220 Chapter 32 The Lord God [-]
Seeing Shen Chen looking at her, the proprietress smiled very gently and kindly at her.

Shen Chen smiled back.

Lord Shenming noticed Shen Chen's gaze and looked over.

It's just a thousand-year-old little fox demon, and its cultivation base is not high. It should have been transformed into a human form for only a hundred years. As for watching it so engrossed?

The current society is indeed extremely inclusive, as Shen Chen said.

In the past, demons were the kind that everyone shouted and beat in the world.

Monster beasts are either reduced to mounts, or are hunted and killed by monks, and they are used as alchemy tools such as inner alchemy for muscles and bones.

Now, demons can also live in harmony with humans.

Along the way, he has seen many ghosts and ghosts.

Spider spirits, wild wolf spirits, mouse spirits, all kinds of animals become spirits.

They are mixed among ordinary people, and many of them have already married and had children.

Most monsters are with monsters.

There are also some love affairs that cross races, and there are not a few transsexuals.

Shen Chen put a skewer of barbecue in front of Lord Shenming: "Taste it."

Lord Shenming shook his head.

He has never paid much attention to the desire to eat, not to mention that he has been fasting for many years, and he does not need to eat worldly food.

He had already forgotten what food tasted like.

There is no desire for that either.

"You should also eat less, food in the world will introduce impurities and affect your cultivation."

Shen Chen glanced at him and ordered a few more skewers.

The aroma of food was overflowing, but Lord Shenming covered his mouth and nose.

this taste.

It was just ordinary beef and mutton.

And now this.


Shen Chen looked at the meat skewers in front of him, but didn't move his mouth.

The proprietress smiled at her, but the smile was not as deep as her eyes, with a bit of indifference that refused her thousands of miles away.

The proprietress came over and took the few skewers away: "Sorry, I made a mistake, this is what the customer at that table ordered."

After finishing speaking, she said that the meat skewers were brought to the table.

That table was a family of four, all snake spirits.

Shen Chen didn't have much appetite either.

Lord Shenming doesn't know why Shen Chen brought him here, it's dirty and messy, even this small stall is full of monsters.

Shen Chen looked at the proprietress as if she was very popular.

Many monsters and humans are very familiar with her feeling.

The people at the next table were whispering, saying that the proprietress is pitiful.

Her daughter died last year.

Her husband was also found tragically dead on the street some time ago.

They used to be loving husband and wife, and her children were also among the best in school. They were a family of three that everyone envied.

It's a pity that her child was under too much study pressure and jumped off a building in school.

Since then, the husband and wife have often quarreled.

A few days ago, her husband had another big fight with her, and ran away from home drunk, only to meet a perverted murderer.

The final death was so miserable.

A good home, now she is left alone.


Those in the know sighed.

Then they talked about the perverted murderer again, and they began to panic again. The murderer had committed several cases in a row for so many months.

But so far haven't caught it.

The most recent murder happened nearby.

The man who spoke suddenly felt cold, and he wrapped his clothes tightly.

"Daughter-in-law, let's eat quickly, and go home as soon as we finish, the neighborhood is not peaceful recently."

Some time ago, the police have reported, let us not go out alone at night.

The woman across from him also nodded.

Soon, the young couple finished eating, paid the bill and left.

Many people around also heard the words of the two of them.

They all felt nervous.

The murderer running around in City A has been on the hot searches several times.

They all ate quickly.

Go home after you're ready to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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