Chapter 6 The Unsolved Dilemma
In an instant, all the people present stared wide-eyed and began to talk about it, but most of them couldn't believe that Bai Ningshuang would do such a thing.

Bai Zhiqian frowned, she had a bad feeling in her heart, the original text also had this plot, but it wasn't happening now, the time was too early.

At that time, Bai Ningshuang's fame was unstoppable, and Bai Yanran made this fatal stab. It seems that now she realized the danger and acted ahead of time.

"Patriarch, you said that the evidence is convincing, why didn't I see it?" Bai Zhiqian asked back, "Could it be possible to convict me based on a maid's one-sided words?"

In the original text they did find her body, but now she is still alive and kicking, I am afraid that the so-called body is also fake.

Bai Yanran became excited, "You still want to argue now, okay, then I'll let you see my sister's body and see what you have to say."

So under everyone's gaze, a coffin was slowly brought in and placed in the center of the hall, and everyone surrounded it.

As the coffin lid was removed, everyone's eyes moved over, but they all froze.

"This is really... Bai Zhiqian!"

"I didn't expect the young lady to really kill her own sister."

Many people who still had hope showed disappointment on their faces at the moment. They were all from the old department of the previous head of the family, and they had always hoped that Bai Ningshuang could inherit the Bai family.

But the Bai family has always valued unity the most, and it has always been a taboo to mutilate the same family, not to mention that it is a serious crime to kill sisters.

Bai Zhiqian also hurried over to check, and there was indeed a corpse in the coffin, but what shocked her was that it was reflected in the same mold as her.

She thought about it for a long time, but she couldn't figure out how to forge it, and she couldn't find a flaw for a long time.

And Bai Yanran was still chattering on the sidelines, "Bai Ningshuang, I wanted my sister to go to the ground as soon as possible. Since you insist on opening the coffin to disturb her, then I will let you see your sister's tragic situation with your own eyes."

"I didn't expect you to be so vicious. Many sword marks were found on my sister. You could give her a happy life, but you tortured her to death. How much do you hate her? That's your sister."

Bai Zhiqian's face was serious. The situation was critical at this moment. This corpse was so realistic that she could not find a single flaw after observing it for a long time.

The only way for her to prove her innocence now is to reveal her real body, which proves that Bai Zhiqian is still alive, but it is impossible for her to reveal her identity like this.

From this point of view, I am afraid that she can only be forced to accept this crime.

"Patriarch, everyone has seen the evidence now. Please punish Bai Ningshuang severely. You must not let her go lightly just because she is the eldest lady of the Bai family. Otherwise, how will you convince the public?"

Bai Feng sighed, seeming to be in a difficult situation, "Come on, please lock up Bai Ningshuang first, I'll investigate and then go to trial."

"Patriarch!" Bai Yanran's red and swollen eyes squeezed out tears again, "Now that the evidence is solid, how do we investigate? I want you to execute Bai Ningshuang now, otherwise I will not accept it, let alone my dead parents."

"I still remember that my parents always told me that my sister was weak and needed to take care of her more, but I was playful since I was a child, but my sister always cared for me, and Bai Ningshuang never cared about me since I was a child, she was the one who accompanied me to grow up Big."

"But because my sister has no talent for cultivation, Bai Ningshuang has always regarded her as a shame, insulted her in public more than once, and now she is still doing this."

Bai Yanran burst into tears, "I was the one who was sorry to my parents for not protecting my sister well, Patriarch, please, make the decision for my sister, otherwise I can only go down to accompany her, and then I will personally confess to my parents."

After she finished speaking, she took out a dagger and tried to wipe her neck, Bai Feng quickly stopped her and said, "Yan Ran, calm down, your sister in the sky will not want you to do this."

Then he stared at Bai Zhiqian and said, "Bai Ningshuang, haven't you explained anything yet? What made you do this?"

Hearing this, Bai Zhiqian smiled, "You have already arranged everything, why do I need to explain? If there is any other means, let's use it together."

Bai Yanran immediately scolded angrily, "Bai Ningshuang, you still don't admit the matter has come to this point, could it be that we are still the ones who slandered you?"

"I really want to know, won't your heart tremble when you start? Don't you have a trace of sisterly love in your eyes?"

This acting really made Bai Zhiqian feel ashamed, and at the same time, she was constantly thinking about the solution, but unless she revealed her real body, the current situation was almost incomprehensible.

She glanced around slightly, and already noticed several dangerous auras, which were probably all mentioned in the original text, the killers that Bai Feng had found in advance, and now they will do it after convicting her.

"Bai Yanran, as long as you know what you have done, it is useless for me to say more, but you can do whatever you want, and I will accompany you anytime."

Bai Ningshuang in the original text also faced this scene, but at that time she was full-fledged, no one could take her down, and in the end, her reputation was only damaged.

But now she only has part of Bai Ningshuang's spiritual power, and she won't fully use it. It may be difficult to deal with those people cleanly.

Bai Yanran looked at her resentfully, "Patriarch, I don't think there is any need to investigate, this bitch won't admit it, just take her down, and I want her to be buried with my sister."

"Buried! Buried!"

Driven by the caring people, the surrounding audience shouted in unison, except for a few people who showed unbearable expressions, but did not say anything.

"The Bai family has become like this..."

Bai Zhiqian recalled the memories of the past, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable. When her adoptive father was the Patriarch of the Bai family, he treated every member of the clan well. Even if an ordinary member of the clan was bullied, he would stand up. The whole Bai family was thriving under his leadership.

But who would have thought that after he was gone, everything changed. Many people in the Bai family who had received his favor immediately turned to Bai Feng's sect, and followed the same trend, making the Bai family a mess.

Bai Zhiqian sighed softly, and suddenly understood the heroine a little bit. It's really amazing to grow up in such an environment and still cultivate to such a level.

But today Mingming's family gathered together, including her adoptive father's former confidantes and former members, but at this moment no one speaks up for Bai Ningshuang.

Even if one person questioned it, even if one person asked to examine the body, it would be fine, but those who watched Bai Ningshuang grow up and knew her character best all chose to watch.

It can be seen that Bai Ningshuang's reputation in the Bai family has fallen to the bottom, but even in order to repay the kindness of her adoptive parents, Bai Zhiqian would never allow this to happen.

She wants to change all that.

"Patriarch, and fellow clan members, I can swear to God that I did not kill Bai Zhiqian, this corpse is fake." She said loudly, "I want to examine the corpse."

Bai Yanran immediately stopped her, "Bai Ningshuang, you have already killed my sister, do you still want to insult her body, I will never allow it."

"Are you guilty, is there something wrong with the corpse?"

"That's enough." Bai Feng suddenly said angrily, "Bai Ningshuang, stop messing around, I never thought you would become so cold-blooded, you didn't even say you killed your sister, but you still don't admit it with solid evidence."

"It seems that I need to teach you a lesson for my elder brother. Come, someone, take her down for me."

At the same time, Bai Zhiqian no longer hesitated, and instantly erupted with a powerful breath of spiritual power.

"Wait, stop it!"

At the very moment, Bai Zhiqian's very familiar voice suddenly came from outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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