I am full of talents, and it is very easy to fill in next time

Chapter 217 There are four fires everywhere, ask who is the hero in the world?

Chapter 217 Who is the hero in the world?

The raging war between the six countries has intensified.

Many reincarnators who feared the chaos of the world were mixed in, taking this opportunity to frantically earn the progress of the main task of their choice.

Under such circumstances, many reincarnators in Beibinghe Town were not idle.

Half of the Xingyue army is in the Beidi city, and the remaining half has started another large-scale project.

——That is the ravine where the city wall and moat were built for Beibinghe Town.

According to Li Yueming's judgment, the Ninth Prince still needs the Xingyue Army, so the Qin Army in the Northland will not move the sensitive place of Beibinghe Town for the time being.

But if the all-out war between Da Zhou and Da Qin starts, it is not certain whether the Ninth Prince will show mercy to Bei Binghe Town at that time.

To prevent it before it happens, Li Yueming must make preparations in advance.

The current productivity of Beibinghe Town is not bad. After all, this place is not only a cold place, but also a rich place.

It is close to mountains and water, and its products are very rich.

In addition, Li Yueming's management and control of Beibinghe Town is quite humane.

Seeing the hope of a better life, the people of Beibinghe Town are naturally full of energy.

Due to the favorable time, place and people, Beibinghe Town occupies two places.

Now all the Xingyue Army needs to do is to take advantage of the fertile land of Beibinghe Town before the flames of war.

Seize the time and do your best to develop with peace of mind.

More than ten days later, Qi Fan, who went out to dig the foot of the wall, returned to the Northland with seven or eight beast masters.

To be honest, this efficiency surprised even Li Yueming.

Li Yueming, who was extremely excited that night, met several beast masters.

Looking at the extremely excited beast masters in the tent, Li Yueming pulled Qi Fan and interrogated his soul: "What benefits did you promise to them? You brought so many people back in just a few days!"

Qi Fan felt a little proud when he heard this.

What does this mean?
In addition to controlling animals and raising horses, he still has other skills.

At least a good pimp.

Although I was a little happy in my heart, I pretended to be indifferent on my face, shook my hands and said: "Where, this is just a trivial matter. If Qin Jun didn't watch closely, I could take the whole Brothers from the same sect are all called over!"

"As for the benefits, my juniors and I described the great prospects of Beibinghe Town and the Xingyue Army, and promised them that after entering the Xingyue Army, we can communicate with the spirit beasts outside the extremely cold snow mountain every year. This is for you, General Li. It's just a matter of saying..."

Li Yueming heaved a sigh of relief.

These promises are not too much at all, and can even be said to be zero cost. Using this to attract several beast masters to join Beibinghe Town is something that is unthinkable under normal circumstances.

This wave of precipice has turned over.

In terms of the attractiveness of Beibinghe Town, apart from the fact that the Xingyue Army has just been established and the development potential of the army and the town is relatively high, the Erwuzi mentality should be the most attractive place for reincarnators.

After all, there is an optional ultimate hidden option in the main quest of the reincarnators.

——That is to establish one's own country, and use one's own country to destroy the other six countries, and establish a country of one's own.

This main task should be regarded as the most difficult existence in this public reincarnation dungeon.

Under normal circumstances, as long as the head is not burned.

90.00% of the nine reincarnators would not choose to embark on this path of no return!
After all, the existence of the Six Kingdoms can be traced back tens of thousands of years ago.

Each is a vassal state that already existed in the era of Emperor Tiandu.

The background is quite deep.

Although the reincarnators are also very powerful.

But with their strength alone, it is still too difficult to create a new country.

But now the Xingyue Army has provided a stage for these ambitious people to show themselves.

After all, in the eyes of other reincarnators, Li Yueming is the chosen son of this world, a local aborigine who has been favored by the will of the world. Maybe it is really possible to create the impossible.

Under this premise, the reincarnations who joined the Star-Moon Army only need to follow behind to burn firewood and carry water, and contribute their own strength to the expansion of the Star-Moon Army and Beibinghe Town.

At that time, if Li Yueming really succeeds in founding the country, then as the son of the local destiny, Li Yueming will definitely not rob them of their victory.

According to the reward mechanism of the imprint of reincarnation.

The more difficult the tasks, the higher the corresponding rewards.

According to the last ultimate mission of Nandu, I am afraid that the reincarnators do not need to unify the six countries, but only need to establish a country of their own. The various points and rewards may already be higher than other reincarnators who complete the entire main task. .


