chapter 120
Before everyone saw Shen Chen's movements clearly, Wen Renju was already lying on the floor outside the ring in a daze.

"You cheated, you are a sneak attack."

"It's not fair."

Wen Renju got up from the ground.

He cursed and climbed onto the ring again.

Just as the disciples in the audience wanted to stop him, the head of the Xuanyuan Sect waved his hand.

He smiled and looked at the head of the Sirius faction: "It doesn't matter if I give you another chance."

"Look carefully this time, don't be inferior to others and yell at others for fouling."

The head of the Sirius faction looked indifferent, and he also raised a hypocritical smile.

"Then I'll take a good look."

See how your daughter died of spiritual exhaustion after being bitten by a Gu insect.

Holding a sword in his hand, Wen Renju rushed towards Shen Chen.

When Shen Chen was dodging, Wen Renju's eyes were fierce, and he took the opportunity to release the Gu worm in the ring.

Just one palm.

Just hit Shen Chen once.

He can avenge his sister.

But I haven't met Shen Chen yet.

He was blown away by the sudden burst of spiritual power from Shen Chen's body.

The Gu worms also landed on him.

His knees sank heavily into the ring, his whole body was in a mess, his face turned pale, his mouth was fishy, ​​but he swallowed the blood back.

He raised his head and looked at Shen Chen angrily.

Shen Chen chuckled lightly: "You want to kill me?"

She sacrificed her long knife and was about to fall.

"Stop." Seeing that his disciple was about to be beaten to death by Shen Chen.

The head of the Sirius faction couldn't sit still anymore.

He stood up, and struck at Shen Chen's back with a palm of violent spiritual power.

"Be careful."

It was too late for the head of the Xuanyuan faction to make a move.

"You shameless old man."

Everyone present changed their faces.

No one thought that the head of the Sirius faction would intervene in the competition and attack the disciples who were competing.

In the arena, there is life and death, wealth and honor are in the sky, and outsiders cannot interfere.

Between the wind and the lightning.

The big knife in Shen Chen's hand changed direction, and cut out a light and light spirit blade to meet it.


That seemingly ethereal spirit blade defuses the palm of the head of the Sirius School.

You know, the head of the Sirius faction broke through the Mahayana period a hundred years ago.

Not only does his palm have [-]% spiritual power, but it also has [-]% or [-]%.

He wanted Shen Chen to die.

I didn't expect it to be resolved so easily.

Shen Chen frowned, raised his hand and cut Wen Renju's neck.

Before he could react, he lost his breath.


"As a disciple of the Immortal Cultivation Sect, he is as cruel and ruthless as the monsters in the Demon Realm." The head of the Sirius Sect roared.

Yuan Qi who was suddenly touched touched the tip of his nose.

Shen Chen smiled brightly at him: "Uncle Song's words are wrong."

She is much more ruthless.

The tip of her knife pierced Wen Renju's chest, and picked out a Gu worm that had grown to the size of a thumb due to sucking spiritual power, it writhed and screamed at the tip of the knife.

The ferocious and disgusting Gu worm was about to catapult onto Shen Chen's body.

Shen Chen flicked the tip of the knife in disgust, splitting it into two sections.

"If I don't fight back, this Gu worm will probably appear in my body."

"It's Uncle Song, what do you mean by attacking me?"

Everyone looked at the Gu worm, and those who knew it knew what it was at a glance.

During the whole process, Shen Chen didn't meet Wen Renju at all.

It is impossible for Shen Chen to put this thing on him to frame him.

The Sirius faction actually wanted to destroy Shen Chen this day.

Who doesn't know that she is Tianlinggen.

"Okay, you old man, you can't make a move on my daughter, and you still want to beat me here." Shen Muyuan took out his natal weapon on the spot, aiming at the head of the Sirius faction.

The head of the Sirius faction didn't want to endure Shen Muyuan for a long time.

He also drew his weapon.

"You Xuanyuan sect killed 38 of my disciples, and today I will avenge them."

"Avenge your grandma, don't spout blood here, those disciples of yours were not killed by my Xuanyuan sect."

(End of this chapter)

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