Chapter 419 When the Ome is Ripe 50
The rest of Qin Zhou's words were snatched away by the wine-smelling kiss.

She was dragged into the bathroom by someone by the wrist, and the door was immediately closed and locked with a "click".

"Gu Bo? You lied to me? You—"

As soon as Qin Zhou struggled for a while, Gu Bo grabbed his wrist and pressed against the door. The two of them were very close. The heat from Gu Bo enveloped Qin Zhou, making her a little at a loss.

Usually when the two get along, Qin Zhou always occupies the strong side, and Gu Bo is calm and indifferent, always tolerant of her, but now he suddenly shows such a strong and domineering side, Qin Zhou can't stand it.

Urgent and ferocious, it seemed as if a long-suppressed longing burst out in an instant, washing Qin Zhou's nerves and senses like a dike breaking.

The sound insulation in the bathroom is very good, and the sounds outside have nothing to do with this place. In the dark and quiet, the sound of her heartbeat is particularly obvious.

Gu Bo bit her lips for the last time, and asked in a hoarse voice against her lips: "When will you give me a title? I'm a little..." He paused, then smiled lightly and said, "I can't wait."

Qin Zhou's legs were a bit weak, and she couldn't stand up. She barely held onto Gu Bo's arm to support her body, and leaned against the door to rest for a while. Qin Zhou licked her lower lip and found it hurt. She licked it again and found that After making a small cut, she couldn't help but glared at Gu Bo, "Are you a dog?"

Instead of being angry, Gu Bo smiled, leaned closer and gently sucked her lips, "Well, your dog."

He laughed at Yan Yan, he didn't think there was anything wrong with being a dog, his tone and demeanor were very natural and shameless.

Qin Zhou was at a loss for words.

Well, people are shameless and invincible.

After she calmed down her breathing, she suddenly grabbed Gu Bo by the collar and let him approach her. Gu Bo put his hands on both sides of her face to maintain balance, and asked in a leisurely manner, "What's wrong?"

"Why are you crazy tonight? There are so many people outside."

When Qin Zhou spoke, the tips of his ears turned red, but because the bathroom was pitch black, Gu Bo didn't see it.

He took the opportunity to kiss two more times before slowly saying: "It's not that I'm crazy, it's that I've been holding back for a long time, and the couple next to me are always throwing dog food, I feel wronged."

The usual high-cold academic bully took off that layer of skin at this time, completely skinless and shameless, pretending to be obedient and acting like a baby, and doing it at his fingertips.

Qin Zhou couldn't stand it at all.

"Besides, there are many people outside, but I locked the door, so they won't come in."

Gu Bo said innocently.

Qin Zhou: "... Is it a matter of locking the door? We are alone in the bathroom, what will everyone think when we go out for a while? It's strange, isn't it?"

Gu Bo's eyes darkened slightly, "So you don't want to take responsibility after kissing?"

"Aren't you going to give me a name?"

"I can't see people like that?"

"Forget it, I understand, let's go."

Gu Bo's accusations one after another confused Qin Zhou, no, who is the victim?She was the one who was forced to kiss, why is he feeling wronged now?
Gu Bo let go of her and began to back away. Qin Zhou was completely impatient with him, and he was still muttering: "Oh, I have been working as a mushroom for so many years. I thought I could see the sun after graduation. I was wishful thinking, after all, I paid by mistake.”

Qin Zhou: "..."

With her anger fully loaded, she stretched out her hand to grab Gu Bo's hand, and said viciously, "Okay, isn't it just a title? Just give it!"

She turned around and unlocked the bathroom, and pulled Gu Bo out.

When he saw the light again, a triumphant smile flashed across Gu Bo's eyes.

This is not good.

Cui Hao and the others hadn’t returned to Gu Bo for a long time, and Qin Zhou disappeared again. They were all guessing why the two of them had gone, and they were about to look for them, when they saw Qin Zhou come out holding Gu Bo’s wrist, and everyone’s expressions suddenly changed. Very subtle.

Lan Shuang smiled and leaned on Mu Yan's shoulder and said in a low voice: "Look, Gu Bo has been wandering for so many years, he may be considered to have a status."

Mu Yan glanced at those two with a smile, "He has a lot of scheming in mind."

The anger that Qin Zhou had finally gathered dissipated when he met so many pairs of eyes, and she got stuck again when she got to the point of speaking, do you want to say it?
She actually... likes Gu Bo, but she's used to it, so it's a bit difficult for her to admit it directly.

Gu Bo noticed her hesitation, and sighed sadly, "Forget it, don't say it if you don't think about it, it's okay, I've been waiting for so many years, it's not too late, don't make things difficult Own."

Qin Zhou: "..."

If he went crazy like he was in the bathroom, she would really be able to agree directly and not talk about it.

But he was so forbearing and gentle, Qin Zhou inexplicably felt a little guilty in his heart, gritted his teeth, coughed lightly and said, "I'm with Gu Bo."

The box, which was still chattering, suddenly became quiet.

Everyone's expressions became more and more indescribable.

Qin Zhou: "???"

"What's your expression? What do you mean?"

Lan Shuang couldn't help laughing, and Qin Zhou glared at her immediately.

Cui Hao scratched his head and said, "Are you guys just together? We thought you've been together for a long time."

"Yeah, haven't you been together for a long time?"

"The CP building of the two of you in the post bar has built a thousand floors."

Qin Zhou: "???"

Gu Bo: "..."

He tilted his head and smiled silently.

Qin Zhou was speechless for a long while, and replied dryly: "Oh, then you should just think that we have been together for a long time, and it will be officially announced today, so as to save someone who is not a human being from haggling all day long."

Gu Bo chuckled: "Are you talking about me?"

Qin Zhou sneered, shook off his hand and walked straight to his previous position, Gu Bo was not annoyed, silently followed behind her and sat beside her.

Lan Shuang: " do you know so well?"

888 smiled shyly: "Hehehe, I have nothing to do recently, I downloaded two novels to read, and I read a few more."

Lan Shuang was surprised: "Is the life of your system so rich? Can you still read novels?"

Speaking of this, 888's face suddenly became sad, "Isn't it because you guys are too worry-free? You do tasks step by step without my help, and you don't care about your relationship. You just spread dog food all day long. Tell me, I What else can I do? I have lost one of the most basic uses of the system. I can only occasionally bubble up to notify you of the cleanup of the resentment value to find a sense of existence. The rest of the time, I don’t read novels, and there is nothing to do Do it."

Lan Shuang was at a loss for words, so it seemed.

She comforted: "It's okay, I'll find you something to do in the next world."


(End of this chapter)

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