Chapter 329 Don't Lick Me 23
It was the first time for the audience in the live broadcast room to see Lan Shuang's cold face, and they were all intimidated for a while, no one dared to say anything, and the barrage stopped for a moment.

The few rhythmic sunspots that were the most fun to jump around stopped bubbling.

Lan Shuang smiled softly, "Everyone watch carefully, I'll broadcast it well, our relationship is nothing more than that, don't pay too much attention to each other's private life, we are friends separated by the screen, our relationship is only on the screen Established, so I hope we can all grasp the appropriateness of getting along."

"Let's not talk about those unpleasant things, today I will make dumplings live for everyone."

She straightened up and looked behind her. Ning Yufeng stopped when she was speaking, lest his voice be too loud to affect Lan Shuang's performance. Seeing Lan Shuang looking over, he paused, picked up the kitchen knife and continued to chop stuffing, "Dang The sound of "clang clang" made people's scalp numb.

[Why do I feel that this doesn't look like chopping stuffing, this strength seems like chopping people? 】

【Stop talking, my flesh is starting to hurt】

[Don't talk nonsense, isn't it good to focus on handsome guys?This superior jaw line is really beautiful!Wide shoulders and narrow waist, although the floral skirt is a bit ridiculous, it doesn't affect his handsomeness at all!Isn't it really a big star? 】

【I want to see my face! 】

[Look at the face and add one! 】

[Look at the face and add 3.1415926...]

Lan Shuang glanced at the barrage with a smile: "No, my boyfriend won't show it to you."

"Yes, it's stingy."

After finishing speaking, Lan Shuang picked up Ning Yufeng's noodles and said to the camera: "Look, this is the first time my boyfriend has cooked noodles. How is it? It's not bad, right? He's very good."

Ning Yufeng seemed to have his head down, but in fact his ears were quietly pricked up, eavesdropping all the time, when he heard Lan Shuang say something about his boyfriend, the smile on his lips couldn't stop, the corners of his mouth raised and flattened, Those who didn't know thought he was doing sit-ups with the corners of his lips.

Hearing Lan Shuang's tone of proudly dangling the basin of noodles, Ning Yufeng's ears turned red with embarrassment, but his heart felt very happy.

The speed of chopping the stuffing has become a lot gentler.

Look, she still likes me, otherwise why would she show off in front of so many people?

The little girl is thin-skinned, he understands.

The little girl Lan Shuang didn't know what he was thinking, but when she turned her head and saw his ears were red, she couldn't help pinching her: "It's not that hot now, is it?"

Ning Yufeng shook his body, "No, I'm naturally hot, don't worry about it."

Lan Shuang thought about the thick hair and nodded approvingly, "Then I'll go and open the window."

There is a large window on one side of the kitchen in their house, which is not usually opened, because it faces the opposite building, and it always feels that there is no privacy.

After Lan Shuang opened the window, the room became a lot cooler, and the bullet screen was also displayed quickly.

[Little brother's voice is so nice! 】

[Isn't it that people with good voices are generally not good looking?I have a bit of a bad premonition, I'm hiding it, maybe it's because I'm ugly? 】

【Can you talk upstairs? Does commenting on people's looks give you a sense of accomplishment?You see, you are here to broadcast, it’s really shallow and bastard]

【that's right! 】

The bullet screen was unknowingly crooked again, Lan Shuang didn't pay attention, she started to stir the stuffing and asked Ning Yufeng to stand by and go to school.

Up to this point, everything was still very warm, until Lan Shuang started rolling out the dumpling wrappers to make dumplings, and the painting style suddenly changed.

"Look, you hold the dough, and then add a little stuffing, not too little or too much, or the bag will not look good, pinch here, press lightly, okay, it's very simple, right?"

Ning Yufeng: "..."

He was silent for a moment, nodded, and looked at the dumpling skin with disdain: "So it's so simple."

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "You come."

She stuffed the dumpling wrappers for him, put the chopsticks aside, looked at him leisurely, and urged with her eyes, come on.

Ning Yufeng snorted, picked up a chopstick and put the stuffing on the dumpling wrapper, then pinched the two sides and squeezed towards the middle.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Are you sure you are making dumplings?
Looking at the deformed dumpling as if someone had stepped on it, Lan Shuang silently closed her eyes.

Ning Yufeng coughed in embarrassment: "It's the first time you're born with your hands, this doesn't count."

As he spoke, he threw the dumpling on the table, picked up the dumpling wrapper and wrapped another one.

This time it was not as outstanding as the ugly one, but it was still very strange, long and thin, as if malnourished.

Ning Yufeng refused to accept it.

The third one is round and round.

The fourth one is flowering on the top of the head.

the fifth……

"Okay, okay, stop!"

Lan Shuang couldn't stand it anymore and stopped him, looked at those "dumplings" resentfully, and asked in disbelief: "Ning Yufeng, Mr. Ning, let me ask from the bottom of my heart, how do you manage to make every dumpling?" They're all so ugly, yet so ugly? Is this some kind of special talent?"

Ning Yufeng: "..."

Ning Yufeng was silent, and after a while, he grabbed the dumplings and wanted to throw them into the trash can, and said forcefully: "Forget it, it's too ugly, I don't want it."

The barrage began to laugh wildly.

[Hahahahaha, there is no such thing as ugly, how could it be so? 】

[Who can say that this is not a talent? 】

【God gave you a beautiful face, but took back your dexterous hands】



Lan Shuang suppressed her smile and rescued "Dumpling Quality", and patted Ning Yufeng's abdominal muscles comfortingly, "Let me do it, these dumplings are a little ugly, but don't delay eating them, anyway, go It tastes the same even when it’s steamed in a pot, it doesn’t affect it.”

Ning Yufeng gritted his teeth: "It's too ugly to eat."

"Then don't eat them, I will eat them, and I don't dislike them."

Lan Shuang quickly moved the dumplings aside.

Ning Yufeng stared at her for a while, his eyes gradually became strange.

Lan Shuang was at a loss: "What kind of eyes do you have?"

"Nothing, so what can I do?"

Lan Shuang thought for a while, "Why don't you roll the skin? Maybe you have a little talent in this area?"

Needless to say, after teaching twice, Ning Yufeng's dumpling wrappers were rolled out in good shape, and the two of them rolled out the wrappers one by one, and the speed quickly increased. The ones that need to be steamed in the pot are put in the refrigerator to freeze.

"Wuhu, it's out of the pot!" Lan Shuang took the time to lift the lid of the pot, and the white air instantly evaporated, carrying the smell of dumplings rushing towards her face, and Ning Yufeng's Adam's apple slid, "It smells pretty good."

"It tastes more delicious." Lan Shuang put the dumplings on a plate and served them on the table, then took off her mobile phone and put it beside the table for everyone to see, "Okay, that's the end of today's live broadcast, everyone likes it I will continue to share delicious food with you tomorrow, and now we are going to enjoy a wonderful dinner time, bye~"

After the live broadcast, Lan Shuang sat down, picked out the dumplings made by Ning Yufeng, and ate them one by one in front of him.

Ning Yufeng's eyes are deep, and sure enough, she loves me deeply, loves houses and crows, and can eat such ugly things.

- off topic -

Son, do you only have two options in your mind every day, whether she loves you or not?
Ning Yufeng: Nonsense, she clearly loves me, there is only one option!

Oh, as long as you are happy.

(During the Chinese New Year period, there will be only one update from the 20th to the 22nd. It is quite busy, and there is really no time to update. I will make up for everyone at the end of the month. This time it will be sure!)

(End of this chapter)

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