Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 347 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 8

Chapter 347 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 8
On the night of the Chinese New Year, the whole of Kyoto is decorated with lights and festoons, red and green. The lanterns on the main street are red from the street to the end of the street.

The palace is even more fragrant with fine wine and colorful flowers.

The palace people walked among the palaces in an orderly manner, and the delicacies and delicacies were delivered to the main hall like flowing water.

Today is a family banquet, and all the relatives and relatives of the emperor are here, and all of them are dressed up to attend.

The concubines worked hard one by one, wishing they could make flowers on their faces so that the emperor could take another look at them.

The princes also tidied up carefully. They were stately and energetic. After sitting down in order, they looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

When Lan Shuang came, many people's eyes fell on her, with different expressions.

Her status is said to be higher than that of the emperor's relatives, and said that she is really under one person. Anyone who sees her has to be courteous. The atmosphere is a bit subtle.

Lan Shuang didn't care either, with a faint smile on her lips, she saluted everyone and stood in her place.

In fact, she should have come with the emperor, she is the emperor's confidant, but today when Jiang Mu entered the palace, the old emperor left her to talk privately, so she was sent out.

After a cup of tea, the eunuch outside the palace drank loudly: "Your Majesty is here—"

The hall immediately fell silent, and everyone got up one after another and turned to the direction of the door. However, the moment they entered, their eyes were attracted by the people around the emperor.

Jiang Mu is wearing a palace dress with a black background and red border today. It is embroidered with golden and silver thread with auspicious clouds and a golden phoenix. It is about to fly. His skin is like white jade, with bright eyes and white teeth.

The hall was as bright as day, making her even more glamorous, even blurring the boundaries of beauty for a moment, making people forget whether he was a man or a woman.

In contrast, the old emperor next to him had a terrifying face.

The eyeballs are cloudy, the eyes are blue and black, the skin is loose, and the bones are thin. It is almost impossible to see the handsome appearance of the past. One look can tell that he will die soon.

Lan Shuang put her eyes on Jiang Mu at a glance, um, wash your eyes.

The old emperor didn't know what the crowd was thinking, he thought they were looking at him, he straightened up immediately, and walked in with the wind under his feet.

Everyone saluted and greeted, he waved his hands in a good mood: "Pingshen, today is a family banquet, everyone does not need to be formal."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Everyone stood up and took their seats, and Lan Shuang stepped forward to stand beside the emperor.

When Jiang Mu walked to his place, he glanced at her and blinked at her.

Lan Shuang hooked the corners of her lips.

Naturally, this point of interaction can't be hidden from the people below. Everyone watched quietly, and they believed the rumors more and more.

The Fifth Prince was sitting at the banquet, watching the two people's unabashed flirtations, he couldn't help but clenched the wine cup tightly, his knuckles turning white.

"It's been another year in a blink of an eye, and I feel more and more energetic, and I have vaguely realized the way to ascend to immortality. You all look at me, don't you feel a little like a fairy?" The emperor asked impatiently as soon as his butt touched the dragon chair.

Lan Shuang: "..."

As soon as this remark came out, her eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

The people below also have different complexions, which can be called distorted.

Usually everyone is good at acting, and any good words that are ignorant of conscience are always open their mouths, but...

Looking at the old emperor's sallow face, they couldn't even close their eyes and brag!
Lan Shuang even heard everyone's heartfelt thoughts from this brief silence.

It was Jiang Mu who raised his wine glass and said to the old emperor: "Father is naturally a fairy, detached from the mundane world. This person cultivates immortality and pays attention to the word "enlightenment". If you have to see through the world, you can't understand it without care. Father is very enlightened. Now it is obvious that I have touched the threshold of the immortal, and I will step on it once, and I will ascend to the Tao."

Jiang Mu opened his mouth and came right away, coaxing the old emperor until he couldn't close his mouth, revealing a row of big yellow teeth.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Fist hardened.

"My son respects my father for a cup, and wishes my father all wishes come true in advance."

She raised her wine glass, and the old emperor raised his glass with great joy, "Okay! Mu'er still wins my heart the most!"

The two clinked glasses in the air and drank it all in one gulp.

The eyelids of the people below twitched.

I'm willing to bow down, really, it's no wonder that the eldest princess can walk sideways in the capital, she has a bit of a conscienceless ability.

Someone started, and the others immediately followed suit, patting the dragon's fart, and after a while, I appeared on the stage after you sang, and the old emperor was in a good mood, as if he was about to fly.

Everyone was drinking and drinking, and it was so lively.

Lan Shuang was disgusted when she heard it.

Fortunately, soon the dancer came on stage, and the sound of slapping dragon farts weakened.

The old emperor looked at it, and there was no fluctuation in his heart, he had no feeling for beauty.

However, just as the dancer girl finished the last movement, he felt a sudden pain in his heart, his eyes went dark, the hand holding the wine glass dropped powerlessly, and the wine glass hit the glass plate with a crisp sound of "pop", which scared everyone into silence .

Lan Shuang was the first to react, and shouted: "Your Majesty—"

The old emperor's lips squirmed, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, his head tilted and he was about to fall.

Lan Shuang quickly supported the man with quick eyes and hands, and shouted outside: "Come here, tell the imperial doctor!"

The stunned people instantly regained their senses and moved in a hurry. Jiang Mu's eyes flickered slightly, and he met Lan Shuang's gaze in the crowd. Nodding her head, she was about to speak when the noble concubine on the opposite seat stood up, "Come here, surround this place, everyone is not allowed to leave without my palace's permission, and the food on the table is not allowed to move."

Jin Yiwei who was waiting outside rushed in and looked at Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang nodded: "Just do what the concubine said first."


The imperial concubine glanced at her with a bad expression, and the second prince also stood up and said: "Eunuch Lan, you are the closest to the father, and the father suddenly fell into a coma. You are also suspected. Until then, you'd better stay here."

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, so this was directed at herself?Was it really hit by Jiang Mu's crow's mouth?
Just thinking about it, Jiang Mu stood up, and angrily said: "Father is injured and unconscious, you still have the mind to be weird here? And you—"

He stretched out his hand and pointed at Jin Yiwei: "Don't you hurry up and move the father to the side hall?"

Lan Shuang also said: "The most urgent thing is to save His Majesty first. If the imperial concubine has anything to say with His Highness the Second Highness, let's wait until His Majesty wakes up."

The second prince was not reconciled, and showed a sullen look on his face: "Presumptuous, Your Highness—"

"Shut up! Father's situation is unknown, what are you talking about? Do you want to kill your father?"

Jiang Mu glanced at him, and the second prince's expression changed.

Jin Yiwei lifted the emperor from his seat and hurriedly sent him to the side hall. The imperial doctor also arrived and wanted to salute, but Jiang Mu drove him in with a flick of his sleeve: "When is it time to salute? If the emperor has Three long and two short, I will cut off your heads!"

(End of this chapter)

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