Chapter 43 Farm Girl 11
As soon as Yan Yu entered Du's house, he saw a person dressed as a witch, wearing colorful clothes, holding a ball in his hand, dancing in the yard.

In the house where Du Jiajia usually lived, the windows and the door were covered with yellow symbols.

That night, after Yan Yu reminded Old Feng, Du Jiajia's strange behavior in the past few days successfully aroused old Feng's suspicion. The sorcerer invited her back.

After the sorceress finished dancing, she turned her head to look at the two girls who had just returned, her eyes lingered on them, hesitating.

Seeing this, Lao Feng quickly stepped forward and took Yan Yu aside.

The witch confirmed the target and walked towards Du Jiajia.

Yan Yu looked at the old woman who kept jumping around Du Jiajia with a ball in her hand, her movements were exaggerated without any sense of beauty.There are still words in my mouth,

"The Daxian's family has returned to the mountain, so we have to walk slowly, we have to walk slowly."

"My Erxian's home, Qinglong Mountain, Baihu Mountain... Traveling three thousand miles at night, riding the wind is not too difficult..."

Yan Yu couldn't understand, and complained in his heart: "Qinguo System, this damn is a liar."

"Just call me Qingguo, well, I'm not totally a liar." Qingguo explained.

A blue light flooded into his mind, and Yan Yu felt that something was attached to his eyes, and when he looked into the courtyard, he saw a huge fox phantom on the old woman's body, which was constantly moving along with the old woman's movements. Du Jiajia waved his paw around him.

Yan Yu suddenly said: "No wonder there is no sense of beauty, so this is not dancing."

Suddenly, the fox phantom seemed to sense something, and turned to look at Yanyu.

Yan Yuqiang resisted the unnaturalness on his face, and continued to maintain the expression of passers-by watching before.

The fox sized her up a few times, then turned his head back again.

"This is Hu Daxian, a monster who cultivated a little magic in the mountains and concluded a contract of worship with humans." Qingguo explained.

"Can that get rid of Du Jiajia's otherworldly soul?" Yan Yu asked expectantly. If she could do it in one step, then most of her task would be completed.

It's a pity that the result was disappointing, "No, after all, it only has a meager level of Taoism. Du Jiajia's soul has completely integrated into this body, and it cannot be driven away."

Well, sure enough, after dancing around Du Jiajia for a while, the sorceress pushed her into the room covered with talisman papers, and the spell casting was completed.

Du Jiajia checked her body, but there was no change, and she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.Apparently, she also has a bit of a bad heart about the identity of the visitor from another world.

If it is said that this body in a different time and space was possessed by a ghost, then is she herself that "lonely ghost".

Unable to solve Du Jiajia, the sorceress drew a big cake, "I have already removed part of the evil spirit, and the rest can be gone as long as I live in this house for seven to seven 49 nights."

The ancients were very revered by ghosts and gods. The Du family was convinced after hearing this, and the old Feng even took out a long string of copper plates from his bosom and handed them to the sorceress.Yan Yu reckoned that this string of money could cover the living expenses of the entire Du family for a week.

The sorceress took the money with a guilty conscience, put the ball into the cloth bag and walked away tremblingly.

Behind him, a phantom fox jumped out of the room and landed on the old woman's shoulder.Yan Yu saw that it was holding a porcelain bottle in its mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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