Chapter 1

In the middle of winter, the north wind is bitter, silver-gray clouds are galloping in the sky, the cold current is rolling, and a heavy snow is brewing.

The snow on the ground hadn't melted yet, so it wasn't too thick, and it had been stepped on by so many people, leaving layers of footprints.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and the college students were wrapped in thick cotton clothes and hurried down from the teaching building.

"Shen Yue!"

A strange voice stopped Shen Yue's footsteps.

The young girl who was surrounded in the middle was as dazzling as a bright pearl. She turned her head and looked over casually, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

The boy's face turned red all of a sudden, and his smile was as gentle as the spring breeze in March when he met those beautiful eyes with starlight.

The originally smooth words became stammered, he closed his eyes, and handed the pink letter with both hands.

"I, I, I like you!"

Shen Yue was not as relaxed as she appeared on the surface, she was extremely disappointed looking at the extremely ashamed and angry boy in front of her.

[It's really too ignorant. I'm only studying now, and I just want to fall in love. If this continues, what's the point of reading? 】

The system reminded: [Already in college, not too young, and can do everything that can be done. 】

Thinking of this, Shen Yue's mood is not very good. She has had a heart attack since she was a child, and she grew up in a hospital almost since she was a child. She has no friends around her, and she has never been out of the house by herself. She spent time in bed, and her parents were heartbroken because of her body.

I have also been to many large hospitals for treatment, even abroad, but there is still no improvement. The fortune teller said that she will not live to be 20 years old.

The reality is indeed as the fortune teller said, she just passed her 20th birthday yesterday, and amid all the blessings of laughter and laughter, she suffered a heart attack.

At the moment of falling, there were panic shouts in my ears.

She should have died, bound to a system.

And she is a little villain, who stimulates the potential of the big villain while torturing the big villain every day, turning the villain into a real big villain. By the way, she also becomes the love catalyst of the hero and heroine, burning herself and illuminating others.

Shen Yue was a little at a loss, she was known as a good child since she was a child, she never caused trouble, she was well-behaved and gentle.

Although she doesn't think she is a good person in the traditional sense, she has never done anything bad since she was a child. She even speaks softly. The worst thing she did was accidentally raising a rabbit to death when she was a child. Well, she cried for a long time because of this incident, and she can't do bad things with her temper. If she does bad things, she will be punished.

The system is like a bad uncle who kidnaps and sells children.

[This is also a serious job for us, and it is not a bad thing, because you are just a stepping stone for the relationship between the hero and the heroine, and because of your assists, the hero and the heroine can be together happily, so why don't we It's a good deed, and the villain should have to practice before he can become a villain. Otherwise, the villain can only be bullied all the time, and he will never turn himself over. 】

I believed what the system said.

Shen Yue, who obviously didn't look very smart, seemed to be fooled, she was still a little reluctant, and hesitated for a long time before agreeing.

The boy's confession silenced the air.

Almost everyone in the school did not know Shen Yue, she had a pure appearance, good grades, and a particularly good family background, and she never lacked flattering people around her.

System: [You have a strong sense of vanity. You feel very satisfied when this boy confesses to you in front of so many people. At the same time, you also look down on this boy. You think this kind of boy is not good enough for you, but you still She pretended to accept his love letter, showing her most perfect side. 】

Regarding the young man's confession, Shen Yue's expression was not moved at all, she watched the young man's face, and her eyes were full of tenderness.

She took the pink letter, her finger was slender like a sliced ​​onion root, and her fingertips were covered with petal-like pink, which made it even more beautiful against the pink color.

"Thanks, I'll take a closer look."

The sound is as beautiful as Juanjuan spring water, refreshing.

The young man was so fascinated by this smile that he couldn't move his eyes, and he couldn't recover when he left.

"Yueyue, why are you taking his love letter? I heard that he was a gangster in school. He even got into a fight a few days ago and was punished."

"Yes, yes, it's better not to get too close to this kind of person, or you will be led astray."

"A bad student like this will definitely have nothing to do when he grows up."

The girls around all showed disgust, obviously disgusted with the boy just now.

This university is the best university in the city, and most of them are admitted by their own strength, only a small part is a bunch of bastards.

System: [Actually, you also really hate that boy, but you still pretend to be a white lotus, making your friends think you are kind, but when you turn around, you throw the boy's love letter into the trash can. 】

【Your expression should be more like a white lotus, that's right, that's it. 】

The girl is beautiful and pure, with a pair of clear eyes that are extraordinarily beautiful and sincere, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, with shallow pear dimples.

"No, I think he's pretty good."

Zhuang Wan'er frowned, and lowered her voice: "Don't be fooled by his appearance, last time I saw him mingling with juniors and fighting with other schools, I heard it was serious, but juniors It seems that there is a person whose family is very big, so he calmed down."

Shen Yue also frowned cooperatively when she heard this, and said softly, "I never thought he would be this kind of person."

"It's okay, it's okay, if you don't like it in the future, you can refuse, there is no need to accept love letters."

The girl's white and delicate fingers were nervously grabbing the corner of her clothes, and her pale pink lips were pursed, revealing pear dimples, cute and soft, and she looked particularly easy to bully.

"But wouldn't that be too good? This is also someone else's wish."

One of the girls couldn't bear to see Shen Yue's white lotus, and said speechlessly: "It's fine, fine, then why don't you accept it? Why are you showing such a pitiful expression? No one forced you to accept it."

The girl's eyes turned red in an instant, her slender eyelashes trembled, and her white teeth bit her pale pink lips, turning the originally pale color into deep red, carmine, and charming.

There was a soft cry in the soft voice.

"I-I didn't mean that."

Dong Yi rolled her eyes: "I haven't said anything yet, why are you acting like I'm bullying you?"

Zhuang Wan'er glared at Dong Yi, and comforted the girl softly.

"Her temperament is like this, don't take it to heart." He Wan'er raised her head and said fiercely to Dong Yi: "Quickly apologize to Yueyue, you made her cry."

Shen Yue lowered her head and looked pitiful, and said "understanding".

 Male protagonist: vicious dog—loyal dog—mad dog in progress
  I have a new book~
  Little cuties, come and comment on the vote

(End of this chapter)

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