Qi Fan told several beast masters about this advantage, and the temptation to the beast masters was actually quite huge.

Later, many reincarnators went to the snow mountain to communicate face-to-face with the spirit beasts, which was only incidental, not the main reason.

In fact, Qi Fan did not think about it until later.

——After all, there are so many reincarnators in the Xingyue Army, and many of them are very powerful, so they should be veteran reincarnators.

Under normal circumstances, if the benefits gained from following Li Yueming were not enough, such veteran reincarnators should have already replaced them, or simply packed up and left.

But looking at the whole Xingyue army up and down, all the reincarnated people obeyed Li Yueming's words.

Not only that, but they are also working hard to help Li Yueming expand the territory spontaneously.

Even if there is nothing to do for several months, no one has considered running away.

As a capitulator, Qi Fan actually couldn't figure out the trick for a long time.

After all, even if a reincarnated person's head is broken, there are so many reincarnated people who are always alive, right?
Why are they willing to follow a local aborigine who has nothing to conquer the world, and also obey an aboriginal?
Until later, he stayed in the Xingyue Army for a long time.

Only then did Qi Fan slowly discover the real reason behind this incident.

The first is Li Yueming's personal charm.

There is nothing to say about this.

In terms of character and ability alone, looking at the many worlds he has reincarnated in, Li Yueming is first-rate.

Not only is it powerful, but it is also proficient in urban management and government operations, not only proficient in military politics, but also predicts things like a god, and it is not half-hearted in the above aspects, but a top existence.

Even with Qi Fan's critical eyes, Li Yueming can be regarded as an omnipotent hexagonal warrior.

Of course, mere personal ability is not enough to convince many reincarnators.

After all, for the reincarnators, the local aborigines are purely passers-by.

No matter how strong and powerful he is in the reincarnation world, it will be nothing but passing smoke after leaving the reincarnation world.

So after a deeper investigation.

Qi Fan then came up with a second reason.

——That is the identity of Li Yueming's son of destiny.

The reason why the reincarnators like to follow Destiny's Child doesn't need much explanation.

After all, the Child of Destiny is in a sense equivalent to the extension of the will of the reincarnated world, and the Child of Destiny who has the blessing of the world's will will get twice the result with half the effort no matter what he does.

Therefore, many reincarnators can achieve a certain degree of lying and winning by following a child of destiny with strong enough luck.

It is estimated that this level of identity should be the most fundamental reason why Li Yueming was able to gather a group of reincarnated people to follow him.

As for the final reason, it is naturally the deepest.

Rao has been investigating for so many years, but he has not noticed this reason. Huang Lier told him a few days ago when he asked him to go to Qin to dig the wall.

——That is, the Xingyue Army is ready to rebel against Da Zhou at any time.

And judging from the various traces of Li Yueming, he seems to want to establish an independent country by himself.

After discovering this, Qi Fan finally understood why the two batches of reincarnators in the Xingyue Army spared no effort.

It turned out that this group of guys was planning the last ultimate mission! ! !

Judging from the current strength of Beibinghe Town, it would be too ridiculous to want to independently build a country.

However, Qi Fan really watched how Beibinghe Town developed day by day.

In just over ten years, under the leadership of Li Yueming and the joint efforts of many reincarnators, Beibinghe Town has grown from a small town with a population of less than 60 to a super metropolis with a population that is about to exceed [-].

What if Li Yueming was given another ten years, 20 years?

Who dares to say that this place cannot become independent and become the seventh country besides the six countries?

And the reason why Qi Fan worked so hard to call people, and even took huge risks to go deep into the Qin country, was naturally selfish.

Currently, the reincarnators of the Star-Moon Army are generally divided into three factions.

One group is the veterans of the Xingyue Army headed by Ding Yi, Huang Lier, and Tian Liang.

It is said that these reincarnators have a very deep relationship with Li Yueming.

Tian Liang and Huang Li'er have been brothers in the same school as Li Yueming even when they were very young.

Later, when he entered the Great Zhou Reincarnator Academy, he fell under You Aotian's sect at the same time.

Since they are from the same hometown and are classmates, the relationship should not be too close.

These veterans are deeply rooted in the Xingyue army, and each of them has a huge influence.

The second faction is the middle faction who joined the Xingyue Army on the way. This group of people is headed by Wang Biao. Their status and influence in the Xingyue Army are obviously lower than those of the Veterans, but they are still not to be underestimated. watch for.

