Chapter 332 Don't Lick Me 26
"Oh, what a big tone, you are still in the weak stage right now? Otherwise, why would you stand here and talk nonsense with us? Now you may not even be able to break through this formation."

Others tentatively opened their mouths, Ning Yufeng glanced at the person, but did not refute. In this way, the people brought by Ling Yu became more confident, and they eagerly activated their magic weapon. If they could catch Yinfeng Tread Yunhu, he will be included in the family tree in the future!

"Then you'll know if you try it with your head up." Ning Yufeng smiled and said this sentence, his eyes sharpened sharply, and he was the first to attack, and the evil spirit vented out like a volcanic eruption.

The faces of the few people standing at the front turned slightly pale when faced with this majestic monster aura.

No wonder it is called a big monster, no wonder the Ling family attaches great importance to it, such a strong monster power is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary big monsters!

Ling Yu yelled: "Set up the formation!"

The disciples of the Ling family each occupied a corner and began to send power to the center. Ling Yu stood at the center of the formation, sat down cross-legged, and made a tactic with both hands, his eyes glistening.

Seeing this, the others also bit the bullet.

All of a sudden, colorful forces came and went, one after another, towards Ning Yufeng in the middle. Ning Yufeng raised his palms in a calm manner, and set up a defense in front of him. When those attacks hit him, his face did not change.

The crowd threw out the instruments and went straight to his head.

When Lan Shuang arrived, she saw this scene: Ning Yufeng was besieged by hundreds of people, demonic powers and spells were mixed together, faintly about to break through the barrier and overflow.

"This group of people claim to be well-known and upright, punishing evil and promoting good, but what they do is to bully the less with the more, what a shame!" 888 looked angry.

"It's useless to bully the few with more. I'm not strong enough, and I can't keep up with a finger." Lan Shuang sneered, then closed her eyes, and reciting the mantra, a faint golden color immediately floated around her body.

"Hey, host, aren't you a monster? What's going on?" 888 looked at Lan Shuang, who seemed to be bathed in divine light, in surprise.

Lan Shuang said calmly: "This is what I learned in the world of cultivating immortals when I was on a mission. That world of cultivating immortals is relatively high-level. Many spells are not available here, and there are no restrictions. As long as you learn it, you can use it regardless of demons and gods. In this Although the low-level world cannot be fully displayed, it is enough."

As soon as the words fell, a layer of flowing pale golden light was attached to her palm. Lan Shuang's face was cold and serious. She put her hands on the formation and tore it hard. At the critical moment, when they realized that the formation was broken, they looked over at the same time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ning Yufeng suddenly transformed into his original form. The silver tiger appeared in the world, shaking the mountains and rivers. He raised his head and let out a long roar, and then flicked his tail, directly throwing away several people nearby.


"Stop him! He's going to run!"

"Run?" Lan Shuang chuckled, jumped up on her toes, and landed on Ning Yufeng's back. She rode on it, kissing the people below, and said coldly: "This should be for you, you guys Now stay away from the Ling family and withdraw immediately, we will not pursue it, if you continue to collude with the Ling family, don't blame us for being rude."

"Big talk!" An old Taoist priest with a goatee scolded her, "Who are you, to hook up with a big monster?"

"Me? I'm a demon." Lan Shuang's cat ears popped out of her head and trembled, and the faces of the people below were even uglier.

One has not been resolved, another one comes, today's battle is really unpredictable.

Ling Yu's heart skipped a beat when he saw Lan Shuang. It's a fate that this cat demon is still alive after being like that.

"Do you people really think that the Ling family called you here to suppress the big demon and protect the people of today?"

Lan Shuang stroked Ning Yufeng's hair, and looked at the people below with a smile, "You don't know that you were used as a gun."

"What nonsense are you talking about? The witch will die!" A junior from the Ling family couldn't hold back, and rushed forward to attack Lan Shuang. arc.

The next moment he landed on the back of that person, and slapped him out with one paw.

"I haven't finished my sentence yet, why are you guilty?" Lan Shuang smiled lightly and sat sideways on Ning Yufeng's back, her clear voice resounded through the formation.

"Back then, the patriarch of the Ling family tricked Ning Yufeng and suppressed him under the Demon Locking Tower. Everyone thought that this was done to protect the common people, but in reality it was just to satisfy the Ling family's own desires. There was a spell under the Demon Locking Tower. , Relying on absorbing the luck from Ning Yufeng's body, and then continuously sending it to the Ling family, the Ling family has been advancing by leaps and bounds, Feng Shui is prosperous, rising stars continue to rise, and it seems to have become a family of monster hunters, which has flourished to this day."

She paused as she spoke, and turned her head to look at them without emotion: "Haven't you ever suspected it? Rise and fall are the laws of heaven, and no one can last forever, but the Ling family has been prosperous for thousands of years. Don't you find it strange?"

A word awakened the people in the dream, and many people's eyes flashed, and they subconsciously looked at Ling Yu who was sitting in the town, and their eyes became vaguely wrong.

"Don't listen to the nonsense of this cat demon. She and Ning Yufeng are in the same group. She is sowing discord. Don't fall for her tricks."

Ling Yu said calmly with a sullen face.

Lan Shuang clapped her palms and laughed: "Mr. Ling is indeed Mr. Ling. He has a way of pretending. Those who don't know think you don't know me. When you arrested me to sacrifice to the formation, you didn't look like this."

"What sacrifice? What did you say?"

If they looked good before, they were completely cold now.

There are also rules for monster catching masters, not just any monster can be caught, if there is no evil, no harm to others, then the monster is not under their control, and they can't do anything.

Not to mention catching monsters and offering sacrifices, this is a big taboo, and they cannot use this method casually unless they are recognized as heinous monsters.

Lan Shuang knew what they were thinking without guessing, and said loudly: "I'm a law-abiding monster. I'm registered with the management bureau. I usually make money from live broadcasts. I have never done anything harmful to nature. In order to suppress Ning, the Ling family Yufeng, to maintain their shady business, let the Ling family lure me out, set up a net to catch me, and finally draw my blood, sacrifice my soul, and want their ancestors to show up. If you don’t believe me, take a look at this .”

As she spoke, she raised her hand and threw out a card. After injecting a wave of demon power, the card flew into the air, projecting all of Lan Shuang's actions and criminal records. There were quite a lot of action tracks, but the criminal records were blank.

This is a special ID card made by the Administration, and it cannot be forged. Therefore, Lan Shuang is really innocent.

Ling Yu forgot about this, and saw the evidence in front of him, his face was livid.

(End of this chapter)

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