Chapter 68 The Arena at Night
Little Yueya lowered her head and sighed softly, "Sister, she is such a person, sometimes she is too compassionate, and sometimes even when she sees a suitable person, she will try her best to lure him into the group."

"Gradually, there are more like-minded people around her. As a younger sister, I am very happy, even if I don't like them in my heart, because what they want to do is an impossible thing."

"I'm often very worried, because this path will only become more and more dangerous. Now that Lei Lingyin is gone, it will even endanger their lives if it continues."

"Besides, I really don't think it's a good thing to impose my kindness on others, so sister Bai, I'm really sorry today."

Bai Zhiqian stared straight at Little Yueya for a long time, this girl has a maturity that does not belong to her, but this is not a good thing, growth is often accompanied by experience.

She patted Xiao Yueya's shoulder lightly, "Little Yueya, thank you for coming to tell me this, but Ling Yue is my friend, as long as she needs me, I will definitely help her, you don't have to worry."

"Besides, I don't know why, but you all think that Lei Lingyin will not come back, but I have great confidence in him, he will definitely come back, because he has never let me down."


The next morning.

Bai Zhiqian woke up very early, she turned her head and looked helplessly at Little Crescent Moon lying beside her, who was still soundly asleep.

They chatted late last night, from their old life to their dreams.

She gently rubbed Xiao Yueyue's head, she could tell that the other party hadn't been this happy for a long time.

"Little Yueya, you have to work hard, I'm going to work hard for my dream."

As soon as the words fell, she converted all the spiritual power in her body into moon spiritual power, and a strong sense of collapse suddenly came from her body, which made her almost fall down.

But she gritted her teeth and persisted. If she couldn't even overcome this difficulty, how would she defeat Bai Ningshuang, and how would she find her mother.

She braced her body and walked towards the door step by step. Even though every step was extremely strenuous, she did not intend to give up at all.

At some point, Little Crescent Moon opened her eyes, staring at Bai Zhiqian's back until she left.

"Sister Bai, come on!"

And when Bai Zhiqian walked into the yard, Fuxing and Lingyue had already taken the children to practice in the morning.

Perhaps what Little Crescent Moon said yesterday touched them a little. They spared their own time to practice and began to lead their children to practice, hoping to find some of them with outstanding talents.

As soon as Fuxing saw Bai Zhiqian, she rushed up to greet her, "Xiaoqian, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I'm doing a special kind of training." Bai Zhiqian only felt that it was a bit difficult to speak, "I'm going to the arena again."


Ling Yue just walked over and heard this, and she suddenly changed her face, "No, it's too dangerous there, none of us should go."

After going to experience it for a while, she has already deeply realized the danger of the arena, and she never dared to set foot on it again, nor did she dare to let her friends set foot there.

"Ling Yue, she must have her own ideas, don't stop her." Fu Xing said suddenly, "For some people, the arena is very attractive."

"If you have enough strength, it's a good place to practice. It's just Xiaoqian, are you sure you can fight in this state?"

"Of course." Bai Zhiqian nodded lightly, "Besides, you don't have to worry about me, there is a rabbit following me."

I saw Yi Yao slowly coming out from the darkness, with a gratified smile on his face.

"Since you are ready, let's hurry up, time is running out."

Afterwards, Yi Yao lightly jumped onto her shoulder, she gave a slight respect to everyone, then turned and left.

"Goodbye, sisters!"

Looking at her leaving back, Ling Yue was still a little worried, "The arena is too dangerous, and besides, she is in a very bad state now."

"Ling Yue, you should understand that no one can stop her from making up her mind, besides, you have to believe in her strength, now I am more worried about another thing."

"What's the matter?" Ling Yue asked in confusion.

Fu Xing paused for a moment before saying with a serious expression, "In order to help us, Master Xiaoying secretly planted a batch of elixir in Lei's house to assist us in cultivation, so it should be ripe in time."

"Do you want to go to Lei's house to pick it up?" Ling Yue quickly shook her head and stopped, "We can't enter Lei's house without the boss, so you should give up this idea."

But Fuxing said coldly, "If we don't take it, it will fall into the hands of those disgusting people. They are the boss' enemies."

"So, Ling Yue, I'm telling you this because I want to discuss it with you and find a way to get the elixir back. I know you don't want to take risks, but sometimes we have to try."

Ling Yue was silent for a moment, then nodded solemnly, "We must take a long-term view on this matter, and you must listen to me, and you cannot act without authorization."

"Of course, my Moon Master."


On this side, Bai Zhiqian has come back to the arena, perhaps because of her little limelight last time, many people already know her, and they all show fear when they see her.

She thought for a while and went straight to the competition stage, "Everyone, I'm doing a special training, does anyone want to come up and try it, I'll only use one-tenth of my spiritual power, we'll stop there .”

But no one responded for a long time, so she had no choice but to shout again, "Everyone, who wants to try it, I'm serious."

Finally, under her constant calling, someone soon came up to try.

This is a young man, "Girl, it's done, we'll stop there."

Bai Zhiqian smiled helplessly, "Don't worry, let's talk about the person I killed just like that, the person last time was really hateful, you have seen it before, otherwise I wouldn't be bothered to do it."

Then, the competition officially began.

As soon as they fought, the man on the opposite side realized something was wrong. Bai Zhiqian was surprisingly weak, and he had a great chance of winning. Thinking of this, he became excited and immediately stepped up his offensive.

And Bai Zhiqian, who fell into a weak state, was very reluctant to move, let alone fight.She has been struggling to cope, and can only fall into a state of passive defense.

"Huh..." She kept panting, feeling more and more strenuous.

But the man at the side was also very surprised. He was so weak, but he still couldn't take Bai Zhiqian down. It was a bit embarrassing for him to be in front of everyone.

But after persisting for a while, Bai Zhiqian felt gradually getting better, and a weak moon spirit power began to circulate in her body.

Accompanying her with a light drink, she directly hit a flaw in the man, knocking him off the competition stage.


"Who else wants to come?" She bowed her hands slightly and said to everyone in the audience.

Seeing this, Yi Yao finally laughed, "Sure enough, it's what I thought, girl, fighting can restore you."

Because of Bai Zhiqian's strange behavior before, there were far fewer people who were afraid, and soon someone came to challenge again. No one here wants to defeat the strong.

And Bai Zhiqian agreed, because she had already decided that she must see the arena at night this time.

(End of this chapter)

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