Chapter 454 Let Me Take Another Bite 34
Nian Siyan glanced at him, then looked at Alice again, "Okay, I see, I will leave the rest to Du Qianping."


When the video conference ended, needles could be heard in the lobby.

The impact of this short period of time was too great, and everyone who had nothing to do was more and more confused.

So the one who matches Admiral Nian Siyan is not Lan Bing but Lan Shuang?

Lan Bing bribed the doctor to forge the test report at the beginning?

The one who matches Colonel Zhong Yue is Lan Bing?
Everyone's eyes were dull, and they suddenly felt that their brains were not enough.

But one thing is certain, this matter cannot be resolved today, it depends on how the Patriarch handles it.

Noticing that everyone was staring at him, Lan Ping was furious at the humiliation of being fooled and the embarrassment of being laughed at by outsiders, he turned around and gave Lan Bing a slap in the face without warning, "Look at your good deed! "

Unprepared, Lan Bing staggered and fell on the sofa, and it was thanks to the sofa that it blocked her, otherwise she would have to lie on the ground now, completely humiliated.

Qiu Yan yelled and rushed to Lan Bing's side, "Bing Bing, are you okay?"

She turned her head and glared at Lan Ping angrily, wishing to bite off a piece of flesh from him, "Lan Ping! What are you beating her for? You take out your anger on the child if you don't have the ability, do you want to have face?"

"Who is shameless? If you hadn't helped her behind the scenes and advised her, would she have done such a stupid thing?"

Lan hit the ground with her crutches and made a "dong dong" sound.


Qiu Yan wanted to scold back, but she was really guilty.

She doesn't regret it, but she can't figure out why Nian Siyan would investigate this kind of thing. Generally, when the test results come out, no one will doubt it. No one has ever turned around to investigate the testing center because of this. Of course, not everyone has it. Nian Siyan said such a great right.

It can only be said that they just hit the iron plate this time.

"I'll settle the score with you when I'm done!" Lan Ping gave Qiu Yan and Lan Bing a vicious look, and when he turned to look at Nian Siyan and Lan Shuang, he changed into a guilty expression.

"I really don't know about this matter. It's my fault for such a big oolong. Don't blame Shuangshuang on Dad. In addition, I want to thank the general. If you didn't come today, I would still be confused. In Guli, this is too unfair to Shuangshuang."

Lan Shuang wanted to applaud Lan Ping when he heard it. If such a person enters the pyramid scheme, he must be a top brainwashing master. See—he moved himself as he talked.

If Lan Shuang didn't know what kind of virtue he is, she might really be fooled by him. Unfortunately, this set doesn't work for her.

"Don't say these words. The damage that has already been caused is irreparable. Apologies are useless. I just want to see that evil will be rewarded with evil. I have nothing to do with Zhong Yue. Let Lan Bing get this marriage. I can't stand it." rise."

Lan Shuang looked at Nian Siyan with a smile, "The truth is out, let's go."

888 wondered: "Ah? Just let them go like this?"

"Of course not," Lan Shuang said softly in her heart: "This is just the beginning. I want to help her get back the pain they inflicted on the original owner in the previous life, but the most urgent thing is to leave Lan's house first."

"En." Nian Siyan responded, without looking at Lan Ping, turned around and walked out.

Lan Ping: "?"

He hurriedly chased after her, "Wait--we've finished talking, where are you going to take Shuangshuang, General?"

"My family." Nian Siyan dropped the two words without turning his head.

Looking at the petite and tall figures, Lan Ping was heartbroken. This time, he really picked up sesame seeds and lost watermelons. He seemed to see a steady stream of money flying away.

In an instant, the world spun, and his body went limp and fell down.


"The owner has fainted!"

There was a mess inside, Lan Shuang just pretended not to hear it, and Nian Siyan was even more indifferent. If it wasn't for helping Lan Shuang, he would never have stepped into Lan's house.

In front of the suspension car, Lan Shuang pulled Nian Siyan's sleeve, and Nian Siyan looked at her suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

Lan Shuang glanced at Du Qianping, who was facing away from them, and asked in a low voice, "Am I really going to your house?"

Nian Siyan raised his brows slightly: "Otherwise—do you have any other places to go now?"

"Aren't you poor and white?"

Lan Shuang choked. She really has no money now. Although the college gave her a subsidy, the money was not too much. It was enough to maintain her daily expenses, but nothing else.

But she doesn't have any other needs now, it's enough to live in the college, which is safe and convenient.

Just as she was about to say something, Nian Siyan saw her thoughts and spoke first, "I don't think Lan Ping will give up so easily. If you lived in the academy, he would find excuses to find you. You are father and daughter, the academy It's not easy to do too much, you don't have this concern in my house, he can't get close to my villa."

When Lan Shuang heard it, it actually made sense.

But she is still a little hesitant. The relationship between her and Nian Siyan is very delicate now. It can be said to be an ally, the kind who helps each other, or a friend, the kind who can borrow clothes.

But neither of these two kinds of relationships can just live in the other party's house.

Seeing her hesitating, Nian Siyan's eyes dimmed, was he really too anxious?
But he just wanted to see her from time to time.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly said again: "If you are afraid that you will feel uncomfortable, you will not. I am basically not at home during the day and come back very late at night. I live upstairs and you live downstairs. Generally, there is no chance to meet you. If you feel sorry, you can pay a certain amount of accommodation fees.”

Lan Shuang's eyes lit up: "How much?"

This really stopped Nian Siyan, how much is more appropriate?
He subconsciously looked at Du Qianping. After thinking for a moment, Du Qianping raised five fingers, which meant five hundred star coins a month.

This price is relatively cheap in the entire Federation.

However, Nian Siyan frowned, turned to Lan Shuang and said, "One hundred star coins."

Du Qianping: "..."

Lan Shuang was surprised: "One day?"

Nian Si said helplessly: "Of course it's a month."

Lan Shuang: "...You will charge me one hundred star coins a month? General, are you here for charity?"

Nian Siyan smiled, "You can take it for granted, but we still have cooperation, so I'm not at a loss."

Lan Shuang looked into his clear eyes without any further hesitation, since everyone said so, it would be unreasonable for her to refuse.

"Okay, let's go then?"

Nian Siyan looked at her looming dimples, his heart moved slightly, and he said softly, "Well, let's go."

Du Qianping: "..."

Are you really ignoring me?

He watched Nian Siyan get into the driver's seat and Lan Shuang into the co-pilot.

All right, he goes to the back row.

Sitting in the spacious back seat, he stretched his legs and sighed. One day, he will be able to enjoy the treatment of having Nian Siyan as a driver. It's so cool, so cool!
Thank you Madam Admiral!
(End of this chapter)

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