Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 733 The Concubine Doesn’t Take Medicine Today 15

At Nangong Yi's birthday banquet, all the concubines put in all their energy, planning to show off their style and compete for splendor.

Because Lan Shuang is the most favored in the palace now, her palace dress is the most beautiful and expensive. The light pink skirt makes her face look springy, beautiful and lovely, and the outer cover is woven with gold hollow butterfly and love flower patterns, which adds a bit of immortality.

She put on a delicate golden fringed corolla, and when she stood in front of people, she caught everyone's attention.

"How is it, does it look good?"

She turned around and asked Zhishu and Zhili.

Zhishu's eyes were full of surprises, "It looks good, it's so good-looking, if the empress wears this dress to attend the ceremony, I'm afraid Your Majesty will have to look straight ahead, there is no one more beautiful than the empress in the entire harem."

Zhili also said: "No one would dislike your empress, right? Even a maidservant and a woman feel tempted when she sees it."

Lan Shuang laughed, "How can anyone be liked by everyone?"

She turned around to look at the person in the bronze mirror, and smiled slightly, as long as Nangong Yi liked it, didn't he just like a bland and pure beauty like Xiao Feiyan?

Didn't he use her as a double shield?
She insisted on tearing his delusion apart.

After looking at it for a while, she suddenly sat down in front of the dressing table, "Bring a very fine brush for drawing patterns."


Zhishu fetched pens and paints, and Lan Shuang looked carefully at the mirror for a moment. Her face was more suitable for heavy makeup than her pitiful makeup.

But this outfit is still elegant and luxurious, so I have to find a balance among them.

Lan Shuang picked up the pen, dipped in the rouge and carefully drew on the center of her eyebrows.

Soon, a pinkish-red peach blossom bloomed between the foreheads, layer by layer, gorgeous and not vulgar.

Coupled with her exquisite and gorgeous eyebrows and eyes, it is even more captivating, but she still feels that something is missing. Tomorrow, she has prepared a big show for Nangong Yi. She will use her most beautiful side to appear on stage and leave a strong mark.

Zhishu and Zhili next to him were stunned, "Isn't your lady too beautiful like this? But is it too coquettish?"

Lan Shuang glanced at them, and said with a light smile, "I'm the concubine who favors the sixth palace, isn't Yao Yan worthy of this status?"

Zhishu and the two were taken aback, as if they were too.

Zhili rubbed his chin and said suddenly: "If that's the case, then the end of your empress's eyes can also be a little peachy, right?

Lan Shuang was startled, and a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, "You are right!"

She picked up a pen and dipped in red and pink rouge, and drew a half eyeliner, which extended slightly from the end of her eyes. In this way, when she frowns and smiles, she is so gorgeous that people can't look directly at her.

It's like peach blossoms become essences.

This time it was perfect, Lan Shuang threw down the paintbrush, wiped the rouge from the corners of her eyes and pressed it on her lips, and smiled, "I will draw like this tomorrow, and you both will be rewarded."


In the evening of the next day, the palace was decorated with lanterns and festoons, full of joy.

A group of ministers and royal family members arrived early, the hall was full of voices, and the wine was fragrant.

Zhen Guogong's family sat near the front, watching the excitement of the others with cold eyes, and remained silent.

Because of Lan Shuang's favor, the government of Zhen Guogong is very powerful. There are many people who want to curry favor with them, but most of them are small officials. Other high-ranking officials also have their daughters sent to the palace. They are in competition with Lan Shuang, but they can't compete. Therefore, these people don't look very friendly at Zhen Guogong's family.

The other part calls itself Qingliu and looks down on a concubine like Lan Shuang, only thinking that she is charming and charming.

Even Zhen Guogong, who thinks he can teach such a daughter, is not a good cake.

So when other people chatted with each other, no one cares about Zhen Guogong's family.

Lan Ruo sneered: "It's boring, this group of people don't have a needle's eye, they think more than anyone else."

Lan Rong nodded in agreement, but still advised: "Keep your voice down, you must be cautious in your words and deeds in the palace."

Lan Ruo pouted, "Got it."

After waiting for another quarter of an hour, there was a burst of chaotic footsteps outside, but it quickly subsided, and a eunuch shouted loudly: "Your Majesty is here—the empress, the imperial concubine is here—"

The other concubines took their seats early in the morning, including Xiao Feiyan.

Her position is at the back, very inconspicuous, even remote, and you can't see her if you don't pay attention, but she can see the whole audience.

When she heard "Your Majesty", she was a little excited, but when she heard "Imperial Concubine", her expression turned cold again, and she stroked the jade hairpin on her head.

What a grand day is today?Naturally, it is impossible for her to be unprepared. She also put a lot of effort into this outfit. The ice-blue palace dress with silver thread and flowers is low-key, but it fits her temperament very well.

She didn't think she would lose to that sick man today.

Nangong Yi walked in first, the queen walked shoulder to shoulder with him, Lan Shuang was a step behind and followed behind.

Before the officials had time to look at them, they knelt down and saluted first.

For a while, the mountain shouted long live in the hall.

After Nangong Yi sat down on the throne, he raised his hand and said, "All gentlemen, you are welcome to stay flat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Everyone got up one after another and returned to their seats, so they had time to look up, and they were speechless after seeing it.

Xiao Feiyan was also stunned.

Needless to say, Nangong Yi was majestic and handsome in a bright yellow dragon robe, and the queen's phoenix robe was added to her body, dignified and dignified.

Like a peach blossom blooming on the Golden Temple.

Delicate, beautiful, vibrant.

Under the bright candlelight in the hall, she smiled and looked around brightly, looking thrillingly gorgeous.

The hall was quiet for a moment because of her, who accidentally knocked over the wine cup. There was a muffled "boom", which attracted Lan Shuang's attention. She looked over, covered her lips and chuckled, the voice was not loud, but it was like a small silver bell, ringing in the hearts of everyone.

At this moment, she really has the demeanor of a witch who is a disaster for the country.

And at this moment, a white figure walked towards the gate of the hall.

"The minister is late, and I hope His Highness will forgive me."

His sound broke the ambiguous atmosphere in the hall, and the officials finally came to their senses.

Xiao Feiyan clenched her hand tightly, her long nails stuck into her palm, her complexion twisted slightly in pain.

How dare she, with such an enchanting dress, isn't she afraid of being played by all the officials?
A sour taste permeated the apex of her heart, and she looked in Nangong Yi's direction uncontrollably in fear.

Nangong Yi was talking to the national teacher, Xiao Feiyan could only see his lips opening and closing, but couldn't hear what he was talking about.

But she clearly saw Nangong Yi turning his head and smiling at Lan Shuang.

The two looked at each other with affection in their eyes, so eager and sincere, as if they were a loving couple.

Then what is she?
She took a sip from the wine glass in a trance, but felt that the wine was extremely bitter and made her feel a little nauseous.

Nangong Yi didn't make things difficult for the national teacher. After all, he always doesn't give face to anyone, not to mention that today is his birthday, and he doesn't want to find bad luck for himself, so he waved his hand and let the national teacher sit down.

At this point, all the members are here, and the banquet officially begins. (end of this chapter)

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