chapter 146
Xie Xuan was hit by Shen Chen, but his movements did not slow down at all. He flew to block behind Shen Chen.

Shen Chen saw it.

Purple lightning and white spiritual power hit him at the same time.

And he was hit hard, blood spurted out, Shen Chen's eyes were stained red, and the strong devilish energy around him collapsed instantly.

Shen Chen paused.

Watching his demon energy dissipate.

His body collapsed due to her spiritual power, and his soul was torn apart by heaven, turning into pieces of nothingness and scattered in the world.

She stretched out her hand absentmindedly.

But nothing was caught.

She opened her mouth slightly.

Looking at the place where he dissipated, there seemed to be countless light spots scattered in all directions.

She doesn't understand why.

He wants to save her.

It was thunder.

It is the attack of heaven.

Even she would be seriously injured.

Why did he go up to it.

The thunderclouds in the sky also froze.

It seems that it didn't expect it, and soon it brewed the power of thunder again.

Shen Chen looked at her hand, the moment he disappeared, she caught a small piece of gold.

It was she who refined it for him, the golden bell shard that he regarded as a shame.


I don't understand.

Then I don't want to.

Seeing that their Demon Master was dead and the dragons had no leader, all the demons below also lost their fighting spirit, fled in all directions, and began to retreat.

The world of cultivating immortals won a great victory, but there were also countless casualties and wreckage everywhere.

The thundercloud started chasing Shen Chen again, chopping towards Shen Chen one after another.

The monk below shouted.

"Master Shen is about to ascend."


Shen Chen came back to his senses.

God damn it.

The last time she tried to devour this world of cultivating immortals but failed, she was severely injured by it and expelled from this world.


Unexpectedly, she came back again.

All of this she designed was just to weaken the strength of Tiandao.

Then ruin this little world.

In order to prevent that stupid boy from being attacked by the consciousness of heaven, she deliberately threw it back into the system space in advance.

She dropped the big knife and held the Excalibur in her hand.

directly greeted.

Under her attack, the purple lightning exploded like fireworks, splashing countless light spots.

The spot of light fell on the ground, and the ground trembled instantly. Numerous cracks appeared in the hit place, and billowing magma gushed out, swallowing many monks in just a moment.

Shen Chen slashed at the black cloud with a sword.

The black cloud seemed to have been split open with a huge hole, and the sky fell apart in an instant.

The seal can no longer imprison the ferocious monsters. They rushed out of the forest of monsters and wreaked havoc in the human world. Countless ordinary people died under the fangs of the monsters.

The cultivation world also began to riot, spiritual veins dried up, flowers withered, and buildings collapsed.

The thunder and lightning seemed to be enraged, and regrouped into a huge thunder dragon, roaring in the air, biting towards Shen Chen desperately.

Shen Chen's hair fluttered, and white light flashed across her body. She inserted her long sword into the Thunder Dragon's mouth, cutting it in half.

She attacked Tiandao again.

There is a crack in the sky.

The whole small world began to tremble violently, and a huge hole appeared in the sky, as if the end of the world was coming.

The following monks have not yet reacted.

They only thought that the ground shaking this time was because Shen Chen's Thunder Tribulation was different and especially powerful.

And they happened to be located in a place where her thunder tribulation could reach.

When she was about to destroy the Heavenly Dao of the entire small world.

She saw that Shen's father and Shen's mother were obviously too busy to take care of themselves, but they still used their spiritual power to tremblingly transmit that piece of high-grade spiritual weapon armor to her side.

She saw that the Xuanyuan faction formed seals together, wanting to help her ward off the thunder disaster.

She saw a five-year-old child, frightened by the vision of heaven and earth, shrinking into his mother's arms in fear.

She saw countless monsters trampling and devouring panicked ordinary people.

Countless karmic fires appeared between the heaven and the earth, and all the people were panicked for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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