Its influence mainly spreads in Beibinghe Town, after all, they spend most of their time working in Beibinghe Town.

As for the last faction, it is the Kin Aboriginal faction.

Headed by Li Yueming's two sisters, this group of people has nothing to say, and they are not considered by reincarnators under normal circumstances.

In other words, there are only two factions among the Xingyue Army and Beibinghe Town.

And if he can pull the other beast masters to Beibinghe town together.

Maybe you can use this to form a school of your own.

Become the third largest force of reincarnators in the Star-Moon Army.

At that time, if he can subdue the extremely cold spirit fox in the snow mountain and gain the power of the ice beast, he might be able to fight in that possible final struggle.

When it comes to the so-called final struggle, a little explanation has to be given.

What if, under the leadership of Li Yueming, the son of destiny, the reincarnators really completed the ultimate task of unifying the six countries with their own independent country.

Then this time the problem comes.

Who is the reincarnation who followed behind Li Yueming and contributed the most?Who can pick the last fruit of victory?

According to normal circumstances, this fruit should belong to the elder faction.

After all, whether it is Tian Liang, Huang Li'er, or Ding Yi, they are all senior veterans who have followed Li Yueming before the Xingyue Army was established, and no one else can compare.

But what if the other reincarnations killed the elders ahead of time and stole the fruits of their labor?

Then it's hard to say.

After all, only the living can continue to promote the task process, and the dead will naturally lose all other qualifications.

If there are other people who can contribute more meritorious service than the members of the elder faction, then it is normal to pick the fruits of the elder faction.

under these circumstances.

Whether it's out of self-preservation or wanting to snatch the great credit of this splashing sky.

The respective strengths of the reincarnators are particularly important.

But now, in addition to taking credit, Qi Fan is preparing for what may happen in the future.

This is the cognition view of right and wrong belonging to senior reincarnators.

As long as there are enough interests, they will think longer than anyone else.

Of course, it would be ridiculous to talk about those long-term ones when this kind of horoscope has not yet been written.

These guys who do special things may end up in a more miserable end than those reincarnators who do ordinary tasks!

No matter what, people still recruited in the end anyway.

These few reincarnators are all beast masters, proficient in livestock breeding, and also dabble in farming.

After all, beast masters deal with wild beasts and nature most of the time. Feeding spirit beasts and planting spirit grass are compulsory courses.

Their arrival has greatly alleviated the labor shortage in agriculture and animal husbandry in Beibinghe Town.

Li Yueming arranged half of them to grow potatoes on the fertile land in the lower reaches of the Arctic River, and the other half arranged to manage and raise war horses.

Although these two places do not sound very nice, they are very important departments for a country and an army.

Not much to say about agriculture, the nearly one million people in Beibinghe town rely mostly on the output of farming, especially now that the imperial court has imposed grain and grass control on Beibinghe town, Beibinghe town wants to Continued development is inseparable from this topic.

And raising war horses is also a fundamental matter for the army.

As we all know, the spirit horse of the Qin army is one of the best spirit horses in the world.

Relying on the mobility of Lingma, they could easily plunder Dazhou and several other surrounding countries, coming and going without a trace, and the general army could not even see their shadows.

If the beast master can breed the spirit horses in Beibinghe Town, they can match them with better spirit horse genes.

The improvement of the combat effectiveness of the army is definitely quite large.


Time flies, and another year flies by in a blink of an eye.

Beibinghe Town is developing rapidly at all speeds. It can be said that the whole city is changing every day, with trenches criss-crossing each other to resist horses, and simple city walls are rising. At the beginning, no one responded. In the end, many people in Beibinghe Town could smell the slightest trace of gunpowder smoke.

In the past so many years, the Xingyue army had never built a city wall here.

Now they are rushing to work quickly. Could it be that the flames of war, which they hate like a flood, will submerge this ideal town again?
This question has no answer and does not need one.

Because when many people were wondering, Qin Jun, who had long been impatient, had already started.

In March of 7835 in the calendar of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the 50 Qin troops outside Zhenxi Pass began to attack Zhenxi Pass desperately.

At the same time, more than 30 Qin troops in the Northland occupied four of the twelve cities in the Northland with lightning speed.

The moment the news came out, the whole world was shaken.

This battle of the six nations, which has lasted for nearly ten thousand years, will be turned into the final grindstone of flesh and blood, crushing all the existence involved in it.

Including but not limited to life, wealth, food and grass, and countries occupying the clouds one after another.

There is smoke everywhere, who is the hero in the world?


(End of this chapter)

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