Chapter 607 Online dating is risky 6
At such a close distance, Jiang Lusheng could hear him no matter how softly he spoke, but he didn't change his face, and still looked at Jiang Lupeng with a smile.

Jiang Lupeng is also Jiang Siming's father, Jiang Lusheng's second brother in this life.

After listening to Mrs. Jiang's words, Jiang Siming looked at Jiang Lusheng with subtle eyes, and his hostility faded a lot.Isn't it because father doesn't love mother or mother?

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming felt much better, and his attitude towards Jiang Lusheng was also much friendlier.

"Little uncle, why did you suddenly return to China? Didn't you develop well abroad?"

Jiang Lusheng nodded: "Yes, so I plan to develop domestically."

Jiang Siming: "..."

I feel like I'm asking nonsense.

"Your little uncle doesn't have a house in China, so he's temporarily staying at our house. I've asked someone to clean up the room next to you. Be quiet at night and don't disturb your little uncle."

Jiang Lupeng finished talking to Jiang Lusheng with a smile, and then looked at Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming is used to his father's double standards, "Got it."

The sound insulation of the villa is very good, he can't hear much movement next door even if he is dancing in the house, it's like he didn't say it, he didn't take it to heart.

"By the way, Lu Sheng, do you have a girlfriend abroad? You're already 26, it's time to start a relationship and consider getting married." Mrs. Jiang asked with concern.

Jiang Lupeng nodded approvingly, "Yes, if you have a girlfriend, you can bring it to us."

Jiang Siming's ears perked up gossiping.

Jiang Lusheng smiled and said, "I don't have a girlfriend yet. I was busy starting a business when I was abroad, and I have considered this issue when I return to China."

"What kind do you like? Your second brother and I can introduce you. We also know a lot of girls from good families."

Mrs. Jiang is quite enthusiastic about being a matchmaker.

Jiang Lusheng shook his head and said, "I value the feeling more. If the feeling is right, she is the standard. If the feeling is not right, no matter how standard it is."

Mrs. Jiang looked at Jiang Lupeng: "This..."

"He's like his mother, handsome, anyway, Lusheng is only 26, don't worry, it's a good time for a man, take your time." Jiang Lupeng said and got up, "Now that everyone is back, let's go outside and have a good meal One meal, I will cleanse you up."

Jiang Lusheng did not refuse, "Okay."

Jiang Siming walked behind, playing with his mobile phone absent-mindedly.

Jiang Lusheng caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye, and suddenly asked, "Did Siming go to college? Didn't you have a girlfriend in college?"

Jiang Lupeng and Mrs. Jiang immediately looked at Jiang Siming, and six eyes fell on his face like searchlights, making his face a little hot and red uncontrollably.

Jiang Lusheng raised his eyebrows, "Oh? It seems that there is something wrong."

Jiang Lupeng regained his spirits immediately, "Have a girlfriend? What's her name? When did you get together? Where is she from? How's the situation at home?"

"Oh dad, where are you interrogating the prisoner?"

Jiang Siming blushed like a tomato, and whispered: "We have only been together for a short time, and I don't know much about her family's situation."

"Then how did you know each other?" Mrs. Jiang frowned.

"We met on a dating app called 'He'."


Jiang Lusheng was thoughtful, took out his mobile phone to search, and then showed him: "Is it this?"

Jiang Siming took a look, "Yes, yes, that's it. She and I got along very well, and our tastes are very similar. We talked for a long time before we decided to meet."

He couldn't hide the affection in his eyes, he was clearly in love.

Jiang Lusheng clicked the download, and asked casually, "What's your girlfriend's name?"

Jiang Siming said subconsciously, "Lan Shuang."

After finishing speaking, she quickly changed her words: "No, no, her name is Shen Yunxun, and Lan Shuang is a pseudonym."

Jiang Lusheng paused and raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Pseudonym?"

Jiang Siming smiled a little embarrassedly, "The little girl is chatting on the Internet, she dare not reveal the real information, for fear of being cheated, so she gave me a fake name at first, and then said the real name when we met."

"This little girl has a lot of heart." Mrs. Jiang was not satisfied.

"Oh, mom, only those who have a heart can live a good life these days, let me tell you..."

Jiang Siming took Mrs. Jiang's hand and got into the car, talking all the way how good Shen Yunxun is.

Jiang Lusheng looked out of the car window from the sidelines, looking like he had nothing to do with him, but when he heard Jiang Siming say that she loved him very much, Jiang Lusheng pulled his lips imperceptibly.

Oh, love him very much?hehe.


Lan Shuang, who had just come out of the shower, sneezed three times in a row, "Ah-"

After the last one hit her, she rubbed her nose and was stunned.

"Who is scolding me?"

Her nose was itchy, she rubbed it again, her hair was still dripping, she took the hair dryer and hurried into the bathroom, and asked while blowing, "Where is Jiang Lusheng now?"

"I have successfully met with Jiang Siming. Well, they are going to eat now. I feel that he is so smart, and he will definitely find a way to find you. Maybe he has already noticed the clues from Jiang Siming's words. You should be able to meet soon. Meet."

"I'm not in a hurry. I have traveled through so many worlds with him, and there is still some tacit understanding."

Lan Shuang looked at her face in the mirror, her almond eyes and red lips were beautiful, clean and beautiful.

When she laughed, she could still see two shallow dimples, which made her even more playful.

888 couldn't help but take a second look, "You look so good, why can't you think about jumping off the building in the end?"

Lan Shuang pulled her hair, and said amidst the buzzing of the hair dryer: "The straw that broke the camel's back has fallen. The original owner is a loveless and sensitive person, otherwise the scumbag behind will not be fooled."

888 sighed.

After drying her hair, Lan Shuang heard voices talking outside, opened the door and saw that Tang Su and Qin Lulu had come back, they were carrying a lot of things in their hands, she helped to pick them up.

"You're taking a shower. It's just right. We bought a perfume just now. Would you like to try it?"

Tang Su smiled and took out a small bottle and sprayed some on the back of Lan Shuang's hair. Lan Shuang smelled it, "Well, it really smells good."

"We've gained a lot from going out this time, but it's a pity that you didn't come with us. There is an event in the mall today, and things are so cheap!"

Tang Su excitedly showed her the clothes and shoes he bought, Qin Lulu held her down and said, "Okay, okay, let's eat first."

"I bought fried skewers and iced milk tea. I remember that Shuangshuang likes to drink sugar-free green milk. Here, I bought this specially for you."

Qin Lulu gave Lan Shuang a cup of ice-cold milk tea, Lan Shuang smiled and said, "I'm just about to drink this, thank you."

"I saw Shen Yunxun when I came up just now, did she have a boyfriend? I think she's always calling downstairs recently."

Qin Lulu looked at Lan Shuang gossipingly, Lan Shuang pretended to be surprised and asked: "Ah? Really? She didn't tell me."

(End of this chapter)

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