Chapter 92 Qi Xuan (Extra)
I know she is not a sister.

What?You ask me why, I will talk about this later.

Thinking about it now, the first time we met was probably when she entered the palace to deliver clothes.

There are so many gold threads embroidered brightly on the moon-white dress, and when I put it on in the sun, my whole body glows. I really liked it at the time.

Alas, I really don't know what kind of aesthetics I was when I was a child.

A pair of hands that should have been slender and smooth was handed over, with pinholes all over the ten fingers. When I cast my gaze over it, the owner of the hand seemed to remember that I was looking at it, and couldn't help shrinking back.

I am familiar with this scene. Although I am young, I often see it.Those concubines in the harem who have just been favored and left out are just trying to please my father.

Every time my mother found out, she punished them to kneel in front of the door for several hours, and my father pretended not to see them when he passed by.

I grabbed those hands and said distressedly. "Sister, don't do it again."

I really feel distressed, this is my sister, she is different from those concubines who are not related by blood.No matter what the cause of the hand is plugged, I will feel distressed.

Sure enough, after listening to it, she showed an expression that the injection was not in vain, and said coyly, "It's for brother, it doesn't hurt."

My teeth are sore, I should work very hard to cooperate with your behavior.

It stands to reason that I should call her Elder Sister, but my father indulged me and never allowed the two of us to call each other that way. We should call her Elder Sister like ordinary people.

I want to know, what is the purpose of sister going around like this?
She said the Xu family,

I knew it must be the Xu family again, maybe that dress wasn't made for me in the first place, it's really wronged.

However, she still compromised, thinking, forget it, she is like this, except for the throne, no matter what she wants for the Xu family this time, just agree.

I was ready for her outrageous demands.

It turned out that what she said was that the Xu family was planning to rebel?Let's find a way to deal with the Xu family together.


I was dumbfounded, this answer really exceeded my expectations, and my heart was a little bit more excited than the grievance just now.

It was all my fault for agreeing too quickly at the time, and since then, I have embarked on a very hard road to politics.

I get up earlier than the chicken every day, and go to bed later than that.

Get up early because you have to go to the court, and you have to get up at the fifth watch, and the courtiers are waiting.

Going to bed late is probably because of Sister, I don’t know where I learned it, and my work and rest schedule is different from normal people.She became more excited as the night progressed, and her mind turned faster.

Many conspiracies and tricks were thought up in the middle of the night.

Occasionally, when the interest comes up, I have to have a few drinks.

I asked her why, and she said that maybe she was used to it before.

Learning how to become a wise and mighty emperor so as not to be fooled by ministers is much better than reading the four books and five classics.

It is necessary to flexibly make various countermeasures according to different people and things every day.

Of course, it is much more complicated than those rigid books.

During this period, my elder sister made arrangements in person and taught me how to do things.

In other words, she knows a lot, as if no matter what questions I ask or what happens, she can answer them.

In just a few years, I learned to look good.

The trend of the court is gradually stabilizing.And I also understood the true good intentions of her coming to deliver the clothes that day.

I seem to be able to foresee what will happen to Daqi's future if I am still as ignorant as before.

But at the same time, I stayed with her day in and day out, and as time went by, I found an unspeakable ambition growing in my heart.

Even an emperor can't say something at will.

I swear, I studied hard at first, really just to regain control of the court and bring down the Xu family.

Even many times, when I think of how hard it is, I feel tired of studying and don't want to go.

Because there is always a little eunuch on the way, a certain uncle who can't beat him, and asks me if I want to throw a pot.

Hmph, if she hadn't hugged a shiny golden dress, took out a pair of gagged hands, and cried endlessly, I would have gone there long ago.

Gradually, I didn't reject it anymore, and I became more and more diligent in learning things, and I was satisfied when I saw her praise for me.

Before seeing her every day, I asked the little maid to arrange my appearance again and again, like a peacock with its tail open, to show off its feathers.

As I grow older and see her drinking, I will sit across from her and have a few drinks.

Every time she finished drinking, her cheeks would flush slightly, and she would lean back, posing in a casual and unrestrained pose.

At this time, I will stop and admire, without the dignified and serious expression in the daytime, as if quietly removing the armor on her body, she is so beautiful like this.

I moved my face closer and stared at her seriously.

Oops, my heart is beating so fast.

Every time I come here, I will confirm my thoughts more clearly.

The answer is imminent.

I was captivated by my own thoughts, slowly raised my hand, and touched her delicate face, it was so hot that I immediately withdrew my hand.

This is a sister, even if she is not a sister, she will look like a sister.

That's right, I have suspected her for a long time, who is this person.

I don't know about others, but my sister grew up with me. In this palace, she is my closest relative.

A person's personality may change, but will subtle habits, eyes, and movements change together?
I was afraid of thunder on a rainy day, and moved my fingers nervously. These tiny details are only known to me who grew up with her.

Besides, since I was 10 years old, when my elder sister talked to me, eight out of ten sentences were inseparable from Xu Chongyang, and she never cared about governing the country.I figured she couldn't even read the account books of the household department.

But, but.Not only does she look the same as my elder sister, but I can answer many questions about her past without any flaws.

This kind of feeling is very confusing, making me feel that he is both a sister and not a sister.

Coupled with my gradually rising strange thoughts, it once made me entangled and ashamed every day.

But every time I see her, I can't help leaning towards her.

I thought, that's it, it's good to see her every day.

I gradually started to lie flat, and the ministers urged me to draft, and I accepted it.

Anyway, there is no love anymore, it doesn't matter who you choose, it's broken.

From the perspective of carrying on the family line, the father is really not a good father.

People in the royal family who pay too much attention to love will not end well, and the original sister is like this.

The life of my father, who was born in an ordinary family, was a life of harmony and joy, a standard good boy that is hard to find in the world.

Born in Tian's family, it would be a mess, what kind of mess has the harem been turned into by him.

This is not as good as me. I take the harem as a project and run it.

The queen is the general manager of the project,

My role is to pass on the family line and raise future generations,
In the words of my sister, this is called a flat management model.

Oh, by the way, to answer the question at the beginning, why did I confirm that she is not my elder sister.

Because the real sister came back after a few years.

(End of this chapter)

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