, it will not be as clear as what the reincarnators tell.

But after the school was launched, the door was suddenly opened to all the people in Beibinghe Town.

After finishing their studies, the apprentices ignored the turmoil of the outside world, and even ignored the inquiries of their family members. Under the eyes of countless people who were puzzled and puzzled, they started the road of creating miracles.

The same field, in the hands of a farmer who has learned how to cultivate it in a school, can yield [-] catties per mu.

In the hands of farmers who have not learned farming, they can only produce [-] catties per mu.

The same piece of iron, in the hands of a blacksmith who has learned smelting in the school, can be smelted into a peerless magic weapon, but in the hands of a blacksmith who has not learned smelting, it can only chop wood and chop trees.

For the same soldier, a soldier who has learned to march and fight will always respond to instructions faster than a soldier who has not learned.

Such strange phenomena caused a sensation.

Just like when the army was recruited, the people around several large towns surrounded the school set up by Li Yueming overnight, and countless people wanted to see what could create such a miraculous scene.

Both inside and outside the school are overcrowded.

Heads thirsting for knowledge are scrambling to squeeze in.

According to incomplete statistics, when Li Yueming started the second ten-year plan, nine out of ten people in the Northwest and Northwest did not know a single word.

At the end of the second ten-year plan, except for the old people with insensitive thinking, nine out of ten people in the Northwest and Northwest had already received the education of the enlightenment class, and basically could recognize most of the characters.

Such progress belongs to the era.

Many reincarnators cooperated with Li Yueming to create this unprecedented miracle.


After the end of the second ten-year plan.

Li Yueming, who had been cultivating in the large tent of the Chinese army, woke up briefly.

After briefly looking at the development of Beibinghe Town in the past few years, a smile appeared after a while, and he said to Li Ruxing who was next to him with his legs crossed: "Second Sister, we will be able to surprise everyone soon!"

Li Ruxing gathered his long and straight thighs when he heard the words, and yawned boredly: "If you think too much, people might pay attention to Beibinghe Town on weekdays, but right now the Six Kingdoms are fighting everywhere, so just Even Da Zhou is at war with Da Qi, so he has no time to take care of himself, how can he be in the mood to listen to the gossip of Bei Binghe Town?"

Regarding this, Li Yueming smiled, his white teeth looked very harmless to humans and animals: "Because of this, they should be all the more surprised!"

This time, Li Ruxing did not have Li Yueming's dismantling, but echoed in a rare way: "That's right, after all, who would have thought that the Xingyue Army who was pressed to the ground by Da Zhou 20 years ago would have a sweeping sweep so soon?" Where is the power of the world?"

After the words fell, the two were silent for a moment at the same time, and then smiled at each other after a long time.

Obviously, both Li Ruxing and Li Yueming are very satisfied with the current reforms in the Northwest, and they both believe that on the road to unification that has already kicked off, the Xingyue Army, which was originally backward in strength, has unknowingly walked in front of other countries. Front.

It depends on when the other countries that have already used their dog's brains can discover this. Then maybe the Xingyue Army can give them a big surprise.


(End of this chapter)

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